Guide: Properly lose BODY FAT % (For Women)!



  • Blondie_44
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  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    This is the reason most FAT people give up. You are making it too difficult.

    PLEASE NEXT TIME YOU TITLE THIS FOR WOMEN USE FEMALE EXAMPLES. Women are totally different, we have different needs and our bodies work differently!! This is more harmful than good!!!

    1. Eat healthy. Fresh fruit. Fresh Veggies. Limit Oils/Fats/Sweets. Eat lean meats/remove skin.
    2. Portion your food. Use your hand/palm as a guide. Most restaurants will give you a double portion. When I eat out I eat half or a third.
    3. Exercise. Opt for higher output to longer lengths. 15 minutes at high intensity is way better than 1 hour low intensity.
    4. Believe in yourself. Tell yourself I CAN instead of saying i CANT

    Do not focus on numbers focus on your effort. Effort will get you there.

    Listen to your own body, push when you can -- stop when you cant go further.

    Focus on good fuel (not just calories) stop eating junk food or prepared foods.

    Women are NOT different than men when it comes to weight loss or burning fat. The are only medical variables. We all have a metabolic rate, we all have a TDEE and a deficit is the item that makes us lose. If you have an intolerance to carbs or a thyroid issue, then you have to make minor tweaks. I have seen women lose on less than 100g of carbs or over 200g of carbs.

    From personal experience with working with hundreds of people on here, if you do heavy weight lifting, eat below your TDEE by 20% and have moderate macro's of carbs/protein/fats, it is a recipe for success. I have used the same techniques with men with the same success. The biggest variables with women is mental blocks. Men don't have as many issues as working with higher calories but women fear food (in many cases).

    If you can explain to me how women are different, I would be willing to change my view, but I haven't seen any data that suggest they are.

    ps- the only difference is men typically have greater lean muscle mass, but you account for that in your metabolic rate.

    Sorry, wasn't trying to be rude. Below is a good article.
  • meeulk
    meeulk Posts: 246 Member
  • sunshine83777
    You are making this WAY too complicated for every. Here is the simplest way to cut body fat"

    1. Figure out BMR
    2. Figure out TDEE (include exercise into your TDEE, so you don't need to eat back exercise calories)
    3. Cut 20% from your TDEE

    Here is the results:

    "I just wanted to thank you for your help. You helped me a few months back and I just wanted to give you an update on my progress. 12 weeks ago I started at 154 and 28% bf. I got my bf remeasured last Friday and it was 24%. But I only lost 1 pound. It is crazy to me but I have learned to ignore the scale. You were right that keeping consistent and not giving up my body would finally adjust.

    Thanks again for your help!


    Hi psulemon...

    Okay, so I'm trying to ignore the scale and rely on measurements, but I still want to understand. Here is the way I'm interpreting what I've read so far.

    My BMR is 1,740. According to this site: my TDEE, NOT including exercise, is 2114, but it's 2730 including moderate exercise (I'm currently doing 30-60 min of various types of exercise 5 days a week). Calculating a deficit at 20% of 2114 is 422.8, and 20% of 2730 is 546. If I quit logging exercise and use the higher TDEE, these numbers suggest I should eat 2184 calories a day (2730 - 546 = 2184).

    My current MFP allowance is 1,680 calories/day and I am supposed to log and eat back my exercise calories. However, the most I've ever logged in a day is 2186 and most of the time I'm under 1700 (including eating back all the exercise cals I can manage to eat).

    Background: I plateaued for a few weeks and finally, last week, broke through with a .9 lb loss. However, I am steadily losing inches. I've dropped 1 pants size and 1.5 bra band sizes. I have been interpreting this to mean I am losing body fat.

    What's your recommendation? Thanks in advance!

    My recommendation is this, eat 2100-2200 calories a day. Do that for a month and monitor the difference. Try to set your carbs at 40%, protein at 40% and fats at 20%. This should help level out some of the water weight. Also, I dont know what you do for exercise, but try to do 3 days of weight training and 2 days of cardio. This should help with muscle retention. Also, lift heavy. Meaning, you should fail at 8-12 reps.

  • EthanJeremiahsMama
    EthanJeremiahsMama Posts: 534 Member
  • Cupcake596
    You are making this WAY too complicated for every. Here is the simplest way to cut body fat"

    1. Figure out BMR
    2. Figure out TDEE (include exercise into your TDEE, so you don't need to eat back exercise calories)
    3. Cut 20% from your TDEE

    Here is the results:

    "I just wanted to thank you for your help. You helped me a few months back and I just wanted to give you an update on my progress. 12 weeks ago I started at 154 and 28% bf. I got my bf remeasured last Friday and it was 24%. But I only lost 1 pound. It is crazy to me but I have learned to ignore the scale. You were right that keeping consistent and not giving up my body would finally adjust.

    Thanks again for your help!


    SO tempted to start doing this. Ive worked out through fat2fit radio that my tdee is 2294 (i go to the gym 4 times a week but have a sit down job.. i work in a call centre) and 20% cut of this is 1835.

    IS this right? I can eat this? But then not eat back my exercise calories?

    Atm i am on 1lb loss per week at 1410. and eat back my exercise cals. Half the time i am actually eating 1800 cals by the end of the day. So really its the same sort of thing :@ x
  • Divagettinfitin2011
    Divagettinfitin2011 Posts: 500 Member
    Thanks for sharing!
  • L00py_T0ucan
    L00py_T0ucan Posts: 1,378 Member
  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
  • fanceegirl75
    fanceegirl75 Posts: 620 Member
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    SO tempted to start doing this. Ive worked out through fat2fit radio that my tdee is 2294 (i go to the gym 4 times a week but have a sit down job.. i work in a call centre) and 20% cut of this is 1835.

    IS this right? I can eat this? But then not eat back my exercise calories?

    Atm i am on 1lb loss per week at 1410. and eat back my exercise cals. Half the time i am actually eating 1800 cals by the end of the day. So really its the same sort of thing :@ x

    So using fat2fit method read the paragraph above the chart - that is goal weight TDEE and NOT current weight, and you do NOT cut 20% off. It already is lower than TDEE. Any further cut and you are back an unwise level for losing bodyfat probably.

    So you eat 2300 every day, and exercise is already included in there, no eat back.

    And the intent here you can confirm, if you took 2300 minus normal exercise calorie burn, you should end up netting slightly above current BMR that fat2fit told you.

    Compared to current method, is the 1410 actually below current BMR by about 200? Actually could see 1 lb loss goal keeping you safe, and if eating back your exercise, you are obtaining this effect already at least.
    Good for you making wise goal.

    This suggestion is for all those eating below their BMR by 200-400, and not eating back exercise calories, double-bad-whammy.
  • Cupcake596
    SO tempted to start doing this. Ive worked out through fat2fit radio that my tdee is 2294 (i go to the gym 4 times a week but have a sit down job.. i work in a call centre) and 20% cut of this is 1835.

    IS this right? I can eat this? But then not eat back my exercise calories?

    Atm i am on 1lb loss per week at 1410. and eat back my exercise cals. Half the time i am actually eating 1800 cals by the end of the day. So really its the same sort of thing :@ x

    So using fat2fit method read the paragraph above the chart - that is goal weight TDEE and NOT current weight, and you do NOT cut 20% off. It already is lower than TDEE. Any further cut and you are back an unwise level for losing bodyfat probably.

    So you eat 2300 every day, and exercise is already included in there, no eat back.

    And the intent here you can confirm, if you took 2300 minus normal exercise calorie burn, you should end up netting slightly above current BMR that fat2fit told you.

    Compared to current method, is the 1410 actually below current BMR by about 200? Actually could see 1 lb loss goal keeping you safe, and if eating back your exercise, you are obtaining this effect already at least.
    Good for you making wise goal.

    This suggestion is for all those eating below their BMR by 200-400, and not eating back exercise calories, double-bad-whammy.

    Yes my BMR is just over 1500.

    So what im doing atm is good then? and no need for change?

    I usually burn about 400cals a time at the gym 4 times a week and then eat the majority of them back. So i eat about 1800-1900 cals on workout days and normal 1410cals on non-exercise days. Unless im saving exercise cals for the day after when i dont work out if i have something planned.. ie. night out meal out.

    Am i a-okay?
  • NocturnalGirl
    NocturnalGirl Posts: 1,762
    Bump to look at later :)
  • ambernadira
    bumping for later :)
  • Icandoit66
    Icandoit66 Posts: 74 Member
    Bump for later.
  • winonajosephine
    winonajosephine Posts: 122 Member
  • mbajrami
    mbajrami Posts: 636 Member
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Yes my BMR is just over 1500.

    So what im doing atm is good then? and no need for change?

    I usually burn about 400cals a time at the gym 4 times a week and then eat the majority of them back. So i eat about 1800-1900 cals on workout days and normal 1410cals on non-exercise days. Unless im saving exercise cals for the day after when i dont work out if i have something planned.. ie. night out meal out.

    Am i a-okay?

    And if that BMR was based on bodyfat%, that means you have good lean mass you'd hate to lose by underfeeding.
    I'd up the goal to next round 100 above BMR, so perhaps 1600 since you said above 1500.

    Remeasure BF% and BMR after 5 lbs and adjust if needed. By feeding the workouts so well, you are likely to go up in LBM, and may get to eat even more!

    Still eat back the exercise calories within a day or before the next workout, within the same physical day not needed, and your plan is just fine for balancing between 2 days.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    SO tempted to start doing this. Ive worked out through fat2fit radio that my tdee is 2294 (i go to the gym 4 times a week but have a sit down job.. i work in a call centre) and 20% cut of this is 1835.

    IS this right? I can eat this? But then not eat back my exercise calories?

    Atm i am on 1lb loss per week at 1410. and eat back my exercise cals. Half the time i am actually eating 1800 cals by the end of the day. So really its the same sort of thing :@ x

    So using fat2fit method read the paragraph above the chart - that is goal weight TDEE and NOT current weight, and you do NOT cut 20% off. It already is lower than TDEE. Any further cut and you are back an unwise level for losing bodyfat probably.

    So you eat 2300 every day, and exercise is already included in there, no eat back.

    And the intent here you can confirm, if you took 2300 minus normal exercise calorie burn, you should end up netting slightly above current BMR that fat2fit told you.

    Compared to current method, is the 1410 actually below current BMR by about 200? Actually could see 1 lb loss goal keeping you safe, and if eating back your exercise, you are obtaining this effect already at least.
    Good for you making wise goal.

    This suggestion is for all those eating below their BMR by 200-400, and not eating back exercise calories, double-bad-whammy.

    Yes my BMR is just over 1500.

    So what im doing atm is good then? and no need for change?

    I usually burn about 400cals a time at the gym 4 times a week and then eat the majority of them back. So i eat about 1800-1900 cals on workout days and normal 1410cals on non-exercise days. Unless im saving exercise cals for the day after when i dont work out if i have something planned.. ie. night out meal out.

    Am i a-okay?
    1850 a day would be what i would recommend. Heybales sums up to why its important to eat enough. Keep in mind its just important to eat enough so your body can repair itself. So dont decrease tue intake on non workout days. Its possible short term to lose less but long term you will burn more as you will have greater lean muscle mass which burns more.