40 yrs old and above???



  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Have been overweight since my 20s. Now as I read it is going to be harder, boo hoo. Anyone can add me.
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    For me it takes alot more effort then it did when I was 20ish. :) (wish it was just a little) But just get started, find what works for you, and run with it.

    I am female, 47, short stature (5'2") and am down 60 pounds, and down to my goal size , size 7.

    I have to cut calories (not to low however or I stall), and for my Macros, the protein is very key for me. If my protein is to low, my weight loss stalls and stops. I need about 80-100 grams of protein a day. Other macros are not a big issue, assuming I am not doing low carb, or to low fat, I am fine. I like a 40/30/30 macro range. But really only track protein and calories.

    I find for me, I need a good combo of weight lifting with heavy weights (for me) and cardio. (I personally need a good amount of cardio to cut the fat, and weight lifting to get rid of jiggle) So I work out 6 days a week, 60-120 min a day (two sessions) - But thats what "I" need for my personal goals, which is about 20%-23% bodyfat, with an athletic look.

    I have been working at this for a few years now, and this is the path that is the one that works best for me.

    Once I reach my final BF goal, I will be able to cut back some on cardio, and make adjustments to my lifting plan.

    Your goals may be completely different, so your path to get there, may be very different. :)

    Anyone my add me if they choose, though I am not a "chatty" friend. :)
  • Dederene
    Dederene Posts: 1

    Im new here and looking to lose weight also, and it is most definatley harder to lose weight as you get older Im 55 and into health and wellness. I have found this great protein shake that is only 76 calories and tastes great and starting to exercise and go for walks. Good luck to everyone!
  • smor27
    smor27 Posts: 87
    45 here.. feel free to add me... We could all use some motivational help.
  • _kimberly
    _kimberly Posts: 57 Member
    I'm 42 and joined this past week. The past few days I've stayed on target for calories, but I always go over on the protein and fiber. I believe the goals are just guidelines. I wouldn't worry too much about the protein if you are in your calorie range, and you are eating a balanced diet (plenty of vegetables to go along with the protein, and healthy fats) Perhaps your diet is nutritionally superior than the guideline goals used ;)
  • ItsVJ
    ItsVJ Posts: 107 Member
    Hi there. I'm WAY older than you - 49. About to turn the big 5-0!! (OMG!!!) But, honestly still feel 13 half the time... (can't BELIEVE I have a kid of my own who's 13!!)

    Anyway, feel free to add me. I TOTALLY know what you're talking 'bout when it comes to those stubborn, hard-to-shed pounds!!!

  • jamja72
    jamja72 Posts: 192
    I'm the old man here...48 feel free to add me

    Fit an 40's .... Thats how we roll!
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    I agree that MFP is low on the protein. I'm always higher on the protein and lower on the carbs and it works for me. IMHO the calories are KEY, and eating just enough healthy proteins, carbs, and fat to give you energy is all you need. If you have a lot of weight to lose you will feel hungry and it's okay, LOL, embrace that feeling because it will get you there. When you have fat to lose it's like you accrued a large mortgage and it's hard to pay it off, sometimes you need to make double payments. But as you get closer to your goal you can slowly increase the calories, and once your debt it paid it's easier, no more payments but you walk a fine line to not accrue any more debt so it requires still watching your calorie intake.
  • surgesilk
    surgesilk Posts: 92
    Yep. I hear you. I'm 43 and 6 months ago decided things had to change! if anyone on this thread would like to add me as a friend, please feel free!
  • BigAardvaark
    41 here and never been fitter or in better shape :-)
  • flea2449
    flea2449 Posts: 500 Member
    I'm 41! It's taken me 2 years to lose the weight. I still have 20 pounds to go. Add me if you like!
  • jamja72
    jamja72 Posts: 192
    I'm 48 and am NOW happy to say I am in the best shape of my life...it is much harder (have lost a stone) but so worth it!!! Be positive!!!!!!! Add me if you like, I enjoy helping people as much as I can, we are all in this together!!!
    Same here. Finally at 48 I am in the best shape of my life too. And it feels great.
  • klkelley
    klkelley Posts: 122 Member
    Pushing 49 really hard...lol I have found it harder, but I truly believe anything worth having is worth working for. Feel free to add me if you like....
  • teresa1121
    teresa1121 Posts: 114 Member
    52 here and it is difficult very friend me if you like Good luck on your journey
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Just turned 40 in Feb. Have been pretty fit my whole life, but now I am realizing how hard it is maintain that at 40. Feel free to add me.
  • Cordy_in_CT
    Cordy_in_CT Posts: 134 Member
    I love to see all you WONDERFUL 40+ PEEPS out there losing weight and looking and feeling great!!!!! For those of us with kids, we're doing the most important job - setting a good example for our children, who are living in a world of sugar, fat, obesity and diabetes!! :grumble:

    I'm 42, and feeling better than I have for years after losing almost 40 pounds, and exercising regularly! Wish I had made this life change years ago. Anyone out there - feel free to add me! :wink:
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    44....just ran a marathon and feel great. Age is just a number!! :)
  • myanko
    myanko Posts: 36 Member
    I agree with you. I turned 40 in December. Add me if you would like...married mother of 3. Over the last year I have lost 40 lbs and am still working hard to loose about 10 more. Good luck:)
  • bbgalini
    bbgalini Posts: 6
    Hi, I'm over 40, too. Going to turn 46 this summer. I'll be your friend!
  • lorenzoinlr
    lorenzoinlr Posts: 338 Member
    At 55, I'm definitely above. But I've lost all my weight since the beginning of the year and gained a whole lost of muscle. You can do it. Age and metabolism can be reversed somewhat in the gym. Feel free to add me if you're looking for male support from someone who's still living young in his mid 50-s.