Over 60, I am NOT willing to give UP! Anyone my age??



  • Lightbulb1088
    Lightbulb1088 Posts: 189 Member
    I am 56 and was tried of trying and trying and not getting any where my sister said to try this and in 2 weeks I've lost 5 lbs and i am so excited. I hope this continues. I just keep working on it no matter what. I did add one extra glass of water and it seems to be helping a great deal. it is so cool to know that there are alot of others my age doing the same thing.
    Everyone keep trying you'll get there.
  • teripen
    teripen Posts: 15
    You definitely are not alone. While I'm not sixty yet, I want to be as healthy as possible and I just feel better when I'm at the right weight. My thyroid stopped working a year or so ago and I put on weight in a hurry before I finally figured out what it was. Now I'm on track to lose the rest of it and MFP makes it so easy to keep track of the food I eat.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    I turned 60 in January. I joined MFP in Aug 2011 and lost 40 lbs. I started running in January. I've completed two 5K races, and I'm preparing for a 10K. I bought a bike today so my husband and I can get some exercise together. He has a bad back, bad knees and can't run with me. I'm more comfortable keeping my feet on the ground, but I'm going to give biking a try. If that goes well, I'll hone my swimming skills and try a triathlon. I admire active people of any age, and I want to be one of them!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I celebrate 60 tomorrow! I have lost 25 total pounds, and am working out again for the first time in years! I am about to start weightlifting again, also after many years! You're definitely not alone!!!
  • paw247Pat
    paw247Pat Posts: 30
    Hi, I will be 62 this year, joined MFP 5 weeks ago and love the support and encouragement. Being this age has its challenges especially if you have any health issues. I've tried to find some supportive friends around my age and that helps. Add me as a friend if you like.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    I celebrate 60 tomorrow! I have lost 25 total pounds, and am working out again for the first time in years! I am about to start weightlifting again, also after many years! You're definitely not alone!!!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Sixty can be fun. You're off to a great start!
  • nana6380__Chris
    nana6380__Chris Posts: 47 Member
    I don't see age as being a problem, we all in the same boat. I am just 47 and this is the hardest thing I have evre done but with MFP it is so easier, Someone always there to help. Hang in there if you need a friend I am available....good luck
  • Kiris2
    Kiris2 Posts: 79 Member
    I'm 61, have some mobilty issues and am losing very slowly, but I'm just glad to be losing! :) Add me if you'd like. I am blessed to have found MFP, along with all the supportive, friendly people. Good luck!
  • magzei
    magzei Posts: 1
    I'm 68 and in the absolute worst shape in my life. I'm..short....short of breath..and overweight. It is really an up hill struggle..When I started by myself, I could hardly walk 2 city blocks (one way up hill) and now I'm finally able to walk around that block and a little more. I've lost 12 pounds in two months. What a slow process, but I'm gaining some lung space and losing a little weight.
  • GraceK2012
    GraceK2012 Posts: 64 Member
    I celebrate 60 tomorrow! I have lost 25 total pounds, and am working out again for the first time in years! I am about to start weightlifting again, also after many years! You're definitely not alone!!!

    Happy Birthday! I hope it's been a great one.

    I'm 67, have been actively tracking my meals on MFP for just over a month and have lost about 5 pounds.
    I've had some illness and injuries that led to my becoming very sedentary and turning to Ben & Jerry for my favorite pain reliever. That resulted in my getting heavier than I've ever been. I could no longer fit into any of my clothes and felt even worse.

    Enough! I would like to lose another 25+ and, even more, I want to get rid of all the excess body fat I've gained and regain the muscle I've lost.

    I'm able to walk for extended periods now, and have begun taking a couple of walks each day. I'm very encouraged by how much stronger and more fit I'm feeling already. Soon I hope to be able to exercise at home a few times a week.

    I'm determined to do a good job of changing some of my bad habits and have found using MFP to track my meals is making it a lot easier than I'd expected. And spring is a wonderful time for new beginnings, isn't it?
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    So I'm a bit late here, but I wanted you all to know that my sweet husband threw a surprise party for me for my 60th. He had it at our favorite restaurant - Japanese hibachi- and had 1 1/2 tables full of my closest friends locally. I was totally surprised and it was a BLAST!

    Anyone else lift weights here? I'm looking for a buddy to help me stay motivated
  • 6park
    6park Posts: 9
    It looks like there are a lot of us over 60. I am 65 and as others have said, it is a chore to loose when you reach a 'certain age'. With a doctor's help I lost 15 pounds and I still want to loose about 5 more. Problem is, I lost a lot of muscle now I have saggy yucky arms and thighs. We all have to stay active so as not to have this happen. Any type of exercise is a plus and muscles need strength training while fat needs cardio and everthing seems to need constant movement.
  • 6park
    6park Posts: 9
    Good for you for taking those walks. I also have had limits to mobility. With a spinal fusion and another (new) disc problem walking on the treadmill has become almost impossible. I love to take walks and now need to do so very slowly. I have found the stationairy bike to be very helpful. Also, work out with light weights, even 1 pound food cans will provide some resistance for upper body moves.
  • 6park
    6park Posts: 9
    Great success-keep it up!:smile:
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    Not 60 yet...Im actually 23 but it puts a smile on my face to see so many people taking care of themselves regardless of age. Each and every single one of you look great for your ages...Keep it up!! :-)

    Thanks so much for your positive feedback. I see by your profile you are military -- so is my husband, a Vietnam combat (recon) vet.
    And thanks for your service to our country.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    I'll be 62 in June and just retired 2 weeks ago.
    I've been a member of MFP since last Memorial Day. I figured I'd lose about 50 in a year, but I'm ahead of my estimate.
    My helpers are MFP of course, and Jazzercise! I've already passed the 100 class mark for this year and I love it!
    I also weight train at my gym and practice Tai Chi, (I am a certified Tai Chi instructor).
    Next, I'd like to try yoga to add more flexibility.
  • nannabannana
    nannabannana Posts: 787
    Feel free to add me if you would like. I joined about mid Jan, 2012. I have lost 33 lbs. so far. I keep 2 grandbabies, 4-5 days a week for 10-12 hrs.....yet I still get in my exercise...one way or the other. That does not mean that I don't have problems..lots...but Thank God ..he and I keep moving forward and not backwards. :)
  • jlynwhet
    jlynwhet Posts: 38 Member
    I saw Nannabanana's reply to this post and thought I'd chime in. I'm 65 and looking forward to retiring 3/29/13..."Lord willing and the creek don't rise." I have also struggled with my weight all my adult life. I joined 2/05/12 and have lost 19.5 lbs. It's slow for me but I don't put much effort into exercising which, I know, would speed up my weight loss. I have a heart issue and am pretty much done when I get home from work, but I'm beginning to realize I use that as an excuse to not exercise. At the very least, I could get out and walk around the block for a mile or two. I've had a bad past week with reverting to old habits and one really bad binge, but feel I'm back on track today. I need to lose the weight for my health and plan to stay with MFP. It's a fantastic site and lots of people to "friend" if you are so inclined, who will help motivate and encourage you. It's never too late to lose weight! It's never too late to get healthier!
  • nannabannana
    nannabannana Posts: 787
    I saw Nannabanana's reply to this post and thought I'd chime in. I'm 65 and looking forward to retiring 3/29/13..."Lord willing and the creek don't rise." I have also struggled with my weight all my adult life. I joined 2/05/12 and have lost 19.5 lbs. It's slow for me but I don't put much effort into exercising which, I know, would speed up my weight loss. I have a heart issue and am pretty much done when I get home from work, but I'm beginning to realize I use that as an excuse to not exercise. At the very least, I could get out and walk around the block for a mile or two. I've had a bad past week with reverting to old habits and one really bad binge, but feel I'm back on track today. I need to lose the weight for my health and plan to stay with MFP. It's a fantastic site and lots of people to "friend" if you are so inclined, who will help motivate and encourage you. It's never too late to lose weight! It's never too late to get healthier!

    Thank you, my friend. jyln0316 .We have been MFP galpals for a bit now and she motivates and inspires me to do better. I wish I lived near her and she and I would exercise together.
    I cannot convince any of my BFF in and near where I live to do it..:)