~ Clean Eaters Thread ~



  • mschellep
    mschellep Posts: 10 Member
    I just started out and would love to start the Clean Eating Lifestyle. Especially for my weightloss. I have 45 pounds to get rid of and hopefully this will be the change I need.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I just started out and would love to start the Clean Eating Lifestyle. Especially for my weightloss. I have 45 pounds to get rid of and hopefully this will be the change I need.

    Welcome to the thread and to MFP! :bigsmile: Ask away if you have any questions!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Kathy ~ I think I found the recipe you were asking about w/ frozen bananas!! Is this it?


    It's just frozen bananas in a food processor! Might have to try that...
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    I had a lovely dinner out tonight with a friend at the local Mediterranean place. OK, maybe phyllo dough isn't the healthiest but it sure was tasty! :bigsmile: Then we got icecream :love: :love: at the gourmet shop next door :love: :heart: :love: Still, only 50 cals over today--first time over in quite awhile.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I had a lovely dinner out tonight with a friend at the local Mediterranean place. OK, maybe phyllo dough isn't the healthiest but it sure was tasty! :bigsmile: Then we got icecream :love: :love: at the gourmet shop next door :love: :heart: :love: Still, only 50 cals over today--first time over in quite awhile.

    Sounds wonderful! I'm sure there was healthy food at the Mediterranean place! Back on track today, right? :wink:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Wednesday!! Hope everyone is having a good week so far! It's going by fast for me! Double workout day for me, so gotta make sure I plan ahead to stay fueled up!

    Pre-workout: (Insanity Cardio Conditioning, 45 min)

    1/2 c. old fashioned oatmeal, 1/2 c. blueberries
    1/2 scoop choc. protein powder
    1/2 c. cottage cheese

    Now headed to the Y to meet a friend (she's a lifeguard there) for the elliptical and then swim (she gives me swimming tips which will help me for tri season next year! :bigsmile: ).
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Made a great egg sandwich this morning for breakfast, saw the recipe on Cook Yourself Thin

    1 slice Nature's Price Multi Grain (crust cut off) toasted
    1 slice Kraft naturals spicy pepper jack (toast with bread)
    1 tomato slice, seasoned and warmed in skillet
    1 poached egg

    Stack all together. Could also add a slice of ham.

    278 calories.

    Hope everyone has a fun "clean" day!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    for those of you who have been eating clean for a while, how soon is it that you start feeling the results? just curious. i tried yesterday and was pretty good for the most part. today i wake with a little less 'fog' and my body doesn't feel as achy?? i have to say this is very time consuming, but i am so very interested....and on ch 6 of JM MYM. she does a pretty good job of explaining the wha't and why's. we have Walmart, Target, Sam's, Hy-Vee, Aldi's and Fareway's here. I need to check out all the organics available at each one. kinda excited to get my 'new' groceries. i think too, maybe a meal at time is going to be the best for me and my family. it is a bit overwhelming, so will take some time to adjust. i just am happy you guys are here and have offered so much help already. THANKS! so, here is my brkfst the last 2 days...tell me if i did ok?

    1/2 c 100 % oatmeal w/
    1/2 c. 2% milk ( i will be gettin skim soon)
    7 walnut halves
    1 tbsp ground flaxseed
    1/2 c. frozen blueberries

    unbelievable how filling it is! :tongue:

    hope you are all having a great Wed! will check in later!
  • I'm in! ...but do I have to give up dark chocolate? :smile:
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    for those of you who have been eating clean for a while, how soon is it that you start feeling the results? just curious. i tried yesterday and was pretty good for the most part. today i wake with a little less 'fog' and my body doesn't feel as achy?? i have to say this is very time consuming, but i am so very interested....and on ch 6 of JM MYM. she does a pretty good job of explaining the wha't and why's. we have Walmart, Target, Sam's, Hy-Vee, Aldi's and Fareway's here. I need to check out all the organics available at each one. kinda excited to get my 'new' groceries. i think too, maybe a meal at time is going to be the best for me and my family. it is a bit overwhelming, so will take some time to adjust. i just am happy you guys are here and have offered so much help already. THANKS! so, here is my brkfst the last 2 days...tell me if i did ok?

    1/2 c 100 % oatmeal w/
    1/2 c. 2% milk ( i will be gettin skim soon)
    7 walnut halves
    1 tbsp ground flaxseed
    1/2 c. frozen blueberries

    unbelievable how filling it is! :tongue:

    hope you are all having a great Wed! will check in later!

    Hi Kelly and welcome. Like you, I started feeling some results of clean eating right away. More energy, felt healthy and productive, skin felt smoother, etc. As time has gone on I continue to feel great. You are right that it is time-consuming and that's the only thing about it that I don't like, because it stresses me out (but I get stressed out easily :wink:) But for me it is worth it and I have found that if I keep plugging away and don't give up, the results just keep getting better!

    Your breakfast looks very good, and yes, filling as you say. Great job!
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    I'm in! ...but do I have to give up dark chocolate? :smile:

    Hi Anastasia. I believe dark chocolate is considered clean.
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Just not the whole bar!:grumble: :grumble: Well, my eating is still on track, wasn't that hungry yesterday and should be eating more protein-just depressed over my shoulder probs.:cry: I'm gonna walk today if I can get my sorry butt moving. Not too much motivation lately there. My husband keeps telling me to quit pouting and snap out of it. I'd like to punch him:angry: Anyway, have to check that recipe Jess-thanks for looking!
    Welcome new and eager people! Thank Goodness my eating is on track, cause I could sure use a good pick me up, and can't imaging how I'd feel if I was still loading up on sugary snacks!

    Here's a question...how do I get through 2 free,( food and drinks abundantly flow), trips, eat well, not live it up like the others who will be partying, etc I'm going on in the next few weeks? I will get soo mad if I can't get back on track with my eating after even this short of time.:grumble:
  • jmdolan
    jmdolan Posts: 128
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    I'm in! ...but do I have to give up dark chocolate? :smile:

    Hi Anastasia. I believe dark chocolate is considered clean.

    dark chocolate is so clean!!! (at least on my planet :laugh: ) seriously, a little is great, it provides antioxidants in a really delicious mouth-watering necessary manner.
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    Just not the whole bar!:grumble: :grumble: Well, my eating is still on track, wasn't that hungry yesterday and should be eating more protein-just depressed over my shoulder probs.:cry: I'm gonna walk today if I can get my sorry butt moving. Not too much motivation lately there. My husband keeps telling me to quit pouting and snap out of it. I'd like to punch him:angry: Anyway, have to check that recipe Jess-thanks for looking!
    Welcome new and eager people! Thank Goodness my eating is on track, cause I could sure use a good pick me up, and can't imaging how I'd feel if I was still loading up on sugary snacks!

    Here's a question...how do I get through 2 free,( food and drinks abundantly flow), trips, eat well, not live it up like the others who will be partying, etc I'm going on in the next few weeks? I will get soo mad if I can't get back on track with my eating after even this short of time.:grumble:

    Hi hmo4,
    Sorry to hear your shoulder is still bum--you should be able to have a great walk though. Does it hurt if you swing your arms too vigorously, are you wearing a sling or something to prevent excess movement?

    As for the free trips, well, consider it a challenge to see how well you can manage moderation in an adverse environment. It's hard to choose the right foods in the right amounts when it's a giant free for all. Can you take just a few healthy snacks with you just in case, like bars, nuts, or beef jerky? Stay strong!! You can do it. :flowerforyou:
  • We used to have a Clean Eating thread, and have some interest to start again!

    Anyone is welcome to join whether you are just starting or clean eating is your lifestyle!!

    Basically, CE is cutting out the white flour/ sugar, eating every few hours, focusing more on fresh fruits and veggies, lean proteins, low-fat dairy, and good fats!

    No ready yet, but I like what I hear, I'll be back. Just getting started I don't want to put too much one me at once... I'll keep checking back.
  • MimerT
    MimerT Posts: 195 Member
    Can I join? I started eating like this a while back. I truly believe in it. I used to have eczema really bad and I quit all artificial sugar and preservatives and the eczema left! Hallelujah!!!! I'm going to check out "Clean
    Eating" Thanks!
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Just not the whole bar!:grumble: :grumble: Well, my eating is still on track, wasn't that hungry yesterday and should be eating more protein-just depressed over my shoulder probs.:cry: I'm gonna walk today if I can get my sorry butt moving. Not too much motivation lately there. My husband keeps telling me to quit pouting and snap out of it. I'd like to punch him:angry: Anyway, have to check that recipe Jess-thanks for looking!
    Welcome new and eager people! Thank Goodness my eating is on track, cause I could sure use a good pick me up, and can't imaging how I'd feel if I was still loading up on sugary snacks!

    Here's a question...how do I get through 2 free,( food and drinks abundantly flow), trips, eat well, not live it up like the others who will be partying, etc I'm going on in the next few weeks? I will get soo mad if I can't get back on track with my eating after even this short of time.:grumble:

    HMO - I am sorry about your shoulder problems but happy to hear that you are keeping on track. I hope your husband can be more supportive- I know how important that is.

    I used to have this 'free for all" mentality about free trips and goodies. My boss is paying for happy hour -- I'll take another round, and another! My office goes out for New Mexican food -- I can't waste this chance to eat a big burrito! Etc. etc. etc. But then I realized that I was only harming myself by gorging on stuff just because it was "free." While I was saving money, I was *not* saving calories or my health. So now I just eat like I regularly would and just feel grateful that someone else is picking up the tab and it is saving me money or time (for instance, if we go to a restaurant for work and I order a salad, I think of how much time I would have had to spend chopping the vegetables and grilling the chicken, etc., PLUS the money, and I realize I am getting a great deal!)

    I too used to feel like "everyone else is having a great time and letting go and splurging, why shouldn't I?" It is especially hard if you have people around saying, "live it up!" or "you work so hard, you deserve a treat." Now I just tell myself that eating a bunch of bad food is not a "treat" -- it is bad for me!! If I truly want to treat myself to a splurge than I will calculate it in and know that today I will eat this ice cream on my trip but only because I ran an extra couple miles during my workout, and tomorrow I will make sure I go back to being healthy and low fat. That is just how I work now all the time, no matter if I am out or in or on a free trip etc. I really think that practice and consistency makes perfect, so here is a great opportunity to "test" yourself and see if you can stick to what you know is important to you when it comes to eating, drinking, exercising, etc... even when you are on a free trip. And as for all the other merry-makers, well, I read a saying on another site that says, "If you want to LOOK like everyone else, EAT like everyone else." I often think of that and kind of chuckle to myself and think, "I can't have everything. I can either have a 'fun' time drinking and stuffing my face... and not lose this weight and get in great shape, or I can lose this weight and get in great shape and keep my routine or 'splurge' in moderation."

    I hope this helps, have fun on your trip.
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    We used to have a Clean Eating thread, and have some interest to start again!

    Anyone is welcome to join whether you are just starting or clean eating is your lifestyle!!

    Basically, CE is cutting out the white flour/ sugar, eating every few hours, focusing more on fresh fruits and veggies, lean proteins, low-fat dairy, and good fats!

    No ready yet, but I like what I hear, I'll be back. Just getting started I don't want to put too much one me at once... I'll keep checking back.

    You are welcome to participate even if you're not clean eating yet, and whenever you do start, we will be here to encourage you on. :smile: So welcome!
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Can I join? I started eating like this a while back. I truly believe in it. I used to have eczema really bad and I quit all artificial sugar and preservatives and the eczema left! Hallelujah!!!! I'm going to check out "Clean
    Eating" Thanks!

    Hi Mimi, welcome! I am so happy to hear that. My mom has bad eczema as well as other health problems (fibromylagia, depression, chronic fatigue, hormone imbalance...), and I really really wish she would eat clean because I think that would help her a lot.
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