Really Funny Things To Do To Make People Uncomfortable!



  • livsmom03
    ROFL at the image that gave me :laugh:
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I have bipolar so I'm classed as "mad" and one of my friends has a wicked sense of humour so we tend to make jokes about me being mad and we get stared at a lot.

    Also I tend to say to her how I know the perfect way to kill someone and bury them while looking at a certain person, this tends to freak them out... add a little whisper and my friend going "oooh so thats how" and a sympathetic look to the person i've been staring at. Works a treat x

    MY sister was doing a degree in Forensics and one day we stood at the bus stop talking about planning a perfect murder. One of the things that came was that you would have to find a victim and one of the best places is at your normal bus stop. This poor guy must have heard us and decided to walk to the next bus stop.
  • goodfido
    goodfido Posts: 127 Member
    I was a surrogate years ago and when I would meet some of my husbands co-workers they would immediately congratulate him and ask when the baby was due. He said, "save the congratulations, it's not even mine" LOL.....Oh the looks we would get, those were great.
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    Me, my husband, his best friend and his wife at the time all went to a restaurant together. We were sitting by our respective spouses all with rings on.

    When the (poor) waiter came to take our order his friend touched my husbands hand and said "my lover and I would like to have the steak". I thought she was going to die.

    And then he asked my husband what kind of salad he would like and he replied "I would like my salad tossed". I thought he was going to have a coronary.

    But he increased his tip when he came over at the end and asked my husband if he was finished and when hubby said yeah he looked at him and said "that's nice" and walked away with a smile. We couldn't stop laughing!!!

    When asked how he would like his steak he usually answered "cooked on the grill". He thinks he's funny.
  • kellybean14
    kellybean14 Posts: 237 Member
    I totally should have been wearing my HRM this whole time bc I swear I've burned like 50 calories from laughing. My sides hurt so bad..!
  • Thesis_gut
    Thesis_gut Posts: 56 Member
    Trigger Happy TV is a good source of pranks, I'm not sure if it's available in the US though, might just be in the UK.

    For example:
  • futurerunner
    futurerunner Posts: 169 Member
    Tell a stranger that the reason you love crackers is because they are edible plates....that is all.
  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,677 Member
    Me, my husband, his best friend and his wife at the time all went to a restaurant together. We were sitting by our respective spouses all with rings on.

    When the (poor) waiter came to take our order his friend touched my husbands hand and said "my lover and I would like to have the steak". I thought she was going to die.

    And then he asked my husband what kind of salad he would like and he replied "I would like my salad tossed". I thought he was going to have a coronary.

    But he increased his tip when he came over at the end and asked my husband if he was finished and when hubby said yeah he looked at him and said "that's nice" and walked away with a smile. We couldn't stop laughing!!!

    When asked how he would like his steak he usually answered "cooked on the grill". He thinks he's funny.

    and this is why "saliva" should be counted into your food log after eating in restaurants where you have servers
  • ladynica
    ladynica Posts: 329 Member
    I worked in an office where we were big time prankers.

    If you have a co-worker you are friends with..sit next to them in a meeting.
    Then draw a huge penis and casually (and discreetly) show it to them like it is relevant to the discussion.
    I did this to my friend and he could not contain himself. He laughed so hard he had to leave the room.
    YOU have to keep a straight face and look at the 'victim' like they are crazy.

    Don't get anyone fired!

  • Chrystibel
    Chrystibel Posts: 116 Member
    Once while at my friends house with my boyfriend, we ate dinner with my friend and her grandma (who is french and has a remarkable and crude sense of humor), as we were walking out the door grandma tries to hand my boyfriend a kitten to take home and he was like "no way" and she said "what? you don't like a little pus*y?"....he couldn't decide whether to be mortified or laugh, it was hilarious, I love that old lady.
  • elsham
    elsham Posts: 549 Member

    wear clothing of two conflicting interests (for instance, a shirt and jacket of rival sports teams, or buttons from two opposing political parties)

    This is goooold. Man I have to do that next time I go running. I wonder how many conversations/looks will result from it.
  • ShandiH
    ShandiH Posts: 232 Member
    That is just perverted. People don't need jerks like you. Life is tough enough.

    Wooowww sumbody woke up on the wrong side of bed this morning!!

    Seriously dude . . . Life is tough enough only when can't laugh.
  • JoeD1968
    JoeD1968 Posts: 167
    when a stranger walks into a place you are,start talking on your cell phone about them,like you were hired to follow them,and describe everything they do
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    This is soooooooo bad. I should not even admit this, but here goes....

    So I was 23, drunk, hanging with a couple friends.

    There was this *itchy *ss woman that worked at the local grocery store.

    We decided to go there and see if we could get in the bathroom with her at the same time.

    So 3 hours of waiting for her to come out on her break (she smoked outside then) out she came.

    We unload the car and into the rest room. After her smoke, in she comes.

    We had chunky peanut butter smeared on toilet paper. One of us (not saying who *cough*)

    went into the stall beside her and dropped it on the floor....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    She freaked and we bolted. I wish one of us would have stayed to see if she picked it up. Hindsight!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    whenever you're in a restaurant and there are paper toilet seat covers,

    get one, put it around your neck, re-enter the restaurant

    and loudly tell people

    "hey look! free bibs in the bathroom!!"

    ROTFLMBO I wouldn't have the nerve to do it but that's the funniest one yet. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • editnonnalynn
    editnonnalynn Posts: 495 Member
    Was on a bowling team years ago and one of the couples was a CrAzY guy and his shy reserved wife. He always did stuff to mortify her. My fave was when he came out of the restroom with 3 feet of TP on the back of one shoe and took his turn bowling! Hilarious!!!!
  • Phoenix_Angel
    Next time u go to a nice restaurant, make sure it's dark outside but wear sunglasses inside. Act suspicious with everything u do. Pretend to take notes in a memo book several times during dinner and stare at everyone around ALOT, especially the server. If someone asks u to remove ur glasses tell them they're umm prescription and u forgot ur other glasses. Also talk in monotone.
  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,677 Member
    refuse offers with the phrases "no thanks, I'm driving" or "sorry, but it's against my religion"

    for example

    "Want a slice of cheese on your sandwich?" "No thanks. I'm driving"

    "Want to go bowling on Saturday?" "Sorry, but it's against my religion."
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    Well, one time I was with my cousin and we were shopping..and she insisted that we starting talking like we are from England or somewhere (mind we are American lol in America). So we went up to the register and my cousin n looks at me and start talking with an accent and the cashier just looked so confused....and so I am trying so hard not to laugh and so I started to talk with an accent and the cashier looked even more confused (I guess she didn't expect it). She finally asked, "Where are we from?" So my cousin said, "Born and raised in California" (still with the accent) and I just nod my head in agreement. The cashier could barely get a word out, lol she was completely confused. Then the cashier gives us our receipt and my cousin laughed while walking away and said (outloud purposely so the cashier can hear), "Did you see her face? Works everytime!!!"

    We look back (from a good distance) and the cashier just shakes her head and starts laughing.
  • slightner
    slightner Posts: 61 Member
    This yoga instructor is probably making people uncomfortable...



    Oh, that girl in the front.... I'm going to get really good at that pose, and then sit like that in my office chair and wait for someone to come into my office....

    UMM does this guy NOT look like a yoga instructor to anyone else? LMAO!