The gym that causes me marriage stress!!



  • mejustsmaller316
    mejustsmaller316 Posts: 134 Member
    No offense to your wife, but crying in the locker room. What is is 12? But yeah, You should totally be able to do your own thing. I go to the gym/zumba to release stress, not to make stress.
  • Danielle_2013
    Danielle_2013 Posts: 806 Member
    This story is awesome! :smile: Your wife is such a "girl". I know, because I can be like this myself once in a while (or the total opposite - just depends on the situation). I would say that you might want to set it up in advance - talk to her about it before you even go. Let her know you don't want to hurt her feelings and it is nothing personal, but you two have two totally different approaches to fitness and that it is a good thing. Pour it on - you admire her dedication to her fitness and that she's found something (zumba) that makes her happy and upbeat and fit. If she likes zumba, she's likely into the social and group connection just as much as the fitness element. Tell her that what makes you happy is the opposite - spending time alone at the gym focusing on yourself and getting into that zone - but you really want to connect with her after post workout or whatever. BUT - before you even have this conversation - book a special date night/ pay her attention outside of the gym in advance. Perhaps she's just missing connecting with you - so you may have to just re-direct the situation so you both get what you want.
  • greene89
    greene89 Posts: 49 Member
    Hmmm I cant really realte since I am the complete oppisite as your wife, But I think you need to tell her to back off about this, she cant be mad forevor. I think its a good idea about the offering alternitives, Although i dont think you should need to do that. She should just understand.
  • TheDecision
    Easy solution to this problem:

    Remind your wife that the gym is not a kitchen, therefore she has no business there.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Easy solution to this problem:

    Remind your wife that the gym is not a kitchen, therefore she has no business there.

    I laughed... She doesn't like those jokes very much... :-(
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    Easy solution to this problem:

    Remind your wife that the gym is not a kitchen, therefore she has no business there.

    hahahaha.....wait what ? :huh:
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    Ladies, there are some things you just don't do, and signing a grown man up for Zumba without him knowing is one of them. Some people just wanna watch the world burn....

    I wholeheartedly agree with this.

    OP,i'm so sorry, but your story has me seriously cracking up! I'm so glad that I can workout together with my husband and he doesn't try to talk to me while we work out. I get really frustrated when people gab at me while i'm working out. :laugh:

    I think your wife doing Zumba while you do weights is a great idea! Would she do it?
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    Easy solution to this problem:

    Remind your wife that the gym is not a kitchen, therefore she has no business there.

    Yeah she can do plie squats while stirring a boiling pot for me! :tongue:
  • BuzzBuzzBee
    Easy solution to this problem:

    Remind your wife that the gym is not a kitchen, therefore she has no business there.

    Most women need to be reminded where they stand. Women should be a cook in the kitchen, a maid in the living room and an acrobat in the bedroom. Being an acrobat requires a fit body, therefore women are allowed a certain amount of time out of the kitchen to go to the gym, if they don't use this time wisely, then get the eff back in the kitchen. Just saying.
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    Easy solution to this problem:

    Remind your wife that the gym is not a kitchen, therefore she has no business there.

    Most women need to be reminded where they stand. Women should be a cook in the kitchen, a maid in the living room and an acrobat in the bedroom. Being an acrobat requires a fit body, therefore women are allowed a certain amount of time out of the kitchen to go to the gym, if they don't use this time wisely, then get the eff back in the kitchen. Just saying.

    then again, most women spend too much time in the kitchen and that's why they NEED to go to the gym haha
  • Abrowe313
    Abrowe313 Posts: 189 Member
    LMAO! my fiance said she wanted to try zumba and my imediate response was i think that would be great for YOU! letting her know right off rip that i wont be the chubby ricky martin in a room full of strangers
  • thepanttherlady
    thepanttherlady Posts: 258 Member
    I'm sorry but I seriously giggled at the thought of you doing Zumba. :laugh:
  • miami_mimi
    miami_mimi Posts: 358 Member
    this sounds like something I would do to my husband and it would turn out just the same.. Im so freaking sensitive sometimes... LMAO! my husband goes to the gym for about 2 hours daily and I do cross-fit and run at the same time elsewhere, We both know working out together would never ever go well..... but yes he is an awesome guy, so he'll do other things with me that he can't stand..
  • iwantniceabs
    iwantniceabs Posts: 357 Member
    She instead goes and cries in the locker room, so I had to quit my workout to go and talk to her. (Totally awesome to have to explain to a chick, "My wife is crying, can you go get her to bring to me") She tells me, I just want to work out with you. I explained to her this is my thing, I don't mind doing some cardio together on off days but when I lift I don't want anyone or anything to be bothering me. I also told her that I lift to help with stress and this has caused me a lot more stress. She then explains to me, how fitness has always been her thing, and now that I've gotten into it she wants to make it our thing. (I held back all urge to explain to her I'd rather cut off my hand, be fat, and die young than having to workout with her or do Zumba.)

    Now this may sound like I'm a horrible man, and who knows I might be! I don't mind do most things with my wife. I'll subject myself to shopping with her, I'll go see chick flicks, I love going to nice places to eat, I don't mind walks or going to the lake. Etc. Etc. I just do not under any circumstance want to workout with her. She doesn't seem to understand this and has been absolutely impossible to deal with the last week over this. At this point the saw and cutting my hands off is looking like a viable option!

    Anyone else have to deal with this? Besides using hypnosis, heavy drugs, sneaking out to the gym, hiring someone to be a workout buddy for your wife so she'll leave you alone... any resolutions/ideas/suggestions?

    Dude - I feel so bad for you. Us women folk are crazy. However - it sounds like she is upset about something else and the working out together is how it is coming up --- you say that you enjoy doing everything else with her...does she KNOW this? not can she assume this by stuff you do, but have you TOLD her this? She wants to feel like you adore her and that she is so cool in your eyes that you want to be around her all the time. When you say "I don't want to work out with you" a woman hears "there's something wrong with you". Try going about it a different way. Tell her she is so hot that she just distracts you and you can't seem to focus or get anything done while she's around :)
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    Easy solution to this problem:

    Remind your wife that the gym is not a kitchen, therefore she has no business there.

    Most women need to be reminded where they stand. Women should be a cook in the kitchen, a maid in the living room and an acrobat in the bedroom. Being an acrobat requires a fit body, therefore women are allowed a certain amount of time out of the kitchen to go to the gym, if they don't use this time wisely, then get the eff back in the kitchen. Just saying.

    Love it!
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I can understand WHY she's hurt. When me and my ex went gym together, he put his headphones on and worked it out on the elliptical. I would have preferred we worked together, but I didn't make a fuss or hold a grudge. I totally understand why you, or anyone else, would need their own zone to workout, and I wouldn't interfere with that.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Easy solution to this problem:

    Remind your wife that the gym is not a kitchen, therefore she has no business there.

    Most women need to be reminded where they stand. Women should be a cook in the kitchen, a maid in the living room and an acrobat in the bedroom. Being an acrobat requires a fit body, therefore women are allowed a certain amount of time out of the kitchen to go to the gym, if they don't use this time wisely, then get the eff back in the kitchen. Just saying.

    Excuse me? :laugh: please tell me this misogynistic bullcrap is just irony?
  • toque88
    toque88 Posts: 113 Member

    I workout at the gym with my husband. I may ask him a question about how to use a new equipment, but mostly I ignore him. He -on the other hand - want sto chat and gets mad if I don't ellipical with him. He'll move his schedule to meet mine so we can be at the gym together. Good luck dude.
  • iam_thatdude
    iam_thatdude Posts: 1,279 Member
    Easy solution to this problem:

    Remind your wife that the gym is not a kitchen, therefore she has no business there.

    Most women need to be reminded where they stand. Women should be a cook in the kitchen, a maid in the living room and an acrobat in the bedroom. Being an acrobat requires a fit body, therefore women are allowed a certain amount of time out of the kitchen to go to the gym, if they don't use this time wisely, then get the eff back in the kitchen. Just saying.

    Excuse me? :laugh: please tell me this misogynistic bullcrap is just irony?

    thats not irony, its sarcasm. If u kept a dictionary in the kitchen you would know this....i kid, i kid
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Easy solution to this problem:

    Remind your wife that the gym is not a kitchen, therefore she has no business there.

    Most women need to be reminded where they stand. Women should be a cook in the kitchen, a maid in the living room and an acrobat in the bedroom. Being an acrobat requires a fit body, therefore women are allowed a certain amount of time out of the kitchen to go to the gym, if they don't use this time wisely, then get the eff back in the kitchen. Just saying.

    Excuse me? :laugh: please tell me this misogynistic bullcrap is just irony?

    thats not irony, its sarcasm. If u kept a dictionary in the kitchen you would know this....i kid, i kid

    You better be :tongue: