That Awkward Moment at Work When....



  • Sumo813
    Sumo813 Posts: 566 Member
    prolly already in the other pages of this thread somewhere... buuuuuuuuut...

    ... you're squeezing your cheeks for all that is holy but somehow that fart eeks it's way out. And you pray it's not sour... at least if there's women and children around. Otherwise, FEEL MY POWER!!! :bigsmile:
  • Sumo813
    Sumo813 Posts: 566 Member
    Options walk into work and notice everyone is staring at your chest and realize there is a big white spot on your black shirt...from toothpaste. N. :noway:

  • LemonSnap
    LemonSnap Posts: 186 Member
    When you are quietly peeing, minding your own business and a person walks into another stall thinking they are alone and has a MAJOR very audible blowout.

    Do you pretend you aren't there remaining quiet, trying not to breathe?
    Or do you make loud noises and run outta there as fast as possible?

    I ran.
    People gotta learn their lesson - check the stalls before you unleash a volcano.

    That reminded me of this:
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    When you are quietly peeing, minding your own business and a person walks into another stall thinking they are alone and has a MAJOR very audible blowout.

    Do you pretend you aren't there remaining quiet, trying not to breathe?
    Or do you make loud noises and run outta there as fast as possible?

    I ran.
    People gotta learn their lesson - check the stalls before you unleash a volcano.

    << Laughing hysterically!! That happened to me once; musta been at least 30 years ago. Someone came in and sounded like the space shuttle launch. I started giggling, then laughing and I laughed so hard I could hardly get out of the stall. Then the person who just launched the shuttle started laughing too. Well, ya just had to be there!
  • MeStephy
    MeStephy Posts: 39 Member
    I look around me and realize these kids are mine...this house is mine...and I can't quit.

    I so laughed when I read this....sounds just like me and I have 6 children :laugh:
    Glad I'm not alone in this. (Seriously I love my children and all but some days it is insanity around here.)

  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    ...your office-ex overhears a vagrant collaborator ask to 'see the sights' of the town, then says 'i think you've got a date' as you're walking down the hall together.

    ...your office-ex starts dating the new girl, and you realise you have to work with her too, so therefore you have to meet them BOTH for a casual coffee so as to ensure that she feels comfortable and not threatened in her new workplace.

    If you can't handle this level of weird and awkward, don't date in the workplace. I admit that when I decided to date this guy it was with the understanding that we were to maintain a good working relationship, but I had not considered that 2 years later we'd both still be in the same place and he would consider it totally appropriate to date someone else from the lab! I had lunch with the happy couple yesterday while they talked about their wedding plans.

    Ugh!! Facepalm worthy....
    And I was married to someone that works for the same company. The divorce was *fun* :noway:
  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
    That awkward moment at work when my mentally disabled client gets mad and hits me, and I can only stand there and take it.

    Ah, my life.
  • DQMD
    DQMD Posts: 193
    When you are sitting in your roach/mold infested building and a cockroach falls on you. Yeah..just this week.