worst comment ever made about your weight



  • menders1965
    I was at Kings Island in Cincinnati, OH and my son was about 9, he's 20 now. Anyway, we were online for the Beastie (which if your not familiar with KI, it's the roller coaster in the kids section. Anyway after waiting for nearly an hour, we went to get on the ride, and the bar wouldn't snap in (it came over ok, just couldn't get it snapped). Well, the ride operator asked that I don't ride because I couldn't get safely in the ride. When my son and I were leaving the ride I heard a young child ask his dad, who was in the seats behind us, why they were making us get off the ride. The father told his son, who was about 5 btw..."The guy's too fat to be on here. He shouldn't have embarrassed himself like that. Fat people don't belong in Amusement parks." He said it loud enough for me, my son and a few others to hear. It was the most embarrassing moment of my life.
  • SuzieZimm
    SuzieZimm Posts: 238 Member
    i'm not fat, and never have been...but...
    I was stretching at the community center gym, and this old man walks by and says "Wow, I wish I could do that. Were you a dancer or something?"
    I said yeah, I still do ballet.
    "You're a little big for a ballerina, aren't ya?"
    That's the most I've ever heard about my weight. It kind of annoyed me, but then I realized, I'd rather have breasts and be shapely than be like some of the girls in my ballet class who disappear when they turn sideways...
    (p.s. picture of me in a leotard is in my profile!)
  • Stacivogue
    Stacivogue Posts: 325 Member
    It's a tie...when I was really struggling with my weight and breast size, I overheard a friend tell my boyfriend that they were "fun for the whole family"

    And then after my son was born, my husband wanted to go to the gym because he was "fat"....he weighed... XXX lbs! And it was less than I weighed at the time.
  • LondonEliza
    LondonEliza Posts: 456 Member
    Some meth-head called me a "lard *kitten*" when I refused to buy him the train ticket back to NH he was begging for. Just a random Tuesday night, walking home from work. I actually thought I looked pretty good that day, but the fact that this a-hole could call me fat when HE DIDN'T EVEN HAVE TEETH, well, it put me over the edge.

    Now you know, why he has no teeth. He called the wrong beautiful strong woman "FAT" and she belted him one.
    (Well that would be the thought that cheered me up :)
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    I have always been big and there have been so many things that people have said or done that has about my weight.
    I NEVER heard the end of it from my stepfather. It was always "You're fat. You're ugly." I was around 9 at the time and it still continues today at 29. But some of the worst things was when he would lock me out of the house and make me run up and down the street in front of our house and around our block over and over again. Sometimes around our house and do countless sit ups and push ups and wrestle with my sisters and "I should win because I am so much bigger than them!" I was so embaressed to be seen and that continues today. I feel like I am never gonna be able to feel better about myself and I know that if he had just went about it differently then maybe I wouldnt look and feel this way now.:cry:

    Please tell me he's out of your life?
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    This weekend, my god-daughter called me fat.

    Actually it went like this:
    "Look at your belly, Ali! It's big and fat like a balloon! Look how fat it is!!!"
    ...in front of everyone (of course...)

    Yes, she's 5, and yes, kids say the darned'est things, but it made me feel like ****. This is the second time in a row that I've seen her when she's called me fat.

    Last time was at a winter carnival with a bounce house, and she told me I couldn't go bc I'd "probably break it since I was so fat". Ugh. She's like a 5-yr-old bully.

    And while I know I shouldn't be irritated with her...the fact remains that she couldn't say it if I WASN'T fat. So...........HELLO, NEW MOTIVATION!!!!!!!!!!!

    I've needed this, maybe. While her comments DID make me go to the bathroom and cry in the middle of dinner out...she also gave me the new drive I needed.

    It was mean of her to say, and rude, and her mom didn't do a thing to stop it. I would have been MORTIFIED if my kid ever said that.

    Regardless, I WILL lose this weight, and she will NEVER be able to call me fat again. (little brat...)

    I gotta disagree--you SHOULD be irritated with her. Five years old isn't too young to be taught manners. If her mother won't do it, you probably should. Any child who said "you're fat!" to me would get the answer "and you're mean--you make me sad when you say mean things, you make me want to cry, you make me not want to be around you anymore. When you say mean things like that, it makes people stop liking you. Do you want me to stop liking you?" Sounds harsh, but it's the absolute truth, and better she learn it from someone who cares about her than she learn it in a few years from kids who want to kick her behind for her rudeness.

    I'm sorry--I wish she hadn't said those things to you, and I wish her mother would step up and PARENT.

    Yeah, her mom just said "Alice..." so I said "Alice, that was mean, and incredibly rude! You can't say things like that."

    I was kinda shocked that her mom didn't say anything, she's my best friend, and a GREAT mom...but this is definitely an issue.
  • alyssaanagram
    My ex once said to me "You'd be so gorgeous if you could just manage to lose like...5 or 10 pounds."

    I was really shocked...considering he had man boobs bigger than my own. But hey, I never made him feel bad about it because I fell in love with who he was - not who I thought I could turn him into.

    Oh well. Now I have a guy that loves me no matter what and actually supports me in a healthy way.
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    I was at Kings Island in Cincinnati, OH and my son was about 9, he's 20 now. Anyway, we were online for the Beastie (which if your not familiar with KI, it's the roller coaster in the kids section. Anyway after waiting for nearly an hour, we went to get on the ride, and the bar wouldn't snap in (it came over ok, just couldn't get it snapped). Well, the ride operator asked that I don't ride because I couldn't get safely in the ride. When my son and I were leaving the ride I heard a young child ask his dad, who was in the seats behind us, why they were making us get off the ride. The father told his son, who was about 5 btw..."The guy's too fat to be on here. He shouldn't have embarrassed himself like that. Fat people don't belong in Amusement parks." He said it loud enough for me, my son and a few others to hear. It was the most embarrassing moment of my life.

    This makes me want to cry. I just don't get why people have to be so freakin' mean.
  • justbecause2014
    justbecause2014 Posts: 371 Member
    I remember being in High school and someone said something that annoyed me so I was like "I'm gonna eat you" don't laugh at me, everyone said it!!! :P So then this guy was like "ya, wouldn't suprise me" he then preceeded to look at my body and laugh! That has to be the worst.
  • cobes24
    cobes24 Posts: 132 Member
    I've had plenty of awful things said that pissed me off, but my then 4 yr old niece told me last year "I think Jesus wants us to love our family...even the chunky ones" and then patted my belly. I just told her I hoped I wouldn't be chunky forever, and she said "That's ok, I'll just call you Chunky Coby!" and gave me a big squeeze.

    It's been over a year and this is still making me chuckle. :)

    Now as for all the douchey things said to me over my lifetime as a chubbo...well, people suck. I've had plenty of "When are you due honey?" from the countless old ladies I've cared for in my 18 yrs in healthcare, but when I correct them they're always embarrassed.

    One thing that did sting was when I was visiting a bunch of people I had volunteered with overseas--I hadn't seen them in months, and had packed on 60 lb bc I was in a miserable relationship with a d*ckhead. We were all piling into a truck and one of the (skinny) girls said "No, we want someone skinny in the backseat with us!" as I was about to climb in. Mind you, I have ridden with 8 other people in a tiny Nissan taxi in West Africa--I can make myself pretty small. It still makes me annoyed, but this girl has an ugly face and terrible personality, is 42 and still single. I can lose weight; she'll likely always be a b*tch.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Mine was from a girl who I used to be really good friends with. Well, I thought we were really good friends.

    She and I were the same size, about a size 12 and shared clothes. She lost about 45 lbs REALLY fast, and not in a healthy way. She was the definition of skinny fat, and people even began to ask me if she had an eating disorder. So anyway, once she'd lost all this weight she basically thought she was hot *kitten* and would go around making fun of anybody bigger than her. I guess she forgot I was still the same size she used to be because she pointed out an old picture of us and said "Omg, I was SO FAT! That is so gross!! Ugh, I can't believe I ever even let myself get so fat and disgusting." We were the exact same size in the picture.

    I don't hang out with or even talk to this girl anymore. Good riddance! I'm 15 lbs down, and although she's still probably about 35 lbs lighter than I am, we probably have the same body fat percentage :)
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    A friend of mine was making a generalization about "chubby" people and looked at me and a very large friend of mine and said "no, offense". He said it like I was completely aware of my weight and I was ok with it. I finally weighed myself and realized I had gained 20lbs! Talk about a wake up call!
  • bunny1006
    bunny1006 Posts: 325 Member
    bump for later
  • Tinman42
    Tinman42 Posts: 59 Member
    My mom and I went to visit my grandmother, who was in the beginning stages of dementia (which we did not know at the time) to let her know I was finally having a baby (I was 36). She smiled and said "Oh, how wonderful! Now you have a reason to be fat!!" Ouch!! Looking back, I know it was the illness talking (at least I think it was!!) but at the time, especially in my emotional and overly-hormonal state, it was a heart-crushing comment.
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    I was at Kings Island in Cincinnati, OH and my son was about 9, he's 20 now. Anyway, we were online for the Beastie (which if your not familiar with KI, it's the roller coaster in the kids section. Anyway after waiting for nearly an hour, we went to get on the ride, and the bar wouldn't snap in (it came over ok, just couldn't get it snapped). Well, the ride operator asked that I don't ride because I couldn't get safely in the ride. When my son and I were leaving the ride I heard a young child ask his dad, who was in the seats behind us, why they were making us get off the ride. The father told his son, who was about 5 btw..."The guy's too fat to be on here. He shouldn't have embarrassed himself like that. Fat people don't belong in Amusement parks." He said it loud enough for me, my son and a few others to hear. It was the most embarrassing moment of my life.

    Oh my god. I'm so sorry...
  • alyciamarlene
    alyciamarlene Posts: 15 Member
    Some of these comments just make me want to pick up the human race and give it one big collective slap.

    Mine definitely isn't as bad as some of yours, and I'm trying to take it more as a compliment because it means someone could tell that I have been working out:

    I was sitting in a class and one of the girls saw the background on my computer and started to ask me about my wedding. Then another girl who I'm friends with on facebook said: "Yea, I looked through all your pictures and have you lost weight? I mean, you just look a lot bigger in your wedding pictures than you actually look." Cue my jaw hitting the floor. Even if you're trying to compliment me on weight loss, you NEVER tell a girl she looked fat in her wedding pictures.
  • seekingstrengthX2
    My mother...at Christmas...while visiting my hometown, commented that some people may not recognize me because I had gained so much weight since high school.

    Really Mom? Thanks for the loovvvee.... LOL.

    I guess it did good though, it was the kick in the *kitten* I needed to get in gear.
  • seebeachrun
    seebeachrun Posts: 221 Member
    Naked sleeping picture on DF's cell phone. He said he took it one night when he was upset with me. Oh the horror!
  • modernartemis
    modernartemis Posts: 37 Member
    I was at Kings Island in Cincinnati, OH and my son was about 9, he's 20 now. Anyway, we were online for the Beastie (which if your not familiar with KI, it's the roller coaster in the kids section. Anyway after waiting for nearly an hour, we went to get on the ride, and the bar wouldn't snap in (it came over ok, just couldn't get it snapped). Well, the ride operator asked that I don't ride because I couldn't get safely in the ride. When my son and I were leaving the ride I heard a young child ask his dad, who was in the seats behind us, why they were making us get off the ride. The father told his son, who was about 5 btw..."The guy's too fat to be on here. He shouldn't have embarrassed himself like that. Fat people don't belong in Amusement parks." He said it loud enough for me, my son and a few others to hear. It was the most embarrassing moment of my life.

    I am so sorry someone said that! What a jerk! Like it's any of his business. People say things like that to feel better about themselves- he probably forgot the comment long ago, but things like that stick with you. One time when I was jogging at 17 with my sister a car full of guys drove by, leaned out the window, and called me a "fat *kitten*". I was humiliated and didn't jog for months. I am so glad I have more confidence now- even though I am bigger. If they don't like it, they don't have to look!
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    I am a dance instructor. I teach ballet, lyrical, jazz, cheer and hiphop.
    I was always really skinny until I was blessed with my beautiful daughter, and ever since, I have struggled with my weight.
    Anyways, one of the dance moms so kindly stated "I always thought dance teachers had to be in good shape"

    If the dance mom didn't look any better than you then she has no room to talk. :) Atleast you have talent.