40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I DID IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MIA!!! So sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Very stressful times indeed with so much going on...I have not given up on my exercises and eating healthy though...I am truly looking forward to next Sun as my hubby and I are going on a cruise again. We need to recharge our batteries. LOL :drinker: :laugh: HAPPY APRIL!!!! :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Annette, don't worry too much about being MIA. You have a very busy life. But, I will admit that I miss seeing you here when you are gone for a long period. I would love to go on a cruise, but I am sure that my husband wouldn't want to go. We went to an inn this weekend to celebrate our anniversary. I really over-ate and didn't exercise. I am afraid to step on the scales. Pray that I get back on track.

    :flowerforyou: LPCoder, I will have to do that with my 18 year old daughter. She is always complaining about our meals. She is taking chef's training in high school, so why not just let her cook for herself. She will hate that but it may make her stop her complaining.

    :flowerforyou: Mary, that is my sort of party.....Zumba !!!! What fun that must have been.

    :flowerforyou: tron, I have to say that I love it when you post. And, I really miss seeing you when you get too busy to be here.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    A cruise?? Nice, alf!! Re-charge is DEFINITELY very important!

    LPC - I'm all about giving teenagers the room they need to stretch their wings and perform all these domestic chores. ALL. FOR. IT.

    Lots of people into zumba around here...tell me, what did you do before the "zumba" craze swept over the country(ies)?? I'm not a big fan of it, myself....I'm WAY too much of a perfectionist and if I can't get the move down "immediately", I get mad at myself. That's why I stick to step-aerobics where someone is keying the next move and my body can then just follow. However, zumba music ROCKS!

    Have a great Monday, all!!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Beeps, I visited an aerobic class where I couldn't keep up. They had a routine for it. Everyone had to learn the steps. I did the Zumba for two years. I stopped because my body had gotten so used to it. I needed something to change things. Spinning is my new love (did I say love???)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    I think it is *key* to do the "change-up", swissmiss....I'm totally with you there! I am not "spinning", but I am doing HIIT on the bike (and I haven't done biking for several YEARS!)
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    My spinning instructor had to miss last night. So, we had a sub who couldn't stay the entire hour. I got about 45 minutes in. I am thinking of missing the class tonight to go shopping for sports bras.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    lol....is there a 'connection', swissmiss, between the "new" instructor and the necessity for sports bra shopping??

    I am going to come here, everyday, to keep myself accountable on the "nutrition" side. I simply HAVE to keep a small deficit (200 - 250 calories). Which means I still get 1,800 wonderful calories of healthy foods!! I want this WHOLE month to be ON-TRACK!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    I was "on-track" yesterday. No problem. Even with date-night out with hubby, I just chose the fish entree with a side of lentils and roast carrots. I did have smoked salmon chowder as my appetizer and that STILL brought me in under my calories!!

    Today is a HEAVY lfting day. Which is great - except I woke up at 4:30 am and haven't had enough sleep. Booo. No matter. "A" is for "April" and "Abs", so I'm also going to kill my ab work-out and, of course, finish off with the dreaded body matrix.

    I can do it!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    My daughter called... She started bleeding, went to the ER and that dr told her she was never pregnant. Kinda funny considering she's already been to a dr and she was. Either way, she's not pregnant anymore. Very sad.

    I'm not feeling very well today. Not a good thing considering I have split days off. Today and Sun. Hopefully it will blow over and I'll feel better later on today.

    Watched my brothers puppies while they went to San Diego to collect more of their belongings. Wow! I don't miss puppies especially when their not potty trained! My two dogs are just fine, won't be getting tempted by a new one for a while! LOL

    I downloaded some apps onto my iPad. One for yoga, one for abs, and one I haven't checked out too much yet but I think it has a lot of different exercises. They have videos to help you get the right poses and a couple of workout programs to follow.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Sorry for your daughter's loss, tron....that is sad news. And, the puppy news is pretty cute - nope, the potty training doesn't sound like fun, though!!

    I got my work-out done - it took a WHOPPING 90 MINUTES!! And, now, I'm a zombie wandering around the office trying NOT to stand (too tired) or sit down (too sore in the glutes).
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all,

    Tron, so sorry to hear about your daughter. taht is sad.
    Speaking of puppies, a couple of abandoned puppies were found on a dirt road around here. It looks like someone tried to kill them but were unsuccessful, as they were injured but alive. Some local folks have taken them in and are nursing them back to health. So sad. I don't understand that - if you don't want the puppies, have your dog fixed, or if it should happen, give them away or bring them to a local shelter. Anyway, good news is, they are surviving, and I think they caught the culprit that did this.

    I was in a curling bonspiel all weekend, so was not on much. Had a great time - we dressed as Marilyn in "Diamond are a Girls best friend". Theme was Anything goes with Diamonds. We won for best original costume. :laugh: I don't think I suit blonde though. As well as winning for costume, we came first in the C event. So for a $50 entry fee, I walked away with some pretty sweet prizes.

    Because I was curling, I was not able to get my weekend long run in, so I did it yesterday. Today my body needs a good stretch. I have a mani / pedi appt after work and then I am going to dinner. After that, I am going to do X-stretch. I know my body will thank me for it.

    Some good news - my husband is training for a ultra with me. He is starting to sound like a runner. Didn't feel like going for his run today, but knew he had to then was happy he did. Says " I know I would not have gone if I didn't have anything to work toward, so I think that after this, if I do okay, I'll plan to run a marathon in September." :drinker: Well, fall off my chair shocked! He is always complaining that I run too much....now he understands. :happy: :happy: If I do not have anything to work toward, I don't do it.

    Hope you are all have a good week.:flowerforyou:

  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    HOLA!!!! I am still alive and kicking!!! LOL

    Tron, sorry to hear about your daughter. :cry:

    Silvana, OMG so sad about those puppies. Some people can be so cruel with animals. :cry: Hey post a pic of you with that blonde wig. hee hee

    Swiss, thank you for the note, you are so sweet!!!!!

    I am doing well. I have been so busy with everything. Can't wait for Sunday. Going on a week long cruise with hubby!!! :drinker: Finally taking a break, I am sooooo tired. Going to Roatan, Belize and Cozumel...aaahhhh!!!! LOL

    Take care everyone!!!!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Just a quick check in. No time to post. Have to return a call to my daughter. If you don't hear from me....have a wonderful Easter.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    I really like that you went curling in COSTUME, sdere - that sounds super-fun!

    alf - enjoy your cruise!

    Becky - I hope you have a good Easter, too.

    Tonight is book club and I'm taking my club out to The Melting Pot....nothing that a little fondue can't fix, eh??
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Alf - ther eis a picture of me on my profile page -take a look. there is one of the "team" and then one of just me. Yes, it was too funny!!
    I think most people were surprised I would walk out in a skin tight hot pink dress more so than a blonde curly wig. :laugh:
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    "Recovery Week" has mostly been rest.

    Phase 3 of X2 starts Monday - I watched both the PAP videos. Not as scary as I thought but then again, I havent done them yet and sometimes looks can be deceiving but it does look tough.

    We will see come Monday
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    What's a PAP video, Umpire??

    I did about 90 minutes at the gym today and I'm exhausted. Overly exhausted. I've had about 14 hours of sleep over the last 3 nights and I'm starting to wear out, completely.

    I have to cook a friggin turkey today, because it's the only day my whole family can get together....normally I have the event catered, but, to make a long story VERY short, I'm cooking the turkey my oldest son got as his Xmas bonus (he works at Costco). Ugh. Color me TIRED and the day isn't even half over.

    This vent is too long....
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    Phase 3 of P90X2 is the following schedule:

    Day 1: PAP Lower
    Day 2: PAP Upper
    Day 3: X2 Yoga
    Day 4: Recovery+Mobility
    Day 5: PAP Lower
    Day 6: PAP Upper
    Day 7 Recovery+Mobility

    PAP is "Post Activation Potentiation" which from what I can tell just means - I WILL BREAK YOU! :)
  • Patty_Petz
    Hey everyone, I'm new to MFP (2 weeks old on Mon) and checking around for encouragement, camaraderie, and peeps who understand the metabolism of a 40 year old :laugh:

    All the amazing success stories you have here in your group - congrats!:drinker:

    Lots of runners here. I'm not sure about the running thing...I have the mind set to only do that if I'm being chased....and not even terribly fast if he's cute. :bigsmile:

    Hope you don't mind, I've been a topic stalker for a bit, and finally decided to show up. :smile:
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Hello all 40+ veterans - I'm still alive :laugh: Quick update for those who might remember me............hubby left in January for a year in Korea :frown: . Youngest daughter left early January for Army Basic Training. She graduated March 15 and and now is at Ft. Sam Houston, TX for her Combat Medic school until July. Oldest daughter got engaged in February! :love: For being by myself I've certainly had a lot going on with my family!!

    Sloooow but steady has been my workout routine and progress. Messed my knee up again, so had to take a couple weeks off to let that heal. But............didn't gain anything when I went to SC to see youngest daughter graduate from Basic Training and haven't gained while letting the knee heal. One good thing about being all alone - I eat healthier!!

    Gonna try to catch up on the posts later! Happy Easter to all!