worst comment ever made about your weight



  • kmozymoz
    kmozymoz Posts: 187
    Had a friend call me Shamu once behind my back and another friend told me about it. Never forgotten it.

    Also had a boy I liked tell me in 6th grade that he liked my friend more because I was fat... Oh yeah, and another boy I liked in 9th grade said he didn't want me to sit at the table he sat at with his friends because I was a loser.

    I had a traumatic childhood, now that I think of it.
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    When I weighed 151 I was told I had legs of a 50 year old and Dunlop disease.
  • pbajwally
    pbajwally Posts: 210 Member
    Always been a big girl as long as I can remember and have been bullied about it my whole life. Sadly though, the one that stays with me is from when I was 10 years old and I was talking to my grandmother on the phone.

    "Grandma, I love you."

    "I love you too... but I would love you more if you weren't so fat."

    {{{{{Hugs}}}}}} That's the saddest thing I have ever read.

    That is for sure the saddest thing. That just makes my heart hurt. :( No one should EVER have to hear something so terrible.

    As for my most painful fat comments:

    most recently this past Halloween, while shopping for a costume for my youngest - the cashier asks when my next one is due & points to my belly. She rendered me speechless for a few minutes, then I tried to laugh it off & said, "Nope, just FAT." She didn't apologize - which hurt worse.

    Standing in a crowded bar back in college & a guy walked past & oinked at me. It was really loud in the bar, but I heard it loud and clear.

    Always hearing I had such a pretty face...

    My grandfather offering to give me a dollar for every pound I lost.

    My uncle belittling me in front of everyone asking did I really need to eat pizza AND wings?!

    Guys always hitting on my friends but I was always the "fat girl"... aka "friend, pal, buddy"

    So much and it just makes me sad reflecting back on it. But it fuels my fury and reminds me that I am a fighter and I'm stronger than all those bull$hit comments.
  • cyberskirt
    cyberskirt Posts: 218
    My Oma lives in Germany and sends Christmas goodies to my mom to distribute to me and my sister... this year, apparently her dog got into the bag with 'mine' as she left them together in the car. but that's okay... because I "don't need any anyways." and no, she wasn't going to give me any of hers, there was one cookie left, and that was all I 'needed' because I was 'fat enough'.

    My Christmas presents over the past few years from my mom:

    Weight loss book/recipies
    One of those inflatable balls
    walking weights
    exercise videos

    The walking weights came the year I BROKE MY LEG and trashed my ankle and was unable to walk...

    When I was about 13 my moms boyfriend of the time made a doodle of me as a pig-faced person surrounded by junk food on the couch... my mom proceeded to photocopy it and distribute to all her friends and our family.

    When I was fifteen and just before my 16th Birthday she went to Germany... I couldn't go because I would just get fatter. She didn't come home until about 2 and a half months after my birthday, she gave me a cd discman... so I could go jogging as a present... and a blanket because she didn't think I would fit any nice clothing she saw.

    My sister got a Camera and new outfits.

    meanwhile, I was the one taking photography in school... and my sister was the one who had about 50 CD's to my NONE.

    I was dating someone long distance when I was about 18, her reply to finding out was to ask if he'd seen me yet and I still had time to lose weight before he dumped me.

    She has constantly suggested I have surgery to stop me from eating so much.

    I'm sure I have a million more... but the ones that hurt the most and are the worst are the ones from her...

    I have been moo'd at, heckled, called names etc. but my moms obsession with my weight (and yet, refused to take me to a doctor when I asked her to take me as a teenager...) and comments are what stuck with me the most.
  • wimbels
    wimbels Posts: 25 Member

    I have been moo'd at, heckled, called names etc. but my moms obsession with my weight (and yet, refused to take me to a doctor when I asked her to take me as a teenager...) and comments are what stuck with me the most.

    ...this whole post broke my heart :( I really hope that she realizes sooner rather than later the damage that she has caused you and tries to remedy it for the sake of your relationship together.
  • sarahness
    sarahness Posts: 80 Member
    I was at the bar with some co workers and one of the managers made a comment that said "hey you can answer this question sarah, big girls are easy right?"

    not only did he call me fat, but he was assuming that i was a slut because since im bigger i will just give it away to anyone for attention.

    no thanks.
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    Before I started my weightloss journey, I was on a date(very few then) at Wendys & I heard a kid tell his mom that I looked like a two legged hippo. My date heard it, but pretended not to. The worst is how hard the mom laughed at this. I just wanted to drop dead.:blushing: :sad:
  • allisonrozsa
    allisonrozsa Posts: 178 Member
    I hope you start feeling better soon, Zara. I know what you mean about not feeling better, though. It's ingrained in our heads now. Fat. Ugly. Not good enough by society's standards. Like just because we have extra weight, we're not worth the same amount of consideration as normal weight people. It's sad.

    I always worry my husband finds me fat. We've been through a lot together, lots of good and bad, and sometimes I just worry he's in it because of the kids. I don't think he adores my body the way I'd like. And he makes comment about overweight women ALL the time without realizing how much it hurts me when I'm right beside him and I'm overweight too. :<

    Talk to your husband about this. Sadly, he'll never be able to read your mind, and if he doesn't know this hurts now, he never will. He probably charishes you more than you realize, just give him the chance. :-)
  • kmozymoz
    kmozymoz Posts: 187
    I was at the bar with some co workers and one of the managers made a comment that said "hey you can answer this question sarah, big girls are easy right?"

    not only did he call me fat, but he was assuming that i was a slut because since im bigger i will just give it away to anyone for attention.

    no thanks.

    Whoooaaa I would've put HR on his *** STAT.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    Before I started my weightloss journey, I was on a date(very few then) at Wendys & I heard a kid tell his mom that I looked like a two legged hippo. My date heard it, but pretended not to. The worst is how hard the mom laughed at this. I just wanted to drop dead.:blushing: :sad:

    I would've said, loudly enough for her to hear, "Is there a hyena in here...oh wait, it's that woman over there laughing at the rude comment her son just made about a total stranger."
  • tifftran13
    I gained the freshman 15 in college (maybe a little more). When I went home, my family kept commenting about how I gained weight. But during our big family reunion, while I was nibbling on some cookies in a conversation, my mom suddenly said very loudly to my sister, "Take those cookies away from her. She obviously doesn't need them", in front of everyone. I already felt sensitive about gaining weight, so that comment was just vicious. I left the room and started crying.
  • buckeye86
    buckeye86 Posts: 128 Member
    I just remembered another one that I'm kind of curious to know if anyone else has encountered. I went on a date with a guy and he was acting like he really liked me, but afterwards (by text message) he explained that I wasn't his type and he only likes girls who are really skinny and he was just trying something new. He kind of went on and on, pretty much about how amazing he was. The way he explained it was that he wanted to see if he could like an overweight girl and the way he talked about it was like there's no way I could ever get a guy like him and he assumed I'd like him no matter what- a pity date. Sorry sunshine, there are way more attractive guys (inside and out) who actually like my body, and also don't only judge me based on how I look. I did end up kind of being friends with him for a little bit because I felt sorry for him. As a side note- I had already lost probably 35 lbs and explained to him that day that I'd been losing and that was a sensitive subject.
  • nomayo
    nomayo Posts: 228

    I have been moo'd at, heckled, called names etc. but my moms obsession with my weight (and yet, refused to take me to a doctor when I asked her to take me as a teenager...) and comments are what stuck with me the most.

    ...this whole post broke my heart :( I really hope that she realizes sooner rather than later the damage that she has caused you and tries to remedy it for the sake of your relationship together.

    It broke my heart too. Hugs.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    I told my BF (now ex) that I was excited I bought some size medium pants. His response: "so it's still not a small"
  • BeachGirl6871
    BeachGirl6871 Posts: 24 Member
    Always been a big girl as long as I can remember and have been bullied about it my whole life. Sadly though, the one that stays with me is from when I was 10 years old and I was talking to my grandmother on the phone.

    "Grandma, I love you."

    "I love you too... but I would love you more if you weren't so fat."

    wow... i'm hurt for you.
  • Aphrodite3010
    Aphrodite3010 Posts: 65 Member
    When I was 14 or 15 my mom told me that I should lose weight because "Husbands dont like fat wives". I only put on more weight being so upset over her comment over the years and theres a reason I'm in therapy now...
  • BeachGirl6871
    BeachGirl6871 Posts: 24 Member
    i've had a lifetime of them... and i've been really fit and then really fat... up and down on the scale. i have a wide variety of sizes in my closets. i've read through everyone's posts and all the hurt feelings rush back to me ... i'm sitting here angry and upset for all of you - i've heard them all... "when are you due - i'm not pregnant". "i would love you if you were skinny" (2nd ex husband) "you have such a pretty face"... the list goes on and on... and so does the painful memories.

    when things are going good, i eat and when things are going bad i eat. all the negative comments over the years aren't washed away with the positive. we tend to hang on to the "fat" comments much more than we do the "skinny" comments... why is that?! i had a full tummy tuck and muscle repair in 2008... worked so hard to get the weight off - and even when i was 50 lbs lighter and got rid of the FUPA - i still saw myself as fat and gross - and the good comments didn't stick. i'm back up 57lbs. let me assure you... getting plastic surgery does not change the thoughts of the pain. sure you're fixing the outside but i didn't fix the inside and wa-la... back up on the scale. also getting liposuction - the fat DOES come back! i spent $9000 and one of the worst comments i heard was - "you spent all that money and your're fat again... what a waste" - this was last year. talk about guilt!
  • Tabsta
    Tabsta Posts: 28
    Ive not had anything said personally, but a friend of mine who is also an instructor (although still classed as new to it i guess) had a client/customer after a Spin class say 'you dont look like i thought you would for an instructor' ...Ouch!! ..i might add she is a very good instructor, dont be fooled by looks/shape alone!
  • CShepherd91
    This post made me so sad.

    I'm going to go and hug my Mum so hard .

    For me, an ex-boyfriend once told me that if they sent me to Africa no one would starve again. I was 140lbs at the time. I'm 5'6". I was slim.

    Last summer I was at the park with friends, and one of the guys kicked the ball onto the road, so me and this other girl said we'd walk round and get it. We walked past a group of lads (chavs) and one shouted to the friend, "Oi, which one d'ya want? The one in black, or the fat'un in Purple."

    I was wearing purple.

    I dunno. My family and my fiance always tell me I'm not fat, but I AM overweight, and what reason do these strangers have to lie about it, y'know?
  • Tabsta
    Tabsta Posts: 28
    I would've said, loudly enough for her to hear, "Is there a hyena in here...oh wait, it's that woman over there laughing at the rude comment her son just made about a total stranger."

    :smile: yeah me too probably, i was once running around a local lake/reservoir and some guys were sat on a bench as a guy ran past, albeit slowly, overweight but trying obviously to make a change and they took the piss out of him, i boiled over and shouted 'at least he's doing something, not sat on a bench eating MacDonalds you f**kwits' ..it went quiet..