worst comment ever made about your weight



  • Changing__Christina
    1. an ex said~ At least you have a pretty face. (when I was in college)

    2. my mom said~ you look terrible in that (outfit), you need to lose a few pounds (I was about 15 or so)

    3. my brother said~ wow, you are such a fat *kitten*, when are you going to do something about it. (I was 13)

    4. a guy at the gym said~ 30 more pounds and you will look decent (recently)
  • chantellove
    chantellove Posts: 63 Member
    Wow, these all make me a) so sad that people can be so cruel and b) so ANGRY that people can be so cruel, and seemingly have NO REMORSE OR CONSCIENCE about how they're treating others! It's DESPICABLE.

    I have a few, and I'm short on time, so just one for now. I was crossing the street, late at night, in San Francisco where I used to live, after a night out. I was just walking to my car and this group of guys drove by me and screamed at the TOP of their lungs, "FAT B I T C H!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I STILL can hear that voice in my head, almost 6 years later. Ugh, it was awful. I cried and cried!
  • mahogonnee
  • SCVSarah
    SCVSarah Posts: 231 Member
    Wow, thank you everyone for sharing. I nearly cried reading some of these posts. To touch on what others have said, there are just cruel people in the world. Bullies will pick on people for anything they can possibly think of, whether you are too tall, short, fat, skinny, ugly, whatever. I work with a woman who is thin, absolutely gorgeous and sweet as can be, yet I'm constantly defending her from other co-workers who say she is stuck up, has weird eye brows, must be sleeping with the boss..... Unfortunately, I think everyone goes through some sort of bullying. My sister has always been thin, but was constantly bullied throughout high school to the point of an attempted suicide. My entire childhood I listened to my dad call my mom a "beached whale" and every form of fat and disgusting you could imagine.

    As for me, I went through a very tough time years ago and gained nearly 80 lbs in about 6 months. I can't tell you how many people asked me if I was pregnant. During that same time I was dating a man who I overheard tell someone he "was forced to hang out with the fat chicks tonight" (referring to a friend of mine and me). After working very hard to lose weight, I met a girlfriend of mine at the gym who I hadn't seen in a while. The first thing she says to me is, "damn you've put on a ton of weight." Needless to say, it put serious strain on our relationship.

    What's so sad is that we all remember each and every time someone said something hurtful, but forget all the compliments. The good thing is that outer beauty can always be altered; inner beauty can't.
  • Kayley
    Kayley Posts: 327 Member
    "Have you lost a LITTLE weight?"

    This was from one of my close friends who hadn't seen me for a few months since going to college. I had lost 35 pounds since last seeing her and was at my goal weight. Made my weight loss seem so minor. :grumble:
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    @auticus I'm really happy that she is your EX wife... what a horrible person.

    agreed, dude your ex is a *****
  • DesignGuy
    DesignGuy Posts: 457 Member
    Wow, I've never had some of the beyond terrible experiences you guys of had. Makes me sad.

    Although, my ex-wife did tell me I was fat and stuff almost every day for about 8 years. And she would sabotage my efforts to lose weight. But in the end she gave me the best gift ever. She left. :)

    Oh once I was running outside and some boys on bikes called me a fat *kitten* and laughed. But I laughed too, because I was once a dumb little boy, so it's all good.

    Actually, you know what. The WORST comment about my weight is when someone says something like: "You look fine" or "You just need to tone up a little." Give it to me straight doc.
  • sugarandspice27
    sugarandspice27 Posts: 521 Member
    Someone I hadn't seen in a fews years (I'd had a baby and got a desk job between the times I saw her last) ran into me on the street and the first thing out of her mouth was "WOW! You got big!"
  • littlewitch1973
    In high school (at my skiniest - 165lbs), I was standing in a doorway, waiting for my friend to come out to talk a minute, and one of my guy classmates came up next to me, called out to another classmate, pointed at me and said "Wide Load!!" - I wore a size 13 at the time, and had lost about 50lbs in the last year. That killed me, and pushed me on a cycle that spiralled out of control over the next several years.

    About a year ago, I said something to my youngest son about wanting to run a 5K in a year - he said something to my neighbors - who were sitting on their a$$e$ outside their house across the street, eating pizza on the sidewalk - one of them said something about my running a 5K, and one of the other ones laughed and said "Yeah, not likely". I explained to the woman that I was working towards a 5K in a year, and the jerk (her brother in law, as it turns out) laughed, and said "Yeah, might take longer than that!" The good news is, I am over 100lbs lighter now, and am actually running!! A 5K is not too far off in my future!!

    I want to walk up to both of these jerks at some point in my life, and tell them what *kitten* I think they are for saying mean things - but in doing so, I would lower myself to their level. My goal now is just to prove them wrong. I like being right - and I WILL run that 5K this year!!!!
  • mandi2r
    mandi2r Posts: 228 Member
    Sorry to hear about your what your mom, sister, and even yourself have gone through. But you're amazing for sticking through it.
  • dalmiechick45
    dalmiechick45 Posts: 164 Member
    Wow, thank you everyone for sharing. I nearly cried reading some of these posts. To touch on what others have said, there are just cruel people in the world. Bullies will pick on people for anything they can possibly think of, whether you are too tall, short, fat, skinny, ugly, whatever. I work with a woman who is thin, absolutely gorgeous and sweet as can be, yet I'm constantly defending her from other co-workers who say she is stuck up, has weird eye brows, must be sleeping with the boss.....

    Nice Post^^^^^^^

    I was also called amazon etc... after losing the weight, bc I am 5'11" LOL whats on earth is wrong with people..

    Ohh wait I know, they have something gnawing away at their insides which is RIPE with insecurity, and they jump on others perceived 'ugliness' because its the only way they can feel good about themselves for a few minutes....
  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member
    Co worker talking to boss: "You need to take Callie with you to the gym sometime! '... :(
  • fitequestrian
    fitequestrian Posts: 4 Member
    My whole life has been plagued with fat comments but I'll just run over the ones that stick with me the most.

    - Once my younger sister had a friend over. I was about 12 or so, and I came over to say hi to her friend (as we had not met, and I wanted to say hello). First thing this friend does is take out a pencil from her backpack, poke my stomach, and say, 'Go away, fatty.'

    - One summer in middle school, my sister and I were invited over to a friend's house to swim in her pool. As soon as I took off my t-shirt and pants (wearing swimsuit underneath), my friend leans over to my sister and says, 'Your sister's so fat, it makes her head look really small.'

    - Middle school again, running in gym class. I couldn't keep up with the rest of the girls and started to lag behind -- only to have the one in front of me turn around and say, 'You know you're fat because you don't keep up with the rest of us, right??'

    - High school, I never, ever changed in the gym locker room because of my poor body image, two girls started a rumor that I was a lesbian.

    - College, just like two years ago, one of my male friends (who is more overweight than I am, drinks mountain dew on a regular basis, very unhealthy and disgusting boy) tells me to my face that I'm not skinny, but I should be proud of that, because I'm "the weight a woman should be." (I think this is also the beginnings of my passion for feminism.)

    Needless to say, I'm so glad I'm no longer in elementary/middle/high school and the "friends" I have who make rude comments about my weight are no longer in communication with me. I don't need that negativity.
  • LavaDoll
    LavaDoll Posts: 595 Member
    ...okay, i too have had some horrible comments made to me over the years, but one i clearly recall is from 4th grade.

    <back story: i was a healthy weight, but my hourglass figure had already developed and i had to wear a bra, hence i was not a stick, and a few of the boys started making comments of how i was 'chubby'. i was the only redhead girl in my school, and i was just as pale then as i am now. i lived in a tiny sea-side town on long island, and this was the late 1970s, when everyone was into hawaiian tropic golden skin, farah fawcett golden hair, and cocaine thin figures in spandex were all the rage in fashion...so yeah, paint a target on me for several reasons...oh, it was horrible, and it got much worse before it got any better.>

    (1) Popular Boy, Handsome, Trouble Maker - Always in Principal's Office.
    (2) Pretty Girl, Left Back 2x and still in 4th grade, Smoker, and had let *many* of the boys feel her up and more [including Popular Boy] and was VERY proud of her reputation.
    (3) Me.

    We three were put together as a small group for a science project. I am doing ALL of the work, as they cannot be bothered with such things as schoolwork, and they are chit-chatting, flirting, then are quiet for a short time.

    I look up and the boy breaks the silence by saying, real slow, all matter of fact, and with much disgust:

    "When you are older, you are going to be thin and beautiful, because you are fat and ugly now."


    Fast Forward, mid 1990s...as I stand before the flashing cameras from the circle of AP that surround me, having been interviewed by the press and filmed for Entertainment Tonight with Delta Burke, as I am her premier model for her new clothing line...for some reason, out of nowhere, with those flashing cameras blurring my vision, the words Popular Boy spoke years ago echo through my mind and it takes all of my concentration not to tear up - it suddenly dawns upon me that I am in fact, NOT UGLY. and at 5' 8" with a fit, flat tummy, at size 14, NOT FAT.

    Decades later, a sense of serenity and peace...although, remembering those words still makes me cry... T_T

  • ccburn5
    ccburn5 Posts: 473 Member
    I guess the worst things I have ever heard are when my Grandfather used to call me "fatboy" to the point that my dad finally stepped in and told him to stop, which it never did but eventually became a joke. The other was a night that my wife had had one to many, we started arguing, and at some point in the bickering she called me a fat *kitten* and said I disgust her. I so badly want to say "who's the fat *kitten* now huh?!?!" Over the years and working in customer service, I have heard many, many times (when people do not remember name), I am referred to as "the big blonde guy"
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    going over electives for high school with my mom - I'm looking at useful stuff like auto mechanics, mom suggests home ec.

    me: mom, it's the 70s women don't have to cook & clean now days

    mom: you better learn how to cook, you're never gonna CATCH A MAN with your looks

    A girl's best friend is her mother ....?
  • Sweet_Caramel
    Sweet_Caramel Posts: 19 Member
    While riding on the elevator at my job, a lady (never seen her in my life) looks at me and asks " didn't you used to workout?" . I got off thinking, "damn!". Hit me hard
  • Ravenesque_
    Ravenesque_ Posts: 257 Member
    *****sorry it is a bit long**** Mine is a sad story and is hard to tell.. but okay here it goes..

    Even when I went through school people mentioned I was fat even at my best weight.. But when it seemed to all go down hill is when I hit 21(exactly to the day)
    I've worked almost every birthday since I've gotten a job, and on my 21st birthday, not only did I have to work, I had to work both my jobs.
    So I go into my waitressing job, the day is busy, the cooks are slacking, food taking long time to come out, guests are upset. I end up serving a table with a man and woman, and their child. The man and child seemed okaty through the whole thing, but the woman just seemd output. Well when she left, she left even more upset. Nothing I did pleased her. i told my manager that she might be one to put in a complaint and boy, did she ever.
    About an hour after that, my manager pulled me into the office (in the middle of my shift) and told me that the lady did put in a complaint. It wasn't about the food taking a long time or not being hot enough and any of the stuff I thought it might of been. No, instead it was that her waitress made her sick to her stomach and she couldn't believe that someone so fat and ugly could be out in front of people.
    After my shift was over, I went to my other job as a photo tech at a local walgreen's. My coworkers could tell something was off and tried cheering me up. Unfortunatly it didn't work too well. Later in that shift, a customer came up to my register and when he saw me he laughed. He turned around to his friend and said to him he couldn't believe how gross I looked...
    ****Happy 21st birthday to me**** :(

    Since then it seems like everyone has noticed my weight or how ugly I am and they all seem to mention it.
    After I got pregnent is got even worse. At least three times a week someone would say something about it. I've had people leave doodle of my gross huge body on a napkin instead of tips. People told me "Who ever got you pregnant must be blind or was very very drunk, hahaha".
    I've had a guy come up to me at my register, and when pretty skinny girls walk past, he turns he looks at them and say " Wow so many girls here look awesome", then looks back at me with disgust, "Well, I guess not all of them..."

    I even have a coworker now that tells me I could play Santa, without any of the pillows. Or if I ate my lunch, tell me I didn't need that... :(

    Don't let them get you down! Their immature shortsighted opinions are not your final judgement :) chin up xx
  • sh3lby03
    sh3lby03 Posts: 193 Member
    My ex-fiancee would constantly try to tell me to workout, with little belittling comments, I was 135 at the time at 5'5" Then I gained a bunch of weight (15lbs) from the blows to my self esteem and just not caring anymore since no matter what i did it wasn't good enough, that's my profile "before" pic you see. Lost the weight and then some over this past year, "after" portion of profile pic was taken in November, I have been working on toning now. But this past december, after 7 years together, he told me that he isn't and has never been attracted to me, I am too curvy and he prefers athletic builds....OUCH!!
  • trysha1231
    trysha1231 Posts: 163 Member
    From ex wife:

    * "You're so fat... you're wasting my youth! I am embarrassed to be seen with you"

    * During sex, she stops me in the middle of it and runs to the toilet and starts gagging and then says I disgust her.

    Random assorted things from the years

    * Running at the park, I pass a slender girl in her 20s who is running ackwardly. One of those lucky people that obviously never really does any exercise or doesn't know how to run at the least, but stays looking in shape. Her boyfriend is in front of her and he sees me pass her and goes "oh no! HELL NO! There's no way you just let that fat f**k pass you! Get your *kitten* moving!" He was one of those alpha types with the gym rat bodies.

    * Running at the park during soccer practice with my team. Group of college girls is running. One points at me and says "ewww look at his belly".

    * Running at the park I pass a guy and his little girl who are running. She says "daddy why did you let the fat man pass you?" And he replies "shhhh honey we don't call people fat that's not nice"

    * At the gym, I smiled at a girl who looked at me like I was a cockroach and said "dream on, I don't date fatties".

    * At one of our irish pubs a couple years ago. I was standing waiting in line and this guy was trying to impress his college-aged girlfriend. He started making rude comments about how fat people need removed from the planet because they are in his way and taking up space and eating all of the food. The girl giggles.

    * At the gym I was in a corner doing some dumbbell work and this precious Barbie with full make up is lifting with her boyfriend. She was seated next to the rack where the weights were. I was putting my weights away and had to move around her and she gets this annoyed look on her face, and then turns to her boyfriend and says in a mock-whisper (so that others can hear) "I can't stand going to the gym during this time, too many fat people here wasting everybody's time"

    I have more. Those were the ones that stuck out this morning. Being fat is the equivalent of being a leper in the middle ages. It's pretty dehumanizing... but makes for great motivation and fuel for your workouts.

    I know people can be cruel, but it is truly hard for me to see people saying some of what you typed.

    I was called pleasantly plump in highschool, curvy and size 8 looks chubby no matter what.

    I have had similar things done to me, so I CAN believe all this.
    One night walking home from work, some guys came out of a bar and started moo'ing at me as I walked past.
    I also had some teenage kids outside a store once laugh and mock me while I walked by into the store.
    Yeah. Some people are truly cruel and I hope there is Karma and they get what is coming to them.