

  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    Hi there:flowerforyou: Checking in to save my spot. Night night ........:drinker:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: I seem to have "lost" a few days again. :noway: Worked the weekend and it seems to have thrown me out of kilter.

    :frown: Haven't had time to read the posts since Sunday so I'll catch up with you all tonight. just a few caught my eye as I was scrolling down.

    :flowerforyou: Jane sorry for the loss of Milo (we had a dog called Milo - I love that name)

    :flowerforyou: Barbie I am keeping in the moment and feeling much better in myself so thanks for the advice.

    Woops it's 8 a.m. I was only going to mark the spot for later, better get ready, I've got to be in on time today as my colleague is waiting to get some tickets on line for some event. Hope she's successful.

    Take care everyone - chat tonght.

    Viv xx
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day!!
    Thanks again about the wishes.Hubby is struggling.Thinks he should have done more.
    Pt is going good.Tolerating more.see the ortho dr next week.My grand daughter has her own pt for me.She has changed the ex and wants me to walk more than I`m allowed.She`s almost 4 and is so sweet.Just want her grandma to play with her and run and walk,etc.Doesn`t understand why it takes so long to heal,the boo boos are gone.Gotta love the innosence of youth.
    Hope everyone is doing good.welcome any new people.Prayers for ones that can use them
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just popping in to say have a great Wednesday! Mary
  • dranke2445
    Happy Wednesday! Yes it will be my first trip to Paris. So excited I can hardly stand myself. Doing great this week. I realize its only Wednesday (Day 3 for me) but I'm logging everything I eat and exercised for 30 minutes both Monday & Tuesday, so I've got a great start & can't wait to weigh in to see how it goes. Have a wonderful day everyone!

  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Happy Wednesday everyone...Yay Survivor and Revenge on TV tonight ! Thats why I love Wednesdays!! Gotta go help my hubby fix a light at one of my hair salons today, already went to the gym and did my interval workout on the elliptical, made it up to 25 mins today, yay for me :bigsmile:

    Michelle you are a busy lady!!!!! How do you do all that baking and not want to eat it???? Im a baker too but I have yet to bake anything since Ive started this journey, Im too afraid to take a lick and bite here and there :tongue:
    My daughter turns 21 on May 12the and hubby and I are going up to her college town to visit and Im going to the local bakery to buy cupcakes instead of baking :blushing: But they do make the best cup:blushing: cakes :love: I may have to have 1/2 a cup cake just to celebrate! I can't believe Im old enough to have a 21 year old :huh:

    Have a wonderful day everyone :heart: :heart:
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Happy Wednesday! Yes it will be my first trip to Paris. So excited I can hardly stand myself. Doing great this week. I realize its only Wednesday (Day 3 for me) but I'm logging everything I eat and exercised for 30 minutes both Monday & Tuesday, so I've got a great start & can't wait to weigh in to see how it goes. Have a wonderful day everyone!


    Great job Diana!!!!!!!
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi

    Can't believe how much rain we've had here in York. There's supposed to be a drought in some parts of the UK, but it's rained here non stop!

    I've been eating lots of salads but still no weight loss. Trying to cut down on unhealthy snacking between meals too, something must move some time musn't it? So easy to put on and so hard to take off!

    Just going to walk the dog, ( a lull in the rain :laugh: )

    Viv xx
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good afternoon from cloudy, partly showery Portland. :flowerforyou:

    Long day of teaching ahead but wanted to say hi and report that I jogged a full mile this morning, racewalking for 20 after that, and even ran up and down the bleacher stairs for several minutes. Wheeee, I believe I can fly! :laugh: Strength training routine will resume tomorrow morning. I missed last Thurs and Monday since I was out of town.
    My new pic is from last weekend in San Diego, my niece had just given me a haircut. She's just terrific.
    Anyhoo, must get ready to go, hope everyone has a great day!

    jb :bigsmile:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: it's Wednesday and the week is half over,

    jb- yea you getting the "Hi Skinny" greeting on your visit to your family:drinker:

    Sissy-hoping you are better soon, getting some of that Vit D from the sun should help:flowerforyou:

    Jen- hoping you had a good time at the ANZAC day:flowerforyou:

    Sally- I hear good things about lifting weights, I'm sure they will be a bonus for you too:flowerforyou:

    Diana- Welcome:flowerforyou: Paris in 2013 sounds wonderful:love: I'm sure that you will make your goals for the Nov wedding and your trip with all of us helping you:wink:

    Amanda-purging the clothes in the closet...WOW:noway: and converting a room into a walk in closet:love:

    Jen-I'm sure that hot flash was enough of an alarm for you:wink:

    Diane- stretching and reaching the goals...I've heard it works but can't say I've ever tried it:ohwell:

    Michele- hoping your dentist appt goes smoothly and that the lost filling doesn't cause you any problems, I'm not a fan of the dentist myself:blushing:

    Jane-glad to hear you are continuing to heal:flowerforyou:

    Kat- I too am looking forward to Survivor tonight, but our other show is Top Shot that we DVR'd from last night ...it will be interesting to see if the women continue to get rid of the men:noway:

    I had a good weigh in this AM so I'm now down 15.6 that means I'm over 1/2 way to goal:bigsmile: each .2 is a small victory and when a whole pound goes in a week I'm over the top excited:wink:

    I better get back to work. Everyone have a great evening...drink plenty of water:drinker: log your food and keep on moving.

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello and Happy Wednesday,

    I found a couple of “chair aerobics” workouts on YouTube today, some for seniors (very relaxed pace but I can pick it up) and one that really had me working hard. Over the next few days I’ll work out a good routine and get back to :explode: work. The HRM says burned under 100 calories, but I can feel it in my muscles.

    Yesterday was a dull day and I ate a bag of microwave popcorn DH brought home from a hotel he stayed at a while ago. It actually made me feel ill :sick: and that was before I read the fat and sodium contents. The question is, did that kind of food always make me feel ill and I just didn’t have a foundation of healthy eating to compare it to, or did it start making me feel ill after I started really paying attention to what I eat?:huh: Not that it matters much, because I’ll stick to home made popcorn from now on.

    Salad sisters…lunch will be a confection of spring greens, sprouts from my window sill garden, and whatever else DH has stocked the fridge with. I gave him a list and I notice he added mini-carrots and radishes (he’s fixated on radishes these days). It will be a master salad.

    Kackie I hope your DH’s surgery went well and he’s feeling more comfortable. :flowerforyou:

    Michele, how was the bowling party?

    Jellyfishjen – Anzac day is the anniversary of the battle at Gallipoli, isn’t it? When we were visiting Istanbul we ran in to quite a few Australians/New Zealanders on their way to or from the memorial there. It’s like Vimy Ridge for Canadians, I think. (Except Vimy was a “victory” for the Allies and Gallipoli most definitely was not!)

    Barbie, what are you doing when you are watching DWTS?

    JB you look very happy in your new picture, it must have been a fun visit. :drinker:

    Kat / katiejarr, if you have any good advice about coping with being in a cast, non-weight bearing, and staying fit in the process, send it over this way.

    Amanda, I love the idea of converting a spare bedroom into a walk-in closet. You could get a store mannequin and dress it up in your favorite outfits, just to experiment with different accessories. :happy: Like life size Barbie dolls…

    Diane, I am going to goodle “Miranda Esonde-White” and see if I can find her workouts on Youtube or Netflix. Thanks for the lead.

    Hasta pronto,


    Daily goals for the rest of April are:

    Get up at regular time, even though I'm not working
    1 hour of chair aerobics before 3 pm
    Keep the bedroom tidy
    Eat a salad for lunch
    Plan and cook a good dinner for DH and J'boy
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hello All,

    Laura: Congratulations to being over half-way! That's great success:flowerforyou:

    Nancy: WTG with the chair exercises. Building that muscle will be great for you in burning calories long term! You have a great attitude!

    JaneMartin: Isn't it wonderful to have a little grand child to motivate us? You are doing great and so glad you are making progress!

    Sally: I need to get the same book and get ankle weights...it is missing in my workouts and another goal I have. It is easy to slip back into inactivity for all of us I think. That's what I love about this group....they keep me motivated with new ideas and goals. Take care!

    Barbie: I got my HRM because of your recommendation and it is one of my most motivating tools each day! I resisted for over a year, but you are right to keep recommending them.

    I have DH home from the hospital and am trying to monitor him. He is hyper and not one to sit still, so he is not such a happy camper. The surgery went well and the piece of ruptured disc that was pinching a nerve was removed, so I hope he will have some relief now. He is on pain killers so hard to tell yet! I think I am taking a day off of exercise except for my core exercises...feeling tired:yawn: :yawn:

    Have a nice day where ever you are! I'm happy to be home and get to sleep in my own bed!!!:heart: Kackie
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Man what a boring day I had at work!!! Makes for a very long day, although I did get our qtrly newsletter out...oh well maybe tomorrow will be different or I will have to make some projects for myself. Did my kettleworx core this am and am now adding in the tricep, shoulder and biceps exercises from the scary lady book. I feel like I am actually getting stronger and might look for the next step up from 10 lb, I'm thinking 12 but will give it some thought, I don't want to be bulky.

    Barbie - you bring up a very good point about the food diary...I admit my ignorance though...dense food?? I am guessing whole grains, protein and fiber?? I will have to pay more attention to my combinations. Are there any good, easy to understand nutrition books /websites that you would recommend? That seems to be the next logical step for my journey. I have made a lot of positive changes but its time to understand and make sense of the science.

    I don't remember who brought up the stretching Dvds, but they look very interesting to try...I have tried yoga Dvds and did not like them so maybe this is a way to go to really incorporate the stretch /flexibility piece for me..will keep you posted.

    Hugs to all..off to try to finish the book club book..not liking this one..."Morality play "...not getting it and about 1/3 through, hopefully it gets better or I am trading it in for fluff!!!
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Marking my spot.

    Just got back from taking dinner to my former daughter-in-law and her hubby. She went in for outpatient gallbladder surgery and ended up having to have it done the old "12 inch scar" way due to a bleeder. That was a nasty surprise when she woke up! :noway:

    I picked up our grand puppy while I was in town, as our son is going to be out of town for a week or so. He's sitting here hoping I will drop some of my salad.

    I would have liked to bring home the grandson too but they are 40 minutes away and that would be a bit much getting him to school and back every day. He will probably spend most of his time at his Mom's and help her out due to the surgery.

    Kackie - Glad to hear your DH is back home and on the mend! :happy:

    I got lazy and didn't open a document window, so it's just a short note for now.

    Oh - I have garden news.....my biggest tomato is turning pink. YES, tomato season is coming soon - at least to north Florida.

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Faye: I am SO jealous! When did you plant your tomatoes? I could have planted much earlier than I did this year, but was in MT until end of March and haven't had them in but a couple of weeks. What zone are you? We are 8 here and not much further north. ENJOY!

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Kackie - We are in 8b. We live in Nassau county about 15 miles from the ocean. The winter was very mild this year. I didn't get the tomatoes in as early as I could have; I was lazy and didn't grow them from seed and had to wait until I could find the Cherokee purples that I wanted. I got them in the ground around March 15th. This winter I will get my seeds started right after I take the Christmas tree down. No more calling and driving all over for plants! That's a new years resolution I will be able to keep.

    The bad part about this location is that it gets so hot and humid that by mid July they, and most everything else in the garden, are done. It gets too hot for them to set fruit and the humidity makes it impossible to fight the black spot much later than that. So, while those north of us are eating fresh tomatoes, we are all done with the fresh stuff.

    If you get the chance, grow some Cherokee purples sometime. They are the sweetest, tastiest tomatoes I have ever eaten. They look unusual - a rosy brown and frequently have green looking shoulders even when they are dead ripe.

    I would trade helping a 3 year old learn to ski for fresh tomatoes any day! That is assuming i COULD ski. :laugh: I grew up in the cold part of the country but never learned to ski and my ankles couldn't take ice skates either.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    barbie - I think Gladys (on DWTS) knew that she was going home. But her attitude is still superb

    We had the bowling party tonight. I was good until I got home. I had a grapefruit before I left. Let's start the day off, went to deep water aerobics, then to the dentist (he put a temporary crown on, the permanent one will be in in about 3 weeks, but I've made an appt for when I get home, then went to the senior bowl (120, 126, then (yuk) 97), Vince's team was running late then went to one food store to get some tomatoes and an onion to cut up for the party. Fortunately, Vince had taken the bowling pins and the cake to the lady already so I just had to cut up the tomatoes, slice the onions (used the mandolin), put out the pickles, I'd already washed the lettuce so I needed to put that on the tray, get the shrimp ready. It was very nice, had shrimp and some of this one appetizer this guy brought tomatoes with mozzarella and basil on it, had water to drink but I did have about 2 pieces of cake, the second was because I tried a piece of this brownie someone else made, didn't realize that it had nuts in it so I needed another piece of cake to get the taste out of my mouth. However, when I got home, I did have another piece of the cake. Now I feel so "yuk". Guess you need to do this once in a while to remind yourself why you really don't want to do it.

    Tomorrow is the crochet class. I really haven't had any time to work on my crochet at all. I made a tunnel of fudge cake for the lady who runs it. She won't have it for her birthday and a few weeks afterward so I'll give it to her tomorrow. Then I have the last class in my safe food class. There were only 4 classes, but the second one was really very long (lots of studying).

    Diana - be sure to get a baguette at a boulangerie (?sp). They are awesome. I think a lot of it is because the French don't use all the preservatives and stuff we do. I remember when my grandmother first came to America, she told me she had to relearn how to bake because the flour over here is so different. The food in Paris -- you won't be disappointed. And you dont' get these humongous size portions, either. What you get is real food, not artificial stuff. Congrats on the continued logging

    oh katie - I take my share of licks and bites, but I also log that. Then I try to get the cake or muffins or cookies or whatever out of the house. When my son turned 21, I made him a whiskey cake (I don't really care for whiskey). It was an OLLLLLLDDDDD recipe, it called for 1/2 whiskey. The recipe just didn't say 1/2 of what, but I found out the hard way that it wasn't 1/2 cup. I think what they meant was 1/2 shot glass full. My son said "ma, the cake was very good, but after eating the icing, I felt I should wait a while before driving".....lol. Happy birthday to your daughter. Many times instead of a cupcake, I make mini-cupcakes. There are about 4 in a regular size cupcake/muffin.

    Did an hour of deep water today, tomorrow I'll try Jillian Michael's Shed and Shred DVD. Will report on how it is. Oh, got my Jari Love DVD that was on sale at Amazon.

    Laura - wow on the weight loss!

    Nancy - about the microwave popcorn making you feel sick, my bet is that now your body is accustomed to good food, and when it gets food that isn't decent, you notice it more. I know that happens to me all the time (like tonight and that cake)

    Well, they took the impression for the crown today, drilled it down. The nurse was surprised at how well I tolerated it without any novacaine. Yet, I can still feel a "different" feeling in the gum from when they pushed down on it. Well, that's probably a blessing in disguise because that causes me not to want to eat a whole lot.

    I know that I'm going to have a piece of the cake that I made the the lady who runs the crochet, so I'm having eggs for breakfast. Also, the eggs are high in protein so hopefully, it'll keep me full for most of the day duringg the food safety.

    Faye - so sorry about your former DIL. That's a nasty awakening she had

    Time for bed. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Hello and Happy Wednesday,

    I found a couple of “chair aerobics” workouts on YouTube today, some for seniors (very relaxed pace but I can pick it up) and one that really had me working hard. Over the next few days I’ll work out a good routine and get back to :explode: work. The HRM says burned under 100 calories, but I can feel it in my muscles.

    Yesterday was a dull day and I ate a bag of microwave popcorn DH brought home from a hotel he stayed at a while ago. It actually made me feel ill :sick: and that was before I read the fat and sodium contents. The question is, did that kind of food always make me feel ill and I just didn’t have a foundation of healthy eating to compare it to, or did it start making me feel ill after I started really paying attention to what I eat?:huh: Not that it matters much, because I’ll stick to home made popcorn from now on.

    Salad sisters…lunch will be a confection of spring greens, sprouts from my window sill garden, and whatever else DH has stocked the fridge with. I gave him a list and I notice he added mini-carrots and radishes (he’s fixated on radishes these days). It will be a master salad.

    Kackie I hope your DH’s surgery went well and he’s feeling more comfortable. :flowerforyou:

    Michele, how was the bowling party?

    Jellyfishjen – Anzac day is the anniversary of the battle at Gallipoli, isn’t it? When we were visiting Istanbul we ran in to quite a few Australians/New Zealanders on their way to or from the memorial there. It’s like Vimy Ridge for Canadians, I think. (Except Vimy was a “victory” for the Allies and Gallipoli most definitely was not!)

    Barbie, what are you doing when you are watching DWTS?

    JB you look very happy in your new picture, it must have been a fun visit. :drinker:

    Kat / katiejarr, if you have any good advice about coping with being in a cast, non-weight bearing, and staying fit in the process, send it over this way.

    Amanda, I love the idea of converting a spare bedroom into a walk-in closet. You could get a store mannequin and dress it up in your favorite outfits, just to experiment with different accessories. :happy: Like life size Barbie dolls…

    Diane, I am going to goodle “Miranda Esonde-White” and see if I can find her workouts on Youtube or Netflix. Thanks for the lead.

    Hasta pronto,


    Daily goals for the rest of April are:

    Get up at regular time, even though I'm not working
    1 hour of chair aerobics before 3 pm
    Keep the bedroom tidy
    Eat a salad for lunch
    Plan and cook a good dinner for DH and J'boy

    Hi Nancy

    Its Kat :smile:
    My daughter is Katie and my son is Jarrad thats why my user name is katiejarr :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Im embarrassed to say but when I was in a cast I was not on MFP and I was really heavy and not exercising at all and I spent most days watching TV, I discovered Nip Tuck on Netflix and watched all 100 episodes!!!!! Once I had the cast off and got back to walking I got back to the gym and started back to yoga and got myself back in shape.:smile:

    But that said I think you can do a lot with hand weights for sure!!! I would get some hand weights between 2 and 10 pounds depending on what you are used to lifting and maybe look in the internet for some good arm exercises and go for it :love:
    My hubby was home with me because we run a biz together so he was able to take me for rides in the car to break up the day because being stuck in a wheelchair was really depressing for me because I like to keep busy, plus when he would take me to Costco or the market I had to get one of those motorized carts :blushing: :blushing: that was soooo embarrassing !!!! But then I finally got used to it and :blushing: just embraced it and realized that it all would be over soon and the more I followed Drs orders the quicker I would heal...so thats what I did :bigsmile: Hope that helps!!

    Love :heart:
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Love the story about the Whisky Cake :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: !!!!! Made me laugh!!!!!

    Once my hubby decided to take all the salt and sugar and put them in canisters...so I went to bake him Chocolate Chip cookies and he came home and took a big ole bite of a cookie and looked totally shocked!!! I put salt instead of sugar in the cookies!!! I was wondering why they were so funny looking after they baked :blushing: :blushing:

    Have a good night!!!

    Love Kat :love:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello my friends

    Wow, I had a bad night! Serious nightmares and I ended up getting out of bed at 4:00 am and packing up more boxes (I've now threatened to start on DHs stuff!). I moved all my children's books and bric a brac that they have been storing here since they left home - it is all now in the attics, neatly boxed and labeled. One day I will try to persuade them to take them to their own homes!

    Having a really busy day at work, but decided to give myself a ten minute break because I needed to get my head straight, otherwise I'll start making mistakes and I can't afford to do that today as we are preparing our latest catalogue for publication before the big Antiquarian Map fairs in June. DH is working upstairs from me, but I've barely seen him all day.

    Break over - better get my nose back on the grindstone and my shoulder to the wheel - good job all the yoga has made me flexible!

    Love to all.

    Amanda x