So you have lost weight, but what are your top 5 NSVs?

Mine are:
#5 I can wrap a normal size towel closed around my body when I get out the shower now
#4 I can cross my legs without my top leg sticking straight out now
#3 Even my socks are too big now!!!
#2 I can shop anywhere now, except the plus size section
#1 The necklace my husband bought for me actually fits now!

So there is my top 5, what are yours?


  • WenonaY
    WenonaY Posts: 203
    I dont have any yet since I'm new here but sounds like you did an awesome job!
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Hmmm...let's see....

    I can run
    Non-Plus sized clothing
    Slowly losing my double chin
    Would almost wear sleeveless clothing now. Almost LOL
  • lornathewizzard
    lornathewizzard Posts: 172 Member
    Gotta love a list!

    Buying a size Uk10 - I don't think this has ever happened before until this year!
    Having the confidence to buy new styles of clothes, and look pretty damn cool in them!
    Changing my hair and totally loving it.
    Actually enjoying exercise, this is awesome for me.
    Being mistaken for an actual different person by an acquaintance of my boyfriend.
  • wisebadger53
    wisebadger53 Posts: 382 Member
    #5 - I can walk past a box of donuts without giving them a second look (instead of eating 3 or 4)
    #4 - I can sit comfortably in my chair at my desk for long periods of time (without having it leave imprints of the arms on my sides)
    #3 - I can eat enough (of the right) food to keep me full all day...and still attain my weightloss goals
    #2 - I now wear the same size pants that I last wore 40 years ago when I graduated from high school - Goodbye Big Men's Shop!
    #1 - I can run for the first time EVER! And I enjoy it!
  • ScottyBeBop
    ScottyBeBop Posts: 174 Member
    #1) Calling the police to cancel the missing persons report on my junk hahahahaha
  • deanna200284
    deanna200284 Posts: 23 Member
    #5 The towel thing! I was so excited when I realized the towel fit around me and I could just wrap it and walk around with a towel on and it doesn't fall off or anything!

    #4 Fricken collar bones and better defined shoulders!

    #3 Jaw bones! My face was always round, so I always just assumed I have a round shaped face and jawbone structure. Wrong! Now that my face has slimmed down, I can see the shape of my jaw bones. Very weird to get used to.

    #2 Not avoiding the mirror or feeling mortified by looking at my reflection.

    #1 Depression is gone and I am so much more happy. I've still got quite a ways to go with the weight loss, but my outlook on life is sooo much better, and I have co-workers, friends and family telling me I look like I am so much happier now. Plus I feel like people are treating me differently because of how happy I look.
  • djkamin60
    djkamin60 Posts: 88
    1. Being able to pass on dessert
    2. Able to do 30 minutes on elliptical without nearly dieing
    3. Three inches off waist measurement
    4. Enjoying new, healthier food I discovered
    5. Having people tell me they notice I've lost weight
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    1. I don't limp anymore (bony spur in my ankle)
    2. I can walk faster now
    3. My skin has improved
    4. My knees are not swollen anymore (arthritis)
    5. I actually ENJOY the exercise now :wink:
  • kimberly0416
    kimberly0416 Posts: 123 Member
    1. I look good to myself in a bathing suit
    2. I don't grimace when I see myself naked
    3. The sale rack for my size is not as slim pickings any more
    4. Smaller bra size
    5. When I hold up my jeans I try to figure out how the hell I am fitting into them.. No I am not a muffin top, they are a tad loose.. ;P
  • BeccaLevine
    BeccaLevine Posts: 315 Member
    1. Being able to actually fit in the same size 4's my sister tried on (and she has ALWAYS been smaller than me my whole life!)
    2. Seeing definition in my legs and arms instead of flab!
    3. Loving the elliptical now, I used to HATE it with a passion.
    4. Getting through a spin class, and now enjoying that too!
    5. Being told by countless family members and friend's that I am their inspiration to lose weight (and some actually have!)
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,253 Member
    1. I can wear a bikini hadn't done that since 1995
    2. I am a for sure size 8 and M Shirts(depending) never could ...
    3. I can do 18 regular push-ups...Yeah Me
    4. I updated my drivers license with my new weight and the picture I look at least 10yrs younger
    5. Never thought I would be able to eat good and still lose weight that is a total NSV
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    In chronological order:

    Getting out of my office chair without the arms grabbing my hips and trying to hold me in.
    Crossing my legs
    Being able to shave my legs in our teeny, tiny shower stall
    Shopping in the regular instead of plus size stores
    Biking 25 miles on a gravel trail
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    1. I can wear a bikini hadn't done that since 1995
    2. I am a for sure size 8 and M Shirts(depending) never could ...
    3. I can do 18 regular push-ups...Yeah Me
    4. I updated my drivers license with my new weight and the picture I look at least 10yrs younger
    5. Never thought I would be able to eat good and still lose weight that is a total NSV

    On number four - I got a new drivers license and didn't lie about my weight...for the first time ever!
  • perfect10isha
    perfect10isha Posts: 200 Member
    1. Comfortably fitting my skinny jeans VERSUS holding my breath to squeeze into them and then being unable to sit down cause they're so tight.
    2. Not having to suck in my stomach all the time.
    3. Friends, family members and co-workers all asking me "Whats your secret??" "How'd you do it??"
    4. Running 3 miles hard and loving the rush I get when I'm finished
    5. Feeling super confident, strong and sexy even when wearing a tank top and sweats
  • kelleyke
    kelleyke Posts: 20
    1 These new size 32 jeans are actually a bit loose, down from a 40" being extremely tight (Goal was 34, whoops)
    2 Can actually see muscle definition in my arms and legs
    3 Tons more energy
    4 No more caffeine induced headaches
    5 Can actually easily clip my toenails and tie my shoes without winding myself from sucking everything in just to get down there
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    1) I love me in a size 4 no longer a size tight 10
    2) I feel like I can do anything if I put my mind to it physically
    3) I'm no longer sleepy 24/7 . . . lots of energy to keep up w/ Hubby & kids
    4) I hardly EVER get sick EVER!
    5) Having a new found confidence and being a great example to my kids and everyone around me
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    1) I ran a half marathon. ME? I'd never ran more than a TOUGH 3 miles in my life before I registered!
    2) I can squat, not just my current body weight, I can squat my starting weight. New Alyssa could put old Alyssa on her shoulders and squat that ***** :)
    3) The guy that once said "You should go to the gym" and "You'd be prettier if you were taller" saying "You look very much reduced" And other select compliments
    4) I own shorts! I've never done that in my life. I used to get "chub rub" if I tried, plus I would be too self conscious to ever leave the house in them. But now I feel good in shorts!
    5) One of my friends asked me if I wanted to do an intramural sport with her. Nobody has EVER wanted me on their team before! lol
  • lcpruitt
    lcpruitt Posts: 11
    1. Fitting into my high school prom dress (I am 24) and it looking way better in it than when I was 17.
    2. Having defined muscles in my arms for the first time in my life despite playing varsity volleyball in high school.
    3. Having to buy a new suit (not such a budget victory) because the one I wore to my med school interviews 2 years ago is at least 2 sizes too big.
    4. Really enjoying going to the gym and meeting my old goals and setting new ones.
    5. Having way more energy!
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    - My jeans fall off
    - I can cross my legs again
    - Very energetic
    - Although I am generally a happy person, I am more happier than ever!
    - I think soon I am going to buy smaller size bras! Yay!
  • kenny_johnson
    kenny_johnson Posts: 108 Member
    None so far, but here are future ones.

    In no particular order:

    1) Fit in just about all rides at amusement parks
    2) Fit more comfortably in airplanes (I'm tall, so this will still be an issue)
    3) Be able to shop for clothes at a regular store and not in the big/tall section
    4) Not be embarrassed to be shirtless
    5) Never feel like there is something I can't do because I'm "out of shape."

    I also have some more quantitative short-term NSV goals:
    46" waist pants (currently in 48s)
    XXL Shirt for most shirts (I can fit in some, but still predominately wear XXXL)
    BMI under 40 (sorta scale related though)
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