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What's some advice you would tell your 16 year old self ?



  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    Hey 16 year old me :-).

    Drop the guy. He's playing you! He likes that he makes you feel good, and he loves that you'd do anything for him. He does it on purpose. Don't fall out with your best friend over him. If you don't read this in time, she will forgive you, but only 4 years later. It's not worth it.

    I know you hate the way you look. Do a bit of exercise, cut down on the chocolate. In the future, you lose six and a half stone. You get beautiful. All the haters, all the bullies, they know nothing. When you see them in their dead end jobs, they look at you in shock. Make sure you thank them for being horrible; because they gave you the power and motivation to achieve this.

    Don't give up on music. I know you go through a rough patch because you feel as though your brother is much more talented, better looking, funnier, richer than you- but that doesn't matter. Don't give it all up because of that. Yes he will achieve better grades than you. Yes he'll be a better performer than you, but that doesn't mean you have to stop. I'm sure your friends didn't mean to leave you out in favour of him. Talk to them instead of just retreating meekly and quitting everything that was special to you.

    Work hard at university. You were capable of a first, but you got lazy. Yes things were tough, but that's just life. In first year you could have worked harder, revised more. In second year you hardly tried at all, and then by third year you'd already lost too many marks to get a first. You will still get an amazing degree if you ignore this advice, but you could have done even better if you'd just pushed yourself a bit more.

    Finally, don't give up on your dreams. People will tell you that they're never going to come true, and you'll probably think that yourself many, many times; but they're all wrong. Dreams can come true, and you deserve them to.

    Hold on xx
  • jreimund
    jreimund Posts: 64
    Hey, that guy you just started dating is gonna be your husband and father of your baby, he's a keeper. Also, you have a great body, no matter what you tell yourself now, in 10 years (or less) you will understand! After high school, STAY ACTIVE so you don't have to work so hard in 10 years!
  • MarynEve
    MarynEve Posts: 46 Member
    Dear 16 year old self,

    Get over yourself and stop wearing those stupid long gloves with no fingers- you don't look cool, you look like a wierdo.
    Also, stop hanging out with those girls- they're not going anywhere in life and will only hold you back. Focus on your grades, and no slacking off in your AP English class senior year!
    Anyway, go to college- pick Delval! And you'll meet some really great, true friends.
    And don't worry about high school boys- in four more years, you'll have a really, really great one =)

    Love, 21 year old self.
  • Hey you,

    Yea don't fall for the town bad *kitten*, you will waste 5 years of your life. He is a cheater and a liar. Move with you best friend right after school, go to college and have some wild adventures with her. Never settle for less than your best. Don't sign up for that Credit card. Stay away from that one girl, she is bad news bears and a bad influence.
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    Dear me, the winning lotto numbers in 1993 are....

    and don't get those boobs implanted, you're a straight guy and it won't replace the need for women
  • jayenomics
    jayenomics Posts: 46 Member
    Don't date some of the people I dated :P
  • camcguire63
    camcguire63 Posts: 8 Member
    You are not fat! And you are pretty.
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    Dear 16 Year Old Summer,

    Get rid of that guy you will continue to date that will bring you down in life (personally, financially, etc) years later. Don't over use your credit cards. KEEP DOING what you BELIEVE is the right thing, you'll understand when you get to that cross road later.

    Love you,

    Summer @ 26

    PS - Don't go to college for 8-9 years. The lower student loan amount will make you so much happier....
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,340 Member
    Dear 16 year old Gale,

    Really, I am not going to give you any advice. I will tell you, sometimes, things will be hard, you will make it through this. But based on the choices that you will make, you will be me in 13 years, and I like me. I like how I am NOW because of who you will be! So, just stay strong, cry when you need to cry, find your own beauty and roll with it, you do stuff right. You will make some choices that will be a little harder, or not what everyone else thinks you should do, but it is ok. You have to live for you, and they help make ME, so do what you do!

    29 year old Gale
  • freenewme
    freenewme Posts: 62 Member
    dear self

    Ask for help when you need it. All the bad **** that happen is not your fault. you are loved. the bullies will not matter after high school. Eat healthy and work out some, the starving and puking is sooo not worth it in the long run. you are not alone there are some many ppl that care about you and are willing to help just open your eyes and open your month. the guys are not worth it. you will find someone who loves you. get help for the cutting now. take your meds please it will help alot.

    love, myself

  • tantalee
    tantalee Posts: 130 Member
    Dear 16 me,
    Dont be an idiot and go to medical school when you get accepted next year, so you dont have to go through that when you are 30, with kids and tired. And stop being so obsessed with food and exercise! Enjoy life.
  • CountryBoy65
    CountryBoy65 Posts: 908 Member
    Dear 16 year old self,

    Go to your Senior Prom. You will always regret not going if you don't. Don't go to college in your home town...go far, far away and enjoy those 4 years, cause it gets harder after that. Don't break up with Chris, cause Lisa is going to break your heart anyway. Chris loved you for who you were and would have never tried to change you. Spend more time with your Grandfather...you are his favorite grandchild.....love him back as hard as he loves you. Don't marry that ***** from Oakland Avenue...she will leave you high and dry and it will take years to get over it financially, as well as emotionally. Start putting 10% of your gross pay into a separate account and don't touch it. EVER. Trust me on this one. Never settle for anything....work for what you want, go after who you want, decide what you really want to be, and don't let anything stop you. Get good grades your junior and senior year, and go to Vet school...business is for the birds. Don't be so cynical and sarcastic all of the time.... Smile now and then. Life is too short, and you are living the best part now. Enjoy it.

    See ya in a few years.

  • estitom
    estitom Posts: 205 Member
    Dear 16 year old Sarah,

    Don't listen to what people around you say. They're brainwashed and know nothing about the world. There's nothing wrong with you, nothing!

    The following years will be difficult, but don't give up. Don't cut, please. I know life sucks but it will get better. You have to speak up when people do you wrong. You don't deserve all this.

    Go to school. Listen, take notes. But don't hate yourself when you fail, everyone fails sometimes.

    Work on your self esteem. Really. If you don't, you'll end up hating yourself and hurting everyone you know. Starving isn't cool and you're beautiful as you are.

    Don't be afraid of loving her. She won't love you the way you love her, but she will always be your friend. It hurts, I know, but you'll get over it. And love is beautiful, no matter what they say.

    Exercise more.

    And don't stop writing!
  • misterYummy
    misterYummy Posts: 21 Member
    nothing. That dude had it all together. maybe "Hang on for the ride of your life!, then go in for the High-Five with myself + realize that hadn't been invented yet, while he looks upon me with pity and says "Stupid Geezer!".
  • Broderick50
    Broderick50 Posts: 842 Member

  • Dear 16 year old self......follow ur heart and dont go near the nutter u will waste 7 years of ur life on !! Stay at school and study hard !!!

    Also....listen when older women tell u bitterly that one day u will wake up a chunk due to all the food u eat and that u wont always have that metabolism......i finally woke up a chunk at about 22.

    And leanr to drive at 17...sooooooooooo much easier than 30 !!!

  • Dear 16 yr old me...


    pmsl wudnt this be all boys letters to their younger selves !!!
  • really---- Don't leave the house in the Hammer Pants and stop listening to Milli Vinilli and doing that dance !!

    ....also please stop trying to grow up so fast. You're sixteen, there's no such thing as a serious relationship with a boy at this age. You are not a trophy. Stop looking for yourself in him. God has so much more in store for your life.
  • Hey 16yo lee

    Don't sleep with your history teacher.... She will still fail you!

    hahahahah love this one !!
  • Aleara2012
    Aleara2012 Posts: 225 Member
    Dear 16 year old me... don't change a thing,

    love, me.

    PS And no, you are not fat.
  • Hang tight-- it's only two more years and then things get better fast. That said, you might try a little harder. Being the perennial underachiever is only funny in a tragic way, and only really to you. You actually ARE going to college, and everyone will be dumbstruck at how you take to it.

    Stop sweating the girls. By the time you're 40, a decent-looking, employed, stable guy with no substance problems is going to be in-demand to an extent that will blow your mind. Let go of Dionne, for both your sakes. Date. And don't get married in three years. Geez, I shouldn't even have to say that.

    Speaking of, you're getting more attention than you realize but you're too dense to see it. In ten years, a beautiful opera major will make a play for you. Pay attention. At least ask her out for a drink, dumba$$.

    Learn to play golf NOW. Learn to enjoy exercise NOW. Learn to save a little money NOW. Learn to eat fewer biscuits NOW. Spend less time with your uncle-- he's lazy mentally and physically. Spend more time with Mike. He's solid, headed in the right direction, and will be there for you for decades to come.

    Yes, Dad could treat you better, but he loves you. The thing is, he relates better to adults than kids, and when you grow up you'll see how awesome he can be. The world will look very different when you can see through his eyes, and there's a lot you'll understand then. Savor your time with him because he'll drop dead at 70. So will you, if you don't start taking better care of yourself.

    With all your flaws, you're still a good kid. Be patient with yourself, and learn to love yourself just a little bit. Once high school is done, the worst of it is over. You'll have ups and downs, but it's going to be a good life.
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    Wear a condom next time dumbass!!!!
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