Ladies - Would you date someone who is divorced?



  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I met and started dating my husband when I was 21 years old, he was 26 and he had been divorced for a few years with no kids. He didn't have any emotional baggage - just a normal guy!

    Having ~no~ emotional baggage isnt normal!!

    Not normal, and terribly boring :wink:
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I am in the process of a divorce myself, and I am dating a wonderful man who has been divorced twice. There are alot more people in this world that has been divorced and usually have children than not. It isn't a big deal to me.
  • SlimSammy2012
    <~~Is amicable with my Ex-wife. Now with that said, I've met women who aren't amicable and have an out an out hatred for their Ex! No way a guy can stand a chance with that!

    First question I ask when meeting a women is "How well do you get along with your Ex?" Not how many kids you have, how much Money, etc...
  • luvnthenewme
    luvnthenewme Posts: 121 Member
    At my age, the chance of finding a single guy who isn't divorced is pretty slim. That being said, a divorce can be a positive thing if one is smart enough to learn from it. It might just make for a much better person to date!
  • nursevee
    nursevee Posts: 344 Member
    I can't believe that 'divorce' is now one of those things that can potentially be a deal-breaker! How shallow is that? "Because you signed your name on a legal document and made a judgement error on your choice of a life partner you are now removed from my list of potential soul mates..." LOL.

    I'm divorced (happily too, geez...) and married again. Actually both of us came to this party divorced and with kids.

    Yes, kids can make the process infinately more difficult but I haven't regretted my decision once.

    I must have been ignoring that elephant because I never saw it as a big deal.
  • michelegrayson
    Absolutely...otherwise I would never date as most guys in my age range have been married at least once!

    Given the stats on marriages, the older you get, the harder it will be to find someone who hasn't been married! Although I did read a story that this generation (X/Y/Z?) is not bothering with marriage at all so it stands to reason there will be less divorced people to choose from :>)
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member

    Because I date to get married, and I am not promising "till death" to someone who has already illustrated that marraige doesn't mean that.

    WOW. That is very childish if you ask me. No one enters a marriage thinking....I am going to stay married to this person for x number of years then get a divorce. I got married when I was 22 yrs old and now in the process of a divorce because my soon to be ex is abusive and he is in prison for Child Pornography - I have to protect my children (including my daughter). People get divorced for all kinds of reasons. You shouldn't be so closed-minded.
  • lorac321
    lorac321 Posts: 627 Member
    At my age if the guy was still single I would wonder what is wrong with him...
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Absolutely! I never have, my husband never even dated anyone before me, but if given the chance, I wouldn't turn someone down over that. Especially if I was older since the chances of finding someone who hasn't been married already is slim at that point.
  • smiles4deb
    My husband was married a couple times before. He actually tells people now, that maybe he was just a tad bit hard to get along with...he usually says it jokingly, but knows it's really true. He has one kid and an ex is the most psychotic woman I've ever known. I don't get why she's that way, she didn't want him anyway... on the other hand, I've been married once before. My ex and I get along great. I consider him one of my best friends... :smile:
  • DominiqueSmall
    DominiqueSmall Posts: 495 Member
    Well .... it shouldn't be. And the answer is YES if he were a guy I deem worthy.
  • LAS_1980
    LAS_1980 Posts: 156
    Well since I am remarried now, I wouldn't. But my husband now was divorced and so was I and we both to answer your question, to me, there is nothing wrong with dating someone who is divorced! :)
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    an ex is the most psychotic woman I've ever known. I don't get why she's that way, she didn't want him anyway... on the other hand, I've been married once before. My ex and I get along great. I consider him one of my best friends... :smile:

    Haha that's my story to a T! I get along with my soon to be ex-husband GREAT too. We have put aside our b.s. and realize being in our sons life equally and co-parenting is the best option for all of us. It makes it so easy. I once heard "It takes work to be married but it sometimes takes even more work to be divorced" It's very true. Both require work. Being mean and nasty just creates drama, I'm much happier being friendly!
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    I truthfully think "some" men who have been divorced already, gain a new respect for marriage, learn from their mistakes and grow from them as a man too. I'd personally rather date a divorced man, over a man who has never been married.
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I'd divorce my husband and then date the crap out of him. God, that would be good.
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    I think it depends. I wouldn't completely write someone off because they were divorced. However, if their wife divorced them because they were abusive, an alcoholic, a notorious cheater, etc. I think I'd be more likely to stay away. I feel like you learn a lot from chatting with the ex. If the ex-wife doesn't have anything bad to say (you know, REAL bad) then sure, I'd give it a shot.
  • MsMuniz
    MsMuniz Posts: 399 Member
    dated and married a man who was divorced...we've been married almost five years now.
  • hcoburn37
    hcoburn37 Posts: 442 Member
    Considering I am divorced ... I wouldn't have a problem with it
  • kstep88
    kstep88 Posts: 403 Member
    Absolutely. I did and it turned out to be the best decision of my life.... We are quite happily married.

    The past is the past! :)
  • cwatson1214
    cwatson1214 Posts: 88 Member
    Absolutley, in fact I am in a relationship now. We are both divorced. Sometimes when you have been there and done that you have more to bring to the relationship. Assuming any mistakes have been learned from