worst comment ever made about your weight



  • danielle1983cov
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    After I had my 2nd child some stupid broad said "my face didn't go with my body". I know I was over weight and that was a cruel remark that has stayed with me. Saw her years later and she's still ugly & my fat is gone.

    At least you can lose fat but you can never lose UGLY!!! :laugh:

  • thatgirllesley
    Just the usual 'are you pregnant?' comments.

    Some people have NO manners. Unless you see a child exiting the woman at that exact moment, just keep your mouth shut. >:(
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    I was standing at a bus stop one day, a young guy walked passed me and said "frigging hippo !"

    D: It pains me to hear that people say those kinds of things. Ugh. You don't just shout things to people - you don't know what their story is or what they're doing. That person could have just lost 100 lbs and is still losing!

    As for me: a coworker who thankfully doesn't work with me anymore told me that "I'd never be skinny because of how 'shaped' I am".

    Now, someone commented that I'm bony and going overboard. Uh... I'm not even close to bony, thanks.
  • Amber50lbsDown
    Amber50lbsDown Posts: 255 Member
    Mine is probaby common but
    a lady at the bus stop said "what a cute belly, when are you due? "

    I wanted to cry. I just said Im not pregnant just fat.
    she did apologize and felt bad but ****, dont ask a woman that, ever !
  • danielle1983cov
    I have had plenty of horrible things said over the years (though it did stop at school after punching the biggest boy square in the face when I was in Year 7!), but I think the thing that makes me most angry is what people are saying now:

    'Ooh, you look so much better now, you looked awful before. You've still got a long way to go though!'

    'How much more do you have to lose?'

    Wow, you have lots of will power. Do you think you'll be able to keep it up though? It doesn't come naturally does it?'

    'Oh God, I'm sooooo fat - you'll have to tell me what diet you're on because it's working for you I'm just looking awful. I disgust myself.' (from a woman half the size of me).

    It's not a compliment, I don't want to hear it and mind your own bloody business!
  • heymayer
    heymayer Posts: 34 Member
    As you can see by my ticker, I've now lost 58lbs. I've been stuck at that weight for a few weeks now but that is irrelevant. Anyway, I'm the librarian at a high school and have student helpers each class period. A couple weeks ago we had a "slow" period and were all sitting around chit-chatting and getting caught up on life and I mentioned just how much I had lost because one of my kids mentioned how good I look. When I said what I lost, another one of my TA's said: "WOW, No one cares!!" Not only did I blow up on her for being so rude, my other students blew up on her as well. Then, she refused to apologize for her rudeness and laughed at me when I practically demanded an apology from her.

    She is now rocking the rest of the school year back in study hall.
  • ProjFit
    ProjFit Posts: 143
    A lady at work said that I look like ive had four kids. Im 21, and have always struggled with my weight. I have been trying so hard, and this comment nearly made me give up.
  • jollydz
    jollydz Posts: 3
    Oh, I have many! Being a chubby kid was so awful but I didn't really know what to do about it or how to fix it because I was always told I would "grow out of it."

    Here are the ones that have stuck with me the most:
    -A kid in gradeschool gym class when I stepped up to the plate to bat in softball told me to: "Put your weight into it."
    -A boy wrote in my yearbook: "Have a good summer. Lay off the twinkies."
    -My dad often called me: "thunder thighs"
    -My grandma always told me i had a: "fat dupa" (dupa is Polish for butt, or more accurately a**)

    Kids, and families, can be so cruel!
  • historygirldd
    historygirldd Posts: 209 Member
    I cheered in high school and was 5ft 5 and 115lbs (wish I was this size now) and the coach pulled out uniforms for camp and with the biggest shorts in her hand (even though I was NOT the biggest on the team) says, Oh, Donna has to have these. I am still not sure why she said that, but it still bothers me so much. My now teenage daughter is not even allowed to think about cheerleading because this lady coaches both middle school and high school cheerleading.
  • shimewazaMan
    Oh God. So many to pick one. The time when I was a kid when another boy in class told everyone that my boobs were bigger than any of the girls in class, the time when my mom compared me to a "stuffed sausage", and the time when a student in my MMA class told me I was too fat to be a fighter (he immediately got his @ss choked out 10 times in the next 5 minutes) all come to mind. But I think the worst was when I was a kid and someone told me I would never be kissed by a girl because I was so fat.
  • historygirldd
    historygirldd Posts: 209 Member
    Oh, I got the big boobs in school too. In 6th grade, a boy wanted to be my boyfriend because I had the biggest boobs in school. Quickly started wearing sweats ALL the time.
  • Rloral
    Rloral Posts: 112 Member
    A high school classmate of mine saw me at our city festival and said " Damn Renee you got FAT"!!!! I just smiled and walked away.
  • maggiepz
    maggiepz Posts: 141 Member
    I was going on the ferris wheel at a church festival with my 2 very young grandsons (they were probably 50 pound total) and I was then just under 200 pounds and the ride person skipped over us. I asked why and they said they have to find a place to put us so we didn't throw the ferris wheel out of balance!
  • MsChrissyAnn
    MsChrissyAnn Posts: 102 Member
    My boyfriend and I have been together for 3.5 years and living together for most of it. Last Christmas my Aunt Joan came up to me and just started rubbing my tummy and smiling at me. I was like "Joan I'm not pregnant." She said "Oh don't worry dear, Aunt Joan can keep a secret. And Aunt Joan ALWAYS knows these kinds of things." All the while she was rubbing my tummy... Just as I was about to deny it again my Aunt Mindy walked by. Then she got all excited and I had to try and tell both of them that I wasn't pregnant. But they both thought that I was just 'keeping it a secret.'

    I saw both Joan and Mindy this weekend for Easter and much to their surprise not only was I not pregnant, I had lost weight. They didn't know what to say...but apparently they hadn't kept my 'little secret' a secret and everyone was expecting me to announce what the sex of my baby.

    ...it was one hell of a long Easter full of "oh no I was never pregnant." "No, I didn't lose the baby cuz there never was one."

    Gotta love Family...

    Now that is classic!!!! I hope the Aunts at least felt bad!

    Oh yeah! I made sure everyone knew that it was all their fault for being bad Aunts and not really "knowing these kinds of things." I told them their baby radars must be broken. :laugh:
  • my friend and I were walking during a summer's night in 2000, when a car full of drunk teenage guys and girls passed us. They stopped and one guy stuck his head out of the driver window and said can you read this fat *kitten*! He was pointing to a sticker on his back window that said, no fat chicks allowed. Then they speed off. It didn't hurt my feelings as much as it made me MAD! That was the once and only time someone made any comment about my weight to my face.
  • TheNakedHouseWife
    I've never really gotten comments about my weight from strangers. From kids? Once.

    At my old job, a little girl looked up at me and then turned to her Mom and goes "Mommy, I thought you said all girls were pretty?" I was mad at the Mother. That poor child didn't know any better and even if she did? It was her Mother who told her these things.

    & the other was with my best dude friend. I liked him; a lot! He sent out signals, we went out all the time, blahblahblah. And one night he utters the words "I really like your mind, but I'm not attracted to you". It was because of my weight. I got butt hurt for a little while but we are still really close. It just helped slam that final nail into the coffin about liking him and being able to get over liking him.

    ETA: I just noticed the forums cut off my full user name....I had to LOL; it has me as "The Naked House" instead of "The Naked House WIFE", way to insult me forum format! LOL.
  • imkegoal
    imkegoal Posts: 156 Member
    Not so much the worst, but the most memorable, which sums up my nan (and probably many others alike):

    I travelled 500 miles to attend her 80th Birthday party in the netherlands, and the only thing she said to me was:
    'God you've gone fat, haven't you?'.

    As with any normal party you don't get to talk to your guests much, so I came back to the UK after that weekend thinking: Great, I travelled 500 miles only to be told I am fat by my nan....

    She is now 86, last summer I proudly wore a summer dress at a family party, having lost 1 stone, and saw my nan again. She again told me that looked fat.....

    I do wonder sometimes now- having lost nearly another 2 stone since- whether she would finally approve of my weight....
  • thebamboophoenix
    thebamboophoenix Posts: 58 Member
    The one that sticks, and makes me cringe every time, was a long time ago. I was quite heavy then but this comment made me realise that I was in denial. I had met an old school friend's mum in town and she said to me I was looking 'swell' as she looked at my stomach. It was really sweet in a sense as she clearly thought I was pregnant (therefore 'swell') but, erm, I wasn't!!

    Anyway, sticks and stones and all that.

    I have never been, and never will be, skinny - I am slim and have Italian curves which I love now and I feel beautiful and womanly with them. A few years ago (after the incident above) I was on a night out with my ex mother & sister in law. My sis in law was obsessed by weight, ruled by a diet club which she referred to as fat club yet there was not a pick on her. She would drink a dissolved stock cube for lunch!?! Anyway, we were on a night out and had a tall flight of stairs to climb. I was as I am and she was as she is. I skipped to the top of the stairs without having to catch my breath....she struggled all the way to the top and took time out once there to recover. I might have carried a few extra pounds and looked 'bigger', but I can honestly say that my heart and lungs were in much better shape than hers were. After that I stopped caring so much what people say or don't say....it's about me and how I feel.
  • poytheboyDave
    As my weight piled on very few people mentioned it and my life went on. But although I knew I was over weight and it took someone at a family funeral to open my eyes a little before eventually doing something, something happened 12 months earlier.

    At a colleagues retirement party several people with whom I used to work with showed up. It was great to see everyone, and nothing was said about my weight. A lot of people I had known since I was 16 were there so they had 30 years of knowledge of being around me, working with and in some cases working for me. One person, an area manager who was always disliked by the majority of people he came into contact with, turned up. I was at the bar. Then I heard his voice. You fat B******d Dave, you've allowed the timber to grow haven't you. Now if a closer friend had said that I would have taken it as banter and continued to talk, but because of who he was I didn't take it well. My reply was I'll shift the weight when I'm ready, shame you can't do anything about your small ****!!

    Wrong I know, but I'm 57 lbs lighter, and I've a ton of friends, I never wonder how many friends he really has, cause I say good luck to them.