Fat =/= curvy



  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    But just because someone is overweight, like me, I'm still curvy to me and I'm fat.. i have a defined waist and hips... I'm a size 20. I'm getting fit and in shape, not because i'm ashamed of my body but because I want to be a better version of me. I have been told I'm too tiny for guys that like fat girls but too big for guys that like chunky girls... I don't understand why how someone labels themselves bothers people so much... if someone is happy with themselves, when do people enjoy tearing them down.

    Exactly. Curvy IS a shape, not a weight. Both overweight and normal weight people can be curvy. But to say you can't be curvy and overweight is simply inaccurate. The OP was objecting to people she found gross using a term that describes her as well. Curvy women have a relatively large waist to hip ratio.

    I'm the antithesis of curvy. I have an abnormally small waist to hip ratio. This was true when I was at my largest, it's true now, and it will be true when I'm at my goal. I'm thankful they have started making less-curvy women's clothes, because in the past I'd need to look in the Junior department for jeans that sit low on my hips. Misses jeans that fit at the waist are baggy in the hips, butt and thighs for me.

    NO, I WAS NOT. Stop putting words in my mouth. I NEVER said anyone was gross, I used the term grossly obese, with gross implying extremely. It was gramatically incorrect, fair enough, but for God's sake, don't tell me I'm 'objecting to people I find gross using the curvy term', because I NEVER SAID THAT. I was objective to non-curvy people, IE, people with straight waists, narrow hips, or just simply fat rolls with no shape referring to themselves as curvy. Nothing less, nothing more. So PLEASE, stop trying to put words in my mouth.

    Just a thought...could the "grossly" thing be a cultural difference? Like maybe in here in the US we're used to saying "morbidly" but in the UK (or elsewhere) they say "grossly"?Just a thought :) I really don't think InnerFatGirl was trying to offend anyone.

    I think it might be. We don't really use the term 'gross' here THAT much. At least not as much as I've heard Americans use it. When I watch documentaries, they tend to say gross, or morbidly. I wasn't trying to offend anyone. I was using it in terms of extremely. But some people would rather I was trying to be horrible, so they've made it up in their minds that that's what I meant.

    I've always heard morbidly, but I understood what you meant :wink:

    Thank you! People have picked up on one little mistake I've made and chose to make an issue out of it. I've already explained and amended the OP, but people STILL are going at it. Jheeze, sorry for being human and making a mistake.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Reading comprehension is strong in this group.

    OP said that curvy is a shape and not a weight. She said you can be curvy and overweight. What is with all the pointless arguing? She can't have an opinion and share it on a forum? :huh:

    ^^^THANK you.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    But just because someone is overweight, like me, I'm still curvy to me and I'm fat.. i have a defined waist and hips... I'm a size 20. I'm getting fit and in shape, not because i'm ashamed of my body but because I want to be a better version of me. I have been told I'm too tiny for guys that like fat girls but too big for guys that like chunky girls... I don't understand why how someone labels themselves bothers people so much... if someone is happy with themselves, when do people enjoy tearing them down.

    Exactly. Curvy IS a shape, not a weight. Both overweight and normal weight people can be curvy. But to say you can't be curvy and overweight is simply inaccurate. The OP was objecting to people she found gross using a term that describes her as well. Curvy women have a relatively large waist to hip ratio.

    I'm the antithesis of curvy. I have an abnormally small waist to hip ratio. This was true when I was at my largest, it's true now, and it will be true when I'm at my goal. I'm thankful they have started making less-curvy women's clothes, because in the past I'd need to look in the Junior department for jeans that sit low on my hips. Misses jeans that fit at the waist are baggy in the hips, butt and thighs for me.

    NO, I WAS NOT. Stop putting words in my mouth. I NEVER said anyone was gross, I used the term grossly obese, with gross implying extremely. It was gramatically incorrect, fair enough, but for God's sake, don't tell me I'm 'objecting to people I find gross using the curvy term', because I NEVER SAID THAT. I was objective to non-curvy people, IE, people with straight waists, narrow hips, or just simply fat rolls with no shape referring to themselves as curvy. Nothing less, nothing more. So PLEASE, stop trying to put words in my mouth.

    Just a thought...could the "grossly" thing be a cultural difference? Like maybe in here in the US we're used to saying "morbidly" but in the UK (or elsewhere) they say "grossly"?Just a thought :) I really don't think InnerFatGirl was trying to offend anyone.

    I think it might be. We don't really use the term 'gross' here THAT much. At least not as much as I've heard Americans use it. When I watch documentaries, they tend to say gross, or morbidly. I wasn't trying to offend anyone. I was using it in terms of extremely. But some people would rather I was trying to be horrible, so they've made it up in their minds that that's what I meant.

    I've always heard morbidly, but I understood what you meant :wink:

    Same, I never thought of it as anything other than meaning extremely o.o

    Some people here are just LOOKING to be offended.

    Yep! It's just like parenting sites. People are extremely defensive and will look for ANYTHING to be offended, just so you can be the baddie and they can be right.

    Like, really, I would refer to people as gross (as in ew)? I am not a b i t c h.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    Also, I am a feminist, I am against body fascism, real women have curves, body shaming etc etc, but this thread isn't about whether women should be fat or thin, or if we should be judged by our bodies, or whether curvy/skinny/fat is better

    Basically, as I understand, the point is that curvy is not the same as fat. People of all sizes can be curvy, just as those of all sizes can be straight up and down. The point is that if women are truly proud of their shape, they should be proud of it for what it is. If you REALLY love your fat body, be proud of being a fatty, but if you're calling it "curvy" you're in denial, and need to reassess as to whether you're really that happy with your body.
  • UnderCoverShyGirl
    UnderCoverShyGirl Posts: 254 Member
    I find it funny that the majority of this thread seems to be a convo between a few "less than morbidly obese" people trying to judge whether or not people they consider "morbidly obese" call themselves curvy.

    Mean girls much? Ummmya......

    What are you trying to say?

    I'm trying to say that many of the posts in this thread became downright rude/snarky...and i'm actually not referring to your OP (at least not mostly), even though i can see why using the word "grossly" was upsetting. When people start talking about the 600lb people on tv and "stomping their feet" that "rolls are not curvy" and state that they are annoyed/irritated at people who call themselves curvy but don't fit some invented definition of it, they are acting like "mean girls"....and frankly, i assume most understand exactly what i mean.

    In truth, i have a definition for curvy in my own head and i think the "common use" does most often refer to someone with an hourglass type shape. However, for people to jump on the "it's annoying" bandwagon because someone is using the term for a shape that doesn't agree with their personal definition of it, is MEAN. And i don't care if it is meant from the perspective of "don't call yourself curvy when you're just fat" or "don't call yourself curvy because you are too thin" or whatever....being annoyed is where i have the problem. Critical and judgy, and if you read some of the posts in this thread independently (from a variety of people), i'm sure you will see how those posts are interpreted that way.

    We all have our own opinions...this thread, for some reason, got particularly snarky in areas (and i'll own my mean girls comment as well). I don't know you (or anyone in this thread for that matter) and was interested in the original post and responses. I'm a pretty open minded person so was not looking to criticize or anything, but was literally shocked at some of the responses in these pages.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    If a person has no qualms in using "grossly obese", which is NOT a medical term; they would probably call you butt ugly to your face if they didn't think you were very attractive. The impression *I* get from the OP's description "grossly obese" is she thinks people with more than a few pounds to shed are gross, therefore having NO RIGHT to be called curvy. After all, curvy sounds sexy and how could someone that's grossly obese be sexy??

    Well, you're wrong.

    Number one, as I have mentioned SEVERAL times, I thought it was a medical term, I've heard it used several times in a non-derogatory way and I was using it in the CONTEXT OF EXTREMELY.

    I would never call ANYONE butt-ugly to their face. I am not a flipping idiot or mean person.

    LOL, I think people with more than a few lbs to shed are gross? Darling, I am classified as obese. My starting BMI was 32. I originally had 56lbs to lose. NO, I do not think fat people are 'gross'. But I DO NOT think that simply being fat makes you curvy. Sorry if you have a problem with that, but it's how I feel. And I'm not the only one.

    Stop trying to make this about obese people and my feelings on them. I never actually said that I think obese people are gross, and I never said fat people can't be curvy. I made it implicitly (sp?) clear in my original post that curvy is; small waist, larger hips to me. NOT how fat/skinny you are. So YES, if an obese person has a smaller waist, that goes IN, and hips that go out, THEY ARE CURVY.

  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Reading comprehension is strong in this group.

    OP said that curvy is a shape and not a weight. She said you can be curvy and overweight. What is with all the pointless arguing? She can't have an opinion and share it on a forum? :huh:

    She sure can, and so can everybody else. If you post a thread, you open it up for opinions, whether they agree with the OP or not.

    More like jumping to ridiculous conclusions. I don't expect everyone to agree, but some are just well...

  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Also, I am a feminist, I am against body fascism, real women have curves, body shaming etc etc, but this thread isn't about whether women should be fat or thin, or if we should be judged by our bodies, or whether curvy/skinny/fat is better

    Basically, as I understand, the point is that curvy is not the same as fat. People of all sizes can be curvy, just as those of all sizes can be straight up and down. The point is that if women are truly proud of their shape, they should be proud of it for what it is. If you REALLY love your fat body, be proud of being a fatty, but if you're calling it "curvy" you're in denial, and need to reassess as to whether you're really that happy with your body.

    Thank you.
  • thergj
    thergj Posts: 93 Member
    Interesting conversation. Great topic.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I find it funny that the majority of this thread seems to be a convo between a few "less than morbidly obese" people trying to judge whether or not people they consider "morbidly obese" call themselves curvy.

    Mean girls much? Ummmya......

    What are you trying to say?

    I'm trying to say that many of the posts in this thread became downright rude/snarky...and i'm actually not referring to your OP (at least not mostly), even though i can see why using the word "grossly" was upsetting. When people start talking about the 600lb people on tv and "stomping their feet" that "rolls are not curvy" and state that they are annoyed/irritated at people who call themselves curvy but don't fit some invented definition of it, they are acting like "mean girls"....and frankly, i assume most understand exactly what i mean.

    In truth, i have a definition for curvy in my own head and i think the "common use" does most often refer to someone with an hourglass type shape. However, for people to jump on the "it's annoying" bandwagon because someone is using the term for a shape that doesn't agree with their personal definition of it, is MEAN. And i don't care if it is meant from the perspective of "don't call yourself curvy when you're just fat" or "don't call yourself curvy because you are too thin" or whatever....being annoyed is where i have the problem. Critical and judgy, and if you read some of the posts in this thread independently (from a variety of people), i'm sure you will see how those posts are interpreted that way.

    We all have our own opinions...this thread, for some reason, got particularly snarky in areas (and i'll own my mean girls comment as well). I don't know you (or anyone in this thread for that matter) and was interested in the original post and responses. I'm a pretty open minded person so was not looking to criticize or anything, but was literally shocked at some of the responses in these pages.

    That is fair enough. This is a forum, and forums aren't the best for tact. I would probably come across calmer and more tactful in real life.

    But seriously? I think people are over-complicating things. It's simple. Curvy has pretty much always referred to a waist that is small and goes in like; ---> ) (

    and hips that go out like ( )

    It may be semantics to some people, but it really irritates me. I am big on curves, love them, and it's annoying. OWN your body type. If you're ruler, just freakin' accept it and dress for it. I wouldn't mind being an hourglass, but I'm not, I'm pear. I OWN my body type. If I didn't have a waist or hips, I wouldn't call myself curvy, because I wouldn't be.

    It's not a dig. It's not body shaming. It's not putting women down. It's not thinking obese people are gross.

    It is simply me wanting a spade to be called a spade, and not a freakin' fork.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I find it funny how this site is supposed to be encouraging and helpful to "curvy" people but this thread proves the opposite. People have their own opinions on what is curvy or overweight. I'm tall and I have curves. I have a 34-36 DD Chest and a skinny waist and large hips/thighs. I'm curvy. I'm overweight. BUT I'm doing something about the overweight part, and it isn't exactly anyone's business or right to put down people if they are in denial about their appearance. It isn't affecting any one of you in anyway, shape or form (see the pun I did there?). So why not just agree to disagree? If you see someone who is overweight, don't judge and put them down, help them feel encouraged and strong enough to change their body for their HEALTH. Not to please you people by fitting in with a technical term of "curvy".

    Yikes. Very mean people on here, I have to say. This is why I stay out of the forums. There is enough drama in "real life". and it's ridiculous to see people on here judging and complaining over someone who may be overweight but considers themselves curvy. There's more important things in life, you know, than criticizing others. Maybe the person in denial over their weight have been made fun of all their life by people who JUDGE, which made them get to the size they are now? Show some respect. :grumble:

    You're missing the point. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WEIGHT. Please, read over the original post again.

    It is affecting me. Because it annoys me. If it doesn't annoy you, fair enough. You don't have to participate in this thread.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I really see nothing mean in this thread. I did at first with "grossly" but I saw the OP's comment on how she did not mean for it to be like that.

    I doubt any of these women discussing this topic sit at home for hours screaming "UGHH curves ARE NOT NOTNOTNOT FAT!!! ssausglfuold" and let it ruin their day. Probably just one of those little pet peeves that they notice for a second and forget about it.

    I do the same with people who bite their nails in public. Annoys me to no end, and i forget about it after a second. But should i just "not judge them since they are real people and do what they want?

    Just a convo. Nothing against overweight/obese people.

  • UnderCoverShyGirl
    UnderCoverShyGirl Posts: 254 Member
    I find it funny that the majority of this thread seems to be a convo between a few "less than morbidly obese" people trying to judge whether or not people they consider "morbidly obese" call themselves curvy.

    Mean girls much? Ummmya......

    What are you trying to say?

    I'm trying to say that many of the posts in this thread became downright rude/snarky...and i'm actually not referring to your OP (at least not mostly), even though i can see why using the word "grossly" was upsetting. When people start talking about the 600lb people on tv and "stomping their feet" that "rolls are not curvy" and state that they are annoyed/irritated at people who call themselves curvy but don't fit some invented definition of it, they are acting like "mean girls"....and frankly, i assume most understand exactly what i mean.

    In truth, i have a definition for curvy in my own head and i think the "common use" does most often refer to someone with an hourglass type shape. However, for people to jump on the "it's annoying" bandwagon because someone is using the term for a shape that doesn't agree with their personal definition of it, is MEAN. And i don't care if it is meant from the perspective of "don't call yourself curvy when you're just fat" or "don't call yourself curvy because you are too thin" or whatever....being annoyed is where i have the problem. Critical and judgy, and if you read some of the posts in this thread independently (from a variety of people), i'm sure you will see how those posts are interpreted that way.

    We all have our own opinions...this thread, for some reason, got particularly snarky in areas (and i'll own my mean girls comment as well). I don't know you (or anyone in this thread for that matter) and was interested in the original post and responses. I'm a pretty open minded person so was not looking to criticize or anything, but was literally shocked at some of the responses in these pages.

    That is fair enough. This is a forum, and forums aren't the best for tact. I would probably come across calmer and more tactful in real life.

    But seriously? I think people are over-complicating things. It's simple. Curvy has pretty much always referred to a waist that is small and goes in like; ---> ) (

    and hips that go out like ( )

    It may be semantics to some people, but it really irritates me. I am big on curves, love them, and it's annoying. OWN your body type. If you're ruler, just freakin' accept it and dress for it. I wouldn't mind being an hourglass, but I'm not, I'm pear. I OWN my body type. If I didn't have a waist or hips, I wouldn't call myself curvy, because I wouldn't be.

    It's not a dig. It's not body shaming. It's not putting women down. It's not thinking obese people are gross.

    It is simply me wanting a spade to be called a spade, and not a freakin' fork.

    Understood. Funny thing...I just looked at your profile, and while i kinda see why you are calling yourself a pear, you fit my personal defintion of curvy LOL!
  • Farfourah
    Farfourah Posts: 899 Member
    Yep, and I get just as irritated when a skinny girl thinks she has curves too.... your *kitten* is as flat as a wall, you look like a walking Popsicle stick...take a seat.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    This post has just highlighted that a whole lot of people on this forum are idiots/kinda racist (and I am referring to the 'when I get a tan I call myself Latin' logic lady in this)/body shamers and really, really misogynistic.

    That'll be me giving the forums a wide berth for a good while.

    Racist?!?!!?!?!?!? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Misogynistic? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Misogynistic means 'hatred of women'. Where is this hatred of women you speak of? I hate women because I get annoyed by curve-less women claiming to be curvy?

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Yep, and I get just as irritated when a skinny girl thinks she has curves too.... your *kitten* is as flat as a wall, you look like a walking Popsicle stick...take a seat.

    But the thing is, a skinny woman can still be curvy. It's bone structure. While I like curvy girls who are slim with a teeny bit of meat on them IE - healthy looking, any size of woman can be curvy. It really is about bone structure.

    But I see your point. A lot of skinny women are just skinny with no real shape to them. Etomorphs, I think they're called.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I find it funny that the majority of this thread seems to be a convo between a few "less than morbidly obese" people trying to judge whether or not people they consider "morbidly obese" call themselves curvy.

    Mean girls much? Ummmya......

    What are you trying to say?

    I'm trying to say that many of the posts in this thread became downright rude/snarky...and i'm actually not referring to your OP (at least not mostly), even though i can see why using the word "grossly" was upsetting. When people start talking about the 600lb people on tv and "stomping their feet" that "rolls are not curvy" and state that they are annoyed/irritated at people who call themselves curvy but don't fit some invented definition of it, they are acting like "mean girls"....and frankly, i assume most understand exactly what i mean.

    In truth, i have a definition for curvy in my own head and i think the "common use" does most often refer to someone with an hourglass type shape. However, for people to jump on the "it's annoying" bandwagon because someone is using the term for a shape that doesn't agree with their personal definition of it, is MEAN. And i don't care if it is meant from the perspective of "don't call yourself curvy when you're just fat" or "don't call yourself curvy because you are too thin" or whatever....being annoyed is where i have the problem. Critical and judgy, and if you read some of the posts in this thread independently (from a variety of people), i'm sure you will see how those posts are interpreted that way.

    We all have our own opinions...this thread, for some reason, got particularly snarky in areas (and i'll own my mean girls comment as well). I don't know you (or anyone in this thread for that matter) and was interested in the original post and responses. I'm a pretty open minded person so was not looking to criticize or anything, but was literally shocked at some of the responses in these pages.

    That is fair enough. This is a forum, and forums aren't the best for tact. I would probably come across calmer and more tactful in real life.

    But seriously? I think people are over-complicating things. It's simple. Curvy has pretty much always referred to a waist that is small and goes in like; ---> ) (

    and hips that go out like ( )

    It may be semantics to some people, but it really irritates me. I am big on curves, love them, and it's annoying. OWN your body type. If you're ruler, just freakin' accept it and dress for it. I wouldn't mind being an hourglass, but I'm not, I'm pear. I OWN my body type. If I didn't have a waist or hips, I wouldn't call myself curvy, because I wouldn't be.

    It's not a dig. It's not body shaming. It's not putting women down. It's not thinking obese people are gross.

    It is simply me wanting a spade to be called a spade, and not a freakin' fork.

    Understood. Funny thing...I just looked at your profile, and while i kinda see why you are calling yourself a pear, you fit my personal defintion of curvy LOL!

    Aww, thanks :) by measurements, I am a pear but I think I'm pretty well proportioned. I thought I was an hourglass because my boobs aren't tiny, but I was wrong. I'm pear :)
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    This post has just highlighted that a whole lot of people on this forum are idiots/kinda racist (and I am referring to the 'when I get a tan I call myself Latin' logic lady in this)/body shamers and really, really misogynistic.

    That'll be me giving the forums a wide berth for a good while.

    Racist?! Are you kidding me?

    Body shamers yes I do see, but LOL

  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    ... If a women has rolls or if she has no hips at all, she's allowed identify with being curvy. There are no rules and it's stupid to let that offend you...

    Certainly, all women are allowed to identify with whatever body type they wish. However, if they are not being honest with themselves, then their distorted self-image will likely have psychological consequences (such as insecurity or unhappiness). Furthermore, if "curvy," being a more acceptable and politically-correct term, is commonly used in our society in place of "overweight" and "obese," then the overweight/obese could potentially use this label as an excuse to avoid losing weight and improving their health, and therefore they would continue to contribute to the rise in obesity-related preventable diseases and would put further strain on the health care system.

  • ElementalEscapee
    ElementalEscapee Posts: 552 Member
    PRECISELY. I think about how large people claim that they're 'curvy' and I'm just like...........no. 'Curvy' as in ( . ) sure, but not 'curvy' in a good, concave way like ) . ( . Marilyn Monroe is curvy...you are a potato.
This discussion has been closed.