Ask me anything about fat/weight loss....



  • makdeniz
    makdeniz Posts: 28
    I am in the same boat. Due to Marry beginning of September. Worried I am not being realistic enough in terms of timing to lose the weight. :(
  • My question is this: I can't afford a gym membership so I have to do everything at home, without it costing me alot of money what do you recommend I start with to have in my home to help me try to loose some weight as far as exercise. I have a problem with one of my legs where right now all I can do is walk.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated, my goal is to eventually build myself up to where I can run so that I can do some type of race with my sisters.

    There are a lot of inexpensive ways to workout on a beginning program. Pick up a couple pairs of dumbbell or resistance bands at your local Walmart, or grab one of Jillian's dvds. It's not necessarily what you have, but that you're getting activity in, and consistently pushing yourself a little harder. Look at most special forces....their programs for the most part are all based on calisthenics(bodyweight exercises). Pushups, lunges, pullups, burpees, moutain climbers, jumping jacks, leg raises, etc. If your leg is bothering you, I would first focus on gettinng that back to 100%. I've had my share of injuries in the past, and I can say better to let it fully heal, and then come back 100% than to risk it getting injured and just setting you back even further.

    The Journey Gym and the TRX trainer are also decent for beginners yeh. Stay safe, and take it one day at a time. Hold yourself accountable and you'll get there.
  • kristy8403
    kristy8403 Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you for doing this - I had a post yesterday about protein and no one is helping me. Please read my copy and paste from my post:

    I need some help here... While monitoring my calorie intake I've been getting confused as to how many carbs, fat & protein I need. I'm trying to keep my calorie intake around 1,200 to 1,500 - depending on my activity level that day. On MFP when I set my goals, it automatically set my carbs to be 165 (which I think is high), fat at 40 and protein at 45 (which I think is low). During the week, I drink a protein shake for breakfast and when I do, my protein is always way high.

    I know I can manually set my goals on here - but I don't know what a good goal is. Also, another question, what else should I be monitoring and how should it be set?

    Thanks again!
  • pammypk1
    pammypk1 Posts: 83 Member
  • Is there anyway that you can use the 'quote' when answering questions? I have a couple of the same questions as others & can't tell who is being answered....

    But thank you so much for your advice it is much appreciated... :happy:

    You got it! And thanks yeh! :)
  • SweetT415
    SweetT415 Posts: 71 Member
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I have a very weak core - I had 2 c-sections and an unrelated abdominal surgery. I am unable to do a sit up because I can't feel the muscles that I need to complete it. I know sit ups aren't a good workout for abs, I just wanted to illustrate the weekness in my core. I have been doing crunches and leg lifts and just started doing planks- normal and side. What should my goal of time holding the plank and number of planks at a time. I don't know what I should be reaching for. I can hold now for about 15 seconds and do about 15 at a time.
  • jodiex92
    jodiex92 Posts: 56
    What about the lean trying to get leaner?
    I'm 22% bodyfat which is below average for a woman but want to get down to 18% or so to look ripped.
    A few questions I have (as there is so many diff info around, hard to know whats true)
    1. Do you have to go low carb to achieve this? (some have advised restricting fruit, oats etc)
    2. Is it possible to lean out within 6 weeks?(when your already in ok shape)
    3. By eating under the even the 500cal defiet, will this matter much if its is short term? (say 2-3 weeks or so)
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Is it better to do shorter/less intense workouts more often, or to do longer/more intense workouts less often? For example, I do martial arts twice a week and estimate that I burn 900 calories each session. However, I'm considering adding a 15-minute morning workout.

    As a follow-up, if I stay with the intense exercise 2-3 times a week, should I be eating the earned calories on those days or should I distribute them through the week? If during the day, should I eat them the day before the workout or the day after (my martial arts class is at night)?
  • mom2gar
    mom2gar Posts: 100 Member
    What's the best activity for a pear shaped female to do to balance out and be less of a pear? And best activity to boost the girls, when there is a rotator cuff injury?

  • makdeniz
    makdeniz Posts: 28
    I am 5ft 1in and currently weigh around 120lbs. Is it realistic enough for me to lose 10 - 15lbs in the next 4 months?
  • I have an apple shaped body. I am exercising and decreasing my calories to decrease my waistline. In the process, I am losing from areas I do not want to lose such as my thighs and butt. What can I do so that i do not end up with a flat butt when I get to my desired weight and waistline?

    Great question! Genetics. Hmmm, ok. So yeh...for women this is a hard one because as you lean out, the chest, the hips, and the butt will get smaller. If you come from a "hippy" family, no sweat right. But what if you don't come from a naturally curvy family and start seeing those hips leave?....You don't want to look like an 8 year old again. Here is where with clients we trick the effect. The back squat, the hip abductor machine, and the leg press are helpful for this with the goal being to add muscle mass back to where the fat has been taken. Look into the 20rep Squat program. This program is old, tried, and true. It could slap mass onto a flamingo. There is also a good thread on Bodyspace in the female section that discusses the topic of losing feminine features while cutting also. Hope this helps yeh
  • Shandril
    Shandril Posts: 36
    What's the best way for women to lose body fat? I've been doing a lot of strength training and even though I'm getting stronger I don't seem to be losing any inches or weight. Thoughts on this?

    ^^^THIS. Same question here. Stubborn fat around thighs and belly. Ugh.

    This is my issue also ...
  • brogers916
    brogers916 Posts: 58
  • Zumbagurl64
    Zumbagurl64 Posts: 155 Member
    awesome thread, great questions....all mine are being asked already, I'm just perusing...... I'm also at a plateau, sucks! thanks!!
  • cattracy0829
    cattracy0829 Posts: 177 Member
    BUMP....good info
  • KM11102011
    KM11102011 Posts: 40
  • FammaMel
    FammaMel Posts: 293 Member
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
  • bobbi_jo2
    bobbi_jo2 Posts: 118 Member
    My question is related to running. I am running a 10K in 5 weeks and I have been training for it. My longest run so far is 5.5 miles, so I know I should be able to finish the run, even though my pace is super slow. I am also planning on a half marathon in a few months. My question is...while running long distances, do I need anything during my run? I get really thirsty, so I usually run with a small water bottle, but do I need something more during the middle? And if so, what?