Haven't lost anything!?!?! :( :(



  • cmccorma
    cmccorma Posts: 203 Member
    You can't be serious. If you lost 40 lbs like your ticker says, then why are you saying you haven't lost anything? This is one of the problems with internet forums unfortunately. You only have 5 pounds left to lose? Maybe you are at the proper weight for your height.
  • jennis82
    jennis82 Posts: 76

    @ Just feeling a little overwhelmed, but thanks! :)

    And the only thing 'processed' I eat are the Vienna's???

    Ummm try also your:
    cherry filling

    That is all from your last day you logged.

    Quit kidding yourself.

    Ok the cheese cake and brownies were home made....so sorry for that. And I didn't realiza salsa was concidered 'processed'....maybe I have my definitions messed up...:>/ Thanks
  • jennis82
    jennis82 Posts: 76
    You dont really sound like you care to change your ways, Eating breakfast a waste of time are you joking ? Its not hard to grab a granola bar on the way out the door. Eat in your car.

    One granola bar has my daily intake of carbs! I look into protien bars though. Good idea;)
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    Here is what I recommend to my clients. 1200 on a non-exercise day. 1500 on an exercise day. Go into your settings under MY Home and set your calories at either one. Put your carb intake at 45%, protein at 35% and fat at 20%. Do not record your exercise because it will add more calories and switch the ratio. This works if you are ready to change. Good Luck!

    So you recommend to your clients that they routinely eat under their BMR?
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    What the heck!? :( Why haven't I lost anything!?!? I probably need to get my own scale for my house, but I have one at work, and I use my moms, but it don't look like I've lost anything:( I know I need to cut down on my sweets, and like I said in my diary notes yesterday, I will but I don't get it! UGH!! :,,( I need to go get some protein shake's but I don't know what else to do...:>/ or take or whatever! :(

    Did you really eat less than 400 calories on Sunday? And you're not hungry? Riiiiight

    Yeah..I log what I eat...you'd be supprised how little your body actually needs...idk. I just know that if I start eating, I don't think I'd stop...it's an issue.

    obviously, this is untrue since you have claims of being unsuccessful...look at anyone who has lost a significant amount of weight on here and you will see more is better.
  • jennis82
    jennis82 Posts: 76
    You can't be serious. If you lost 40 lbs like your ticker says, then why are you saying you haven't lost anything? This is one of the problems with internet forums unfortunately. You only have 5 pounds left to lose? Maybe you are at the proper weight for your height.

    Yes I have, but haven't lost in the week I've been logging....:>/ Maybe I am
  • jennis82
    jennis82 Posts: 76
    i feel like ive wasted my time trying to help...........:noway:

    No you haven't. You make sense and I appreciate it:) I'm listening, and I'll get some stuff changed.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    Nothing I can really say that hasn't already been said. You need to eat more, and eat balanced and healthy, not all that junk.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    i feel like ive wasted my time trying to help...........:noway:

    No you haven't. You make sense and I appreciate it:) I'm listening, and I'll get some stuff changed.

    thats good, hope you do well :-)
  • thinclo
    thinclo Posts: 164 Member
  • cmccorma
    cmccorma Posts: 203 Member
    You can't be serious. If you lost 40 lbs like your ticker says, then why are you saying you haven't lost anything? This is one of the problems with internet forums unfortunately. You only have 5 pounds left to lose? Maybe you are at the proper weight for your height.

    Yes I have, but haven't lost in the week I've been logging....:>/ Maybe I am

    Being so close to your goal weight, it is not surprising that it may take longer than one week to lose. Those of us with a lot to lose tend to see higher losses. The more we lose, the weight loss tends to slow down or even out.
  • uniquewrapz
    uniquewrapz Posts: 160 Member

    this times 1,000....

    you will get great advice on how to correct this, so i will keep my obnoxious mouth shut...just trust me on this, eat more.

  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    go to fat2fit.com or fitnessfrog.com check out your numbers and then start from there. You need to know your bmr and your tdee... once you know that you can go from there and loose the rest of your weight healthy. yes some of your meals did look good and yes eat cheese and eggs, etc for more protein. I also have a huge issue trying to get enough protein in, if i get up there with that i'm over in cals... so i understand how hard it can be. i am also looking into protein shakes to get mine up but there are so many and i heard so many arn't that tasty.... you really need to find some way to get something in the am, they say you should eat breakfast in order to help you loose weight and you should have something in you every 2-3 hrs to keep your metabolism going.... I never have time in the am either, so i make a oatmeal bake, or something like that on sunday and then i have breakfast all week. just grab my container out of the fridge and go...

    Ok didn't find anything on fat2fit, but fitness frog says BMR is 1335 and my TDEE is 2070...so that means I 'should' eat 2070 cals a day!? Yeah right! I will be a freakin horse! This is redic, and I'm extreamly discouraged!! :,,( very upset! Don't understand it! Want to say screw it and eat a whole pizza! lol. :(

    Don't eat TDEE, eat 250 cals under TDEE. My TDEE is around 2200 and I am losing weight eating 1950 cals. Set your weekly weight loss goal to 0.5lbs/week on MFP and eat all of those cals, plus eat back the ones you burn from exercise. this way you will lose fat, not fat and muscle, which you would be losing on an intake that has a deficit larger then what I suggested.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    you could add a scoop of vanilla protein powder to your coffee instead of sugar and cream then at least you'd be getting a wee bit of breakfast and mabey an apple or banaba or something easy like that.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    You dont really sound like you care to change your ways, Eating breakfast a waste of time are you joking ? Its not hard to grab a granola bar on the way out the door. Eat in your car.

    Breakfast is not needed, you can eat 1 or 10 meals a day, what matters is your total caloric intake, not when you eat it.
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    You need carbs for brain function. A granola bar is not a bad thing.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    Here is what I recommend to my clients. 1200 on a non-exercise day. 1500 on an exercise day. Go into your settings under MY Home and set your calories at either one. Put your carb intake at 45%, protein at 35% and fat at 20%. Do not record your exercise because it will add more calories and switch the ratio. This works if you are ready to change. Good Luck!

    This is horrible advice and so generic that it only sets people up for failure, especially those with little to lose. You can't recommend eating 1200 or 1500 calories to someone who only has a few pounds to lose. You take their TDEE and cut percentage based on this.


    If someones TDEE is 2000 you can either cut 20% or as eric said 250 calories. Both methods work very well. The biggest thing to understand is weight loss doesnt mean fat loss. Weight loss makes you look good in clothes but fat loss makes you look good naked. And how do you lose fat, you eat plenty of calories to fuel the fire and strength train.

    OP, you should aim for 1650-1800 calories a day and do heavy weight lifting where you fail at 8-12 reps.
  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member
    i feel like ive wasted my time trying to help...........:noway:

    You didn't waste your time because you helped me. Thanks!
  • jkqe20
    jkqe20 Posts: 8 Member
    This is whats happening to me. I was not eating up to my 1200 calories each day even stupidly priding my self on the fact that I was "under" the 1200 but in the end I was doing myself a big injustice. That and the fact that I drank like 2 coke zero's each day. Im thinking the low calories and the sodiom in diet soda has held me back. I do have to say that loosening the leash on my calorie intake has not been easy psychologically. I know it may sound strange but its almost like a gateway to letting myself purge and lose control completely.
  • newve
    newve Posts: 82 Member