5'8" Ladies, what's your ideal weight?



  • nbhrn
    nbhrn Posts: 3
    5'8" and 154 lbs. I'm stuck between sizes, 14 is too large, 12 is too small, so I'm aiming for 145 hoping to be a standard clothing size again.
  • TiltingAtWindmills
    TiltingAtWindmills Posts: 44 Member
    I'm also 5'8" and set my goal at 145. Once I get there, my goal is to maintain it and possibly lose another 5. About 140 has always been pretty ideal for me. Really, the big goal here is just to be healthy and not edging to the top of my normal weight range anymore.
  • _Christine_
    _Christine_ Posts: 1,385 Member
    At 145lbs I lost some curves. I feel most comfortable at around 160lbs.
  • tracygan69
    tracygan69 Posts: 9 Member
    5'8" aiming for 160 in the past found the 150's hard to maintain but would love to be in 150's!
  • YessPixie
    YessPixie Posts: 17
    I'm also 5ft8 and I'm currently 152lbs and my ideal weight would be 135 lbs
  • Evelyn_22
    Evelyn_22 Posts: 70 Member
    I'm 5'8 and i'm aiming for 125. I have a small frame so even 140 (where i used to always be) looks chubby on me. Now i'm 157 and It does not look good on me.
  • ZipperJJ
    ZipperJJ Posts: 209 Member
    I'm 5'8" but I have a huge frame - 7.5" wrists. My doctor said I'd never be as low as 165, which I believe. So I'm shooting for like 180.

    I don't think I've been 180 since I was 12 or so. I looked good - for me - at 220!
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    I looked great at 140-145. But I want to look even better at 135! Lol I am 175 and a size 12 now, I want to be a size 6 again, or even a 4 :)
  • Stefanie7125
    Stefanie7125 Posts: 462 Member
    I have a large frame, (if I weighed 135, I think I would look sickly), my goal @ this point is 170. I looked and felt great at that weight, however once I get there I may change my mind!
  • asia_hanebach
    asia_hanebach Posts: 275 Member
    I'll be happy once I get down to my 165, but 140 lbs is my ideal weight. I haven't been there since I was 12-ish though, so I'm not sure how realistic that is.
  • Aleara2012
    Aleara2012 Posts: 225 Member
    In high school I fluctuated between 130-140 and was convineced I was very fat... Now I would be happy to get to 160 and maintain that ... Isn't it interesting how percptions change?
  • At the moment, I'm just aiming for the top of my health BMI, and then I'll see how I get on. However, I know when I was much younger, around 70-72kg was a comfortable weight to maintain. Lower than that required that I do a *lot* of physical activity to maintain. I do have huge hands and feet though (I wear UK size 9 shoes - those are really mansized feet!) so I'm not quite the typical 5 8 frame.

    I feel your pain! I wear UK size 8 shoes and I have big hands... and I'm only 18! But I'm pretty sure I've stopped growing height and feet-wise, so I just need to stop growing weight-wise :P
  • I'm 5'7" and i would love to be @ 130, i'm at 175 right now so i've got a waise to go
  • taurus205
    taurus205 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 5'8" and over 200 lbs at the moment.

    God what I would give to get to 155lbs, that sounds a pretty decent weight! I'm struggling to lose anything at the moment.
  • samthomason
    samthomason Posts: 46 Member
    I'm 5'8" and weigh about 120lbs, but I am really lacking in muscle! My goal is to lose the mommy lower belly and gain some serious muscle over time.
  • crystalslight
    crystalslight Posts: 322 Member
    I'm 5'8" and 3/4's and I weigh 150. I want to weigh 135 or less. I'm a small frame. Before I got pregnant I was in the 130's felt good but also could have lost a bit more and toned up. I'm not as worried about how much I weigh. More worried about what I look like naked. :smokin:
  • thatblueyedchic
    thatblueyedchic Posts: 128 Member
    I'm 5'8" and I am aiming for 160. I love curves, so I really just want to be toned, not muscled. I like to have a little cushion, so I'm soft and cuddly. lol
  • BronnersHarris
    BronnersHarris Posts: 247 Member
    I'm 5'8" and weigh about 120lbs, but I am really lacking in muscle! My goal is to lose the mommy lower belly and gain some serious muscle over time.

    I'm 5'8 and 136. Hoping to get to 125 but also I really want to lose the mommy belly and get some muscle definition!!
  • proudmumof2tots
    proudmumof2tots Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 5'8.5" :) and I have a large frame (my fingers don't touch around my wrist) so my ideal weight would be around 160 - 165. I think anything under 150 would just look sickly on my frame. I weight 215 right now. I really want to get back into a size 8/10!!
  • Aineko
    Aineko Posts: 163
    I'm 173cm (5'8"), small (ish) frame, at least upper body, and the way I looked when I was 57kg (126lbs) is what I like the most. But I've never been toned so I'm focusing on that right now and whenever I get to that toned picture of my body that I have in my head, I'll stick to that weight.