worst comment ever made about your weight



  • acg1305
    acg1305 Posts: 224 Member
    I am not particularly large, but my dad told me I was cuddly and cried :(

    It is now that I am starting to lose the weight people's real thoughts on it come out, like 'ohhhh ur face was realllly big and now it isnt', eh thanks?
  • Tabsta
    Tabsta Posts: 28
    I am not particularly large, but my dad told me I was cuddly and cried :(

    It is now that I am starting to lose the weight people's real thoughts on it come out, like 'ohhhh ur face was realllly big and now it isnt', eh thanks?

    I think most people find it difficult to talk about a persons weight if they are overweight, but will talk about it if they start to lose weight, because they can add positives to it too :wink: .. a bit like the 'positive sandwich' approach.. and people who are overweight take motivation from positive comments about what they've lost or how different they are looking... just human nature i think?!
  • Karishma1996
    i weight twelve stones. my dad had been on holiday for a while and i was so excited to see him when he got back, last week. when i hugged him he hugged me back and said in front of the whole family, 'oh this is karishma, 22 stone'. I went inside the house and pretended that i dropped his suitcase on my foot when tears ran from my eyes.
    i have been finding it hard to sit and eat in front of my family for the past week, and i keep adjusting my clothes because i dont feel comortable in them.
    hes always been embarrassed of my weight, especially when other kids are at my sports club, i have way better skill and stamina than them- its just that i look like a total fatty when doing sport!
    its not like its not my fault, i know i have eaten too much over the childhood years and now im paying for it- its just that those comment hurt so much when you find out how the people you see everyday think about you.
  • imogenjade
    imogenjade Posts: 131
    i had an arguement with my boyfriend , he said i was a fat ugly *****, (a few weeks after having my baby), he just kept saying my belly was discusting etc. i ended up starving myself and exercising loooads. lost 3 stone, now i can call him fat. oooh how tables have turned
  • Tabsta
    Tabsta Posts: 28
    Reading some of these posts makes me realise that a lot of people have no thought for the way their comments can affect people, people they are 'close' to too!! Ive always worked under the guise (from my Grandmothers many sayings) that if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it.. unless its constructive and asked for by said person..
  • BoatReadyBody
    Wow.. Isn't it amazing how much words do hurt. I am so sorry for all the heartache I have read but also inspired by the way everyone pushed forward. Mine does not seem as bad now but a month after I had my 3rd son.I was 178 and my husband decided he wouls start to call me fat all the time. That and make it very apparent he was looking @ smaller women. Who of course did not have kids and most were photo shoped and airbrushed. But to think a man( lightlt used term) could do that to the mom of his newborn. Well we are still together but he can't touch this :)
  • buzzcogs
    buzzcogs Posts: 296 Member
    Remember MEAN PEOPLE SUCK! I hope using that mantra will make you realize the problem is them not you!
    Big Hugs!
  • jennyjjudd
    I have had many awful comments over the years, but the worst one was about 6 months ago.

    I was walking down the road, and a car drove past with a child, about 10/11 years old, hanging out of the window.

    She shouted, 'You make me laugh, fatty, hahaha!'

    I cant tell you how much that hurt, not only what she said, but there are people that let their children behave in that way.

    I seem to get a lot of people beeping horns and shouting out of cars.
  • Mazzyx
    Mazzyx Posts: 131
    Ive been asked 'Whens it due' before.
    But when I was about 10/11 my stepmother told me I was fat and put me on a diet and exercise regime. I remember she grabbed hold of my thigh in a changing room and said 'This isnt muscle its fat'. That upset me loads. Up until then I was never bothered about my weight. I wasn't exactly skinny but I didnt think I was fat then!
    I think when it comes from people who are suppose to be your friend or love you it hurts the most.
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    A girl at my work who is obese (but was smaller than me at the time) was drunk, admittedly, but cornered me at a work party and ranted at me about my weight and obviously not caring if I lived or died. She attacked me, my relationship with my husband, my career prospects and essentially told me it was my own fault if I died.

    Now the smart girl inside of me says she was deflecting her own issues onto me.

    But the fat girl inside of me cringes every time I see her, waiting to get bullied again :(

    Silly, I know!!!
  • NoMoreFatTony
    NoMoreFatTony Posts: 22 Member
    This was about my weight loss - You now only have a double chin instead of triple chin. Also, what are you going to do with all that extra skin? Make a set of luggage?
  • Fay84Vegan
    Fay84Vegan Posts: 225 Member
    Fat Butt Slim,
    Eclipse out the moon with my massive backside
    Ironing board chest
    Knight Rider / Baywatch (i never found out what they were but obviously cruel)
    Elephant legs
    Tree Trunk legs
    .................................I could go on.

    Now all the people that called me names are FAT and i'm the fit one :happy:

    Can you say KARMA!!
  • TriciaAllen7251
    TriciaAllen7251 Posts: 283 Member
    "Where did you get that dress? Nashville Tent and Awning" and this was 4 weeks after I had delivered my 3rd child. Gotta love customers when they think they are being funny. Why is it that it's okay to say things to overweight people? You wouldn't say something ugly to a cancer patient or a person that was afflicted with a debilitating disease. People don't see obesity as a disease.
  • prettyprpro
    prettyprpro Posts: 128 Member
    People that who are around me always has something slick to say about my weight. Either, someone is comparing me to somebody that is "always smaller" than me or someone says, "Oh, I didn't talk to the big lady , I spoke with the smaller one." And, the most hurtful one of them all, "You weren't that big when you first started working here, you blew up like a balloon!" Since then, I have been serious about losing weight.
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    Oh the other one was my Mother-in-Law who declared that I should get liposuction, 'cos my waist is really skinny, but my *kitten* needs work.
  • avafrisbee
    avafrisbee Posts: 234 Member
    I was 12, my mom took me back to school shopping she bought me size 12 jeans. She then told everyone she talked to in front of me that she had to buy her 12 year old size 12 pants that I was doomed to be the fat kid at school. The "fat red-headed girl with freckles". Then she'd end it with "hope she doesn't need glasses too".

    That spring I went through a growth spurt got my curves and whatever, the result was a size 7 without changing diet or exercise. Nor did I have to get glasses until I was around 20.
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    I was in 13 at the time, sitting on an arm chair with my legs thrown over one of the arms reading a book. My Grandmother asked me if I had gained weight. I told her I didn't think so, and her reply was "Oh, I guess I'm just not used to seeing such big legs". She's a wonderful woman, and I'm sure she didn't mean to be hurtful, but that stuck with me!
  • Fay84Vegan
    Fay84Vegan Posts: 225 Member

    I'd made a special effort and bought a brand new dress and shoes (now slim at this point)
    I hadn't spent much time with my partner and wanted him to think i looked lovely... We were on our way to a restaurant and as usual he was walking miles ahead of me.

    I asked if he thought i looked nice, eventually he turned around LOOKED ME UP AND DOWN (with a disgusted look on his face) and said

    ''hmm... I like your shoes'' ........

    What an A**H***

    No surprises I didn't stay with him
  • walkwithme1
    walkwithme1 Posts: 492 Member
  • CShepherd91
    Oh the other one was my Mother-in-Law who declared that I should get liposuction, 'cos my waist is really skinny, but my *kitten* needs work.

    My future Mother in Law insists on lecturing my fiance on his weight every time we go over to her house. I get it, he's a big man - and does need to lose weight - but, y'know, he's doing it, slowly but surely on his own. But the snide remarks he gets from his Mother... Just.

    Okay. I'd understand it a little better if she wasn't the reason he is as big as he is now. She brought her kids up on burgers, and pizza, and too much pasta, and too much cheese. And wonders why every single one of her children are overweight. Her daughter was 450lbs before she started losing weight. She's lost over 14 stone, but will forever have to live with the consequences of being so big. Her youngest son, is so active - he's a football coach, goes to the gym regularly, but still struggles to maintain his weight.

    But she stills thinks its appropriate to call her son a "fat *kitten*" whilst serving him a curry, claiming it was a "weightwatchers recipe." I asked for the recipe. It called for 6 tablespoons of oil.

    ETA: and it wouldn't be so bad if she wasn't a big woman too. i've now learned to either not go over to her house, or when i do just to ignore every single thing that comes out of her mouth.