40 yrs old and above???



  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    I am almost 48 and I notice a huge difference in how easily I lose. I have to put a lot more thought and effort into being healthy and working out. I am very active though and getting ready to start my first running events from doing the couch to 5k program.
  • blazergrad
    blazergrad Posts: 603 Member
    I'm 47, have been in a wheelchair for 20.5 years due to an accident (so I have that little inhibitor to weight loss as well) and I have to say that I believe I'm probably in the best physical shape I've been in in my life.

    I've been working out (weight training and cardio) consistently for almost a year and I can tell a big difference already! Of course, I still have to pay attention to what I eat ... I can't eat like I did when I was 18 and expect it to just melt away like it did back then ... but that just goes with the territory. :)

    I truly enjoy my weight training sessions and find myself constantly looking for new exercises to fit into my routine. :) I think it's very important to find something that you enjoy (i.e. weight training, jogging, spinning, etc.) because obviously that will help when it comes to sticking with it. And, of course, MFP plays a big role in the whole process as well when it comes to support as well as finding other helpful information.
  • 48 now and just began this yesterday. Heard how well it was working for others and wanted to change my eating habits. I either eat the wrong things or dont eat t at all when I get really busy. ....
    Feel free to add me as we can support each other
  • I'm 47 add me. This is a great site.
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,552 Member
    I am 45......46 on Saturday. It does get harder to lose weight but this is the best shape I have ever been in. I would love to be friends and help each other out.
  • shani251
    shani251 Posts: 145 Member
    I'm 42, add me - would love to have some new friends of similar age :)
  • briannw
    briannw Posts: 73 Member
    49. Been successful with the help of MFP. Feel free to add me
  • 44, feel free to add me too =)
  • grandmeem
    grandmeem Posts: 28
    I'm 50 and a grandmother. Yes, it most definitely is harder to lose the weight. I could use some friends to help support me.
  • i am also in the 40 plus gang- feel free to add me.:)
  • iam_thatdude
    iam_thatdude Posts: 1,266 Member
    im 41 and is it harder to lose now? Absolutely....but ya just have to work way harder...easier said than done, I know.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    It's tough. I'm 52 and haven't been near this weight since I entered college! Add me if you wish - at your own peril.
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 999 Member
    Oh I can just barely squeak in to this group. :glasses: 40....soon to be 41.
  • I'm 42. Feel free to add me if you wish,

  • docdrd
    docdrd Posts: 174 Member
    I am also curious about if people are just watching the calorie count or all the other metrics as well? I have just focused on the calories and figure the rest will take care of itself. OH .. and I am 46 and open to adding anyone who is friendly and supportive. Thanks!
  • fruitful9
    fruitful9 Posts: 32
    You got a great response from this thread! It is encouraging to see so many in our situation. My trouble isn't just that I am 41 now but that I have a large family to care for 24/7 and food is ALWAYS before me. I finally got smart and got myself moving more (duh)

    If you still need 40-something friends, I will friend ya. I have only been on mfp for 15 days.
    SJFAUST Posts: 1
    I am 41 and your right, it is harder to lose the weight the older we get. My highest weight was 200 in 2009. I started dieting, this time, I was doing the SouthBeach Diet and I lost 40 pounds in 6 months. I have yo-yo'd back and forth with 10-15 pounds every since, mostly because I am stubborn and don't follow the plan all the time. I am hoping this journal and friends can help me get back on track and lose those last 60 pounds. Any new friends will be greatly appreciated!!!!
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    :bigsmile: Hello. 48 here. Friend me if you'd like
  • I am 46 and still trying to loose weight and I do it all supposedly right but I am struggling to stay on board with all this tracking and such.
    I never had to do this when I was younger and it frustrates me......I had a kid and put on the pounds and now the pounds won't leave me be...lol.

    Please add me, I don't really know anyone using this site and I am not able to keep motivating myself.
  • I am going to be 45 in August. My life is wonderful except for the fact that I am about 40 pounds over weight. Would love to have some friends to keep me motivated and who I can help encourage. :wink: