worst comment ever made about your weight



  • Weighinginwithmy02
    Weighinginwithmy02 Posts: 369 Member
    From my mother, of all people. I believe I was about 13 at the time (she doesn't remember/won't admit to ever saying this), & she was dragging me to Burger King for dinner (I have NEVER liked Burger King, & at that age it's not like I had that much of a say in where we ate...)

    "There's a difference between 'neat' fat & 'sloppy' fat, & you're getting into sloppy territory"

    The kicker? I weighed 125 & was 5'3.5". I've been the same height since I was 12, & I didn't get 'fat' until I was in grade 9 (125 turned into 175 in about 6 months)

    ETA: Oh god, the floodgates opened.
    My mom's friend commented on how I always seemed to have a boyfriend. My mom said "It's because she's a *kitten*". I overheard & protested, & my mother replied with "Well, it's obvious they're not with you for your looks - no one likes fat girls"

    WTF is wrong with your mother?!?!?!? You poor woman!!
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
  • jsugihara86
    jsugihara86 Posts: 71 Member
    My husband called me a fat butt when we were in a fight once... but even that didnt phase me. LOL
  • People are truly evil and do not stop and think about how their comments will affect that persons life. WOW!
    My worst one was when I was about 23 or 24 and I worked at this Dollar store, this woman comes to check out and says congratulations how far a long are you? OMG , I wasnt pregnant.. well the way i was standing didnt help but I didnt think i looked that big.. GEEZ.. at least she felt pretty small after I told her I wasnt pregnant.. but after that.. i got down to 124lbs.. cause my top weight was 180. It took me 5months to lose that weight.. serious working out I did.
  • ThickNThunda
    ThickNThunda Posts: 71 Member
    One of my family members told me at a family reunion that I was "a pretty, little fat thing." I guess she thought she was giving me a compliment. Not to mention, I haven't worn shorts for years because I heard someone say that I didn't have knees. People are cruel.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I don't really get many negative comments. Occasionally I'll get asked, "How far along are you?"
  • ohtokyo
    ohtokyo Posts: 6 Member
    When I was about 12 or 13, my best friend's big sister would call me "Cream Puff" because I was short and fat. This lasted for the duration of our friendship.

    When a male friend of a friend asked how much I weighed in front of everyone. When I told him, he said "NO WAY, I would have guessed WAY more!" Thanks, a******.
  • theladyy
    theladyy Posts: 176
    I don't know about 'worst', but the strangest was in 4th grade, some girl called me a big beef pastry....and I was just overweight back then, not obese. I kind of giggle when I think about it, lol.
  • AvonLucyR
    AvonLucyR Posts: 124 Member
    When I was 18, my Mom took me to the OB/GYN. Same doctor who delivered me. I was 5'8" and weighed in the 90s!!. The doctor told me I had fat legs. I was mortified.
  • x_biggirl
    x_biggirl Posts: 68
    From my mother, of all people. I believe I was about 13 at the time (she doesn't remember/won't admit to ever saying this), & she was dragging me to Burger King for dinner (I have NEVER liked Burger King, & at that age it's not like I had that much of a say in where we ate...)

    "There's a difference between 'neat' fat & 'sloppy' fat, & you're getting into sloppy territory"

    The kicker? I weighed 125 & was 5'3.5". I've been the same height since I was 12, & I didn't get 'fat' until I was in grade 9 (125 turned into 175 in about 6 months)

    ETA: Oh god, the floodgates opened.
    My mom's friend commented on how I always seemed to have a boyfriend. My mom said "It's because she's a *kitten*". I overheard & protested, & my mother replied with "Well, it's obvious they're not with you for your looks - no one likes fat girls"

    your mom needs a wire holding her mouth shut.end of
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    hmm id have to say that my family probably has been the meanest on comments even though i was really unhealthy and constantly gaining weight but my brother and my dad were always the ones who made comments

    for example one time my dad asked my brother if he would like some ice cream and my brother was like no thanks; i then asked if i could have some and he goes nope just ran out of ice cream..look down at your stomach and tell me if you really need it

    also when i just started using this site i had lost 20 pounds and my brother was giving me crap about my weight at the time i was finally able to say atleast im doing something about my weight your dating a girl that always complains about her weight but does nothing about it and for that matter whatever weight ive lost shes seemed to have found which was great because i have never heard a comment about my weight since

    also my brother and dad have both commented now that im and almost too skinny and that i have put on alot of muscle tone i also thank them for the comments now because if i had just kept ignoring it like i was doing and my mother who would let me eat all the food she made (serving meant for a whole family) she would also make comments that i was healthy and not over weight and that eventually i would grow out of it, ignorance is no excuse and thankfully the comments about how i look just drove me to try harder
  • princeza9
    princeza9 Posts: 337 Member
    I got teased a lot as a kid, my grade school class overall was pretty cruel. Apparently we were the worst class most of those teachers had ever seen. After 8th grade I got taken out of public school and put into a Catholic high school, which made a huge difference. After that, I never got teased, no one said anything to me about my weight.

    My grandmother used to ask why I couldn't be more like my cousins (4 boys, all older)- Get married, have kids. It got to the point where I didn't want to see/talk to her. They are all brothers, and were popular in school. I'm an only child, was teased and had few friends. She's a lot better now, she's mellowed. :) Never went to prom, never had a serious BF b/c I'm so shy and self-conscious.
  • charmaineW83
    charmaineW83 Posts: 19 Member
    Mummy you have another baby cause your belly is getting bigger now.
    some has walked up to me and asked when i was due :(
  • lyssab92
    lyssab92 Posts: 3 Member
    The one that sticks out most in my mind is when I was a freshman in high school, about 14 years old. At this point, I was about 5' 6'' and probably weighed about 195. Not my highest weight, but getting there. I was scheduled for a tonsillectomy and one of the nurses was getting all of my basic info that they'd need for my forms. Well, anyways, she weighed me, looked at the number and said "Wow, you don't look that heavy. You sure must know where to pack it so that it doesn't show". Now, mind you, this isn't nearly as bad as some of the comments on here, people can be so ignorant of the feelings of others, but this was probably the first snide comment I'd gotten from an adult about how I looked. I'm sure she didn't mean for it to hurt my feelings necessarily, perhaps even meant it as a compliment, but it's stuck with me ever since...
  • lizwizCYLS
    lizwizCYLS Posts: 39 Member
    All the "kids can be cruel" remarks sound like they're being excused from proper behaviour....NO EXCUSES....it's just plain WRONG....

    What ever happened to teaching kids (so it's still in effect when they're adults) "If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all!" AND "Don't make personal remarks!"....these are simple guidelines for civilized behaviour & in this anti-bullying era should be mottos taught in both home & schools let alone churches where the Golden Rule "Do unto others as you would have done to you" should always be taught!
  • wingednotes
    wingednotes Posts: 274 Member
    I just remembered another gem.
    After my first kid was born my husband and I decided to get life insurance.
    It was a nice day - first day my mom watched my son for me. He was 2 months old.
    We did the meeting with the agent. After a few minutes he handed us an estimate. My husband was a lot less expensive than me. My husband inquired to why. The agent, without missing a beat said, 'well look at you. and look at HER." I was mortified. I said "um, excuse me?" (husband was speechless. deer in headlight speechless.) the agent said with an attitude, "hey, your overweight. don't shoot the messenger."
    I got up and walked out. To my disgust, my husband didn't IMMEDIATELY follow me out. (He stuck around to apologize for my behavior. yea, that argument went on for YEARS afterwards.)
  • jaimrlx
    jaimrlx Posts: 426 Member
    I've been asked at least three times in the last years if I was pregnant or how old my kids were. I'm 22, and have never been pregnant or had children. I just carry all of my weight in my stomach, due to crippling PCOS. Le sigh.
  • jinglett
    jinglett Posts: 69
    The following statement might not seem like a negative comment and yet I can tell you it undermined my determination and resolve to stick on my weight loss journey.

    You're so skinny. Why would you want to lose any more weight? You look great? You're not fat any more. Or variations on the theme. I worked very hard diet and exercise wise and lost 50 pounds in a years time reaching my goal for that year but hadn't quite eeked into the healthy weight goal for my height, weight and age. I did look great and I felt great...but those repeated comments about why would you want to lose any more were in my subconscious and a treat here and there kept me from moving forward to the prize of my goal and the satisfaction of completing what i set out to do. I let others perceptions sway me from my course and it undermined a very delicate balance of self confidence and belief in myself. Chosing a healthy lifestyle when it isn't the norm is a challenge and what I really wanted to hear was--You can do it! Believe in yourself! Great job! Keep working for your goals!
  • ssdivot
    ssdivot Posts: 193
    This thread makes me glad I'm a reclusive type. For most of my life I've been very overweight (I'm 48) and I guess I've been extremely lucky because I cannot fathom the horrible things that people say and do that I am reading here. I've never been very socialable so maybe that is why, I'm not around as many people as most folks are. But I'm around a lot of people when I work, and they all seem more worried about how you perform on the job rather than looks. I can remember hearing jibes out windows as walking down the street a couple of times. I certainly often imagine that people are having negative thoughts about my weight when I'm in public but that is me not them. Most people surprise me by being nice (and I don't invite such things, I'm quite shy). I might just tune it out and not put myself into position where I'm likely to be the target, I don't know. I'm so sorry that so many of you have had to suffer these horrible things. What is the matter with people! Especially family members or people who are friends! My best friend is always telling me that "some people are just meant to be bigger" when I tell him I am trying this or that to lose weight (again), which makes me mad but he's saying it to make me feel good even if the result is not that. He did make me cry one time when I said "yes this time I'm going to stick to it" and he said "oh then you can be a bag of loose skin", but he wasn't trying to be mean LOL. I was also going through menopause at the time so I attributed my reaction to that.

    I'm wondering when I lose the weight this time how I will know who the jerks are...if there is someone who would say or do some of the things I'm reading here to me when I am fat, I would just as soon know it straight up rather than have them be nice to me if I'm at an appropriate weight!
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    I've heard the comments but they never bothered me. The only way they can is if you put any value into their opinions. Except for immediate family, do you really give a crap about other peoples opinions? When its family and you/or you do give a crap, then it can hurt.


    Every day of my life, my mom tells me I'm fat, ugly and disgusting. Even though I hear it every day, it still hurts just as much and my self-esteem has suffered greatly.

    When I lost weight the first time, she never encouraged me, she only told me I would fail, that I was still ugly and go back to being fat.

    I don't understand people. How can a parent say that to their own child. My dad would often look at me and go "Damn you're ugly". He meant it as a "joke" (he has a weird sense of humor lol) but in your teen years, that kind of thing has a huge negative impact on you.

    I'm so sorry your mother said those things to you...FWIW, I think you're absolutely beautiful :flowerforyou: