worst comment ever made about your weight



  • Tink2426
    Tink2426 Posts: 4
    Wow it's upsetting how cruel people can be...

    When I was a kid in grade school a group of my "friends" made a club called the
    'under 90 club" meaning you can only be in it if you weighed under 90lbs... I was chubby for my age but by no means huge, but it was clearly their way of purposeful excluding me cause no way did I weigh under 90s and said i couldnt join..This set off a life time of unhealthy/damaging habits

    A kid cut me off dangerously while I was driving and I honked at him... He responded by saying "how about I get out of the car and knock 40lbs off your fat *kitten*"

    Idk when people get angry at strangers they immediately attack appearance probably because it's their only defense.
  • bugnsamsmom
    bugnsamsmom Posts: 34 Member
    This didn't happen to me...but my husband.

    He goes to the doctor for a regular check-up having lost 48 pounds since his last visit 6 months before. The Doc comes in and says, "48 pounds...very good." Then grabs his belly and jiggles it and then says, "but you've got a ways to go yet."

    He switched Doc's on the way out...
  • *****sorry it is a bit long**** Mine is a sad story and is hard to tell.. but okay here it goes..

    Oh sweetie...I nearly cried reading your story ((((HUGE HUGS))))
    I am disgusted at those people, I really truly hope that Karma kicks them in the *kitten*.

    I've had my share of comments, some more hurtful than others.

    -On a bus about a year ago with my husband. I'm partially disabled and if the seats at the front of the bus (set aside for disabled and elderly people or pregnant women. On this particular day, the seats were free and my husband and I sat down. An elderly couple took the seats across from us and the woman leaned around her husband, looked at me, pursed her lips and shook her head before "whispering" to her husband that it was very obvious why I would need walking aides and I probably had to sit at the front because I couldn't get any further.
    I smiled sweetly at her and then told her exactly why I need walking aides and that if she wanted to know she should have asked me rather than judging me and assuming. She got off the bus.....

    -When I was able to work I co-managed a cookware store. I usually did the cooking demonstrations (as I was the only one that could cook.....!) and for pancake day I did a pancake class that allowed customers to a free tasting of what I made. I was tidying up and answering a few questions when a random man walked up to me and said loudly "well I don't think you'll be needing any more pancakes, looks like you had a few too many already". I went a very interesting shade of red as a few other people started (failing at) hiding their laughter and this man just stood there looking at the pancakes then at me and then at the bin.

    -I had a group of teenaged boys shouting things like "DAMN! That is one fat-*kitten* b***h!"

    -My old doctor told me that if I wasn't so morbidly obese then I would have no health problems at all and he wouldn't need to order expensive medication to treat something that is basically my own fault. He seemed to be deaf to the fact that I'm overweight BECAUSE of my health issues - I was slim and pretty healthy until I stopped being able to walk unassisted.
    He also told me that he wished I was diabetic so he could put me forward for weight loss surgery. I hope he's happy - as of Tuesday he got his wish.

    -I had a check up with a nurse a while back and one of her questions was "you're pregnant, yes?" I just blinked a few times and said "no, just really really fat apparently."

    I've also had the random fat comments from people walking past me, random comments about the fact I use walking aides and I get judged a LOT by elderly people who make comments like "she doesn't need that" and "well if I was her size I'd need that too".

    Aren't people lovely? :laugh:
  • FloraSin
    FloraSin Posts: 188 Member
    I've never felt I was overweight. I little on the soft side in the last few years, but the word 'fat'is never something I felt applied to me. Until this girl at work who claims to be a friend talked about how thin I was in high school and how much better I looked than.

    I had no shape in high school, so she can suck it. Still hurts though.
  • I was dating a guy for a few weeks and all was going well. We went to dinner on a beautiful night to my fave beer garden pub. We were laughing and having great conversation and then he told me it sucked he could not introduce me to his friends. I asked why and he said, You are pretty and funny and cool but, I usually date thin girls, so they would not understand and would give him crap over it. I sat there stunned.

    A few minutes later I excused my self to the restroom and left, jumped in my car and parked a couple blocks away and cried. I swore from that moment on I would never date anyone who could not accept fully, no matter what my weight is.

    Good for you! :)
  • Erihppas
    Erihppas Posts: 121 Member
    I was at work and we all ordered Chinese food. It was time to eat and a few of us were sitting down. One of my co-workers said "Jane (a different co-worker), why are you eating like that (she was hungry and eating quickly), even Erihppas (me) is eating nicely.'

    Like because I'm big, I must stuff my face all the time...
  • I saw my ex's mom a few years ago. she wuz with him when he came to pick up our daughter. She said" Woooo Yolanda your butt is soooooo big i remember when u and ______ were 2gether u had da cutest shape and the littlest waist" it really hurt my feelings. i wanted to hurt hers but i held my tongue out of respect for her being old and stupid.
  • FloraSin
    FloraSin Posts: 188 Member
    I saw my ex's mom a few years ago. she wuz with him when he came to pick up our daughter. She said" Woooo Yolanda your butt is soooooo big i remember when u and ______ were 2gether u had da cutest shape and the littlest waist" it really hurt my feelings. i wanted to hurt hers but i held my tongue out of respect for her being old and stupid.

    I love this last sentence. You're awesome. She's just mean.
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    ETA: Oh god, the floodgates opened.
    My mom's friend commented on how I always seemed to have a boyfriend. My mom said "It's because she's a *kitten*". I overheard & protested, & my mother replied with "Well, it's obvious they're not with you for your looks - no one likes fat girls"

    Im so sorry you had to go through this... i spent 24 hrs on an airplane to go and see my parents and the day after i got there, my mom went out shopping and i went with her...she looked at me and said ...everyone keeps asking me if youre pregnant... ( total lie ) and two mins later she says " gosh you look so old... like youre 35 " ( i was 21 then )
  • mrsvampette
    mrsvampette Posts: 99 Member
    My ex used to tell me how fat I was on a constant basis and that I should kill myself because nobody would miss me. He used to tell me that I was a waste of space and if I could stop eating I would look better. We don't speak anymore even though he wishes to.

    My mother says hurtful things to me like "you will never get a good looking guy if you don't lose weight", "honey you really need to lose weight your getting as big as a house", or "everytime I see you you just keep getting fatter and fatter don't you care about yourself", or "are you sure you don't have diabetes? all people as fat as you have diabetes".

    My dad said to me "your pretty but you need to lose weight because it makes you ugly". That one hurt too.

    People at the gym always give me mean looks and point at laugh at me because i'm big and i'm sweating and my face is red from working out.

    The lady at the deli at work asked one of my co-workers when I was due and I'm not pregnant. That one hurt alot. It made me cry.

    FYI: I have (in my opinion) the best boyfriend in the world, he treats me like i'm special and he loves me without judegment and he has truly made me a better person and in my eyes he is the best looking man on this planet and I love him so much. I am 5'9.5 and I currently weigh 280, in January 2012 I weighed 306.

    BOTTOM LINE: No matter what people say about you or do to you it just shows how ugly they are on the inside. Weight can be lost with hard work and dieting but ugliness cannot be fixed.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Co-worker I hadn't seen in a while:

    "You're pregnant???!!!"


    "Oh. You look big."
  • shelbydmorris
    shelbydmorris Posts: 4 Member
    From a guy I had a crush on...we will just call him JG...
    "Yeah your really cute, but you are just too fat for me."

    A girl I played basketball against was making pig snorts with her nose as I was running down the court.

    I am at least 20 years removed from those situations and I remember them like they were yesterday. Now they are motivation.
  • angng
    angng Posts: 137 Member
    I've gotten them on both sides of the spectrum (I've been both overweight and severely underweight, both intentionally and unintentionally due to digestive problems). I continually have to tell my family that my body is not THEIRS to comment on.

    My mom even told me I was fat when I was pregnant (after recovering from anorexia, for which I was hospitalized multiple times). When I pointed out the obvious she was like, "Well, the BABY isn't going to weigh 45 lbs."
  • sounds like you need a new gym. I can not believe those things were said. Just remember "What goes around comes around." That college boy will have what starts off as a beer gut and then it will grow bigger, while your growing slimmer. I used to be the slinder girl that wouldn't give certain people a second glance. I was sick that my husbands family were over weight. I never made nasty comments to anybody, though I did tell my doctor I was worried for my kids. Well, I had three kids and poof here I am from 100lbs. to 173. Oh wait I'm down to 166 now. People can be so cruel, but like they say don't judge a book by its cover. Pretty faces don't last forever.
  • bugnsamsmom
    bugnsamsmom Posts: 34 Member
    My mother-in-law told my husband and me that we should go on the Biggest Loser..."at least you won't be the BIGGEST couple". Thanks...
  • jpe71
    jpe71 Posts: 50 Member
    I've gotten the "when are you due" one a few times in my life. I usually made a big show of looking at my watch, running some mental math, and then saying, "about.....fifteen months". Watching the colors change was my favorite part. Usually, I let them off the hook easy - most of them didn't mean to be cruel, they only had a nasty case of foot-in-mouth disease.

    Other than that, I had a well-intentioned grandmother trying to constantly ask me if I should eat that cookie, telling me, "you have such a pretty face, if you could just lose the weight...", etc.

    These days, mostly, my diabetic, overweight dad tries to remind me not to be like him. Once again, it's well intentioned, and I don't take offense. I don't reciprocate because in my experience, nagging never improves the situation.

    If I'd ever had someone genuinely doing it to be insulting or to belittle me, I'd likely return the punishment in kind. Otherwise, I try to accept the words in the spirit they're offered - generally thoughtlessly, sometimes trying to be helpful. Accepting that I am large, but that it's far from the only thing to me, helps me deal with these comments without taking it personally.

    I am 100 lb overweight. I am also a college graduate due to my own efforts, a successful career woman, and a great mom. I've tutored, counseled and inspired three people to go back to school as adults, so they could have greater success. Next to that, any character flaw reflected by my weight is a minor issue.
  • pclarinetto
    pclarinetto Posts: 33 Member
    From ex wife:

    * "You're so fat... you're wasting my youth! I am embarrassed to be seen with you"

    * During sex, she stops me in the middle of it and runs to the toilet and starts gagging and then says I disgust her.

    Random assorted things from the years

    * Running at the park, I pass a slender girl in her 20s who is running ackwardly. One of those lucky people that obviously never really does any exercise or doesn't know how to run at the least, but stays looking in shape. Her boyfriend is in front of her and he sees me pass her and goes "oh no! HELL NO! There's no way you just let that fat f**k pass you! Get your *kitten* moving!" He was one of those alpha types with the gym rat bodies.

    * Running at the park during soccer practice with my team. Group of college girls is running. One points at me and says "ewww look at his belly".

    * Running at the park I pass a guy and his little girl who are running. She says "daddy why did you let the fat man pass you?" And he replies "shhhh honey we don't call people fat that's not nice"

    * At the gym, I smiled at a girl who looked at me like I was a cockroach and said "dream on, I don't date fatties".

    * At one of our irish pubs a couple years ago. I was standing waiting in line and this guy was trying to impress his college-aged girlfriend. He started making rude comments about how fat people need removed from the planet because they are in his way and taking up space and eating all of the food. The girl giggles.

    * At the gym I was in a corner doing some dumbbell work and this precious Barbie with full make up is lifting with her boyfriend. She was seated next to the rack where the weights were. I was putting my weights away and had to move around her and she gets this annoyed look on her face, and then turns to her boyfriend and says in a mock-whisper (so that others can hear) "I can't stand going to the gym during this time, too many fat people here wasting everybody's time"

    I have more. Those were the ones that stuck out this morning. Being fat is the equivalent of being a leper in the middle ages. It's pretty dehumanizing... but makes for great motivation and fuel for your workouts.

    horrible. all of those are horrible. sorry man. :(
  • pclarinetto
    pclarinetto Posts: 33 Member
    I was dating a guy for a few weeks and all was going well. We went to dinner on a beautiful night to my fave beer garden pub. We were laughing and having great conversation and then he told me it sucked he could not introduce me to his friends. I asked why and he said, You are pretty and funny and cool but, I usually date thin girls, so they would not understand and would give him crap over it. I sat there stunned.

    A few minutes later I excused my self to the restroom and left, jumped in my car and parked a couple blocks away and cried. I swore from that moment on I would never date anyone who could not accept fully, no matter what my weight is.

    i hate shallow people like that. why waste everyone's time? grrrrrr
  • i was walking through the mall with my family. we passed the food court, and one of the guys working at one of the Asian restaurants was passing out samples. i turned down the sample, just because i didn't want any food (honestly one of the few times i had done so, lol) and as i got farther away, i could hear the guy say "COME ON! it'll make you SKINNY"
  • DesertMermaid29
    DesertMermaid29 Posts: 181 Member
    "How many months along are you?"

    "You have one HUGE hip!"

    "You have such a round chubby face!"

    "...It's okay because your short, so all that weight is going to make you look fatter then you really are."

    "You're trying on that size? That won't fit you. Try on this size (size that is 4 sizes up) instead."