Forgive my student loan!



  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    Its not class warfare and its not false, its simply stating the truth. Many of the companies have made quite the profit but still haven't created jobs with it. They do not care about creating jobs, they just care about lining their own pockets as quickly as they can. I'm glad I'll never be jealous of someone who is making millions from exploitation of humans; sweatshops but I guess in your world those don't exist either?

    Well, if sweeping generalizations are what qualify as "truth" in your world, there really isn't a point in continuing this line of discussion.
    Sweeping generalizations like "They are job creators" and "If we tax them an extra $700 out of every $10,000 profit they'll pull out of the market completely"? Yea, if you believe that then you're right - there is no point in continuing this line of discussion.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    Here's a thought, how about we demand the gov institutes an actual pro-growth jobs agenda and abandon it 'spread the wealth around" ideology instead of asking for our loans to be forgiven? That way, people find work and can afford their loan payments.

    Instead of demonizing the rich, the gov should encourage people to become wealthy because they are the one who create the jobs. Or we could just tax the rich into oblivion and kill the incentive to better ones' self.
    Oh where to even begin. 1st, the rich won't be taxed into oblivion by having them pay the same rate as the middle class. 2nd, they aren't the ones who create job. They are the ones who send jobs overseas. It's small business owners who create jobs. 3rd, even if they paid higher taxes than the middle class do you honestly think that would kill the incentive to get rich? that's a bit like saying "I don't want to win the lottery because then I'll have to pay taxes on it." You still end up WAY ahead.
    Your comments show your class warfare bias.

    I'd assume explaining how the wealthy create jobs through consumption and investment would fall on deaf ears unfortunately.

    Consumption doesn't create jobs in the US anymore, its creating jobs in other countries. Production has moved overseas and stores are moving overseas.
    Sweep generalizations generally aren't useful in a productive debate. Of course consumption creates jobs. There are plenty of products manufactured in the United States, and even products manufactured in other countries need to be shipped and sold in the US. Someone has to do that, right?

    I'm not generalizing anything, if you pay attention to trends you would know that shops are now moving overseas as well and closing down in the US. No need to ship here anymore since they are going overseas so now we are losing jobs that retail businesses had provided as well.
  • KathieSwenson
    Maybe I shouldn't find it disturbing considering the whole housing bust in this country, but this thread is driving me crazy. Do the people that are "pro" loan relief understand that this money is coming fom the rest of the taxpaying citizens? If you bail on your debt, you are simply pushing the responsibility onto every tax payer in this country. If everyone were to adopt the same mentality the US would collapse over night.

    There should be a test to become a citizen of the US. If you do not understand how the economics of our nation work, you can't be part of our hard working, tax paying, debt paying group.

    First of all those with student loans are still paying taxes. Just because their debts are forgiven dont mean they never have to pay taxes. Trust me I had to pay in more than even I had expected this year.

    90% of the USA don't understand economics unless they take macro and micro economics in class and even then it's not a given that it's understandable so that's not a valid argument with me.

    Third. Please go and re read that debt forgiveness. Again as I said before you MUST pay in for ten years. Hello already implemented. The just forgave all student loans for students before the year (I believe it was 1998). So I know it's not going to crash our economy. How. They have already done it and

    lastly, go look at the pell grant. Where do you think that money comes from. A tree? No it comes from your money. So you are honestly already paying for others to get an education. just because You don't think it right doesn't mean everyone has to follow your opinion.

    Am I paying my loans..... Yes.... Do I agree with debt forgiveness yes UNDER one condition, they have to pay it back for so many years before its forgiven. I dont agree rewarding those who havent paid on their loans. The reason it teaches the value of not getting anything for free and over 4 years paying on my loans I have paid in 24288 dollars that's over half of my loans.......guess what it hasn't dropped at all. Over 10 years. 120 months I will pay in 20,000 more than the loan is worth, so in essence when they forgive my loan, All it will be is interest because my loan will have been overpaid. So do I agree with it yes! The reason if you add up what I have paid in it would total to more than my actuall loan and therefore should be deemed as paid off! The 2012 debt forgiveness plan states you must pay at least 10%of your income for 10 years and that 10 years does include deferments in which interest was accruing. People. They have to pay most of the time more than the original balance before it is forgiven. so no arguments from me on this. I did the math and my loan would be paid off. Why argue with that. It would be the same as the government stating that interest rates no longer apply and here on out you pay at 0% for life at loan. If that was the case I would have it paid off by 2018. 10 years from the time I actually started making payments because I was no longer allowed to defer it. Btw if you didn't know you only have three years to defer a loan. Interest still applies and, you have 1 yr forbearance. So it's not a lengthy timespan you have to work your way up in a very competitive job environment. Something to think about. I would totally be for 0% interest for life of loan as well. I just believe everyone is not reading the 2012 debt forgiveness and automatically assuming its forgiven in its entirety when it's not.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    To define what school loan forgiveness is or isn't and use that as the root of your argument is invalid considering there is yet to be a defined bill for school loan forgiveness, many written but none complete.

    The problem is entitlement yes. There is something that goes much deeper than that. There are people here saying that an educated society is a prosperous society, while there is some truth to that on a minimal level that is in my opinion incorrect.

    Production is pretty much all but gone in America, what we have left is the service industry. People selling a service or craft to others. Construction, landscaping, painters, laborers etc still exist in this country and this is where we are having problems.

    If you give every person in society the opportunity to go to college you take the incentive away for people to take lower paying jobs, to take the few production jobs available and to refuse to work in the service industry and then you increase the cost of such industries due to the "educated majority" now occupying those services.

    Then you take illegal immigration and throw this into the mix and what you get is college educated construction foreman hiring illegal workers because they are much cheaper than hiring the construction worker who is expecting 30 dollars an hour union benefits, vacations etc.

    You give every one the opportunity to be educated and you will simply get less people to occupy the roles of PAYING jobs and thereby increasing the demand for skilled labor but on the other hand you have a an entire work force of cheap labor that is used instead.

    Without getting into it, the bottom line is. For any country to run properly you need laborers, you need servicemen and women, you need construction workers, you need ditch diggers and you need waiters and cooks without them you have a bunch of over educated jobless thinking types not contributing or servicing their communities. I am not saying we do not need education, by all means we do but not every child is destined to be a college student, some will be janitors and mechanics and our society is slowly but surely denigrating those types of jobs and taking away the respect and dignity those jobs once had.

    I manage a security company, you know hard it is to find good employees who basically sit around and get paid 10-12 dollars an hour to essentially stand around for 8 hours ? Why, it is beneath most people apparently...
  • KathieSwenson
    To define what school loan forgiveness is or isn't and use that as the root of your argument is invalid considering there is yet to be a defined bill for school loan forgiveness, many written but none complete.

    The problem is entitlement yes. There is something that goes much deeper than that. There are people here saying that an educated society is a prosperous society, while there is some truth to that on a minimal level that is in my opinion incorrect.

    Production is pretty much all but gone in America, what we have left is the service industry. People selling a service or craft to others. Construction, landscaping, painters, laborers etc still exist in this country and this is where we are having problems.

    If you give every person in society the opportunity to go to college you take the incentive away for people to take lower paying jobs, to take the few production jobs available and to refuse to work in the service industry and then you increase the cost of such industries due to the "educated majority" now occupying those services.

    Then you take illegal immigration and throw this into the mix and what you get is college educated construction foreman hiring illegal workers because they are much cheaper than hiring the construction worker who is expecting 30 dollars an hour union benefits, vacations etc.

    You give every one the opportunity to be educated and you will simply get less people to occupy the roles of PAYING jobs and thereby increasing the demand for skilled labor but on the other hand you have a an entire work force of cheap labor that is used instead.

    Without getting into it, the bottom line is. For any country to run properly you need laborers, you need servicemen and women, you need construction workers, you need ditch diggers and you need waiters and cooks without them you have a bunch of over educated jobless thinking types not contributing or servicing their communities. I am not saying we do not need education, by all means we do but not every child is destined to be a college student, some will be janitors and mechanics and our society is slowly but surely denigrating those types of jobs and taking away the respect and dignity those jobs once had.

    I manage a security company, you know hard it is to find good employees who basically sit around and get paid 10-12 dollars an hour to essentially stand around for 8 hours ? Why, it is beneath most people apparently...

    I actually agree wit you on this regarding the over educated. I often wonder whet would happen if we went to a school system like Germany has. You take a test at the 7th grade level if you pass you go to high school. If you don't you go to trade school. Same at highe school level vs college and college (for the elite is paid by the country). But if you don't make what the expect of you. You go learn a trade. Now in America a bachelors has as muc right as a high school diploma. To be able to get good jobs out of college you must have a masters. I have a great job still lower income paying skill but I love it and I worked my butt off to get to where I am at. Most students don't have that option.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I actually agree wit you on this regarding the over educated. I often wonder whet would happen if we went to a school system like Germany has. You take a test at the 7th grade level if you pass you go to high school. If you don't you go to trade school. Same at highe school level vs college and college (for the elite is paid by the country). But if you don't make what the expect of you. You go learn a trade. Now in America a bachelors has as muc right as a high school diploma. To be able to get good jobs out of college you must have a masters. I have a great job still lower income paying skill but I love it and I worked my butt off to get to where I am at. Most students don't have that option.

    And ... one more reason I'm glad I live in the US.