Marilyn Monroe.



  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    No offense, but it's kinda obvious that she wasn't a size 16..:huh:
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    The fact that this bothers you SO much that you would create a thread about it is disturbing!

    I agree..

    So what if bigger women want to compare themselves to her beauty? Can they not? Why on earth would it bother you? :noway:
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I'm just tired of people posting photos of her on every thread that has a small framed female on it.
  • teripen
    teripen Posts: 15
    Ok, so now who is up for an episode of Smash? Lol
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Filing this under "stuff other people do that has no affect on my life."
  • Musikelektronik
    Musikelektronik Posts: 739 Member
    I agree with the OP. I have heard overweight women so many times compare their themselves to Marilyn Monroe because of the size she wore during that time and it is really misguided. Yes Marilyn Monroe had a very nice healthy body but some women tend to use Marilyn Monroe's dress/pant size to justify themselves as if its okay to be overweight or that being overweight is attractive. Its delusional.

    Not only that, Marilyn Monroe also had an exceptionally beautiful face...something that many "I'm-as-big-as-Marilyn" types don't have! :happy:
  • SteffieMark
    SteffieMark Posts: 1,719 Member
    I personally believe we are being trolled by someone who per their ticker needs to lose 5 pounds and has a limited number of posts on the forums.

    Let's see where this goes from here... >.>


    /Note to self - Check OP profile page before wasting time again.
  • Filing this under "stuff other people do that has no affect on my life."

    Filing this under "it's the internet." and that "stuff fat girls say that embarrass themselves" :)

    awe! how cute! we are so organized and witty aren't we? how cute.
  • I personally believe we are being trolled by someone who per their ticker needs to lose 5 pounds and has a limited number of posts on the forums.

    Let's see where this goes from here... >.>


    /Note to self - Check OP profile page before wasting time again.
    If you think you're being trolled, you are a noob. Although It would be easy on this site since everyone takes everything soooooooooo seriously.
    Yes because my weight really has to do with this.
    But yes I am naturally thin, something rare in this 'community'.
  • The fact that this bothers you SO much that you would create a thread about it is disturbing!

    I agree..

    So what if bigger women want to compare themselves to her beauty? Can they not? Why on earth would it bother you? :noway:

    Why don;t you actually read through the thread before commenting on it. :) That would make sense wouldn't it now sweetheart?
  • LiviLou2011
    LiviLou2011 Posts: 437 Member
    I occasionally compare myself to Jabba the Hutt. I mean, he had slave girls chained to his bed, so I figure it's alright for me, right?

    mhahahahahahhahah nice
  • "Hey guys I'm an hourglass figure. I'm like marilyn monroe. I'm a 34-23-34. :) and a size zero. curvy girls unite! she was so pretty, and her body was like mine. a boy says i'm too skinny, but I'm not i'm curvy because everysaid Marilyn Monroe was, so if she is I am too, I'm curvy and. obvs I'm like a sex symbol liker her as welll. anyways brb gonna go eat mcdonalds because marilyn monroe was curvy and perf. xoxox"

    i' love comparing my body to others.
    who cares? as long as it makes me feel good right?'
    (such logic it kills me)

    Was anyone in this thread a psych major?? :P

    My findings have been very interesting. Not one of you used the information provided to state a case.
    All the replies were along the lines of: 'as long as it makes them feel good about themselves' 'omg omg omg why do you care omg'
  • LiviLou2011
    LiviLou2011 Posts: 437 Member
    I dont compare myself to anyone..i just wanna lose this weight and feel myself again..that is all nighty nite
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    ...I dunno. California is my birthstate, so I've seen many framed pairs of Marilyn Panties, I remember being around a size 10ish at the time I saw my first pair and thinking, "Those are some big drawers!" And I'm no vintage panty virgin, either, the sizing across the booty was large. The waist was appropriately small.

    Outside of that, I think there's something wrong with women. Why do we feel the need to snatch the security blankets out from under our sisters? From eat a hamburger and "real woman" to "that's not curvy, its fat" and, "she's no marilyn" nonsense.

    Why hate eachother so much? It's tiresome. If some woman wants to relate to Marilyn, who the eff cares. If she wants to feel good about herself even though she's fat? Who the hell cares? You? You're not caring about her health by being a ****. Try some other way. I hear honey works better than vinegar.
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 559 Member
    Methinks a lot of people need to take a deep breath. Lots of anger on this thread.

    I believe the OP's point was that some individuals use a "size 14" statistic that no longer applies to justify their unhealthy behaviors. Personally, I believe that Marilyn's physique should be one to aspire to, not one to use as an excuse.

    I do not believe that the OP implied that women who wear larger sizes should be unhappy with or ashamed of their bodies. If you are overweight, unhealthy, or inactive (which – I stress – cannot be accurately determined by the clothing size you wear), then you should strive to change this out of self-respect, not self-hate. Sizes are superficial; health and vitality is what matters.

    And for goodness' sake, if we start attempting to dissect Marilyn's personal life, the you-know-what is really going to hit the fan. She was a troubled woman, yes, but no one but her can truly know what she went through. Idolize her for certain qualities if you will; or, if you wish to take her entire life and character into account and are displeased with what you find, then don't idolize her. But let's leave the dissection to the labs, okay?
  • LiviLou2011
    LiviLou2011 Posts: 437 Member
    Maybe what ppl are trying to say is Norma Jean wasn't anorexic, with bones potruding out of her chest and back. Today boney *kitten* woman are idolize (dont mean to be blunt), Norma looked healthy and happy and had all the men. I heard she was a 16 I dont know what the hell size she was (Im a 16, 5'4 and on a fitness site go figure). So to each their own. She's been resting in peace before most of us was even alive. Lets argue about the Kardashians and if they have a fake "*kitten*" or not.

    Kim Kardashian had a butt xray on tv because everyone said it was fake..but who knows..
  • ...I dunno. California is my birthstate, so I've seen many framed pairs of Marilyn Panties, I remember being around a size 10ish at the time I saw my first pair and thinking, "Those are some big drawers!" And I'm no vintage panty virgin, either, the sizing across the booty was large. The waist was appropriately small.

    Outside of that, I think there's something wrong with women. Why do we feel the need to snatch the security blankets out from under our sisters? From eat a hamburger and "real woman" to "that's not curvy, its fat" and, "she's no marilyn" nonsense.

    Why hate eachother so much? It's tiresome. If some woman wants to relate to Marilyn, who the eff cares. If she wants to feel good about herself even though she's fat? Who the hell cares? You? You're not caring about her health by being a ****. Try some other way. I hear honey works better than vinegar.
    As I said:
    My findings have been very interesting. Not one of you used the information provided to state a case.
    All the replies were along the lines of: 'as long as it makes them feel good about themselves' 'omg omg omg why do you care omg'

    FALSE security blankets. It's amazing how the psychological impacts of this don't occur to peeps!

    smh. Why use someone else to boost your confidence?..

    all I'm hearing is ' long as they feel good about themselves....'
    This saying goes a lot deeper then just about weight.
    Very disappointed.
    I'm too insightful for my own good.
  • I've heard/read that she was a VINTAGE size 14 which now would be between a size 6-8 . She is NOWHERE near plus size but yes she was a curvy lady and rather petite.

    Also the whole "real women have curves" thing.. EH.. Real women have vaginas. There you go. You're welcome :flowerforyou:
  • D446
    D446 Posts: 266 Member
    THANK YOU! I love Marilyn Monroe, I think she was beautiful. And I don't really care if she had issues with drugs, what celebrity doesn't these days? It's not going to make me have a drug problem because I look up to her for the way she looks.

    I think the fact that women often compare themselves to her isn't frustrating, I just think they are misinformed. Marilyn was by no means fat, even by her heaviest weight she is still in the healthy BMI range (if that's anything to go by).

    I also dont care if she did drugs,but to idolize her for confidance and :"realness" that she didnt have is stupid. Shes was no diffrent than woman that starve themselves to fit into todays standard of beauty,its just the standard was diffrent then

    I don't look up to her for her 'realness' . I look up to her for her makeup skills lol. Yet again, I am not judging Marilyn on her personality, her weaknesses, insecurities, or the fact she starved herself, according to you. She was physically beautiful. Nuff said.

    Seriously do you not know how to read? I didnt say she starved herself,I said she is the same as the woman that do because she allowed everything about herself to be changed to fit into her eras standard of beauty. That ultimatly destroyed her. She did drugs this is known,she was under a care of a psychiatrist, she had failed suicide attempts,and was in daily fear of ending up like her mother. She was not a happy well adjusted person. She changed herself to this dumb blond,sex pot persona,and it made her famous and loved.But thats all anyone wanted from her. It does not sound like a happy life to me,it sounds like a pretty sad one.

    Lol, you have a serious attitude problem.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    Man people get defensive about Monroe like it is their mother or something :P

    I'm sick of the white swimsuit pic too.