Where did you meet...?



  • rbs1985
    rbs1985 Posts: 7
    I met my boyfriend at a nursing home. He was visiting his grandma there and I was visiting my dad. When he first walked up I noticed his eyes they are bright blue. Later when we were inside he walked up and started talking to me. I believe it was love at first site. He makes me feel like no other man has. He's my best friend.
  • Ctripp86
    Ctripp86 Posts: 45
    Highschool. 10th grade. One of my best friends was dating his friend so we hung out a couple times in a group, he saw how awesome I am and we've been together ever since. Together for 10 years, married for 2 years. :-)
  • cc32676
    cc32676 Posts: 29 Member
    I agree! :)
  • sarafit926
    sarafit926 Posts: 62 Member
    I met my boyfriend four years ago in Italy where we were studying abroad.. we went to the same college, but didn't meet until we got to Italy! We've been dating since that summer.
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Met my wife at work.
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    I met my husband when he was home on leave and I was home from college... It was love at first sight for me (he says so to...but who knows military men ;-) ) I KNEW i was going to marry him someday somehow....6 months later we were dating, I was pregnant and he was being sent to Iraq....we made it through the deployment...got married and have been together ever since, even made it thro another year apart. 4 years together, married 3 :)
  • msdoan
    msdoan Posts: 42 Member
    Prison!! We both worked there. :):heart: that man looks damn sexy in his uniform and cuffs....:love:
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    In the gym! When he asked me out he was wearing a shirt making fun of my alma mater because he roots for the rival college.... he was successful nonetheless. :heart:
  • kzivic
    kzivic Posts: 326 Member
    I met my fiance at a New Year's Eve party a couple years ago. Neither of us wanted to go to the party and now we're both glad we did.
  • HotMamaByVday
    HotMamaByVday Posts: 343 Member
    Married 15 years today. We met on a blind date set up by his BFF and my sister. We will have been together 19 years in June. :)
  • DeniseBromley
    DeniseBromley Posts: 123 Member
    I met my husband when we both worked at the cafeteria of our college. We didn't really know each other well at all, then one night just before finals week I made some comment to him about how super geeky he was, and we ended up talking for hours...things just took off from there!
  • LadyKatieBug
    LadyKatieBug Posts: 178 Member
    I am not dating but I have a nice guy friend I met him at the gas station in town. He has really encouraged me in my weight/eating journey. has been my biggest supporter through this process. He helps really keep me motivated in my losing the weight. to have a great friend like that in my life is far more rewarding
  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451
    I just got married last Saturday :) I met my husband through a mutual friend at a bluegrass concert. He says he knew I was his dream girl from the moment he met me. He asked for my number that night, we went on our first date 2 days later and he told me he was gonna marry me. Almost three years later and I'm his wife :)
    GURLEY_GIRL3 Posts: 347 Member
    my junior year of high school..dated..got married 2 yrs later and stll married
  • CynthiaElise
    CynthiaElise Posts: 262 Member
    I met my boyfriend, Matthew, on "Plenty of Fish" (not something I like to admit but it's our story..). I would definitely have to say love at first sight. The moment I saw him I literally walked right up to him put my bag down beside him, wrapped my arms around his neck, said "Where have you been all my life?" and kissed him :) This is completely out of character for me, I tend to be pretty stand-offish until I know what a guy is all about... but with Matthew I just knew. Ever since that day we've been inseparable, now live together, and have recently had my finger sized and a ring choosen (let the waiting game begin, lol). It's been a year and a half. He's amazing and I am so lucky.
  • CristlNothem
    CristlNothem Posts: 54 Member
    met my hubby at a Best Buy. He was stationed in California, and i had just moved there for a job. He was walking the movie aisle and making fun of his friend and said "congratulation, wanna cookie?" anyways, he said this to his friend right as they were passing me. I said "i want a cookie" and he said "oh, i wasn't talking to you" and walked off. Anyways, his friend ended up explaining to him that i was flirting and he came back over to talk to me. went on a date that night and we have been together ever since. We have a 3 year old and our 4th anniversary is next month :)
  • _Christine_
    _Christine_ Posts: 1,385 Member
    We were 10. I sent him a note in class. He made a 'maybe' box and checked it. I still have the page from my diary from 1984 saying I knew something was going to happy and that I loved him. (...again, we were 10.)

    We had mutual friends but never talked except one time when my necklace broke between classes and he helped me pick up the 30/30 cases that made up my necklace. (You can laugh.)

    First day of freshman year of college I was put in the wrong math class. I had to wait a few weeks to take a test to place me in another one. In the meantime I sat next to him because he was the only one I knew. It was Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6 to 9PM. I never took the test. We became good friends, but were dating other people.

    Second semester freshman year we didn't have classes together but bumped in to each other and found out we were both single. That night we were on the phone for 4-hours. I cancelled a date with a guy to see him that next night. It was to be a 'just friends' thing.

    We got engaged a year later and married 6-months after that. Been together 20-years, married 18 1/2.

    *The reason the necklace thing makes me laugh is because he’s a jeweler. Only seems fitting that we talked again over a necklace. ;)
  • vwghiafreak
    vwghiafreak Posts: 15 Member
    I was 4 and he was 8. His dad went to work for mine. When I was 15 he 'saw' me and knew I was the one he would marry, but he waited to make a move till I was 18. Meanwhile, I wished he would see me as something besides a little sister, but thought that would never happen. :love:
    I graduated hs, he asked me out in Nov, we started talking about marriage in Dec, he proposed in Jan, we made it official in Feb. and were married in Sept '02. :heart:
    Going on 10 years this year, and expecting our 5th child. :happy:
  • melonerski
    melonerski Posts: 306 Member
    match.com lmao! it was love at first site however match.com said we were incompatible and we still went for it anyways. 7 years together, 6 years married. we've had our ups and downs but then again who hasnt
  • Init_to_winit
    Init_to_winit Posts: 258 Member
    I met my now husband 7 years ago at a New Year's Eve party at a mutual friends house. We are from the same town and I was in my senior year of high school, he had graduated a year before and was home for winter break. I knew EXACTLY who he was, captain of the football team, very popular, mega hottie, I was the shy girl for so long and finally started to come out of my shell. Several of my friends had asked him out or gone on dates with him here and there so I asked one of them about him, ha she said he was a good kisser so I went for him! We spent the next two weeks together non stop before he went back to college, I thought that he would be just a fling, I guess a part of me still was hung up on the fact someone like him could never be with someone like me. But there was just something about our chemistry. We talked on the phone for hours every night and he came back every weekend to see me, then a month later he asked me to be his girlfriend and we've been together ever since. We just got married last October! I truly believe he is my soul mate.