Telling people or not.



  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    My oppinion is that people should be told especially those who are aound you all the time. They can help with the weight loss. What is gonna happen when everyone wants to go out for Pizza and Ice Cream? They'll think twice about these things and not eat items that cojuld cause you to slip. Just Say'n...

    I respectfully disagree. Life will continue to be full of temptations. Learn to live with them when your focus on weight loss is strong, and it makes it easier to continue dealing with them long-term.
  • bfairlamb
    bfairlamb Posts: 31
    I don't generally tell people, but that's because of my self esteem and i know it.
    Telling the people around me i'm on a diet is embarrassing to me. I don't know why.
    So i just keep it to myself. Figure they'll notice it when i succeed. Easier than telling people all the time.
    Plus, usually when I tell people I'm going to do something instead of just doing it, I don't do it (that goes for stuff about me. I always keep my promises)
    So I tell myself I'm going to lose weight. And me only. Then I don't feel like everyones laughing at me.
  • MenaMena
    MenaMena Posts: 232 Member
    Only told 2 people at work because it meant I would be late to work 3 to 4 days a week. It is noticeable now that I have lost and am losing weight but I still don't really explain or go into details. I figure I have to do this for me.
  • starcatcher1975
    starcatcher1975 Posts: 292 Member
    I am doing it for myself this time around, just my immediate fam know what I am doing. Its hard to not notice me walking around scanning everything with my phone. I'm just going to bust my *kitten*, eat the stuff I am supposed to, and shed the pounds.

    :laugh: I LOVE the scanner! I have posted on FB that I am trying to workout mainly because I had so many people on there that were making good, healthy changes in their lives. It really encouraged me. So when I'm down I post it and I usually get a lot of support from my better friends about it.

    But IRL, I haven't told that many people. I think in a way it's easier for me to continue with this when I don't have people watching my every move just waiting for me to slip up or fail. I already get a lot of unsolicited (and sometimes really wacky and strange) dieting advice, I could only imagine how much I'd get it I announced that I was trying to get healthier, lol
  • SummerLovesPhil
    SummerLovesPhil Posts: 242 Member
    I'm in the "tell people" camp, because everyone whose opinion I give a fiddler's fart about has been really supportive. I have a health-conscious group of co-workers, and I'm sort of the last one to get on the health nut wagon. I also told my dad because I hope to set a good example. He's not doing all that well and could really benefit from some positive energy.
  • Micahroni84
    Micahroni84 Posts: 452 Member
    My family knows I'm losing weight but asides from my husband and my MFP friends I'm not very divulgent about exactly what I'm eating and losing because people, even the ones who love you most, can be pessimistic or worry that you are going about it unhealthy. I would like to get down to 125 which is almost the exact inbetween of the healthy weight spectrum for my height but I know if I tell my family and friends that they may be a little worried because the number sounds so low when they have been use to me being so overweight allof these years. I do want to help inspire my family by my example but I'd like to really make a dent in my weight before I make any big reveals. It's kind of nice because I live across the country from all of my familyand friends so next I don't have to worry much about it.
  • carissa317
    carissa317 Posts: 33
    In the past I have completly kept my diets a secret. For some reason it was totally embarrassing! It's funny though, we keep a diet a secret, but the truth of the matter is, EVERYONE knows we are overweight! Why shouldn't they know we are trying to fix us and get healthy?!?!?!
    This time around and since joining MFP I have told people that have asked. Don't get me wrong, I don't make it a hugggge production of it. Truth be told sometime I am soo excited about a lower number on the scale or a really good healthy recipe I found, its realllly hard to keep it to myself! If someone asks I politely say as a matter of fact I am! I tell them about MFP and how it totally put in prespective the foods I was eating and how that was affecting my body. I will be the first to admit, at first its easy to get flushed when someone mentions anything about that horriffic "D-word" but it gets easier.
    I have found that the more people I tell the more I don't want to give up. It's almost like if I keep it to myself I only let myself down, but since alot of people know about it, it's kind of like i'm not only letting myself down but allll of those people. Lets face it, its wayyyyy more embarrassing telling people you were on a diet but gave up, then telling people you've been on a diet and are loosing a ton of weight!
  • CandaceyD
    CandaceyD Posts: 74
    I only just told everyone. My sister in law is losing with me and some friends, but most of the family just found out. My friends don't know. If they notice i will tell them. I'm just not the tell all person. Plus, i feel like it's more for me when everyone doesn't know.
  • wtdia
    wtdia Posts: 68 Member
    Hmmm. I think that's everyone's own call. I have done it both ways....but I found when I didn't tell anyone, I did cheat more because heck, no one knows....but this time, I have a couple friends on MFP and we motivate and support each other. I did tell my family even though they are not joining me on this journey and still eat all the things I love....but, they are pretty supportive (as long as I don't clear the pantry of the chips and cookies, ha ha). Honestly, this is about a lifestyle change....moving my body more, making better choices and when I want to have something that isn't the healthiest, making sure it is in moderation, within reason and that it doesn't become a bad habit. I feel this time by having some friends on MFP, making the people around me aware that I am making changes and making myself accountable by tracking it all on MFP (which makes it so easy), I am seeing better success. I feel more inclined to think twice when I know people are watching what I do. This isn't about becoming a skinny model...this is about being healthy, and I think if the people you surround yourself, experience your better health choices, it may become a part of them in some way and you pass on those good choices. There will always be people to try an sabotage, but I find that as much of a challenge as saying no to the cookie jar and when I win, I feel like I have achieved something for myself! Good luck and no matter which way you approach it, make sure you are embarking on this journey for yourself, your health and your future longevity!
  • Shanel0916
    Shanel0916 Posts: 586 Member
    I told the ladies I worked with a couple years back that I joined the gym and was going to lose some weight. We were in the same boat but I had decided I needed to change. They kinda acted as if it was impossible to lose weight and why am I even bothering, sometimes I felt like they were trying to sabotage my weight loss. I ended up losing a total of 30lbs slowly but surely and then got prego. I'm unemployed at the moment and have no friends so the only person that knows my goal is my bf and I'm gonna leave it that way.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I try to keep it kinda quiet in real life. Sadly, people don't notice that much in my real life. That makes me very sad sometimes.
  • leaso75581
    leaso75581 Posts: 103
    I have made the decision not to tell anyone except from my sister and my husband ( who is also trying to lose weight) that I am trying to lose weight.

    Maybe I'm just worried about failing or I'm just waiting to see if people notice. Also I have had friends in the past who have tried to sabotage my weight loss.

    I think as I am also doing this for me ( not to look fab - though a bonus) for health reasons and I think sometimes others don't understand that.

    I'm just wondering if others out here are keeping it a secret

    I have a co-worker who joined WW and decided not to tell. S/T when people know you are trying to lose weight, although they feel like they're being helpful, it can be a little nerve-wrecking. For example, if you treat yourself to a donut, the person would say, "Is that Weight-watcher's approved?" "You shouldn't be eating that!!" etc. It can be embarrassing and annoying. It has happened to me, so I totally understand your decision. Losing weight is different for evereyone, and if you want to keep it private, tht's your decision. There is nothing wrong with that. also, the compliments that will be coming your way will make it totally worth it!! lol:love:
  • leaso75581
    leaso75581 Posts: 103
    I try to keep it kinda quiet in real life. Sadly, people don't notice that much in my real life. That makes me very sad sometimes.

    that's why you have us!! lol you're doing great. eventually "real life" will catch up.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I have made the decision not to tell anyone except from my sister and my husband ( who is also trying to lose weight) that I am trying to lose weight.

    Maybe I'm just worried about failing or I'm just waiting to see if people notice. Also I have had friends in the past who have tried to sabotage my weight loss.

    I think as I am also doing this for me ( not to look fab - though a bonus) for health reasons and I think sometimes others don't understand that.

    I'm just wondering if others out here are keeping it a secret

    It is my opinion that overall, this is the best approach. And, when people notice downplay it too. If they ask if you've been dieting, just say "not really, I've just been paying more attention to what I eat." and that's it. They'll see the results. But, if you say what you are doing, I think sometimes, that's when the criticism starts.
  • It's a need to know basis and if your weight loss doesn't affect them then they don't need to know :happy:
  • EchoOfYourPast
    EchoOfYourPast Posts: 459 Member
    Ive talked about it to co-workers didn't think i would last this family is husband is the absolute best....he goes on walks with me....and he has been eating somewhat better....if he wants fast food we get it for him and i make something at home...i keep snacks for him and snacks for me....i've got him eating more veggies :) He works away from home every 3rd day and they cook alot of unhealthy meals...(like ours used to be at home)...last night he had fried pork chops :)

    San :)
  • LisaF1163
    LisaF1163 Posts: 141
    I understand telling vs. not telling. I don't really mention it any more or less, because my goal is *always* to lose weight! I think everyone just figures I'm perpetually yo-yo dieting the way I've been doing, so they don't think anything of it - if that makes sense!:laugh:
  • khloe_rebecca
    khloe_rebecca Posts: 36 Member
    im not going to tell anyone, I want to see if they notice :smile:
  • jstrong123
    jstrong123 Posts: 10
    I think if your gut tells you not to tell certain people you shouldn't. To me that says you know the people around you may be the type that would be more likely to work against you rather than with you. Some friends are supportive no matter what, which keep those around when you find them! Others I think have a fear that in your making your best self, they might lose you. I wouldn't share with the latter type.
  • graves2102
    graves2102 Posts: 38
    I'm doing exactly the same- I have told my boyfriend but none of my family. I don't want the pressure of having them notice or not, and plus I'm slightly embarrassed so it's best kept quiet for me :) Hopefully when the results pay off I will receive a compliment or two!