Should obese people who can't fit in 1 seat pay for 2?



  • Masterdo
    Masterdo Posts: 331 Member
    I really don't get all the fuss around this situation... It's really logical in fact, if you need 2 seats to fit, well you pay for 2 seats... Just like if you bring a huge bag that doesn't fit in your allotted space, you pay for more cargo space...

    The only difference would be that the bag can't be offended by the situation. That's another thing I don't get... how can someone that is large enough to actually have to consider this not be conscious about it?

    A clear policy about it makes everything simple. It should be announced clearly when purchasing tickets, and executed calmly and indiscriminately during the boarding process. And if you truly feel like this policy is offending, well cry us a river. While paying two seats :p

    I truly see no difference between this situation and refusing to let a kid go on a roller coaster ride based on his height. They are not judging your weight and size, they are assessing it. It's publicly displayed.
  • jleb5
    jleb5 Posts: 23 Member
    In my situation, since I know I'm obese I buy first/business class seat where the seats are way larger and more comfortable just to avoid the whole situation. It's embarrassing enough having to ask for a seatbelt extension. It's a terrible situation all around. :ohwell:
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    It's an awful situation for all involved. Who wants to come up to a passenger and tell them they're too big to fly in a single seat? Who wants to be THAT passenger?

    That being said, yes, they should. Have you ever flown on an international flight with someone spilling into your already small seat? It's not comfortable, nor is it fair for the person who does fit in their seat. For the sake of the passenger's dignity, they should just book 2 seats for themselves to avoid having to deal with an embarrassing situation. They are, after all, in need of 2 spaces.

    ^^ This. I was on a flight once where my not a single inch of my body spilled into the seat next to me, but it would have been slightly uncomfortable for me if the person sitting next to me had chosen to put the armrest down. I was mortified that I was hindering another person's comfort, and this was actually one of those moments that made me wake up and realize that it was time to do something about my weight. Should I have had to pay for two seats? I don't think so, no. But would I have understood if they had told me I needed to? Yep.
  • jleb5
    jleb5 Posts: 23 Member
    OH! And one more thing...I'm careful about picking my airline. Some airline seats are smaller than others!
  • Masterdo
    Masterdo Posts: 331 Member

    Some of the mindsets, attitudes and remarks on this thread are disgusting...I hope to God you never end up with an illness or some other misfortune that allows you to be judged by your "peers", not sure you could handle it....

    Which is why the policy should apply to everyone. If you are fat because you are lazy indeed, or it's a medical condition, or if you have a medical ticket that explains you HAVE to wear full football equipment at all times, if you use up more than the permitted space, you pay for 2. Applies to everyone. This eliminates the judgment part.

    No one dies from hurt feelings.
  • bethgames
    bethgames Posts: 534 Member
    Why do airlines keep shrinking their seats????? It's a conspiracy.....:grumble:
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    I agree that you should need to buy two seats however what happens if they give you seats in two different rows??? I bought three tickets for my family to fly to Miami to catch a cruise. On the way there, it was fine and we all sat together. On the way home, we had seats in 3 different aisles. I had to put up a stink for them to move things around so my 9-YEAR OLD son could sit with either me or my husband. Can you imagine what would happen if someone had to put up a stink about needing 2 seats together because they bought them for 1 person??? Yikes.
  • PudgyPigeon
    PudgyPigeon Posts: 89 Member
    This is the reason why I do not fly- I don't need another person or thing reminding me that I am rather large... especially infront of a crowd.
  • Girlwithnoname77
    Girlwithnoname77 Posts: 108 Member
    The correct thing to do is make the policy clear upon the purchase of the seat, and handle situations on-plane with respect and dignity. The passengers need to comply with the policy too.

    TOTALLY AGREE WITH THIS! Clear guidelines with a measurement guideline in centimetres/inches and weight would be helpful.
  • PudgyPigeon
    PudgyPigeon Posts: 89 Member

    No one dies from hurt feelings.

    Untrue- tell that to the children who are so hurt by things people say to them they end up killing themselves. :C
  • Caley83
    Caley83 Posts: 1
    I think thats fair. NO ONE made them that way except themselves. I understand there are those that have medical problems. But there are also those who use their medical problems as an excuse. Dont get me wrong. I have battles with my weight and some of my friends and family are considered obese. But they also can work hard to lose that weight and stop eating fast food and get up off the couch. Maybe having to pay for an extra seat will make them realize they have a problem that needs to be addressed. I work with a woman that is so overweight that when she orders food she is to lazy to walk to the front desk to pick it up and has it delivered straight to her office. She also was to overweight to stand through a 5 minute long secret santa gathering at Christmas without getting out of breath. That was disturbing.
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    I have an additional question (to all those that have said yes to the OPs question).

    If you were flying for work, and the airline made you buy two seats, do you think your employer should foot the bill for the extra seat?
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    It would be embarrassing for the person assessing the diameter of their butt cleavage, but why should other passengers, after paying a ransom for their seating, have to ask a fellow passenger to remove their *kitten* from their in-flight meal? You grew the damn thing, you pay for it's upkeep.

    I do love you, Atticus <3
  • Girlwithnoname77
    Girlwithnoname77 Posts: 108 Member
    I agree that you should need to buy two seats however what happens if they give you seats in two different rows??? I bought three tickets for my family to fly to Miami to catch a cruise. On the way there, it was fine and we all sat together. On the way home, we had seats in 3 different aisles. I had to put up a stink for them to move things around so my 9-YEAR OLD son could sit with either me or my husband. Can you imagine what would happen if someone had to put up a stink about needing 2 seats together because they bought them for 1 person??? Yikes.

    LOL @ different rows scenario!!!

    Wouldn't surprise me if some people do not consider the problem with having a 9 year old sitting seperately.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I have an additional question (to all those that have said yes to the OPs question).

    If you were flying for work, and the airline made you buy two seats, do you think your employer should foot the bill for the extra seat?

    I say yes, especially if you were fat when they hired you.
  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 378 Member
    We live in a society in which we don't want to hurt other peoples' feelings by stating the obvious truth. The truth of the matter is that obesity is a choice, unless you have a medical condition that causes it. There are only two conditions I know of that results in obesity issues, and they are both uncommon - Prader Willi and Bardet-Beidl (spelling may be wrong).

    What is happening with society when we accomodate people for issues that are unacceptable, but we don't want to hurt peoples' feelings?

    We tell parents that when they come home after work and are so tired that they have no energy for their children that it is okay to park them in front of a television with a bag of chips while you recuperate. What about the rights of the children who would like to have their parents' attention and a decent meal?

    We allow young men to run around with their underwear showing because we believe this is their personal right to dress how they want. What about my right to not have to see someones underwear and/or butt crack?

    We allow children to be disruptive in classrooms, depriving those who want to learn of a decent education, because the child has ADHD or some other disorder and has the right to attention public school like everyone else? What about the rights of the other children who really want to learn?

    So now we have this question of should an obese person pay for two seats because they are too large for one seat. What if the plane can carry 78 people, but one person needs two seats because they are obese. There is one more person who really needs to be on the plane because their mother is dying in another state. What about that person's feelings? How would you feel if you could not get a seat on the plane to visit your dying mother because an obese person took up two seats, but only had to pay for one? Additionally, although there is a lot of negative connotations applied to corporations making money, they have the right to make money. When the seat is taken by an obese person, but not paid for, the corporation loses money. Who do you think is going to make up for that money?

    Just like in the healthcare system, when people who are uninsured show up at hospital and admitted for treatment, the costs are passed on to those who can pay.

    Why should I pay for someone's poor choices when it comes to nutrition and exercise? To me, that isn't fair. I don't want to subsidize anyone's obesity habit.

    When did I decide to lose weight? When I hopped into the tub one day and my hips touched the sides of the tub, on both sides and when I was too large for a chair in a restaurant.

    If we keep accomodating people so that they can be comfortable with their obesity issue, then they will not be forced into a position where they will have to face the fact that they just are too large. I don't believe in accomodating everyone. Older people, infants, those in wheelchairs, etc., but not someone who has chosen to be obese and not do anything about.

    They should pay for the extra seat because the passenger that didn't get to fly and the corporation that runs the service have rights as well. They have the right to have a seat on a plane and the right to be paid for each seat taken.

    I know many will not agree with me. I an not trying to start and argument, just give you something to think about.
  • Masterdo
    Masterdo Posts: 331 Member

    No one dies from hurt feelings.

    Untrue- tell that to the children who are so hurt by things people say to them they end up killing themselves. :C

    Being one of those child that was bullied, and watching my brother being bullied way past the point I could probably have endured, it's not just hurt feelings. And that type of comment is meant to destroy you too, trying everything they can, making stuff up if they need to.

    Telling you "Sorry Sir/Mam, but you are going to have to buy two seats to fly with us" is nowhere near that level of abuse.
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    Honestly, I might get abuse hurled at me here, but I think it's fair to pay for two seats. When I purchase a plane ticket, I am paying for a seat on that plane. The assumption is I will be reasonably comfortable and will get to sit on the seat I paid for. If I didn't get to sit on all of the seat I paid for and spent most of the flight uncomfortable (this is particularly problematic on long haul flights), I wouldn't be happy and I wouldn't feel like I'd gotten my money's worth either.
  • Girlwithnoname77
    Girlwithnoname77 Posts: 108 Member
    I think thats fair. NO ONE made them that way except themselves. I understand there are those that have medical problems. But there are also those who use their medical problems as an excuse. Dont get me wrong. I have battles with my weight and some of my friends and family are considered obese. But they also can work hard to lose that weight and stop eating fast food and get up off the couch. Maybe having to pay for an extra seat will make them realize they have a problem that needs to be addressed. I work with a woman that is so overweight that when she orders food she is to lazy to walk to the front desk to pick it up and has it delivered straight to her office. She also was to overweight to stand through a 5 minute long secret santa gathering at Christmas without getting out of breath. That was disturbing.

    Think what you like, but please do not say that all overweight/obese people fall in the same category, because they certainly do not. some generalisations in there that I am not comfortable with, even if it may be the case for some ie, overweight people must be overdosing on fast food and be unmobile. I qualify for neither of those labels and am obese AND don't have a medical reason. Bit harsh. Just saying. One example of one person you know doesn't justify the sweeping generalisations. It's unfair.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Some of the comments on here are.. I don't even know what to say...

    So EVERYONE who is overweight made bad health decisions? They ALL just sit around all day sucking up Pizza, nacho's and every clearly labeled bad for you food as opposed to anything else?? The poor people who buy the fatty ground beef to feed their family because the lean stuff just won't stretch, well.. If they can't afford to pay us for the good stuff.. lets just sell them "crap" make it cheap.. then teach the REST of society to judge them AND tax them for it!! Teach healthy eating or serve healthy food in schools? Make better quality food more affordable and appealing?? Things like thyroid diseases.. etc: that cause weight gain.. why their a myth.. You disgusting fat bas****ds.. How dare you live and breathe!!

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