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Closed Diaries?



  • Drawberry
    Drawberry Posts: 104 Member
    Not everyone is here for support though. Some people are here only to track their calories and log their exercise.

    Agree. But it's such a great support system they should be using it fully.


    Just NO.

    No one SHOULD do anything because you think it's right for them to do, that's pure and simple arrogance.

    Some people would like support, some people don't. Some people find that telling complete strangers on the internet that they have no emotional connection with every single tiny detail of their lives is not something they're interested in doing and they have every right to.

    No one should ever feel the need that they MUST do something because others think they should. This thread seriously makes me consider locking my diary back up again, not because I was ashamed of it, or because I was fishing for compliments on it, but because of the amount of entitled, arrogant folks who believe they have a right to my business.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I'm just wondering why some people have closed diaries? I find it hard to support someone saying' "yah great day" when for all I know they couuld have had a feed of mcd's.

    I'm not trying to offend anyone, so please dont shoot me down. Just wondering. :wink:

    Also, its good to see what other people are eating to get new ideas.

    Because I don't want to debate what I ate today.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    Mine is open to my friends but closed to everyone else because frankly I don't want people snooping around my diary and telling me I should be eating more/what I should be eating, that I won't lose weight/gain muscle with my food choices etc etc etc. I know what I'm doing and my friends will hold me accountable for what I eat, if I have an off day or whatever.
  • wmako
    wmako Posts: 36 Member
    I recently closed my dairy because I realized that I wasn't being completely honest with myself out of embarrassment. I was leaving out little bites and bits. I need to track every single little thing for a while so that I can review my reports and see privately what kind of affect it has on my overall progress. If we were perfect, we wouldn't be here and I just want to work on it in private for now. So as you can see, people have a variety of personal reasons for doing the things they do. :smile:
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    What's wrong with just asking people what they eat? If I'm feeling bored I post something in my newsfeed asking what others are snacking on or what they had for lunch. I don't need to go creep in their diaries for that.

    I keep mine closed because 1. I'm bad at logging on the computer (I like writing things down on a piece of paper) 2. It's none of your business. I have people on my list that think eating over 2000 calories is ridiculous for weight loss and I've deleted people when I did have it open when they would say "Oh...that's okay. Tomorrow will be better." Um...no...I ate 2600 calories on purpose because I burned over 3000 that day. Get a grip.

    So I put it on private. I don't need someone telling me that I'm eating too much or that they could NEVER fit in over 2000 calories a day let alone 2600 on some days.
  • tinchick
    tinchick Posts: 59 Member
    My diary is closed because, quite frankly, it's no one's business what I eat in a day. I don't need comments, positive or negative, about the specific foods that I eat. And if I choose to eat McDonald's or any other unhealthy food, it's my issue to deal with, not anyone else's. And for me personally, I'm good about staying at or just around my goal calories. If someone is eating way too much or too little, it will catch up with them eventually, so there's no need to worry about encouraging them when they seem to be doing well.

    As far as new ideas go, there is always foodnetwork.com or any other recipe site where you can find ideas. Not to mention that there is a recipe section here on the forums.
  • deb_rn
    deb_rn Posts: 144 Member
    I found it too time consuming to look at my friend's diaries, so I closed mine so they would not feel that they had to comment on it! It was actually pretty boring anyway, cause I tend to eat the same things for breakfast and lunch most days!

    I also know if I have eaten too many carbs or have had too much sodium, so I really don't need anyone to point that out to me!
  • cindylou_21
    cindylou_21 Posts: 41
    Some people just aren't comfortable letting others see what they eat for various reasons.. be it they don't eat very healthy, or they don't eat enough, or they forgot to log half the time.

    Whatever the reason, the point is mind your own business and let people alone. If you are that nosy and must know what all of your friends do, then just ask them and potentially creep them out.

    P.S What the hell is wrong with MCD? If people want to eat that or junk, then who cares? I eat junk all the time and am doing just fine thank you!

    Nothing wrong with MCD in my book. I eat what I want, in moderation, yes, even fast food once in a while. I'm still sticking to my calorie goals for the most part and I'm happy with my progress. :smokin:
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    The only time I feel the inclination to look at a food diary is if someone posts a question that may be related to either the number of calories they're consuming or the macros.
  • christenwypy
    christenwypy Posts: 335 Member
    I used to have mine closed. I didn't want people to see when I ate a piece of candy or something bad like that. I did not trust myself enough yet not to do those things. And having other people see it would have increased my guilt. Once I became more fully committed and more confident that I can do this, I opened my diary. I wanted to be held accountable by others. And I still do sneak a iece of candy but I don't are who knows it.
  • dawnmfp
    dawnmfp Posts: 25
    I had an online discussion with several MFP friends. We all felt that we didn't have time to comment on every friend's diary, but we felt vaguely guilty because they were always commenting on ours. It's simpler just to keep it closed.
  • MzMandi1025
    MzMandi1025 Posts: 78 Member
    It's not that I don't think it's anyone's buisness, I just don't want to be judged. My eating habits have gotten better, but I see this as an overall lifestyle change, not so much as a diet. So I'm going to eat what I consider to be normal foods, but limit the portion so I stay in line with my calories. I don't feel having a diary defeats the purpose, because I didn't start logging for other people to critique the foods that I eat. Also, my work schedule is not normal, I work 10 hour overnight shifts. So there are days where it looks like I don't eat breakfast because I ate dinner really late the night before while at work, then didn't eat again until after I woke up in the after noon. There's just some days that look weird. But I keep the log for me, & if I have any questions or need support, then I'll come to the community for that.
  • Inebriated
    Inebriated Posts: 271
    I don't want others' opinions on what I eat, how much of it I eat, or how much I eat or don't eat in general. I'm not here for a stranger's opinion on what I put in my mouth. If I want to know something I will ask someone but otherwise I don't need anyone bothering me when the bottom line is I'm making progress and I'm educated enough to know when I've screwed up and how to fix it without another mouth flapping.
  • kizzaii
    kizzaii Posts: 52
    In my eyes the website is about support. Support on meeting calorie goals or losing weight. If someone will only well done me because I had a salad for lunch then I'd rather not have it! People are too judgemental.
  • 9jenn9
    9jenn9 Posts: 309 Member
    I keep my diary closed because I want to be completely honest about what I'm eating. If I think someone may look at it, i'd be tempted to leave out the occasional ugly food choices and the frequent odd food pairings. (Pickles and hot tea for a snack? Yes. I'll admit it. The pantry was running low). My main goal is to stick with the calorie guidelines. That's what I want support with. I don't want comments or advice on macros. If I ever do, I'll open my diary.
  • missprincessjenny
    missprincessjenny Posts: 104 Member
    In case anyone wants to creep mine...I just made it public. But today's Ollve Garden...is not the norm. :laugh: