My rant: Unsolicited Parenting Advice...



  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    I keep forgetting (willfully) that there are people in this world that seem to believe that not only is there one true definition for what it means to be a man, but they also know what it is.
  • Nigerianebony
    Nigerianebony Posts: 182 Member
    Did he not go back out there to play again?? You could have taken him home. I'm just saying.
  • MamaSonyaP
    MamaSonyaP Posts: 90 Member
    GOOD FOR YOU! Yah, you know how to parent YOUR child...not them. I'm glad you spoke up for yourself. Hope your little monkey is ok...I'd still give my kids hugs if they were 35, so those men can shut it!
  • AshleyRKnutson
    AshleyRKnutson Posts: 98 Member
    Kudos on your ability to keep your cool. Sometimes, you just need to be coddled, no matter how old you are. Getting hit in the face with a ball hurts. I think the important thing is that he went back out to play a few minutes later. my opinion, he's a tough kid and will be just fine. Stupid idiots...I don't take parenting advice from anyone other than my mother and she only gives it when I ask for it. :smile:
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    :huh: i have been told the same thing...only i have girls... and my oldest is 4.... :wink: just remember stupid is everywhere:wink:
  • melbot24
    melbot24 Posts: 347 Member
    When I was reading this, I actually thought it was going to go the other way...

    Perhaps, the comment would be made that you let him back to play too soon after he was injured.

    Oopsy, I guess that means if I ever have a son, he's definitely going to be gay.
  • Kamikazeflutterby
    Kamikazeflutterby Posts: 775 Member
    Have you ever noticed how none of the unsolicited advice is ever good? EVER?

    I actually had a lady tell me I need to have another child, so that if my toddler dies I won't feel so bad. >,<
  • ffhsanfran
    ffhsanfran Posts: 63 Member
    I would be very careful and actually worried of that guy being near my kids. You already don't like that dude. I don't care for his advice, but peeking into his mind though his comments, I don't like what is in there. Bad vibes all over, follow your good parental instinct.
  • ShalisaClam
    ShalisaClam Posts: 190
    Don't you wish there was an 'ignore' button for people in real life? Something tells me there is a reason this guy isn't married.

    ~ Let the cuddling begin. ~
  • Mrsfullwood
    Mrsfullwood Posts: 172 Member
    what mother woudnt do that to their 5 year old child? Some people really make me sick. :angry:
  • kb455
    kb455 Posts: 679 Member
    I don't blame you for being pissed. I have 3 boys and when they're hurt or upset, I comfort them. Its my job as their mom.

    I just love when childless people give out parenting advice. *eyeroll* I had a childless family member who was big on giving unsolicited advice. And now that she has a kid of her own (with some downright odd behavioral issues), I just sit back and laugh and wonder where all her self-proclaimed "expertise" is now.
  • llahairdna
    llahairdna Posts: 521 Member
    Have you ever noticed how none of the unsolicited advice is ever good? EVER?

    I actually had a lady tell me I need to have another child, so that if my toddler dies I won't feel so bad. >,<

    PARDON??? That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard!!!
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    Have you ever noticed how none of the unsolicited advice is ever good? EVER?

    I actually had a lady tell me I need to have another child, so that if my toddler dies I won't feel so bad. >,<

    oh my! I just... there are no words.... has she been there personally? because if not and even so, that comment never should have been made...
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 767 Member
    He's 5, not 10...Geez, boys need Mommy hugs too. You did better than I would have. I would have probably told them to F Off.

    Lol...I have a 10 y/o and Even a 10 y/o deserve a hug from mom every now and again...although they are pretty smelly!! Hahha!! (I know what u meant by that comment wasn't taken out of context! I just thought it was funny)

    I'm a fairly frank mother and don't have a whole lot of tollerance for whining or crying unless someone is genuinely hurt. But that being said. Of course I would hug my child if he got smacked in the face with a ball...and would seriously be irritated too at someone implying I am making less of a man out of my three sons by hugging them when hurt. Actually u are creating a sense of security in children when you react to their needs....the reaction may not always be a hug but children need the reassurance that the parent is "there"
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    I believe that if I'da been there, there woulda been a fight. I might well have gotten my *kitten* kicked as I'm not all that in the fighting dept., but yeah. *insert long string of unbroken profanity here*
  • dirtbikegirl5
    dirtbikegirl5 Posts: 391 Member
    I also don't like unsolicited advice. We were riding dirt bikes one day and our 2 little girls were with us, at the track. They have been going to the tracks for quite a few years and they ride bikes so I am comfortable with them being there. This n'er-do-well comes up to me and tells me that I better watch them so they don't get hurt with the bikes going by. The girls were literally right next to me. In my mind, I was thinking "*****, don't tell me what to do!". However, since I would never do that in front of my girls, I continued exactly what I was doing and everytime I saw her that day, I gave her the "oh, no you didn't." look.

    I would have said something sarcastic to those guys.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    What jerks, kids need there mommy's when they are hurt or upset and if mommy isnt there they need comforted by an adult. It makes no difference if they are boys or girls. My sons are 15 and 28 and they still like hugs from mom. The 15 yr old probably wouldnt admit it but he does, he even asks me for hugs and both of them like girls and if they didnt i would still love them and it wouldnt be due to me comforting them
  • kenlad64
    kenlad64 Posts: 377 Member
    You handled that with grace and style, much better that I would have. I couldn't see myself sitting in a room with that kind of mentality, must be kind and generous too, to work with individuals so challenged.
  • tig_ol_bitties
    tig_ol_bitties Posts: 561 Member
    My boyfriend had his mother and me at his bedside a couple months back when he was in the ER after hurting his back...we were both totally coddling him and he's a man. I suppose I should be prepared for some gay news around the corner then...