

  • interceptor311
    interceptor311 Posts: 980 Member
    I'm allergic to Morphine. Which I only found out after a surgery and I stopped breathing. I was intubated and they had to give me epinephrine. Apparently I almost croaked! Guess I wont try that recreationally! :)

    Yikes. Scary!!
  • Changing__Christina
    I'm allergic to Morphine. Which I only found out after a surgery and I stopped breathing. I was intubated and they had to give me epinephrine. Apparently I almost croaked! Guess I wont try that recreationally! :)

    Yikes. Scary!!

    Yes, I remember not being able to breath and then it all blacks out. Until they pulled the tube...which SUCKED!
  • kymillion
    kymillion Posts: 791 Member
    bull****, liars , .....pot

    and *metal* true story .. belt buckles will burn holes straight through me..

    makes me wonder if somewhere I am lil' werewolfy or something.
  • iwantahealthierme13
    iwantahealthierme13 Posts: 337 Member
    Lactose but only from drinking straight milk or eating something with thick cream & soymilk.
    also, exlax (the laxative)
  • springermad
    springermad Posts: 242
    Propanolol- beta blocker it causes suicidal thoughts ( actually was trying to stab myself, drown myself, throw myself of a balcony, smashing my head against the wall and I become parnoid on it

    tramodol- severe sickness

    bee stings

    my dog (bramble) is allergic to dust, two types of grass., house mites, storag mites and something else she has to have a vaccine made up especially for her allergies which I have to inject into her every 4 days x
  • jnhu72
    jnhu72 Posts: 558 Member
    Pumpkin (no carving pumpkins for me =( )
    Other peoples pets (apparently you can develop a tolerance for your own so I didn't know that until I worked as veterinary assistant)
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 562 Member
    Shellfish! Which is a shame, because I used to be able to eat it, and it was delicious.
  • gromithere
    gromithere Posts: 172 Member
    Raspberries and whey. Learned about the whey allergy the hard way when I tried a whey protein powder a couple months ago. Lol.
  • giggles7706
    giggles7706 Posts: 1,491 Member
    Phenergan. Bad bad reaction. Uncontrollable muscle spasms and the sensation of bugs crawling all over you and being unable to make any of it stop. That's it.
  • froggadelic
    froggadelic Posts: 14
    The Sun (I'm serious...if I'm in the sun for more than an hour I start feeling sick and have a weird freckling reaction--thank you, Lupus), Cymbalta (bad muscle spasms/rapid heart rate/skin crawly feeling), dust and pet dander/pet hair.

    I'm also allergic to BS. :tongue:
  • InkedBeauty89
    InkedBeauty89 Posts: 114 Member
    Shellfish, seafood, bees, and red ants. That is all.
  • hanna1210
    hanna1210 Posts: 286 Member
    Bananas, Melons, Cats, Rabbits plus I have horrible seasonal allergies, both indoor and out.

    This is me exactly, but also throw in Walnuts and Almonds. Glad to see I'm not the only one with an allergy to bananas and melons - I get so many questions about that
  • PShep17
    PShep17 Posts: 221 Member
    Penicillin, pollen and melon.

    And I've yet to find a shower gel that doesn't give me a rash :(
  • WandaVonDunajew
    WandaVonDunajew Posts: 184 Member
    flea saliva :ohwell:
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    Codeine and Vicoden. Both give me the shakes and profuse icy sweats. Then I throw up so hard I feel like I'm going to turn inside out.
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    "Sensitive" to chemical spray, allergic to tetracycline. My old dog got allergic reactions to flea bites, we don't know what this one is allergic to but she can't even take cortisone cause she had didatic mange! Snoring on the couch after walk, dog park and Benedryl.
  • HodderAL
    HodderAL Posts: 358 Member
    Dairy (not lactose intollerent, allergic to all dairy) including milk chocolate *cry*
    Soy also allergic (especially soy protein isolate) this makes my lips, tongue and throat swell and I break out in hives ...it's lovely
    gluten intollerent (but sometimes I'll suffer through it)

    It's difficult for me to get protein in my diet with the Dairy and Soy allergies but there are products out there, I have found a very good vegan protein powder that works really well and tastes acceptable. It's really hard to find a protein or energy bar that is dairy free, soy free and gluten free but Zing makes a couple of them... not very high in protein but it gets the job done.

    May I ask what the name of the vegan protein powder is? I can't have dairy either, and it's difficult sometimes to get alot of protein without eatting red meat at every meal lol.
  • WandaVonDunajew
    WandaVonDunajew Posts: 184 Member
    Bananas, Melons, Cats, Rabbits plus I have horrible seasonal allergies, both indoor and out.

    This is me exactly, but also throw in Walnuts and Almonds. Glad to see I'm not the only one with an allergy to bananas and melons - I get so many questions about that

    Actually bananas are one of the most allergenic fruit ever!
  • garita93
    garita93 Posts: 276 Member
    Raw fruits, veggies and nuts, and milk.
  • tiffygrl12
    tiffygrl12 Posts: 40
    Peanuts, cats, and dogs.