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What's some advice you would tell your 16 year old self ?



  • stevewynjones
    stevewynjones Posts: 1,052 Member
    Dear 16 yr old self,

    Go to Sandhurst!

    Do not bother to do a degree,live your life! Treat K with respect, she's the best thing to happen to you! you'll miss her!!

    Try to find your biological father, and sue him! Look right at THAT junction, It'll save you a lot of pain and grief....

    ......and do not, under any circumstances, end up in bed with your mothers best friend at your 18th...it will not end well, for anyone! even if she was pretty..

    the other crazy stuff......crack on.
  • dinovino_59
    dinovino_59 Posts: 1,700
    hey, what are you doing here...don't you know it's 2012..get back to 1977!
  • rc630
    rc630 Posts: 310 Member
    Dear 16 year old me,

    You're going to get really sick, really fast. Nobody will know why, and it will be the scariest thing of your life. A lot of people think you won't live, but you will. Dealing with the panic attacks that come after will be worse than anything that happened in the hospital, but it is ok to see a psychiatrist. It doesn't mean you're crazy, it means you are smart enough to get help instead of spiraling out of control.

    Don't get upset about making a college decision. You're going to get in to some great schools and end up at your safety school. This will be the best decision you make before age 20. You will love Georgia. And your parents will be just as proud of a diploma from UGA as they would from the snotty expensive private schools you wanted to go to.

    Call your grandparents more. You'll go into college with 4 and by junior year will only have 1.

    Stop hating on the old Volvo wagon you'll drive in high school and the beginning or college. You'll get a new car your junior year, but you will still keep the Volvo and love it just as much as the new VW.

    The guys at your school, for the most part, suck. You will see this when some go to college with you, and the ones you wished would give you the time of day, you will want to go away and stop talking to you.
    S is GAY. Stop bugging him about asking out J, because deep down, he doesn't want to be with any girl at all. He'll figure this out in a few years.
    Also, that close knit group of friends you've had since elementary school? You'll still be friends through high school and college. This distance will make it harder, but those few people will still be your best friends. Don't worry.

    Chill out. Stop trying to be cool, people will like you much more when you act like yourself.

    20 year old self.
  • MariaAlbina
    MariaAlbina Posts: 130 Member
    Dear 16 year old self,

    You'll drop out of college after just 2 months and work for a man that belittles and talks to you the way an employer should never talk to their employees. You'll get out of there though and make your own decisions. Just enjoy being a kid because the real world is not what you were thinking, nor hoping.

    your 20 year old self.
  • Dear 16 year old me -

    Do not smoke.
    Do not open beer bottles with your teeth.
    Stay at school!

    31 year old me.
  • enaves1986
    enaves1986 Posts: 46 Member
    16 year old me would say have more fun and to let one of your guy friends take you to spring-semi instead of being so fiesty.
  • baddbob
    baddbob Posts: 133 Member
    Keep the '68 Mustang and the '73 Shovelhead.
  • ShreenG
    ShreenG Posts: 1
    Dear 16 year old me,

    1.Be more brave you are hot, kids are mean... being brown and tanned is not a bad thing. Dont lose your self esteem. colleage is way better. It'll be fantastic if you still worked out.
    2. Dont stop working out after UNI
    3. Have fun and experience being naughty like with (zion).... u'll regret being a stright arrow all the time
    4. Explore your options when it comes to a partner.
    5. Check your ovaries. Make sure you dont have PCOS. Only way is to work out!!!!
    6. Meet your GURU earlier... he's related to you. LISTEN TO HIM.. he can help daddy and you! ... :)
    5. Get married earlier.

  • batalina
    batalina Posts: 209 Member
    Dear 16-year-old Ash,
    You can't make everyone like you. That is not always your fault.
    26-year-old Ash
  • hikezilla
    hikezilla Posts: 174 Member
    Stop drinking. You're going to be fine.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Dear 16 year old me,

    do not listen to the old version of you. It is actually a cybernetic organism sent from the future. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.

    Oh, and stop being such a smart *kitten*. Nobody likes smart *kitten*, unless you're a lap dancer funding your way through college.
  • MaritaD
    MaritaD Posts: 178 Member
    Wow I don't know where to start.......appreciate your family more, forgive quickly, keep your horse he will help you heal from losing your best friend, don't judge quickly, dump that jerk as soon as possible he will only bring you down for years! Part of me wants to say don't get pregnant, but at the same time I have the most amazing kid that I don't regret in the least so I can't really say that, just wish I could have had her a little later in life sometimes.
  • BillyC96
    BillyC96 Posts: 7,560 Member
    Dear me,

    Quit smoking now!
    Dump her, she's going to cheat on you.
    Give your dad less hassle, he's going to be gone sooner than you think.
  • nursedb
    nursedb Posts: 297 Member
    Dear 16 year old self... keep exercising...never stop...don't marry that a hole you meet when your 18, don't marry the a-hole you meet when your 21... don't ever ever settle for anything less than everything you deserve...hmmm I think I could use this part now!!! :)
  • kendrafox
    kendrafox Posts: 111 Member
    Dear 16 year ole me,

    Stay away from him and just say NO. He will try to hurt you and then leave you, after he uses you. Be upfront with mom and dad and get birth control!! Stop trying to be someone your not, because the real you is worth showing. Don't give up on your dreams and aim high!!!


    PS, hug dad and tell him you love him as much as possible!!
  • katgirl985
    katgirl985 Posts: 212 Member
    16 year old me,

    Do NOT let the knee injury stop you from working out and playing sports. And at least lay off the cheetos while you're recovering from surgery, okay?

    Forget Ryan and Adam, really push to be with David -- turns out he DOES like curvy gals and he literally saved your life. Who could ask for more?

    Make the decision to LOVE YOURSELF, whatever you do, make that a choice everyday.

    STOP CUTTING, it isn't healthy and it isn't the way to work on your depression. Things WILL get better, I promise!

    Finally, you're going to major in Chemistry. Forget acting, forget political science -- these will cost you $20,000 in student loans and 2 extra years of college. Just take the chem courses and get it over with already.

    Love, me!
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    Dear 16 year old me.

    That run down house your Father offered to help you buy? BUY IT!!!!
    you are young enough to pour your sweat into it.

    Laurie is about to break your heart. You can't do anything about it but, I swear, it will get better.
    Be nicer to your sister. She has hot friends.
    Wear sun screen.
    Oh, and for gods sake, try actually SAVING some money instead of SPENDING it all.

    42 year old me.
  • Dear 16 year old me.

    That run down house your Father offered to help you buy? BUY IT!!!!
    you are young enough to pour your sweat into it.

    Laurie is about to break your heart. You can't do anything about it but, I swear, it will get better.
    Be nicer to your sister. She has hot friends.
    Wear sun screen.
    Oh, and for gods sake, try actually SAVING some money instead of SPENDING it all.

    42 year old me.

    Your sister has Hot Friends!! Love it!!!
  • jobster68
    jobster68 Posts: 145
    Dear Me in 1984

    Leave school and work your way around the world. Live your life like every day is your last. Do not marry Captain Boring and then MOST CERTAINLY do not then divorce him and marry the low life cheating scum bag!


    Me in 2012

  • amandacochran15
    amandacochran15 Posts: 105 Member
    Dear 16 year old Amanda,

    He's been cheating on you and will continue to. Break up now and have fun. You don't like your parents now, but at 23, they're your best friends. Don't move back from Arizona. Go Active Duty Air Force instead of Air National Guard... Don't get married at 20. Even though you're still married at 23 and have a beautiful baby.

    Have more fun.