Personal trainer wanting to help:)



  • MeechoXD
    MeechoXD Posts: 27
    Hi I am wondering about the most effective form of HIIT when doing cardio. I mainly use an elliptical for my cardio. I have been following Bill Phillip's Body-For-Life way of HIIT for 2 years. I have seen so many other forms of HIIT, what format would you consider to be the most effective in a 15-20 minute workout? Also, what kind of warmup would you recommend before starting the first spike in intensity?
  • cmckenzie2
    Hey - MFP had me at 1200 calories and I was sticking to it a bit although I was quite headachey. I did lose 4lbs.

    I read into the whole BMR thing and my BMR is 1489 apparently. I aim to exercise at least every other day and have set my calories at 1550.

    I'm having no problem eating the calories but compared to how I felt this time last week, considering I've only been eating 1550-ish for a few days, I feel fat and bloated. Yesterday I felt huge, today during the day I actually felt more energetic than I have in a long time - but this evening I feel wretched again.

    I'm 31, female, 5' 6" and 154 (hoping to get down to 140 and maybe eventually 135). Can anyone advise or help or have any tips??

    I don't think this 14lbs is for budging.
  • May63
    May63 Posts: 162
    gonna try righting done my info asking later.
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    I'v asked you questions before, but I have a new one. I've been strength training for 6 months now and while I have made serious improvements in what I can lift, I haven't lost any weight whatsoever. Last week my weight shot up 5 pounds after a workout and I had DOMS for three days, so I'm thinking I may have overdone it and decided to scale back to just cardio this week. I'm hoping a week off will give my system a break and help me shed that water/glycogen weight I put on - I know I didn't eat 15000 extra calories!

    I have 45 pounds to lose, so it's not like I'm really close to my goal, and everything I've read says that weight training is a better way to go, but my experience in the last 6 months has gotten me nowhere - not even changing much in size except for an inch or two in the extremities. I've dropped my calories down this week to see if that makes a difference and I'm considering just trying to find the sweet spot, calorie-wise, and slowly adding weight training back in. I'm getting my body fat tested next week with a tank system, and I hope I'll get a more accurate picture of my body composition and what my calorie goals should be. I'm not sure there's an actual question in all this, but I'm very frustrated and I'm curious if you have any advice for someobody who's not making progress.
  • cmckenzie2
    Hey - MFP had me at 1200 calories and I was sticking to it a bit although I was quite headachey. I did lose 4lbs.

    I read into the whole BMR thing and my BMR is 1489 apparently. I aim to exercise at least every other day and have set my calories at 1550.

    I'm having no problem eating the calories but compared to how I felt this time last week, considering I've only been eating 1550-ish for a few days, I feel fat and bloated. Yesterday I felt huge, today during the day I actually felt more energetic than I have in a long time - but this evening I feel wretched again.

    I'm 31, female, 5' 6" and 154 (hoping to get down to 140 and maybe eventually 135). Can anyone advise or help or have any tips??

    I don't think this 14lbs is for budging.

    Hi, 1200 is right on the line of being excessive. A 500 cal deficit is good for about 1lb a week. I suggest you stay with your diet plan for at least 3 weeks before changing it, that way you can say for sure if its working or not. You may wont to try carb cycling or a carb up day once every week or two( this keeps your bmr running high). Low carbs over a long period of time will drastically slow your metabolism and weightloss. If you continue feeling terrible you may have some deficiency in your diet, consult a doctor just to be safe.

    Thank you very much for the advice, hugely appreciated!
  • NoSharpei
    NoSharpei Posts: 73
    There is an interesting discussion on this page if you are interested:
  • thriftycupl
    thriftycupl Posts: 310 Member
    I'd love any ideas you might have on pushing past a plateau. My goal is to lose about 90 lbs and so far I've lost about 30 but then hit a plateau for the past 6 weeks. I have plenty left to go. I used to drink lots of Pepsi and eat candy everyday, including plenty of eating out. I'm now following a high protein, low carb diet and recently added a big dose of protein in the morning. I'm also doing a lot of walking and other activity that I wasn't doing before. I feel better and I can definitely see the changes, but the plateau has been hard to keep on track. Any thoughts would be great.
  • madcitygal
  • thriftycupl
    thriftycupl Posts: 310 Member
    I'd love any ideas you might have on pushing past a plateau. My goal is to lose about 90 lbs and so far I've lost about 30 but then hit a plateau for the past 6 weeks. I have plenty left to go. I used to drink lots of Pepsi and eat candy everyday, including plenty of eating out. I'm now following a high protein, low carb diet and recently added a big dose of protein in the morning. I'm also doing a lot of walking and other activity that I wasn't doing before. I feel better and I can definitely see the changes, but the plateau has been hard to keep on track. Any thoughts would be great.

    keep up your workouts with some variance of intensity/ duration/ different exercises/ hit muscles from different angles/ frequency of workouts/ adjust cals by 250 up or down or your carbs by 50 and see if that effects you bmr. Try one or all of those.

    Thanks for the thoughts.
  • Lmaass1
    Lmaass1 Posts: 33 Member

    I've been running a lot lately on the treadmill, and my groin hurts EVERY time after about 10 minutes of running. I played soccer for 13 years, so running isn't new to me, but what am I doing wrong? I'm not sure if my posture is bad or if I'm not stretching enough, but if you have any advice at all on what I could do, it would be GREATLY appreciated :)!! Thanks!
  • jodibrox
    jodibrox Posts: 37 Member
    I am using a treadmill and am wondering which is better for burning calories: more incline or increased speed. I am doing ifit program and the pace is fairly slow but incline gets up to 6-10%. Just hoping that this will be sufficient to lose weight if I do it every day. (I have 60 lbs to lose and am a beginner at exercise)
  • adjoa84
    adjoa84 Posts: 261 Member
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    I can't believe you are still going at it Nate. :noway:
    Bumping this part 2 thread.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    Thanks for the generous offer of advice!

    I was wondering what kind of strength training would be easy to perform at home. I've got two kids and I can only get to the gym three times a week for sessions and I'd like to add some more weight training into my routine. I have two 5lb weights (much too small for my current level) and a 12lb kettlbell and I'd like to try to avoid buying more equipment; is there anything around the house that I could use that might give me some effect? Thanks!