What is your favorite thing about your significant other?



  • zinok
    zinok Posts: 185
    Name: Sheldon
    Relationship: Boyfriend 1.5 years. Living together for 6 months
    Physical: Wolfish smile
    Non-physical: Nerdiness and sense of humour
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 568 Member
    Husband - married 7.5 years, dated for 3 before that
    Physical - he has an amazing smile complete with dimples and a really sexy back.
    Non-Physical - The way he feeds my self esteem, he has always told me I was beautiful. Even at my heaviest he would tell me how sexy I was. Sometimes I think he has an inflated view of my hotness but I will take it.
  • annamc18
    annamc18 Posts: 198 Member
    Husband - married 7.5 years, dated for 3 before that
    Physical - he has an amazing smile complete with dimples and a really sexy back.
    Non-Physical - The way he feeds my self esteem, he has always told me I was beautiful. Even at my heaviest he would tell me how sexy I was. Sometimes I think he has an inflated view of my hotness but I will take it.

    Thats funny, I was just thinking about something just like this!

    I forgot to mention how much I love my boyfriend for always loving me/being attracted to me no matter what I look like or how much weight I've gained since we started dating (60+ pounds) & that he always tells me I'm beautiful even when I feel the most ugly/unattractive.
  • antoniosmooth
    antoniosmooth Posts: 299 Member
    Name: Carole
    Relationship: Wife of 21 years we've known each other for 23 years
    Physical: Her eyes, smile, and physique
    Non Physical: The way she's playful with the kids and I, the way she cooks in the kitchen, the way she wears a tank top to bed sometimes just for me instead of a HUGE T-Shirt, the way she puts God as the number 1 in her life, the way she sings and totally gets lost in her singing, and the way she makes me fall in love with her everyday, even when we argue.
  • annamc18
    annamc18 Posts: 198 Member
    Name: Carole
    Relationship: Wife of 21 years we've known each other for 23 years
    Physical: Her eyes, smile, and physique
    Non Physical: The way she's playful with the kids and I, the way she cooks in the kitchen, the way she wears a tank top to bed sometimes just for me instead of a HUGE T-Shirt, the way she puts God as the number 1 in her life, the way she sings and totally gets lost in her singing, and the way she makes me fall in love with her everyday, even when we argue.

    I hope she gets to see this post - what a sweet guy you are!
  • annamc18
    annamc18 Posts: 198 Member
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    ~Name: Ben
    ~Relationship: Husband for almost 8 years (been together 10 years in December 2012)
    ~Physical: Everything!! he's shmexy
    ~Non-Physical: The way he has always loved me unconditionally. Even when I almost bankrupted us with my gambling addiction before we got married, he didn't walk out and say NO WAY. Even when my antibiotic mixed with my BC and I wound up pregnant 1 month after we got married when we had planned to wait several years, he was by my side. He has been with me thru thick and thin, thru me stress/ binge eating myself to nearly 300lb, he loved me and didn't bat an eye. I was 18 when we started dating and I would be an absolute mess without him.
  • rikwaynik
    rikwaynik Posts: 724 Member
    Husband: Married 30.5 years
    Physical: Height, size, strength
    Non Physical: His dependability, ruggedness, & southern sense of humor. As the song says "He bows his head for Jesus and stood for Uncle Sam". If I was ever stranded in the wilderness with him, I'd feel content that we would make it. :)
  • michelejoann
    michelejoann Posts: 295 Member
    OK. Here goes...

    Name: Robert (Bob, or as I like to call him, Bub)
    Relationship: Fiance, together for 5.5 years.
    Physical: Tall! Has a long torso! Dimples! Dark hair and dark eyes!
    Non-Physical: Well, he puts up with ME! LOL. I love his silliness, and even though he SAYS he's not a social person...he gets along great with people and he's funny as hell. He makes me laugh.
  • mccarol1956
    mccarol1956 Posts: 422 Member
    ~Name: Mike
    ~Relationship: Husband 12 years together 16
    ~Physical: His butt, his eyes, his hands, his butt, his arms, his butt... the way he looks in his levis
    ~Non-Physical: The way he supports me in everything I do, cooks for me helping me keep on track with my weight loss, notices the smallest changes in my body. Keeps me sane when my job in the ICU gets me down. The way he makes me smile. The way he tells me daily that I am his life, and how much he loves me. He is my everything, I can not imagine life without him.
  • foxy2311
    foxy2311 Posts: 179
    HA, just a thought - to those's men who are great cooks (incl myself)...we love it so, but I'm sure it part of the reason we are all on here! lol

    I know it is for me. I've gained 20 pounds since being with my fiance.
  • flong1975
    flong1975 Posts: 56
    ~Name: Dan
    ~Relationship: Husband 17 years together 18
    ~Physical: His smile :bigsmile:
    ~Non-Physical: He is my best friend! We do everything together- even food shopping LOL. He makes me laugh, puts up with my mood swings and an amamzing dad to our 17 yr old daughter. He completes me :heart: :blushing:
  • Noki1024
    Noki1024 Posts: 302
    Name: Richard
    Relationship: Married 12 years, together 15 years
    Physical: LOVE his arms and back......yummy!!!!
    Non-Physical: Love the fact that after 15 years together and two kids later he still finds me absolutely sexy and attractive even though my body is not the same anymore. He tells me I'm beautiful every single day and if he forgets he apologizes that night...aww!! He says everytime he looks at me it's like it's the first time all over again - he's soooooooo sweet and I LOVE him sooooooo much :heart:
  • foxy2311
    foxy2311 Posts: 179
    Name: Dave
    Relationship:" Engaged
    Been together for almost 3 years
    Physcial - I love his booty and his smile
    Non physical - He cracks me up all the time, he's an amazing cook and he can fix pretty much anything. He's so handy to have around :)
  • foxy2311
    foxy2311 Posts: 179
    ~Name: Dan
    ~Relationship: Husband 17 years together 18
    ~Physical: His smile :bigsmile:
    ~Non-Physical: He is my best friend! We do everything together- even food shopping LOL. He makes me laugh, puts up with my mood swings and an amamzing dad to our 17 yr old daughter. He completes me :heart: :blushing:

    I like seeing that even though you weren't together long before getting married, that you are still together. Congrats!
  • ashleynicol3
    ashleynicol3 Posts: 187 Member
    ~ Name: Tim
    ~ Relationship: Boyfriend (of 2 years)
    ~ Physical: His butt LOL
    ~ Non-Physical: He's a good snuggler, he makes me laugh, he smells good, he cooks for me sometimes, he's a good listener & he pretends to care even when I'm rambling on about nail polish or my hair or something like that. =)
  • nroisland
    nroisland Posts: 254 Member
    Name: Tad
    Relationship: Husband of 10 years come August.
    Physical: His back and shoulders
    Non-Physical: He is an incredible father and works his butt off for his family. He is very loyal as a friend and is the smartest person I know. Plus he married me and gave me two gorgeous children.
  • flong1975
    flong1975 Posts: 56
    ~Name: Dan
    ~Relationship: Husband 17 years together 18
    ~Physical: His smile :bigsmile:
    ~Non-Physical: He is my best friend! We do everything together- even food shopping LOL. He makes me laugh, puts up with my mood swings and an amamzing dad to our 17 yr old daughter. He completes me :heart: :blushing:

    I like seeing that even though you weren't together long before getting married, that you are still together. Congrats!

    Thank you! We were 19 when our daughter was born and have beaten the odds! We have been married more years then his mom's 3 marriages combined. She tells his sisters to ask us for advice, not her - LOL
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    ~Name: Jeff
    ~Relationship: Husband (of 4 years)
    ~Physical: His smile
    ~Non-Physical: He seems to love me unconditionally
  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 467 Member
    ~Name: Greg
    ~Relationship: Fiance as of last Saturday, been together 8 months
    ~Physical: He has teh most amazing blue eyes and smile
    ~Non-Physical: That he loves me for me...he fell in love with me 20+lbs heavier, and told me he fell in love with me and that If I lose weight that is just an added bonus. He is so supportive and encouraging...He tells me he is proud of me almost daily and that he loves watching me transform before his eyes...that every week he notices something a little different about me:)