Do you wish you were taller/shorter?



  • glbragg
    glbragg Posts: 77 Member
    Basketball is my hobby so I wish I was a little taller. I'm 6'0" but could use another 2-3 inches
  • Sunscreenandsweat
    Sunscreenandsweat Posts: 190 Member
    Nope I like being 5'3.
  • dianita22
    dianita22 Posts: 28
    I wouldn't mind being a few inches shorter. I don't mind being 5'10" but when I wear heels I feel like a giant... I wish I was 5'7"
    exactly how I feel, I'm 5'10" too and I can't find any guys taller than me lol
  • robsgurl
    robsgurl Posts: 97 Member
    I am 5'7 and I am happy with that...=)
  • Lyndi4
    Lyndi4 Posts: 442 Member
    I'm in between 5'5" and 5'6" & I'm fine with it. Not too short, not too tall. My sister is 5'11", and she looks great. Long legs, thin frame... Sometimes I think that would be nice (esp the thin frame :), but she has had issues with finding the right jeans or for example, we are going to be in a wedding together this July. It was harder for her while dress shopping b/c she could only look at the styles that were made with extra length. We ended up doing more of a mid-calf look, so that worked out, but we all fell in love with these 4" red heels that will look great to accent our black dresses, but she is a little worried about being so much taller than the groomsmen she is walking with. I think it will be fine though. They will both look great & that's all that matters!
  • i think i'm the shortest person here... =( 4'3.
    even a couple more inches would be extremely helpful.
  • lunaliz
    lunaliz Posts: 1
    5'3" and it would be really lovely to be able to reach the top shelf at the supermarket without having to ask the tall man at the end of the isle
  • RoboLikes
    RoboLikes Posts: 519 Member
    Sometimes. I'm 6 feet tall and I always think it'd be a little easier being a little short. 5'8 or 5'9 would be great.
  • mmckee10
    mmckee10 Posts: 405 Member
    i'd like to be 5ft 5. i'm barely 5ft 1 :(
  • MariaAlbina
    MariaAlbina Posts: 130 Member
    I'm 5'3 1/2" and would love to be 5'6"
  • northfresh
    northfresh Posts: 111
    I'm 5'9" and I have been since the 7th grade. I have loved being tall my whole life... until recently it seems. The past two guys I've dated were slightly shorter than me, and although I didn't notice, they seemed to. Now I'm paranoid of how much bigger it makes me seem in comparison and I get uncomfortable, and I've started to notice it around my smaller female friends. It's hard not to compare yourself to a beautiful, short, petite young lady.
  • NathanJ79
    NathanJ79 Posts: 36
    I'm 6'1" and I wouldn't mind being a little taller. Maybe 6'4".
  • anima_gemella
    anima_gemella Posts: 243 Member
    am 1.53 meters.. ( think 5' ) and I am happy being a shorty heheh :flowerforyou:
  • MsTanya77
    MsTanya77 Posts: 357 Member
    I would love to be between 5'7-5'9, I love tall women and men!
  • im 4'10" and really want to be shorter. I would like to be around 4'0"-4'2"

    i REALLY like being short.

    And WHY do you want to be that short?! lol. Trust me, it is super inconvenient.
    And i do love short people but i wouldn't wish my height on anybody...
  • Jon_Rod
    Jon_Rod Posts: 158
    My height is one of 2 things i hate about my body! I'm 5'9" i wish i was 6 ft or 6'1"

  • interceptor311
    interceptor311 Posts: 980 Member
    definitely want to be taller :-/
  • hedwighigh
    hedwighigh Posts: 299
    I'm 5'10.5 and although I do like being tall, I do wish I could be shorter sometimes because I've always been the same height as my boyfriends. There are advantages to this but it would be nice to be shorter than my boyfriend now. We're exactly the same height, which means that I've typically weighed more than them too. I can also tell that although my boyfriend really loves me that he wouldn't mind if I was shorter or if he was taller either. I think he might prefer the later of the two though.

    I don't know but I think being the same height or taller than most guys (or at least the guys I hang around) makes them treat me more of an equal too. Then again, that might just be my attitude since I'm not the girly type - I'm more of the laid back, one-of-the-guys type.

    Also, I can't wear heels. They look good on me but I'm definitely a jolly green giant with them on. And I asked my boyfriend what he thought and I eventually got him to admit that he'd prefer me not wear them.
  • 5'6" and am happy with it.
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    6ft and would happily give several inches to someone else! I've never been comfortable with my height.