Ask me anything about fat/weight loss....



  • captawesome
    captawesome Posts: 121 Member
    Bump for some reading later :smile:
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Is it possible to lose fat & gain muscle at the same time? Also is it OK to eat on a deficit during weight lifting days & on a surplus on off-days? I'm having problem with this one.
  • scheeri
    scheeri Posts: 7 Member
  • u have a copy of a good 1200 calorie meal plan to follow?
  • sonny0306
    sonny0306 Posts: 1
    I'm on keto but my weight hasn't moved (up or down) for the past 3 days - despite increased cardio (treadmill).
    Any idea what's happening and what I should be doing?
  • Hi..I'm just getting started, do you have a copy of your 1200 calorie plan?
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    Bump to finish reading later.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I am a 32 year old 5ft6 in woman. I'm around 154 pounds. I'm also a group exercise instructor so overtraining probably pertains to me. My question is, I've been trying to lose 5-10 lbs for over 2 years and even after teaching 10 classes a week nothing really budges. I bought a BodyMedia FIT and my TDEE is around 2900 on average. Some days 2800, some over 3000. I haven't gone any higher than 2200 as a max really for a long time in fear of regaining weight. As a woman would taking 500 calories off a 2900/3100 day (23-2500 calories) be too much for me to eat? Is this what is stopping me losing weight? Would 2500 be too much food or could not eating that amount be what's keeping me from dropping? Thanks!

    That does sound like a bit much. Try 1,800 spot on for a week and then message me with your results. That will tell me everything I need to know. Either your metabolism has just stalled out, or you've just been way overestimating for too long. I'm thinking the latter. That can be changed easy enough. A stalled metabolism is no big deal either. Only take usually 2-4 days to reset it.
    Just so I'm clear. If I burn 3000 a day and eat 1800...that would give me a daily deficit of 1200 calories. Is that deficit way too low? Thanks!!!
  • I do Taebo ripped extreme its 30 MIN of cardio and 30 MIN of cardio weight training. I use 3 pound weights. I am loosing about 2 pounds a week. I fear that I'm going to hit a plateao u soon or just build mmuscle and have a harder time loosing weight. Should I mix things up? Add more weight? I have four different dvds by him and am rotating them and just add a stationary bike to my workout routine. What do you think?

    Gimme yer stats first. How many calories a day are you consuming? What's your current height and weight? Most only plateau because 1) They did something drastic, and now their body is freaked. 2) They are already at an extremely low bodyfat percentage,and their body is freaked. Or 3) They have been at the same caloric level for too long and the body has readjusted to it.

    Other than that I would definitely need your stats to give you a better answer.
  • Fat loss question: I'm 5'7" with 23-24% bf at about 147-149 lbs. I lift weights 4-6x's a week fairly heavy. I added muscle and now I'm ready to cut. Eventually get down to around 19% bf. Is there truth behind eating more to burn fat? I'm having a hard time figuring out how much I should be eating to effectively burn fat but not deprive myself.

    There is definitely truth to eating more to burn fat, you just have to know when and how to use it. Bumping calories to spike a metabolism is wonderful. Refeed are good. An occasional cheatmeal is good. Constantly eating more than you're burning is bad. That is the science of weight gain. You can shuttle more excess calories to building muscle if its a slight caloric surplus, but you will add SOME amount of body fat regardless. And if you bump them up substantially, you're going to add a lot of bodyfat. Back to your question, definitely truth behind it....but you have to know what you're doing with it. If you're not losing, then you're obviously doing it wrong. Hope this helps

    Welp then I'm doing it wrong! I'm currently stuck. I'm considering shooting for 1600-1800 cals a day. I burn anywhere from 300-600 cals a workout--depending what I do. Should I do some zig-zagging?

    For you, I would personally recommend trying 1500 flat for two weeks, maybe even 1400, and then reevaluate. If you don't lose in that time, it is probably time for a reset. A reset simply meaning taking a couple days of eating slightly above what you're burning. This will give the mind AND the body some time off. Dieting can be stressful, and stress will DEFINITELY make you hold on to fat. After those two days, drop the calories to 250 under maintenance for the first week. At the end of that first week, check your scale and major measurements. Readjust calories lower as necessary. Every other week give yourself a one day refeed taking the calories a little over into a surplus for the day, and then go back to your deficit the next day. Hope this helps
  • You have male parts, no?
    Why do you have kissy faced photos?

    Is that b/c you're feeling more confident in yourself b/c you're ripped? (I had to at least make it partially fitness related)

    Lol. Confidence definitely comes with it......especially when in high school I was a 135 pound skinny band geek. First chair trumpet, and all-state band two years in a row, baby!!
  • fairestthings
    fairestthings Posts: 335 Member
  • I have been doing bodypump (60 minutes of weight circuits basically) 3x a week and 90 minutes of various intensities of cardio 3x a week (running 30 minutes and 60 minutes of bike, elliptical, or other cardio). I eat 1400 a day and drink atleast a gallon of water a day. I have lost about 1-1.5 lbs a week since starting until lastweek and it has stalled. I feel hungry more often lately and thought od uppingthe daily calories, but as i dont know how to gauge the calories i burn each day, i didnlt know if adding calories would help or make the weightloss to stall even longer...i am 5"4', 151 lbs, and trying to get to 125-130. I dont have a set date to accomplish this but sooner than later :) whats your opinion, on all this? Thank you for your advice!

    Give yourself a day off and refeed. Overtrain, body freaks and starts trying to protect itself. Calories too low too long, and body readjusts itself. Calories too low too soon, body freaks out and tries to protect itself. What most people don't get is that as long as the body feels safe, it'll drop fat like it's going out of style! Most people get impatient and or freak if the scale goes back up for a day, and then what do they do?....They overcompensate by eating less and working out more. Body freaks out then, and does what's necessary to keep you from screwing it up more. Train to hard and too much for instance, you catch a cold and can't train. A one week stall is not a big thing. You probably really haven't even stalled. The science of fatloss is air tight pretty much, but we hold on to WEIGHT for many other reasons. I gave the example earlier: If you weigh yourself and then go drink a quart of water and weight yourself again, will it be higher?....Of course! Will this be true weight gain?.....No! Many factors attribute to fake weight gain, ESPECIALLY in women. Keep doing what you're doing, reevaluate every week, and SLOWLY adjust calories as necessary.
  • I've always wanted to do a triathlon. In the past, running itself was never a problem, I enjoy running. And biking itself is never a problem, I enjoy biking even more so. However, putting the two together is where I have an issue. A few minutes into running after riding my bike, my legs are leaden and I struggle with keeping my stride as well as speed. I've done other activities right before running and this doesn't happen. Swimming, tennis...
    Any ideas what's going on? I talked to a runner friend, and he said maybe we're (happens to him too) not built for triathlons. What? How can someone not be built for a triathlon? I always meant to ask him what he meant by that. Never got around to it, then I moved.

    Edit to say, I was on my bike every day, rode my bike instead of driving a car. And running was about 5-10 k 2 or 3 times a week.

    YOu just need more time. Doing your first tri is HUGE. Getting use to heavy legs the first few miles after biking is tough. Add brick training to your routine more often. You just gotta slow build up your tolerance that's all.

    Thanks! I tend to just go do things without asking questions and blunder my way through. Good to know I just need to build up. Full steam ahead!

    Lol. Same here. Word to the wise: Gold bond or vaseline on the inside of your legs for your tri-training. Going from swimming to biking and running....your legs will be rubbing back and forth for hours. My skin was rubbed raw by the end of my first!....and shower the next day?....Horrible. Just the steam alone would make me angry. :D
  • maryduggins
    maryduggins Posts: 219 Member
    Best way to burn inner thigh fat?
  • osualex
    osualex Posts: 409 Member
    Not sure if this has been answered yet, but do you have to eat 100% clean of the time to get results/lose fat? I stay within my calorie goal of 1500 and work out, but if I want ice cream and it fits into my calories, will it really have an effect? I know it might sound stupid but I look at diaries of people with great bodies and it's kind of all over the place - some people eat fast food all the time and some people eat nothing but chicken and vegetables.
  • FitBunnyEm
    FitBunnyEm Posts: 320
    most of my questions got asked and answered...thanks alot, great advice
  • I have been advised to mix up my workout routines but I'm confused by what exactly that means. I have certainely turned up the intensity of all my workouts keeping my Heart rate above 130 per HRm (my goal established by the HRM is 111 to 145). My workout routine includes 45 minute treadmill (15 minutes I run) and then run/ walk intervals to keep the heart rate up. When the weather is nice I take the workout outside to a track and do 60 minutes of walk/run intervals. Am I mixing it up enough??? I have been losing weight at about 1lb/week or more since I increased the intensity of the workout until this week when I only lost 1/2 pound. Now I am panicking.Should I add in an aerobics class/ water aerobics etc or can I just change the time/intensit y and continue with the treadmill/track routine??? Keep in mind I am 49 years old and need to lose about 50 more pounds. Thanks for any advice you ccan give me

    Always be mixing up your workouts. The body adapts to them the same way it adapts to food. Always doing the same thing and your body will get better at it. E.g. It doesn't have to burn as many calories to get the same workout done.

    Many variable in your workout that can be changed up: Exercises, exercise order, weights, reps, sets, tempo, range of motion, rest interval time, etc. Keep at least a few exercises constantly in your routine though, because you want to be able to track SOMEthing of course. For strength I track the three big lifts, for cardio I track my 1minute mile time. I also keep track of my flexibility through yoga, and my agility through dance.

    Read the previous post I answered. Don't freak if you don't lose perfect weight everyweek. For a female their are a million reasons your weight could fluxuate. Don't worry though. You are still losing. Depending on the time of the month, time of the day, water retention level, might check it tomorrow and a pound and a half down! The long run is what matters. Keep up the great work and enjoy the ride yeh.
  • Whats the best workout plan to maintain muscle? I used to lift often but nowadays not so much, ive been doing more biking, running/walking, Pilates and yoga. I was thinking full body lifting sessions 3 times a week.
    Also can challenging myself in exercises like yoga and Pilates help me maintain?

    Best workout for maintaining muscle?....Easy. Stay the hell away from cardio, lift progressively heavier in a 8-10 rep scheme with 2-4 sets per exercise, make SURE sure you're recoving between workouts for each body part, make sure your calories aren't too low, and make SURE sure you're meeting your daily protein requirements.

    Side note: Keep the time in the gym down to no more than 60 minutes and keep the intensity high.
  • Tattoos_and_Tea
    Tattoos_and_Tea Posts: 529 Member
    Bump! Great thread. Interesting questions and excellent answers!

    My question is, i'm going away in six weeks and want to look toned and mildly ripped by then. I started PT sessions last week and was a little disheartened that I lost weight but no inches. I know it takes time but do you think I can realistically see results in six weeks time?