Where did you meet...?



  • kuger4119
    kuger4119 Posts: 213 Member
    I'm surprised that there are not that many people on here that "met at a bar".

    I met my wife at a bar on a night that I hadn't even planned to go out. What's ironic is that I might not have ever talked to her if her friend she was with wasn't getting hit on by some skeezy guy claiming to be a private investigator. She was standing by herself so I went and talked to her. The friend comes over shortly after that and says, "We need to get out of here, this PI guy is freaking me out!". I must have seemed pretty normal in comparison. ;)

    What's even funnier is that my wife is a "good girl" who doesn't actually drink alcohol, so she made up a story for her mom that some friends set us up on a date because her mom would have freaked out if she knew we met in a bar. I was 24 and she was 22 when we met. Dated for a few years and have been married for 15 years now.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I met mine on LavaLife lol. And now three years later we're engaged.
  • runlaugheatpie
    runlaugheatpie Posts: 376 Member
    We met at a party at a club (so, a bar) in the city I was living in. He lived 130 KM away but came out to the party anyway (it's music specific and these fans are known to be a bit nuts and travel much further for a gig or a party).

    It was probably the worst time in both of our lives. He and his now ex had just made the decision to split, me and my now ex were not there yet but heading towards disaster.

    So, no, not love at first site, but instant friends that supported each other through some pretty bad stuff (mine not only included a break up but also losing my job and almost having to claim bankruptcy) but I can tell you there was always "something" there.

    We met in July 2003, started our relationship in November 2004 and got married in March 2009. I now live 130KM away from where we met ;-)
  • jules0516
    jules0516 Posts: 158
    We worked together as teenagers at a grocery store.. His grandma came in one day and said "Have you met my grandson, he's really cute"
    I saw him the next day-introduced myself..couple of days later I asked him to a movie (he's REALLY quiet)...Dated for a year..Been married 14 years and 2 kids later...Love him more today than I did the day we got married. (On a side note-he loves me so much-he says I'm just as beautiful as the day we got married-weight gain and all!) He's a keeper.
  • McDougal416
    McDougal416 Posts: 74 Member
    I met my husband when I was 22, he was 23 playing summer softball with my cousin. My cousin had supposedly tried to hook us up, but I wouldn't let her. A guy on our team was asking me who all was together (it was almost a couples team, w/just a few of us singles), and he matched me and my husband up. I said, "No way!" But thought it was kinda hilarious. Became friends w/his sister who was also on our team, and she invited me to go w/them bowling, invited his sisters and him over for a fish fry, went to his house for a movie, went back to his house for his bday and he asked me out! Started dating the day after Thanksgiving, got engaged and married w/in 5 mos! We've been together 8yrs and just had our 4th child.
  • sunshinesonata
    sunshinesonata Posts: 241 Member
    We met through a mutual friend of ours. She sent out a mass text message to a few friends, and when I replied to her message, it was sent to him, too!

    That was Feb 26, 2011. We started talking/texting/skyping regularly! I flew up to meet him in June 2011, and we started dating! He proposed on New Years Eve, and we were married on Feb 21! 5 days before the year anniversary of the infamous accidental text. =]

    He's my best friend, and I'm so glad that I was blessed with him in my life.
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 517 Member
    We met at a bar, he was a friend of a friend and I was (unhappily) married. We were in a group of friends and just buddies. I realized that my 1st marriage was not worth 'fixing' and asked my husband for a divorce about the same time I realized that I had fallen in love with my friend. We have been together for almost 9 years and happily married for almost 7 years.
  • roslynds9
    roslynds9 Posts: 139 Member
    Met my boyfriend almost 2 years ago on a dating website. We emailed and text for a week before meeting up for a coffee and that was it, our first second and third dates were consecutive days that week. We've been together ever since, we just sparked =)
  • ChristineMarie89
    ChristineMarie89 Posts: 1,142 Member
    i met my fiance HERE on MFP :)
    talked to him as a friend for a while. my ex broke up with me && he was there for me :)
    we continued talking. . .
    he was/is:amazing, sweet, caring, funny, && i could go on for a while but u get the point.
    i fell for him!!!
    he fell for me!!! :)
    he DROVE 12 hours to meet me!! He treats my children right. my children LOVE him(my children r moody so thats amazing lol)
    when you know you have found the one you know it!!!! Got engaged New Years!! Moving there in 26 days!!!( i getta c him again in 23 days!! yay!!!!)
    && i hope to spend the rest of my life with him cuz i LOVE him VERY MUCH!!!!!!
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    These stories are so incredibly sweet and encouraging.

    I will post my story after getting through all 9 pages!! LOL, love them!!!
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    i met my fiance HERE on MFP :)
    talked to him as a friend for a while. my ex broke up with me && he was there for me :)
    we continued talking. . .
    he was/is:amazing, sweet, caring, funny, && i could go on for a while but u get the point.
    i fell for him!!!
    he fell for me!!! :)
    he DROVE 12 hours to meet me!! He treats my children right. my children LOVE him(my children r moody so thats amazing lol)
    when you know you have found the one you know it!!!! Got engaged New Years!! Moving there in 26 days!!!( i getta c him again in 23 days!! yay!!!!)
    && i hope to spend the rest of my life with him cuz i LOVE him VERY MUCH!!!!!!

    DAMN!! that's one lucky guy to have someone talk about him like that!! ;);)
  • DianatheRed
    DianatheRed Posts: 41
    We met in 3rd grade...were in the same class! BUT we became close friends in 8th grade, started dating our senior year in high school, and May 28th will be seven years married :)
  • Vonnie2006
    Vonnie2006 Posts: 246 Member
    Chuckee Cheese! I was looking like death warmed over because I had originally promised my son that I'd take him ice skating. I don't skate so I figured I'd huddle in a corner with my book while he had fun. Well, we get in the car and my son changed his mind, "I'd rather go to Chuckee Cheese Mom". I took one look at myself, no make up, ratty jeans, tousled hair and thought..."eh I'm not looking for anyone" (I was in process of divorcing) so I said, "what the heck, let's go kid".

    Who knew I'd meet the love of my life in line waiting to enter Chuckee Cheese. Brief eye contact (he says, he thought, "Wow, she's beautiful", of course I learned later that he's far-sighted! LOL Anyway, we ran into each other again at the skeeball machine. I talk to EVERYONE, so when I saw his little guy having problems getting the ball in, I started chatting him up (the little guy) and then of course included dad in the conversation. We exchanged numbers after me blurting out ALL my business. I called him two weeks later (tipsy) and invited him to my birthday party. We danced the night away at my party, I went to visit him the next day and we became inseparable. We'll be celebrating our 4th year together and our FIRST year of marriage in April and July respectively.
  • SkinnieFinnie
    SkinnieFinnie Posts: 145 Member
    :heart: I met my husband in school. He was in 1st grade, I was in Kindergarten. We started dating in high school. I was 16, he was 17.. We've been together a little over 12yrs now (married almost 5yrs). He's the father of my two kids (7yrs & 3yrs).. I love him more & more every day. I guess you could say we're childhood/high school sweethearts :love: :smooched:
  • wabrody
    wabrody Posts: 202
    I met my wife when I was 16. She was 19. We were attracted to each other from the first day, but we were always with someone else. It wasn't until 8 years later, after I got out of the military, that we finally started dating. Nine months later we were married.

    We now have 3 beautiful girls together.

    Since the day we got married we have not been apart longer than 3 days apart until recently. I am now finishing up a 6 month deployment to the Middle East. We still find time to talk to each other as much as possible either by chat, webcams, or phone. You never know how much you care, love, or miss something in your life until it is not there with you.
  • wabrody
    wabrody Posts: 202
    These stories are inspiring. I am honestly kind of nervous about online dating.... but I want to be proactive about it.

    I have a friend who met his wife through online dating. Now it didn't happen overnight. He did have some "real winners" in there, but in the end he met his wife. They have been married now for about 14 years. So it is possible to omeet someone via online dating.
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    I used to throw rocks at him and his friends in grade 3. We met again when I was 17 at my then boyfriends apartment.
  • dansls1
    dansls1 Posts: 309 Member
    Online through Yahoo Messenger.
    There's more to the story though, she was a friend of a friend who was at my house chatting one night. I took over the keyboard when my friend left, and we proceeded to chat tons and tons until we decided to call and talk on the phone. Almost 40 hours of phone conversations we met, and now almost 15 years later we've been happily married for almost 8 and have a great kid ;)
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    On an internet forum dedicated to a video game. (8-bit theater, anyone?)

    We were actually both seeing other people at the time, so we just stayed as friends but it developed as more. He lived in the US and I lived in the UK, so he regularly came to visit me while he was in the military until he eventually moved over on a fiancee Visa in 2005 and we got married. We've now been married 7 years on the 14th of this month with two wonderful children. =)
  • Autry403
    Autry403 Posts: 88
    Met my husband on Myspace , wasn't going to talk to him . I just liked adding random people , I was 16 and he was 17 . He started messaging me , and that's when I knew I liked him . So I took a risk by asking him to come over the next day , and ever since then . We went out every week for the past two years , and finally got married this past April 3rd . It was def. love for me he has the same personality and aspects in life that I do . We share the same goals , and have the same hobbies . Yet we are total opposites that are attracted to each other . Today makes 1 month we 've been married . We are never really apart , except that half our relationship he has been gone for basic and AIT . Now he is on deployment over seas , he's been gone since June 2010 . But we Skype right when he gets off work every day until he leaves to work the next day . So my hours on Skype are 10am-11pm . It's hard to go without being on cam with him , it helps a little with him not being here . But I couldn't ask for anything more . :flowerforyou: