12 Weeks Until Halloween=Let's Do This!



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,456 Member
    Well got on that scale this morning, and I'm down to 160.5. So two pounds lost. :drinker:

    Casper: Sorry to hear about your ordeal. I suffer from heart flutters/irregular beats. But I know what is causing this issue, since I have a heart murmur. It was my 2nd heart specialist that pin pointed what type I had. So keep trying to find the answers. :smile:
  • barbarella
    barbarella Posts: 609 Member
    hEY cASPER! :flowerforyou: Whew! Glad your wife is OK.

    So sorry about your ordeal with our NOT-so-fine healthcare system! :grumble: :noway: :grumble:

    Don't be too hard on yourself--- just get back on the bike & ride baby!! :love: :drinker:
  • sixtyinchesoffury
    sixtyinchesoffury Posts: 321 Member
    ok well i had my day all planned out then my mom wanted to go to lunch so we went to Fazoli's!!!

    that place is dangerous.:grumble:

    but i managed to only eat half of my entree and logged it all in ..... 550 calories!!!

    a little high but it was nice to know i could keep it reasonable and i am headed to work out so i should have plenty of carbs on hand:tongue:

    just wanted to share....:drinker:
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    Checking in, down 1/2 pound from last week, right on track, yeah!
    Looks like everyone is down from last week, good job!!
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    ok well i had my day all planned out then my mom wanted to go to lunch so we went to Fazoli's!!!

    that place is dangerous.:grumble:

    but i managed to only eat half of my entree and logged it all in ..... 550 calories!!!

    a little high but it was nice to know i could keep it reasonable and i am headed to work out so i should have plenty of carbs on hand:tongue:

    just wanted to share....:drinker:

    Great job-my test will be starting next week...:indifferent:
  • sixtyinchesoffury
    sixtyinchesoffury Posts: 321 Member
    thanks lady!!!! i didn't do so well with the white wine last night after getting home.

    i probably shouldn't equate cooking with wine tasting:drinker:

    i feel kinda crappy today but i think a walk around lunchtime would do me some good.

    hope everyone has a great day....it's nice in denver :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Ang :heart:
  • sixtyinchesoffury
    sixtyinchesoffury Posts: 321 Member
    has everyone deserted this thread????????????

    just wondering i am starting to hear crickets round here :laugh:

    yesterday not so hot but today will be better :smooched:

    good luck!!! :drinker:
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    hi Im here tadaaaaa :tongue:
    Ive been staying under calories for the most part this week (save for the trip to buffalo wild wings) and Ive done my 30 days shred every day this week! Im hoping the rain we've had for days lets up enough to go for a bike ride to the batting cages this weekend cuz I usually dont have the tv to myself long enough to workout on weekends
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Finally, one good thing for me has happenend:tongue: I weighed in today, tomorrow actually the "thinnest"day of the monthe for me, but anyway-140.4!!!:bigsmile: That's down 5.2 lbs! Two changes I've now made...the battery in the dang scale, and I've been Eating Clean for almost 2 weeks!
    I feel so good not eating sugar and crap, I'm trying to stay clear of that addiction, and so far so good. I haven't been able to strength train either though:angry: so maybe some muscle loss too, I don't know how long that takes. Anyone know?? Either way, I feel thinner, my hubby says I'm looking leaner, so I'm pumped today. Now to deal with my 17 your old when he gets home....

    5.4 lbs till goal, and a rocky Sept. coming up...
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    ive been working out and dieting like crazy and I havent lost a pound. Since before joining the site Ive lost 4 inches in my waist and 4 in my hips....but so far no astronomical results. The site says I should be losing at least a pounds a week but no such luck. Im doing everything Im supposed to. I dont get it.

    By no means am I tempted to give up...I just see everyone having results weekly and I get none of that
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    ive been working out and dieting like crazy and I havent lost a pound. Since before joining the site Ive lost 4 inches in my waist and 4 in my hips....but so far no astronomical results. The site says I should be losing at least a pounds a week but no such luck. Im doing everything Im supposed to. I dont get it.

    By no means am I tempted to give up...I just see everyone having results weekly and I get none of that

    I just finally became honest with myself and knew what I was doing wrong, and FINALLY got control. And I stuck to those calories allotted even on days I couldn't exercise.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    Ive stuck to my calories, Ive even kept myself from eating totally unhealthy food (for the most part) just because it stays under calories. It seems everyone here "splurges" every so often. I feel like Im just really unlucky or something. Whatever. Starting next week Im making myself up my workouts each weekday from 30 minutes to 60. We'll see if it makes any difference.
  • sixtyinchesoffury
    sixtyinchesoffury Posts: 321 Member
    i am getting really annoyed with one day feeling all gung ho and the next not really caring!!!

    is anyone else experiencing this??? it's really frustrating. i know it's just a mind game but it throws me

    for a loop:grumble:

    mood today???? just get through work....:tongue:

    just wanted to vent.....
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    yea I practically get those mood changes on this whole things throughout one day! lol
    Ill be in the kitchen, just cooked dinner, and consider throwing just as much on my plate as I put on the bf's plate just because I spent the time cooking it and smelling it as it cooked.
    Or ill get up in the morning with a headache and all Ill want is sugary salty foods, excedrin, and a dark place to sit and do nothing and Ill force myself to do otherwise:laugh:
  • JNC87
    JNC87 Posts: 16
    wow i like this! i just joined today and I have never really done the halloween thing cuz i thought i would never look cute in anything so this year i will!!!! im sooo excited
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    I'm new to this group as well. That is actually my goal before I saw this post. I actually want to reach my goal weight by Halloween because I want to look my best and I will be wonder women. I only have 8 pounds more to lose but I heard the last couple of pounds are always the hardest to loose.

  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    i am getting really annoyed with one day feeling all gung ho and the next not really caring!!!

    is anyone else experiencing this??? it's really frustrating. i know it's just a mind game but it throws me

    for a loop:grumble:

    mood today???? just get through work....:tongue:

    just wanted to vent.....
    I've been gung ho for about 3 months and I'm running out of steam. You're right, it is a mind game. I have to set little mini goals for myself. Right now, I can't wait to get into the 160s. Then I'll concentrate on the 150s, and so on. :tongue:

    Also, I started a 30 Day Shred group to start on Sept 1st. I just got the dvd and have never done it. I'm just about at my cycling goal and I need to do something new. Joining challenge groups on this site helps. Feel free to join in if you think it will help... :happy:

  • sixtyinchesoffury
    sixtyinchesoffury Posts: 321 Member
    ok guys it's only 8 weekes away now.....

    is anyone still in this???? i had a bad night last night and took it out on some nachos but i am trying to drink a lot of water this morning and head to the gym...

    well if you all are still in this let me know i would love to hear updates....

    take care :drinker:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Checking in... No change for me this week :tongue:
    Last week 175 lbs
    This week 175 lbs
    Halloween goal 11 lbs (167 lbs)
    Still 8 more to go!!!
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    I was really bad on saturday, we had company over and I must have gone over like 1000 calories but then yesturday I was good and I still gained weight. I don't get it:grumble: