how often do you have 'relations' ;] ?



  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    Not often enough. I go through a lot of batteries

    *sigh* I do too... my bf is a gamer and plays all night... and not with me. So i have to play by myself.

    finally, i dont feel so bad haha.
    and how could he rip himself away from the new allen wake, legend of zelda, and all the other ****en new games that have to come out once per month haha
    pluss hes holdin up my zumba game, its next in line in our game fly :grumble:
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    envy you girls :blushing:
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    Umm, we've been together for two years and 3 months..only had done it maybe 8-10 times..
    I personally dont think he's that much attractive to me. hah.

    But, if bj's count, it wouldve been everyday.
    And now, he hasnt asked or seemed to want anything for the past two months. o.0

    I never recieve anything though.

    your beautiful, dont say that.
    if it makes you feel any better im a bit attracted to you ;] and i love kids! :p
  • Bagman12002
    Bagman12002 Posts: 216 Member
    Not often enough. I go through a lot of batteries

    *sigh* I do too... my bf is a gamer and plays all night... and not with me. So i have to play by myself.

    finally, i dont feel so bad haha.
    and how could he rip himself away from the new allen wake, legend of zelda, and all the other ****en new games that have to come out once per month haha
    pluss hes holdin up my zumba game, its next in line in our game fly :grumble:

    We been married 25 years going on 26 this year, we have 3 kids, we work 40plus a week and it happens at least 3 times a week and more if somebody wakes the other up. for half these years i worked 3rd 10pm to 6am, she worked 8am to 5pm, now throw in kids and its a recipe for no relations. it was not easy but put something real in my face and and get my attention the game goes away I wake up and its off to the races. guess what im saying is if you put the goods in there face they will play your game, Oh and by all means please change the game from time to time it will keep him comeing back for more. :smokin:
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member

    She's using it wrong case you don't know :tongue:
  • kibby12
    kibby12 Posts: 32
    During my last relationship, at least once a day. Usually two or three.

    Now that I'm single -- ugh. I'm going crazy, to say the least.
  • tiffintn
    tiffintn Posts: 8
    this is amazing!
  • mccarol1956
    mccarol1956 Posts: 422 Member
    Can you say 12 years without sex? And I am married. Medical issues have taken away all my husbands ability. At first I thought it was me, was so upset, started eating, eventually gained 100 lbs.. at least I got satisfaction from something. I learned after a few years that it was not me it was severe vascular disease, hypertension, 2 heart attacks, and medications. After all these years I do not even feel like a sexual being any more. It makes me sad but I am so happy I still have my husband I do truly love him and would be lost without his companionship.
  • boodlelibra
    boodlelibra Posts: 74 Member
    Hubby and I work opposite shifts so I think we are down to once or twice a month. I go to bed at 10 PM, he doesn't crash until 5 AM. That's my last hour of sleep so I would probably injure him if he tried to wake me up :ohwell:
  • Jaw_g
    Jaw_g Posts: 46
    this thread makes me feel depressed >,<
  • MaritaD
    MaritaD Posts: 178 Member
    I was feeling the same way as you until I realized (after we talked) that I was thinking I was initiating but he didn't think I was at all. I had to be more "aggresive" in my initiating and things have really picked up. Average 3X week, good week more, bad week less.

    Seriously just don't give him a choice, lol.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Can you say 12 years without sex? And I am married. Medical issues have taken away all my husbands ability. At first I thought it was me, was so upset, started eating, eventually gained 100 lbs.. at least I got satisfaction from something. I learned after a few years that it was not me it was severe vascular disease, hypertension, 2 heart attacks, and medications. After all these years I do not even feel like a sexual being any more. It makes me sad but I am so happy I still have my husband I do truly love him and would be lost without his companionship.

  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Not often enough. I go through a lot of batteries

    *sigh* I do too... my bf is a gamer and plays all night... and not with me. So i have to play by myself.

    :ohwell: this is terrible.. how can games come before a woman :S

    No idea. I'm a fairly hardcore gamer but if I catch a glimpse of my girlfriend in the wrong light the controller gets flung across the room. We've been together for nearly a year and the fire is there more than ever, if anything.

    I envy her. She's a very lucky girl.
  • k8lyn_235
    k8lyn_235 Posts: 507 Member
    not enough :( 2-3x / month .. and i have a bf!!
  • I am ashamed to say it but I am still V-Card certified. Maybe I can change that with more weight loss.
  • b_ism
    b_ism Posts: 60
    this thread makes me feel depressed >,<

    Same here. Nearly six years in and we're down to...............never. Been at least a year. Don't see that changing!!
  • I am ten times more frisky now that I am feeling good about myself!
  • b3llzy
    b3llzy Posts: 77 Member
    We are both losing weight together...right now we're down around 58lbs together....and it's increased by FAR. I'm hoping by the end of this, we won't be able to leave the bedroom.....Giggity... :drinker:

    Edited to include the much needed word "Giggity" :wink:
  • StarvingKyy
    StarvingKyy Posts: 88 Member
    Although I'd love to more than anything.. no sex for me til I reach my goal weight!
  • doinitforme2012
    doinitforme2012 Posts: 98 Member
    everyday, sometimes twice... except when TOM is here. he always ruin's my fun. and it's been that way basically since i stole hubby's V card. lmao. (been together 3 & 1/2 years, 4 in august.) but i'm sure the older we get the less we'll do that dance.