A New Me - Let's get started!



  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    So all went well at the party. I'll try to get some pictures posted up tomorrow. I'm slightly tired right now, because I'm on a new medication regimen. I'm hoping I can make it the 2 hours till bedtime.
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    So all went well at the party. I'll try to get some pictures posted up tomorrow. I'm slightly tired right now, because I'm on a new medication regimen. I'm hoping I can make it the 2 hours till bedtime.
    Glad everything went well at the party...... sorry your tired ...and hope you can make it 2 hours until bedtime too :tongue:
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    One thing after another today. I'm over by A LOT of cals today. I took my son (who was born with a cleft lip and some "extra teeth parts" to the maxillfacial surgeon for his check-up thinking we were going to go in say "all the same" and wait another 6 to12 months for surgery. Wrong, I left having the consent forms signed and an end of Sept date for the surgery. It's not major, everything will be fine just 2 things...a.) We had always said not till after he's 5 because the risk of being sedated goes down b.) I, as a mom, have to prepare myself and I wasn't prepared! So I let the kids get cookie dough...needless to say I ate too much. I will work out to burn some of it but I guess this will be my "Off Day" and I have a whole week till weigh in right? Just bummed that I let my emotions control my eating today:frown:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    One thing after another today. I'm over by A LOT of cals today. I took my son (who was born with a cleft lip and some "extra teeth parts" to the maxillfacial surgeon for his check-up thinking we were going to go in say "all the same" and wait another 6 to12 months for surgery. Wrong, I left having the consent forms signed and an end of Sept date for the surgery. It's not major, everything will be fine just 2 things...a.) We had always said not till after he's 5 because the risk of being sedated goes down b.) I, as a mom, have to prepare myself and I wasn't prepared! So I let the kids get cookie dough...needless to say I ate too much. I will work out to burn some of it but I guess this will be my "Off Day" and I have a whole week till weigh in right? Just bummed that I let my emotions control my eating today:frown:
    sorry you werent prepared ... but who is when it comes to our kids .....sorry you went over your calories but you will be right back on track tomorrow .... you will do just fine

    I went over my protein ... but i am 450 calories for the day ... Is that bad????
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    correction ..... I still have 450 calories for the day
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    correction ..... I still have 450 calories for the day

    Someone else posted that as a question on MFP...everyone sort of decided it depends on your body...I go over my protein daily....I don't know the "medical or technical" answer though.:blushing:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    correction ..... I still have 450 calories for the day

    Someone else posted that as a question on MFP...everyone sort of decided it depends on your body...I go over my protein daily....I don't know the "medical or technical" answer though.:blushing:
    Thanks hun ...... I sometimes do or dont on protein but everything else is under the recommendation so i wont worry about ..... and i have lost 10 pounds so i cant complain :tongue:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    as i stated earlier about my hernia scar or whatever that was bothering me and i didnt want to start the slim in 6 workouts ... i have changed my mind ..... i gave my body a rest today so i didnt workout but tomorrow morning around 6am i am getting up and doing the slim & limber and see how i feel .... if i can do more than i will do the start it up workout ..... I cant see my dr until sept 18th and i dont want to wait that long to start this program that i spent alot of money on ..... take it slow and see how it goes is my plan .... wish me luck LOL I CAN DO THIS IF I DONT OVER DO IT (like i have been) lol:happy:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,710 Member
    Just checking in. I'm doing well on workouts and food, but the results are slow to come. I'm not getting discouraged. I know if I keep doing what's right, good stuff will happen. It has to. Bad stuff happened when I did what was wrong! LOL

    Anyway, I'm not going to weigh or measure for at least a couple more days. Maybe longer.


  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    It's 5 am and my little princess is already up. :( I wanna go back to bed!

    Megan, Take it slow and easy and I'm sure you'll be fine. After all, you pretty much know what your body can handle, right? Don't hurt yourself.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Yesterday I did really well on calories. I didn't go to they gym yesterday, but I did get a work out in by doing some ground training with a friend's horse since she is away. She wants me to ride him, but he has some manner issues I would rather sort out before getting on his back. So, that was fun. :)

    I am traveling today, so maybe tonight I will get a work out in - maybe a walk or something - when I reach my destination. :) I am going to keep up with my calories and water. You all have been really motivating about doing so. :)

    Silver - I hope you get some rest.

    Megan - Take it easy. You can still do it a little slower. :heart:

    Jill - Good job yesterday!
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    i think i had a bad day yesterday.
    it was my mums birthday so we went out for a meal at the Toby Carvery (dont know if that just a UK place) but its basically all you can eat - not good - i checked the nutritional info online and it looked like my meal should have come at around 800cal :noway: and to make things worse my sister brought a chocolate brownie mousse cake >.< which i had with whipped cream

    i had intended to go to body combat yesterday but thanks to the rain i didnt make it. i did manage to get to the gym because my sister popped in to see my mum and gave me a lift to the gym so i got an hour in and burned about 650cal so hopefully that allowed my food in

    well done everyone on the weigh in!!
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    i think i had a bad day yesterday.
    it was my mums birthday so we went out for a meal at the Toby Carvery (dont know if that just a UK place) but its basically all you can eat - not good - i checked the nutritional info online and it looked like my meal should have come at around 800cal :noway: and to make things worse my sister brought a chocolate brownie mousse cake >.< which i had with whipped cream

    i had intended to go to body combat yesterday but thanks to the rain i didnt make it. i did manage to get to the gym because my sister popped in to see my mum and gave me a lift to the gym so i got an hour in and burned about 650cal so hopefully that allowed my food in

    well done everyone on the weigh in!!
  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Oh my Kathy, I can see why your emotions got the best of you yesterday. How scary for your family! He will be fine though, just keep in a positive mindset and you will get through! *big hugs* :heart:

    Jill - keep your chin up. It will happen for you. You are right, you need to keep up the good habits and eventually they will pay off.

    Katie - it sounds like your workout should have helped to offset your dinner.

    Megan - way to go! Slim & Limber is just stretching, so you should be able to get that done. You have been doing a great job, and I think you have the right mind set. Don't give up - even if you are sore try and get some kind of exercise in, even if it's minimal.

    Silver - you poor thing, you were already tired last night and then your daughter got up early this morning! How are you doing? How are the new meds treating you?

    Okay, finally my update. You guys are going to be SO proud of me. I managed to make Elizabeth a birthday dinner of chicken in teriyaki sauce, mashed potatoes and cream corn. All I had was chicken (no sauce) dipped in honey mustard and green beans. (Can I mention that I LOVE mashed potatoes and cream corn?!?!) Then she got a cake maker thingy for her birthday and I let her make a chocolate cake with chocolate icing and sprinkles. I didn't take one bite and I even had icing on my finger. I went and washed my hands and tried not to think twice about it. I got both workouts in yesterday and after Josh has breakfast we are going to do another workout.

    I hope everyone has a great day! Keep up the faith ladies! We will all get to where we want to be!
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    I was ok when I woke up at 5 am. I could have stayed up, but I didn't want, too. We went upstairs and Baby Signing Time Vol. 4 was in. So she fell asleep watching that and so did I. I ate breakfast and then laid down. Terrible I know. I hope I stayed awake long enough for it to atleast start digesting. I think I was up for half an hour after I ate. I ate a single baby carrot upon waking up to reawaken my metabolism. I'm gonna drink some water and then in a couple of hours, I'll make lunch for the munchkin and I. I'm trying to decide if I want to make chicken and a veggie since it's so low in calories and good on protein. I probably will. Means I gotta do some dishes. :) If I keep my calorie count low for lunch then I can have a single serving Pizza! Yay! I love pizza! And still get in my night time crackers of FlipSides.

    LisaC, way to go on not eating the cake. I kind of wish I didn't eat the cake at Sharlotte's party, It was so rich, very very sweet. I couldn't eat the icing, it was so rich tasting.
  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I'm glad that you got to go back to sleep Silver. I know how rough it is when the little one gets up and you haven't had enough sleep yet. My daughter did that to us this morning. I plan on snuggling with hubby and taking a nap after our workout. I ended up eating breakfast already, so I am going to wait a little while until we work out.

    If things can play out right, we are planning on trying for baby #2 again this year. There are going to be quite a few dependents on us trying, 1) me losing weight to control my PCOS 2) selling Josh's sports car, 3) Saving up at least $1,600 so we can afford to pay for it - but good news is that these are all attainable. Keep your fingers crossed for us!
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    LisaC, Good luck with all of that. I got an IUD so I didn't have to worry about getting pregnant. I'm not sure I'll ever want more kids, but atleast I have the next 10 to 12 years to think about it. :laugh:

    CurvyKatie, that chocolate brownie mousse cake sounds SOOO good! I don't think I would have been able to resist it either. I didn't even take soda to Sharlotte's party last night. I took Juicy Juice. So that my only temptation would be the cake. I didn't even drink the juice. I drank 2 bottles of water! I'm so proud. I'm a little jealous of you getting to eat Chocolate brownie mousse cake! :bigsmile:
  • velvetkist
    Just checking in. I'm doing well on workouts and food, but the results are slow to come. I'm not getting discouraged. I know if I keep doing what's right, good stuff will happen. It has to. Bad stuff happened when I did what was wrong! LOL

    Anyway, I'm not going to weigh or measure for at least a couple more days. Maybe longer.



    You're right Jill! Sometimes your body is changing and the results just aren't visible by the number on the scale. I know for me, my weight is coming down slowly but I'm toning and firming and building lean muscle since I've incorporated weight training in my exercise routine. I'm losing inches for sure because I have to wear a belt to keep my jeans from falling off of my hips now. :wink:

    Keep up the great work!

    Have a productive day all!


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Calculator
  • velvetkist
    I'm glad that you got to go back to sleep Silver. I know how rough it is when the little one gets up and you haven't had enough sleep yet. My daughter did that to us this morning. I plan on snuggling with hubby and taking a nap after our workout. I ended up eating breakfast already, so I am going to wait a little while until we work out.

    If things can play out right, we are planning on trying for baby #2 again this year. There are going to be quite a few dependents on us trying, 1) me losing weight to control my PCOS 2) selling Josh's sports car, 3) Saving up at least $1,600 so we can afford to pay for it - but good news is that these are all attainable. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

    I'll cross my fingers and toes Lisa! :laugh:


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Calculator
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    Yay, Christine! Wearing a belt to keep your pants up! That's great.

    On a bright note, I weighed myself after getting up for the second time this morning and I weighed in at 184. Hopefully I'll weigh in at that tomorrow and I'll be able to have reached my goal for this week of 2 lbs a week!