What Kind of things PISS you off on MFP?



  • Karalopolous
    People who log "cleaning" or "doing hair" as exercise! BS! No, you did not burn 1800 calories get real. People are really cheating themselves. It's called BMR!

    I sure do log cleaning as exercise. When I clean at work I move heavy chairs, plants, vaccuum using an old *kitten* vaccuum that weighs a ton, and am constantly walking around and this is usually for at least a half hour, so I feel it's earned
  • MsQt
    MsQt Posts: 793 Member
    people who weigh themselves EVERYDAY ... and them complain about it

    lol....Luv this one:laugh: :laugh:
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Friend requests without messages!
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    I hate it when people mock those with eating disorders. I know some of the posts they make seem ridiculous, but they have a disease, they hate themselves, and they're truly suffering. There is a difference between discouraging their behavior and flat out making fun of them. :/

    I agree 100%. We should never bash people with eating disorders. After all, don't we all have an eating problem? We shouldn't judge them so harshly. Aren't we here to help each other out.

    I also can't stand when people tell me to eat more food to lose weight. Please please that is crazy!! It might work for some but it certainly isn't science and it would never work for me. To lose weight I eat less and exercise more. That's what I've been taught all my life and that's how I've lost my weight. Eating more puts weight on me. But that's just me. I guess everyone is different. I still say it's crazy.
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    People on here that spout all kinds of "wisdom" and strong opinions and if you look at their profiles and trackers they want to lose 3-6 pounds. Talk to me when you need to lose 40 50 60+....

    Agree completely ^^^

    OMG agreed completely too!!!
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    The fact that everybody thinks their way is the "right" way and everybody else is doing it wrong.

    That and God forbid anyone has the audacity to disagree.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    People on here that spout all kinds of "wisdom" and strong opinions and if you look at their profiles and trackers they want to lose 3-6 pounds. Talk to me when you need to lose 40 50 60+....

    Agree completely ^^^

    OMG agreed completely too!!!

  • KickassAugust
    KickassAugust Posts: 1,430 Member
    not piss me off- but the ads can be are annoying & totally irrelevant to my life. I mean I don't want to see a rotten banana every time i come on here or toe fungus. lol.

    Finally... the toe fungus thing needed to be said...! Lol.
  • MsQt
    MsQt Posts: 793 Member
    Friend requests without messages!

    I agree!
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    I hate the fact that on the mobile site that I can't view many of the full site options like the message boards and team challenges. The other thing I hate about MFP is people who use it for their whine sessions. Yes, we all have bad days but those of you who whine about having bad days every day drive me crazy. I have a bad day and say one thing about it and move on. I wish more people could do that. If you want a whine site, find an online psychologist.

    We wouldn't get along, I whine constantly in my diary and on my MFP blog. But the beauty of this place is that if someone complains about my whining, they can delete me from their online life with the click of a button, and I them! Then everyone's happy/

    Ditto, I whine constantly too
  • caroleslaststand
    caroleslaststand Posts: 178 Member
    People on here that spout all kinds of "wisdom" and strong opinions and if you look at their profiles and trackers they want to lose 3-6 pounds. Talk to me when you need to lose 40 50 60+....

    That makes no sense. People have to get WAY overweight to be able to have wisdom and strong opinions?? Seems to me that the people who never got in that predicament to start with might be able to help those who are there.

    I disagree.

    And you are entitled to do so. I stand by my post.
    And you are entitled to do so. From where my fat *kitten* sits here (cause I can't stand by anything tonight), I feel a connection with someone who lost 100 or more pounds and now rocks a pair of shorts. What that person tells me feels more real, and I can identify with much closer, because of a shared experience and that person's particular accomplishment. Not to diminish the experience and expertise of someone for whom weight loss is a small to nothing issue and for the most part is here to work on his fitness (this site appeals to many and it's all good), but he just can't know what it feels like and is, from my experience, more likely to say something insensitive without realizing it. But, nonetheless, your advice is appreciated in the spirit of however you give it. Just thought I'd point out the bond between the HOs (hugely obese) and former HOs - it's unique. Ya can't touch it, unless you know the experience of not being able to see your **** without a mirror.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    Stupid people.. I seriously had someone try to tell me that fruit has magical effects that prevent you from gaining weight, no matter how much of it you eat.

    Last time I checked fruit had calories......
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Girls and ladies using freely the F word and other cursed one. I really can't stand them.

    Sexist much??
  • hypersensitiveb
    hypersensitiveb Posts: 342 Member
    I hate it when people mock those with eating disorders. I know some of the posts they make seem ridiculous, but they have a disease, they hate themselves, and they're truly suffering. There is a difference between discouraging their behavior and flat out making fun of them. :/

    I agree 100%. We should never bash people with eating disorders. After all, don't we all have an eating problem? We shouldn't judge them so harshly. Aren't we here to help each other out.

    I also can't stand when people tell me to eat more food to lose weight. Please please that is crazy!! It might work for some but it certainly isn't science and it would never work for me. To lose weight I eat less and exercise more. That's what I've been taught all my life and that's how I've lost my weight. Eating more puts weight on me. But that's just me. I guess everyone is different. I still say it's crazy.

    ^^ all of this.
    Also the multiple times the same thing is listed in the food list.
    The health nuts trying to push there beliefs on people who are just trying to drop pounds, I drink diet soda, eat processed food, fast food and some times candy and still lost weight so there :P
  • jaydubbayu
    jaydubbayu Posts: 456
    This tread Got ugly on page 2

    I knew it would! What's the point of REQUESTING negative messages? That's what this thread is!
  • hypersensitiveb
    hypersensitiveb Posts: 342 Member
    Stupid people.. I seriously had someone try to tell me that fruit has magical effects that prevent you from gaining weight, no matter how much of it you eat.

    Last time I checked fruit had calories......

    Me and my husband just had that fight tonight. He totally is against me logging my fruit and veggies. His theory is that no one has gained weight only eating them . He was like "if you could eat 3000 calories in lettuce do you really believe you would gain weight?"
  • caroleslaststand
    caroleslaststand Posts: 178 Member
    People who think this is a dating site....I mean come on, there are so many other places where you can go and get your "stalker ways" on!! PLEASE just let us have 1 sight where it's used for the exact purpose it's being advertised as!!! THANK YOU KINDLY (ok I'm stepping off my soapbox now)!!!

    LOL I have yet to see this but my goodness...they must be desperate!!!!

    NOOOO- they are creepy little men who think fat girls are easy
  • jaydubbayu
    jaydubbayu Posts: 456
    I DO notice that I've got 16 friends and 14 are girls... I need to request guy friends!!! lol
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    People on here that spout all kinds of "wisdom" and strong opinions and if you look at their profiles and trackers they want to lose 3-6 pounds. Talk to me when you need to lose 40 50 60+....

    That makes no sense. People have to get WAY overweight to be able to have wisdom and strong opinions?? Seems to me that the people who never got in that predicament to start with might be able to help those who are there.

    Ok, not necessarily. But, I've found those who aren't that overweight or normal weight can be quite cruel when they're talking to those of us who are significantly overweight. Each person is different and thus has a different reason for being overweight. Not everyone who is very overweight is lazy, sloppy, or is lacking self control. My point: no matter what weight the person is, tolerance and understanding tend to motivate people to be healthy. If the person is constantly made fun of, yelled at, called names, ect it will not motivate them to lose weight. In fact it will trigger the opposite effect. In fact , this is such a problem that the American academy of family practice physicians has outlined procedures for compassionate care of obese people.

  • caroleslaststand
    caroleslaststand Posts: 178 Member
    People who log "cleaning" or "doing hair" as exercise! BS! No, you did not burn 1800 calories get real. People are really cheating themselves. It's called BMR!

    I have logged cleaning before, but not everyday stuff, just the deep down and dirty, sweat you *kitten* off type clean. Which is not often or normal activity for me. lol If It makes me sweaty I log it, basically is my rule.

    Then I should be logging my housework (when i actually do some), because none of that is normal activity for me....nuff said