What is your favorite thing about your significant other?



  • Cindio
    Cindio Posts: 74 Member
    This is cute!

    Name: Jon
    Relationship: Married 8 months (been together 10yrs)
    Physical: His eyes and dimples! They're so cute!
    Non-Physical: His humor! He can be so funny and is always the life of the party :)
  • smithsara7272
    smithsara7272 Posts: 22 Member
    Name: Brian
    Relationship: Off and on for 10 years married for 9 months
    Physical: Size/Shoulders, Eyes, and Smile
    Non Physical: His sense of humor, He is my best friend and can always make me laugh. He is a mans man that loves to take care of his family. I could go on and on......
  • valenief
    valenief Posts: 134 Member
    ~Name: Adam Alexander
    ~Relationship: Husband - (been together 8 years)
    ~Physical: His body is amazing abs V all of it!!
    ~Non-Physical: He is a romantic!
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    married for 7 years
    he makes me LMFAO
  • ChristiH4000
    ChristiH4000 Posts: 531 Member
    ~Name: Brian
    ~Relationship: Boyfriend (living in sin :wink: since December but together for a year)
    ~Physical: Tall, handsome, great eyes, strong hands
    ~Non-Physical: Honest, kind, funny, warm, and makes me feel completely free to be me
  • anna_lisa
    anna_lisa Posts: 486 Member
    Name: Bruce

    Nonphysical: The most unselfish person I know and really smart and humble

    Physical: Eyes, Smile and Height he is 6'5 and I am 5'1
  • LovingLisa2012
    LovingLisa2012 Posts: 802 Member
    ~Name: Terry
    ~Relationship: husband ( married April 14, 2001 .. together October 7 , 1999)
    ~Physical: His arms and his hands ( i feel secure when he is holding me)
    ~Non-Physical: the way he can make me laugh and that fact that is always calls me sexy and beautiful
  • k0nfyo0zed
    k0nfyo0zed Posts: 313 Member
    Name: Curtis
    Relationship: Husband for 1 year, together for 3+
    Physical: His gorgeous big blue eyes and his sexy booty.
    Non-Physical: He's just amazing... goes to the store when I need something for meals, does the dishes and puts them away, cleans the litter box... I could go on and on, but I'll just say he's the perfect husband for me :D
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    ~Name: Kevin
    ~Relationship: bf for 6 years (we kind of broke up when he got transfered to WA, but once he got back to town, we started dating again)
    ~Physical: mmmm his blue eyes, and height (he is 6´1, im 5´2)
    ~Non-Physical: that he always makes me feel like his princess.. will do anything I say, not that i give him orders LOL, but you know what i mean :) And he is also very supportive with this new life I have .
  • bigdaddycowgill
    bigdaddycowgill Posts: 120 Member
    Married for 19 years, together for 20
    Her sexy lips and smile
    Many things: Her intelligence, independence, and sense of humor especially.
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    ~Name: Elle
    ~Relationship: Girlfriend 5 months
    ~Physical: Her crazy sexy curves, beautiful smile, and gorgeous eyes.
    ~Non-Physical: We are best friends, she loves me for who I am, and she thinks I am funny and laughs her *kitten* off at my tasteless and inappropriate jokes.
  • runningfromzombies
    runningfromzombies Posts: 386 Member
    Name: Thomas--usually I call him Thom.
    Relationship: Boyfriend of 3 months.
    Physical: Blue eyes--holy God, I have such a weakness for blue eyes--and his arms. And his height. And the fact that he makes me feel ridiculously small in comparison to his giant status.
    Non-Physical: He treats me like a goddess. He's determined to listen to me talk (even though I'm one of the least talkative people I know). He has a stupid sense of humor that usually doesn't fail to make me laugh. He supports my healthy, active lifestyle (and does his best not to sabotage me with his Reese's habit). He goes running with me! I love that boy. He's a sweetheart. :blushing:
  • bcr1559
    bcr1559 Posts: 62 Member
    Name: Matt (husband, 3 years)
    Physical: His height. He is 6'8". I am only 5'4" and the top of my head hits his nipples :tongue:
    Non:physical: He is so mellow. He never gets ruffled. Always handles life with a smile and a well thought out plan. :heart:
  • Daysednconfused
    Daysednconfused Posts: 975 Member
    Name: Friday (nickname) real name: Frank
    Relationship: Husband (of 5 years off and on) together 10 years (off and on)
    Physical: His booty (and arms and smile - did I mention booty??)
    Non-Physical: The fact that regardless of the outcome, he always starts with the best intentions
  • chefkev
    chefkev Posts: 155 Member
    My favorite thing is that she will soon be my ex....
  • JJs25th
    JJs25th Posts: 204 Member
    Married: 28 years this October; together 34 this December
    Eyes -- I fell into those blue eyes first time I saw him -- amd I have never found my way out.
    At this point there are so many things...the way he treats me, the type of father he has been to our son, he is my anchor and safe cove, but he is also the wind in my sails.
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    Name: Lynne

    Relationship: Girlfriend 22 months

    Physical: The most beautiful Green Eyes. (She would think I would have said Boobs)

    Non-Physical: She can make me laugh when I am really mad. She is always there for me, like no other has been.
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    ~Name: Mr.
    ~Relationship: Husband for 24 years
    ~Physical: eyes and smile (I have SUCH a weakness for brown eyes and a genuine smile)
    ~Non-Physical: He loves me anyways...
  • Kristy_Elizabeth
    ~Name: Tim
    ~Relationship: Boyfriend 2-years 9 months, fiance' 4 months
    ~Physical: Hard to pick, but probably his pretty blue eyes. The muscles and nice package don't hurt anything though =)
    ~Non-Physical: He is such a good person and I don't think he even realizes how awesome he really is.
  • CawfeeLuv
    CawfeeLuv Posts: 18
    Name: Jared

    Relationship: Married 14 years and been together since I was 16ish)

    Physcial - Eyes

    Non physical - He has loved me at too skinny and still at too chubby. Also, our ability to laugh at the stupidest things each other does or says