What's some advice you would tell your 16 year old self ?



  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Dear 16 year old me.

    On 5th Nov at lunch, stop Michaela eating that shortbread. She dies 3 hours later from anaphylactic shock. You were sitting next to her. You could stop it.
    BTW, you aren't fat or ugly, and you don't need to starve yourself to become popular.
    Think before you act. Your hormones are al over the place and you will save yourself a LOT of future stress, more the you can imagine right now, if you stop acting like a jealous twit.


    34 year old me
  • jacksamjack
    jacksamjack Posts: 146 Member
    Dear 16 year old me - DO NOT GO ON A SILLY CRASH DIET, you will spend the rest of your life trying to repair the damage and trying to get back to the EXACT SAME WEIGHT AND SIZE you are now!!! You are not fat!!!!

    Love, me x
  • Well, crap.

    1) You're really shy and you're lonely, but that's okay. You don't need to get drunk at parties.
    2) I know how you are, you got drunk at that party and that's okay. Just know that she grows up okay with that family you chose and she's a pretty cool kid. Even if she likes Justin Bieber.
    3) Just be who you are.
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    Eat more food & exercise more.

    Try and find something you enjoy doing and get your A-Levels, go to University. Even if you aren't 100% sure there is no point waiting around until you know what you want to do as at 30 you still won't have a clue. Do Fashion, photography or psychology.

    Learn to drive.

    Save your money, things will be expensive and you will have to move in with your parents if you don't get on the property ladder earlier on.

    Move out of your home town, it gets worse and not better.

    Be more confident, you only have one life so who cares!
  • nikkifk
    nikkifk Posts: 48 Member
    Dear 16 year old me,

    Stop fighting your mum over everything, get to know her because she won't be around much longer. Go to university no matter what it costs you personally, it will be sooooo worth it, and he isn't 'the one' anyway! You're brother will always be an idiot. Your dad will be there for you when it all goes horribly wrong.

    Enjoy your life and when you turn 40 don't be afraid!

    Nikki aged 41

  • Dear 16 y/o me,

    Start actually studying and doing your homework when you get home, because you will need those skills for college.
    Make sure you have two back-up plans being prepared for if you don't get into vet school.
    Have as much fun as possible and enjoy your time. High school may be boring and pointless, but you will miss your friends when you move halfway across the country, and they can help you improve your social skills :)

    Future you
  • SimonIsChanging
    SimonIsChanging Posts: 91 Member
    Stay away from Emily, she will waste 4 years of your life, money and effort, you'll miss out on your teen years big time!

    But you'll be much happier at 22, single and doing your own thing :) P.s, don't give mum such a hard time, she will need you!
  • MarincicS
    MarincicS Posts: 265 Member
    Dear Sandy,

    You're going to have a magical life, but really . . . that's enough with the perms. Just stop that.
  • bexx_m90
    bexx_m90 Posts: 18
    Dear 16 yr old self.

    Don't start working at that place, find another job - or ask to restart your school year or resit your GCSE'S
    Don't even let them nasty thoughts in you, they'll take over your entire life. just please don't go down that road.
    Don't get sucked into losing your vaginity before your 18 ect...you'll regret it, wait until you find that one speacial person....plus it will ruien your relationship with your mum..that you have.
  • steadk
    steadk Posts: 334 Member
    Dear me,
    don't let him talk down to you, you are worth more than that!! God is real, and works miracles if you just listen to him. Enjoy your life now, and be happy. You've met your sweetheart, just be patient!!
  • ednawhatnot
    ednawhatnot Posts: 93 Member
    Dear 16 year old self

    You are not as fat as you think but if you don't mend your ways, your knees will be shot before you're 40. Exercise won't kill you but eating crap just might. Don't buy into the grunge trend in a couple of years, that type of clothing doesn't suit you.

    Why not save some of that cash you're wasting and buy a house or shares in Apple? You don't really need to go out partying five nights a week.

    Enclosed is a (long) list of men you shouldn't sleep with in the future. Oh, and your boyfriend is gay. No straight man likes Dirty Dancing THAT much!

    Much love

    Your 37 year old self xx
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    Dear 16 year old self
    You are thin, you are pretty. Anorexia is not cool. You need more than a rye chip and an apple to live. When you get out of your teen years this horrible idea you have will **** us both over for about ten years and then come back in mental to BS to haunt us. APPLY yourself. Apply to colleges. DON'T dump Chris for Daryl. Daryl is a dumb name and gets you addicted to diet fuel and gives you awful self esteem. Do dump Chris because as we get older we learn he is a douche bag. Tell your friends to piss off and go for your best guy friend. You will thank me for this and because they are true friends they will forgive you and in 15 years you will all still be friends. BUT the one you want will be with someone else and have a family and will be the only one of your best friends who doesn't talk to you. You want to be a veterinary technician not a movie star. Go to school to be a veterinary technician. Again you are not fat.
  • JulieH3art
    JulieH3art Posts: 293 Member
    Dear 16 year old me,

    PLEASE buy a flat-iron, DO NOT cut a fringe or dye your hair in anyway.

    Start running. Don't think that sports "isn't for you" just because you were never any good at them.

    Do your homework, even more than you already are. High school is easy and you're more than capable.

    Other than that, please carry on as you are. :)
  • ednawhatnot
    ednawhatnot Posts: 93 Member
    Dear Sandy,

    You're going to have a magical life, but really . . . that's enough with the perms. Just stop that.

    Hahahaha, I'd like to tell my 13 year old self this, I had perms for NINE YEARS!
  • kpb16
    kpb16 Posts: 7
    Dear 16 year old me,

    It's okay to fail as long as you try.
  • grniys
    grniys Posts: 29 Member
    Dear 16 year old me,

    Be nice to your brother and listen to his advice. He's one of the best friends you'll ever have and you'll miss him dearly someday. Make sure he knows you love him. Also, be nice to your stepdad. He's not so bad. Don't date the loser your brother warned you about, but treat the guy after that great. You'll marry him someday.

    Pay attention in Dr Yasicks classes. She'll make you fall in love with science and no, it's not a fluke.
  • lucylousmummy
    lucylousmummy Posts: 348 Member
    dear 16 year old self

    lay off the chocolate
    eat 3 meals a day instead of just one HUGE meal
    exercise more
    quit smoking
    dont move in with the man who makes you pregnant he will beat you and destroy all self confidence you are strong enough to do it by yourself!!!
    oh and dont listen to the small minded careers guidance woman who says you will never make it as a teacher because you live in the wrong area of town you get the grades to do it but never do and you will wonder for the rest of your life what if
  • Stefanie7125
    Stefanie7125 Posts: 462 Member
    Dear 16 year old self,

    Don't settle because you are comfortable. It is a HUGE world out there and you are so much smarter than you think. Go away to school and start taking better care of yourself NOW!

    Love and Kiss,



    I could not have written one any better!!
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    Dear 16-year-old Me,

    Shoulder pads are NOT cool. Be nicer to Dad; Mom was not the good cop. Be comfortable with who you are because that's all you have. Sure, he's quite a few years older than you but he knows how to take care of your heart; ignore the naysayers and ride it out with him. You don't have to wear lipstick everywhere you go, and that includes the store.
  • h_wst
    h_wst Posts: 9
    Stop listening to yourself. Those kids you think are "perfect".... guess what? They're f*ked up in the head just like you. Trust me we all hide dirty little secrets. Also whatever you do *dont* date Jessica. She's a lying slut who will ruin your life. Also this is really really hard to say but DON'T go out with Lee. He is controlling & abusive and even though he would give you two great wonderful little girls your still just a kid yourself & when you finally wise up and leave him at 22 (after he's put a gun to your head) your life will be a lot harder because you have the two of them to take care of. Go to college (major in interior design not graphic design) & have fun! Go to parties, get drunk, & stop living in your head. You really are beautiful, smart & funny!!! I love you & even if you don't listen to me thats okay because we'll still wind up with our beautiful daughters (who we love so be nicer to Kailey.... and don't let Lee pick Mackenzie's middle name... he's an idiot who chose his own name... go with Grace!)