Why do I feel like CRAP on low carbs?



  • choirgirl1130
    choirgirl1130 Posts: 80 Member
    your brain and your body NEEDS carbs to function properly...if you want to moderate your carb intake to lean down, switch your food ratios to 40% carb, 30% protein, 30% fat, or what is called "the zone". i recommend this combination to most of my female clients who are trying to lose weight and fat. it will help stabilize your blood sugar and if you are eating high quality, low glycemic carbs, it will reduce your carb/sugar cravings as well.
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    Because low-carb is NOT a healthy way to eat. Yes, you'll lose weight more quickly, but it won't be healthy or sustainable. Your body NEEDS carbohydrates to carry out various functions, and decreased serotonin (happy hormone) production is a very common side effect of low-carb diets.

    Low-carb IS healthy if it's not an extreme minimal carb amount or no carbs at all. Even dietitians will recommend a low-carb, high-protein diet for weight loss.
    Agree with ^^^^....whats SOOO unhealthy about reducing simple carbs/sugar intake and increasing protein and fiber? All the experts..do tell...
    The OP said "low carb 50 and under w/ High protein" not NO CARBS
  • waisted78
    waisted78 Posts: 22 Member
    your brain and your body NEEDS carbs to function properly...if you want to moderate your carb intake to lean down, switch your food ratios to 40% carb, 30% protein, 30% fat, or what is called "the zone". i recommend this combination to most of my female clients who are trying to lose weight and fat. it will help stabilize your blood sugar and if you are eating high quality, low glycemic carbs, it will reduce your carb/sugar cravings as well.

    YESSS! I assume you are a nutritionist/dietician?? You make a lot of sense.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<look at me, I eat anywhere between 150 and 200 carbs a day.

    Its called balance people. We should not deprive our bodies of nutrients, we should not fear food, that is just plain sad. We need carbs for energy, oh yes we do.

    When we live a healthy happy life, we eat a good variety of good foods and feel GREAT!
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    Re: Doctors:
    My PCP doesn't know jack about dieting and nutrition. I may be overweight, but I would bet I know more than he does, just from having been on just about every diet and now I know what works and what doesn't. He told me to go on 800-1000 calories and exercise daily. No fats or oils, nuts, bread, potatoes, cheese, red meat, eggs, .. heck he had a list a mile long. Plus, when I told him how/calories I ate, he said I would never lose any weight. He didn't say anything about the 16 pounds I have lost since I visited him in January. If I knew I would get a better doctor, I would change doctors in a minute. You just don't know what you will get.

    Oops, sorry. I was just commenting on the big quote-list, putting in my 2cents worth. Didn't mean to change the subject, OP. :smile:
  • dan1668
    dan1668 Posts: 1
    If your on ketogenics your going through the keto flu. Takes 1day to 2 weeks to go away, but for that diet if udrop out of it then u go through the flu each time. Staying under 20 carbs a day is required.

    Ive been on it for 13 weeks for far, dropped 55 lbs w/o any extra exercise, but I plan to start in a bit.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<look at me, I eat anywhere between 150 and 200 carbs a day.

    Its called balance people. We should not deprive our bodies of nutrients, we should not fear food, that is just plain sad. We need carbs for energy, oh yes we do.

    When we live a healthy happy life, we eat a good variety of good foods and feel GREAT!


    Try needing to lose 100 pounds. A person gets mighty impatient. Not saying it's the best way, but there's a big difference in needing to lose 5 pounds or.. mega pounds.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Serotonin (happy hormone) has nothing at all to do with low carb diets.....take this from a psychologist!!!
    I'd take it from a psychiatrist, maybe, but a psychologist has no medical qualifications so why would I care what a psychologist thinks?

    The only difference between the two is one can prescribe meds and the other can not. That is a very ignorant statement to make.
  • Tabsta
    Tabsta Posts: 28
    Good carbs are fine, but prolonged low carb diets will make you moody, irritable and if training/exercising too you will feel tired.

    There is no need to cut carbs down that low (50g per day), yes your body can draw energy from fat & protein etc but this will lead to losing muscle mass too if you are training.

    Carbs are your fuel, you wouldnt go for a drive without putting some petrol (gas) in your car would you? Dont expect your body to go far without good carbs either.. just avoid the processsed crap.

    I 'normally' take in between 200-250g a day of carbs to feed my exercise, and my ratio is 50c, 30p, 20f.

    As Tom Venuto says 'feed the muscle, burn the fat'
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<look at me, I eat anywhere between 150 and 200 carbs a day.

    Its called balance people. We should not deprive our bodies of nutrients, we should not fear food, that is just plain sad. We need carbs for energy, oh yes we do.

    When we live a healthy happy life, we eat a good variety of good foods and feel GREAT!


    Try needing to lose 100 pounds. A person gets mighty impatient. Not saying it's the best way, but there's a big difference in needing to lose 5 pounds or.. mega pounds.

    Just because I look great today does not mean I always did. I have lost 40 over 4.5 years. I have done it with a pair of shoes and a fork. I can not speak to needing to lose 100 lbs, but this is a life long journey in eating correctly and living right, not a fast way to lose weight. Do not forget that the faster you lose that much weight, the greater the chance there is that you will have sagging skin, which is not attractive at all.

    You can do what you want to do, it really is your business. When I got here I needed to lose those last few lbs that a 43 year old would love to lose, and I did it. I did not start in January when I signed up for this site. I started in September of 2007. So for me, being patient has paid off, big time.

    Balance is the key to EVERYTHING in life. I strive, every day, for balance of mind, body and spirit. This is the way I live, after all, this is the only life I have, I am going to enjoy it.
  • IHeartNewMe
    IHeartNewMe Posts: 150 Member
    From my own experience and from what I have read, carbs are addicting, and your body really has no need for them, except to use as an energy source. According to Atkins' book, carbs act as a sort of "bully" in your body. They insist on being burned first for energy. Whatever cannot be burned is stored as fat which is what leads to diabetes, heart attack, stroke, high cholesterol, etc... When you go low carb to lose weight, like you are doing (or in my case extreme low carb-under 25 grams/day-under a doctor supervised diet) you are telling your body to draw energy from fat, either fats that have been eaten or stored fat, all the same to your body. That's called ketosis which takes about 3-5 days (different for everyone) to get into ketosis. You must drink lots of water. Also, dehydration can cause headaches. I've been eating like this for over a year and have lost 107 lbs.. I can only tell you that I feel terrific. All my doctors say I'm in great health. I was able to stop taking my diabetes medication after 2 months of eating this way. I haven't eaten, nor do I want to eat, a potato, rice, pasta, popcorn, or bread in over a year and they pop microwave popcorn in my office every day. I only eat low carb wraps and pita. I'd be happy to help you or answer any questions you have.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    From my own experience and from what I have read, carbs are addicting, and your body really has no need for them, except to use as an energy source. According to Atkins' book, carbs act as a sort of "bully" in your body. They insist on being burned first for energy. Whatever cannot be burned is stored as fat which is what leads to diabetes, heart attack, stroke, high cholesterol, etc... When you go low carb to lose weight, like you are doing (or in my case extreme low carb-under 25 grams/day-under a doctor supervised diet) you are telling your body to draw energy from fat, either fats that have been eaten or stored fat, all the same to your body. That's called ketosis which takes about 3-5 days (different for everyone) to get into ketosis. You must drink lots of water. Also, dehydration can cause headaches. I've been eating like this for over a year and have lost 107 lbs.. I can only tell you that I feel terrific. All my doctors say I'm in great health. I was able to stop taking my diabetes medication after 2 months of eating this way. I haven't eaten, nor do I want to eat, a potato, rice, pasta, popcorn, or bread in over a year and they pop microwave popcorn in my office every day. I only eat low carb wraps and pita. I'd be happy to help you or answer any questions you have.

    You should do some more reading on DNL
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    It sounds like you were already eating the good carbs - high fiber, whole grains, etc. The only thing I would cut down on is processed carbs and sugars. Whole grains and fiber are really important parts of a healthy, balanced diet. I love my whole grains and fiber! :drinker:
  • DoctorKyrina
    DoctorKyrina Posts: 130 Member
    how low are we talking? I am on a low carb (dr. perscribed diet, and my carb intake is 70-100g a day. 20?? how do you even do that?

    I have to admit I've been on a 20g per day recently (I'm just at the end of day 3). I'm having a lot of protein, salads, and low carb veggies. I definitely don't see it as a long term diet, but i was really having a hard time getting into a well established healthy eating pattern.
  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
    Good carbs are fine, but prolonged low carb diets will make you moody, irritable and if training/exercising too you will feel tired.

    Do you have any studies to back this up? I am neither moody or irritable, happier than I have ever been and better able to deal with stress than I could have when I was 174lbs heavier, I train heavily and I am not tired, have energy enough to run circles around my teenage boys and their friends.
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    glucose is the only energy source that can cross the blood-brain barrier. glucose can only be found in an easy-to-obtain form in carbs/sugars. once all the freely available carbs have been used from your blood, there is nothing to fuel your brain. the only other place that you can get the necessary glucose from to fuel your brain is proteins. deconstructing proteins in order to obtain energy is not a simple chemical reaction... it is slow, and cumbersome, and does not result in very high blood sugar levels, so your brain remains rather starved.

    personally, i am a scientist so i need my brain to be functioning at optimal all day. if i can't think then i can't justify being paid to think. i do eat a fairly low carb diet, but cutting them out in an atkins style diet is not an option.

    also, i want to keep my proteins! there is no 'storage' mechanism for proteins - if you are burning them, you are burning and actual building block of your body. do not want!

    through trial and error, i have found a happy amount of carbs to consume, which is fairly low.
  • Will_Lift_4_Shoes
    Will_Lift_4_Shoes Posts: 238 Member
    So sorry you feel like crap. That is the worst when you are trying to lose weight. My husband and I eat low carb cuz of dietary needs (pre type 2 diabetes). We eat 30 carbs per meal and 15 per snack. If you look at my diary I tend to be higher than that but I work to stay fairly close most days. We have been trying a lot on new recipes from dlife.com. It makes which recipes are low carb. Using the scan function on my phone I have entered the recipes on my phone and found they can actually be lower than what is posted there. Low carb can work, be tasty, keep you full, not be all about eggs, nuts, and bacon. We are losing weight, and feeling good. We have to be selective with the carbs we choose--it has forced more veggies into our diet. This is not a bad thing. There is less pasta in our diet. We have gotten creative with desserts (jello is super cheap in carbs with whipped cream even when you pick the sugar free kind) and they have tasted good. Maybe you should up your carbs. You aren't getting very many if you are only allowing 50 a day. That might help you feel better.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    just started doing low carb since yesterday and I seriously felt like CRAP!! is it because my body is so used to eating alot of carbs like whole grain bread/wheat cereal/brown rice..? I am aiming for under 50 carbs and high protein with cardio to lose weight.. is this just how you feel in the beginning but eventually your body adapts?

    I felt like crap when I tried low carb... and the feeling stayed with me for a couple of months before I gave up.

    Some people just do not handle ketosis well. I'm one of them. You could be too. My body NEVER adapted. I was nauseous, had low energy, could not climb the stairs to save my life. You couldn't pay me enough to try low carb again.

    And here's the kicker... low carb is not necessary to lose weight. Plenty of people lose weight while eating carbs. So..... if the feeling doesn't pass... why be miserable? You might add carbs back into your diet.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    glucose is the only energy source that can cross the blood-brain barrier. glucose can only be found in an easy-to-obtain form in carbs/sugars. once all the freely available carbs have been used from your blood, there is nothing to fuel your brain. the only other place that you can get the necessary glucose from to fuel your brain is proteins. deconstructing proteins in order to obtain energy is not a simple chemical reaction... it is slow, and cumbersome, and does not result in very high blood sugar levels, so your brain remains rather starved.

    personally, i am a scientist so i need my brain to be functioning at optimal all day. if i can't think then i can't justify being paid to think. i do eat a fairly low carb diet, but cutting them out in an atkins style diet is not an option.

    also, i want to keep my proteins! there is no 'storage' mechanism for proteins - if you are burning them, you are burning and actual building block of your body. do not want!

    through trial and error, i have found a happy amount of carbs to consume, which is fairly low.

    also a scientist.

    I also think glucose is the best fuel for the brain.

    BUT... I'm pretty sure ketones get past the blood brain barrier, and ketones are an energy source. That's why the body goes into ketosis in the first place- gotta keep the brain alive. Or so I thought.
  • indigenousnudity
    Once your body gets into ketosis and starts using ketones for energy instead of glucose you will feel better. Just keep your fat and protein intake high. Your body will start breaking down its own fat for energy and you will feel great.

    I think a lot of people don't eat enough fat on a low carb diet, when it needs to be your main source of energy.

    A ketogenic diet is fantastic for losing weight and improving overall health. I've lost over 60lbs doing it, I try and keep net carbs under 30 a day.