Ask me anything about fat/weight loss....



  • fithannafit
    fithannafit Posts: 50
    I'm 17 years old, 5'4" and currently about 151 lbs, giving me around a 1540 calorie BMR. If I NET at my BMR every day do you think that would be healthy and allow me to lose fat?
    I ask it this way because on my rest days I do very little activity where as my workout days can range anywhere from 300 calories burned to 1300 (depending on how far I run) and I wouldn't be able to set an amount of calories to eat each day because my calorie burns vary so much.

    Btw thank you so much for sharing all your great info!
  • ....

    Hopefully that's enough background. Here are my questions!:

    1. My workout regimen consists of four days of REALLY high-intensity circuit training for 30 minutes, high intensity cardio for 30 minutes on one day, and then two "rest" days where I do really low-impact stuff like yoga, bellydance, or ballet (dancing is one of my hobbies.)

    Does the circuit training gives me enough strength training, since it's not exactly "lifting heavy"? I HAVE noticed significant strength gains in the past few weeks -- my upper body is stronger, my lunges and squats are going deeper and holding longer, and my formerly too-heavy toddler is getting lighter.

    2. I currently am at the correct ratio for an hourglass figure (I'm just a "fat" hourglass) and I'd like to keep that. My understanding, though, is that overdoing it on exercises working the abs can create that square torso look that pilates instructors have and that I really don't want to develop. What's the best way to avoid getting the square look and keep the narrow waist definition?

    3. How accurate have you found MFP's calorie counts? I cook from home most of the time and rely on MFP's estimates on the nutritional content of my recipes.

    4. I'm a recovering soda addict, and while I've made a LOT of progress, I still have a soda a few times a week. I always record it and I'm staying within my calories. I'm aiming to quit entirely by the end of the year. Am I going to totally sabotage any progress I might make if I don't cut it out right away? With all the noise about high-fructose corn syrup, I'm half believing that I can workout all the time, eat well, and yet a soda a week will make me gain ten pounds. :P

    5. Sometimes I have to do my workouts while my toddler's awake. Most of the time, I can push through it with her only being a little irritated at not having my undivided attention, but sometimes she gets into something, gets hungry, or needs comfort in the middle of my workout. I worry that these little interruptions are really cutting into the effectiveness of my workouts, but obviously I'm not going to ignore my daughter if she really needs me. Am I worrying overmuch, or am I really better off restarting the whole program until I can do it from start-to-finish with no interruptions?

    I am so sorry for the wall of text. Thank you for holding still. :)

    1. How much strength do you want? Circuits are efficient for gaining strength but there are more effective ways if you just want STRENGTH strength.

    2. Best way to not get the square look is by doing excercises that work your hourglass like squats, lunges, and lateral raises.

    3. Pretty decently active unless you're trying to get shredded. Then I'd personally manipulate a few things.

    4. Sugar isn't the killer killer, but I would ween off of it asap.

    5. Just get and stay active. If you have an interruption, that's fine. Just make sure you're progressively overloading yourself.

    You're awesome. Thank you!

    I'm not trying to get ripped or anything. I just want to build up enough lean muscle to ramp up my metabolism more to help drop excess body fat and to reduce overall... eh... floppiness. :)

    Seems like doing circuits should be sufficient to get me there if I keep making it a little harder on myself as I go. Yay!

    I do lots of those exercises already, but I'll toss in a few more lateral raises and really focus on doing my squats and lunges well. Thank you tons for providing so much guidance to me and everybody in this thread!
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    I'm on page 8.... Finishing later :)
  • Angie2016
    Angie2016 Posts: 6 Member
    Did you ever get response on your running question? I have the same problem.
  • Angie2016
    Angie2016 Posts: 6 Member
    Mon 05/07/12 05:57 AM

    Hey :) Thanks for doing this!

    I've got a running question - I'm trying to increase my running distance from 5k onward, but I seem to be capping out (lungs are okay, it's my legs!) just past the 5k mark...Is this a question of not enough protien, or just a matter of giving myself more time for my legs to catch up to my lungs?

    did you ever respond to this question? I have the same problem. I have been doing research but there are many different reasons why my legs hurt after I run.
  • anoroc751
    anoroc751 Posts: 57 Member
    Mon 05/07/12 05:57 AM

    Hey :) Thanks for doing this!

    I've got a running question - I'm trying to increase my running distance from 5k onward, but I seem to be capping out (lungs are okay, it's my legs!) just past the 5k mark...Is this a question of not enough protien, or just a matter of giving myself more time for my legs to catch up to my lungs?

    did you ever respond to this question? I have the same problem. I have been doing research but there are many different reasons why my legs hurt after I run.

    I am pretty sure he did answer this. Sounds familiar.
  • joy31021
    joy31021 Posts: 216
  • Jme2012
    Jme2012 Posts: 106 Member
    great info here thanks!
  • santini1975
    santini1975 Posts: 175 Member
    Need a good ab workout... They are just starting to emerge (YAY ME!)
    I have a month til my vacation and I need to step it up quick!
  • Believeth64
    Believeth64 Posts: 469 Member
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I wanted to ask your opinion on this muscle building programme that I have as a new thread:

    Muscle Building Program:

    Cutting program:

    Would you start with the muscle building program or the cutting program if you had a lot of fat to lose? For instance, 40 pounds to lose? The answer I got was muscle building program first. But I imagine you would also have to be losing fat at the same time. When I do a lot of leg exercises they tend to really bulk from past experience but it probably means that I wasn't losing the fat while building muscle. The above program lists 1300 calories, Felicia is 112 pounds and 5ft 3". I am 5ft 2".

    Do you personally know of a good strength training program for women to do, i.e. have a link?
  • Mommagoose4
    Mommagoose4 Posts: 132 Member
  • Keep the questions coming, guys. Training clients and then myself the rest of the night but I will be back answering everyone's questions tomorrow morning. Hope everyone's having a rockin' day. Train hard and live shredded. ;)
  • jessamynwest
    jessamynwest Posts: 14 Member
    I'm newish here, have a BMR of 1351 and a TDEE of 1859. Get to the gym or out biking/running a few times a week. Only looking to lose about 10-15 pounds. MFP has me on a 1200 cal/day routine and I've been sticking to it, eating back most of my exercise calories and it's been fine. However 1200 cal/day at my age/weight basically puts me on .75 lbs/week which seems sort of slow motion. However any day I eat less than 1200 calories, even 1150, I get a warning about possibly going into "starvation mode" which, of course, concerns me.

    My question is: should I just keep up on the slow and steady thing I've got going here and be patient, or is it okay to drop down to 1100 calories a day to increase my deficit if I'm eating healthy [I've got a good mix of carbs/fats/proteins] and otherwise taking care of myself?

    Obviously I don't want my metabolism to totally slow up, but it seems like at my height/weight [5' 3"/140/43 years old] there's no way to get more than .75 lb/week weight loss without the starvation warnings. Thanks for all the good info in this thread already today.
  • megamom3kck
    megamom3kck Posts: 115
    Thanks for posting so many answers. I am a newbie here and already feel like I've gotten more questions answered here than I ever did before.

  • MacguyverMommy
    MacguyverMommy Posts: 104 Member
    Any tips for controlling appetite and impulse eating?
    I want to start taking a supplement. I am consistant with my exercise, but I over eat 70% of the time... not good!

    I AM willing to take supplements. I already take B vitamins, Biotin and a Pre-natal multi (not trying ot get pregnant though).
    THANK YOU!!!
  • scythswife
    scythswife Posts: 1,100 Member
  • lisaelainee
    lisaelainee Posts: 248 Member
    How do I find out how much I should eat everyday?
    and how much more should I eat if I burn 1000 calories in the day (MFP exercise log so not precise... )
  • secretgirl4611
    secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
    Ok, one more ? I just started the Intense Cardio workout Insanity. Today was day 17.. and I can do it no problem I mean Its hard yea but I get it done.. Also, I started running again today. So is it ok to run for 30min. early in the morning around 7am. then do my Insanity workout around 10am.. then go for another 30min run in the evening around 6pm? Or is that considered "over working myself"?

    while eating 1200+ calories per day. I kno Im working up to eating more its just I'm low on foods in my home right now.
    so im doin what I can..
  • gigishiree
    gigishiree Posts: 62 Member
    hi im 164lbs and 5'8 w a goal weight of abt 145. ive been on here a month and lost 4 pounds total. TTH i do 40 minutes of hiit w a bootcamp trainer. Fri n Sun i lift for abt an hour n do 30 minutes of cardio either sprinting intervals or the ellipical.

    My question is will lifting heavy make my thighs even (gasp) bigger?! ive always heard lift heavy.....but my bf says that will make me bigger- that the muscle will make the fat bulge out more. am i doing enough cardio to lose fat n counteract this? should i lift moderate weights at high reps on the legs like the bf suggests? should i not lift at all til im at goal weight?

    lastly how does my diary look? tdee, bmrs n such just confuse the heck out of me

    thanks so much!

    ps im going to say wat every woman is thinking : 'DAMN!'