Stupid things people say when they hear you're dieting



  • charming72
    charming72 Posts: 37 Member
  • monipie
    monipie Posts: 280 Member
    I just love it when poeple tell me to have " just have one" like really that's how I got to the weight i am now

    ^^this exactly! there are saboteurs all around me!
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    If they know I am doing a lifestyle change, they still ask "Do you want some cake?"

    Yeah. "Come on, it's your birthday! Have a couple pieces of cake. Eat whatever/as much as you want!" No, I'll have ONE little piece and maybe a scoop of low carb ice cream. I'm being good goshdarnit! :P
  • Lord007
    Lord007 Posts: 338 Member
    "Better be careful." I hate this line.. I mean, seriously... how can I be careless in losing fat when it comes to my health. It's offending to me because I did my research for eating healthy and exercise, and even planned it all out nicely! No excess of dieting or starving, and no excess or little exercises.

    I get this all the time from hubby when I'm exercising more then a few days in a row or I tell him I'm going to increase my workout time.

    My kids will say "how much longer do we have to eat this crap" <---crap is baked chicken, fresh steamed veggies, homemade mashed potatoes (not instant)

    Are you KIDDING me? I'd let them starve and fend for themselves for a week and see how much they appreciate the hard work you guys go through to buy and prepare this food then. That is ridiculous. You must have the patience of a god to put up with that bs.

    Yep I'm a horrible mom. I actually prep my meals 2 weeks at a time and it takes hours to do it. But it saves me money, and time when I get home in the evenings. I get up an hour and a half early to fix them breakfast and pack their lunches. These are not small children mind you but 4 nearly grown teenagers. The oldest 2 are the worst. Never say thank you and complain that they have to eat "crap" just because I need to lose weight. I love them and pray they find good wives. lol

    Omg, you need to hand your kids over to my mother for a few days. That's all it'll take for them to appreciate what they have!

    Not saying my mom's bad, but let's just say there's a reason I learned to cook myself breakfast by age 12!
    You're leaving out a big detail. Kids learn many habits, healthy and otherwise, from their parents. You're trying to teach them better habits. Stay strong... and occassionally beat them with those mashed potatoes.. :wink:
  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 543 Member
    "I feel guilty eating this in front of you..."

    Followed by....

    Listing every food I have eaten that day and saying "how can you eat all that and say you are on a diet?" {insert akward silence...} Hey, i'm just trying to help...."

    Um, NO YOU'RE NOT. If you were trying to help me, you would have listened the first 32 times I've explained why I have a high calorie diet, and not make me feel like a whale for having a cup of strawberries while you scarf down two oatmeal cream pies and a star crunch.

    MOFO. :angry:
  • lilcupcake213
    lilcupcake213 Posts: 545 Member
    Hubby asks: "What's wrong"

    Seriously dude, I'm hungry, I'd love to rip that damn white chocolate dipped vanilla ice cream pop right outta your hands, instead, I get to nibble on 1/4 cup of unsweetned, organic granola for a snack.

    This is exactly what I deal with. Listening to crunching on Doritos and licking his fingers and with a mouthful asks me..what's wrong..u want a Dorito??...oh, no thanks I'd much rather have these sour cream and onion rice cakes ... All 18 of them that I'm allowed to you licked up fingers and stuck them in the bag...remind me to throw those out later!!! Ugh men are disgusting!
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    "are you sure you don't want this? otherwise I'm just going to throw it away"

    Yep, I so want to be your garbage disposal.
  • FrostyFour
    FrostyFour Posts: 262
    If they know I am doing a lifestyle change, they still ask "Do you want some cake?"

    Yeah. "Come on, it's your birthday! Have a couple pieces of cake. Eat whatever/as much as you want!" No, I'll have ONE little piece and maybe a scoop of low carb ice cream. I'm being good goshdarnit! :P

    Come on, ONE shot of heroin is NOT going to kill you.
  • jcgrant43
    jcgrant43 Posts: 64
    My mom goes "I can't make changes to this recipe for you. I'm an old woman (53) so I NEED meat on my bones."

    Then she added 2 FREAKING CUPS of full fat parmesan cheese. I was adding her recipe to the MFP database because I wanted some of her Tortellini. I NEVER knew she put 1550 calories of cheese in it. Her recipe doubled in calories when she did that.

    Now the joke around my house is:

    I'm not sure this salad is gonna bind properly. I should add 2 cups of parmesan cheese.
    Something is missing in this breaded chicken breast. It's a little bland. I should add 2 cups of parmesan cheese.
    You know what would go really well with this low-fat chocolate pudding? 2 cups of parmesan cheese.



    Now this cracked me up! I hate to be a joke thief, but I gotta use this one sometime. Mind if I steal it? I'll attempt to give credit, but depending on the laughs....I can't guarantee I will!

    My favorite stupid/funny comment is, "Abs?Abs? Why the hell would a 43 year old guy want abs? Your a** is disappearing, worry about that!" My very funny, and outspoken father.....

    Now off to the delhi to clean them out of parm............:smile:
  • FrostyFour
    FrostyFour Posts: 262
    "are you sure you don't want this? otherwise I'm just going to throw it away"

    Yep, I so want to be your garbage disposal.

    You know, I used to pride myself on being the garbage disposal... *SMH*
  • KimAggie04
    KimAggie04 Posts: 165 Member
    I'm 5'1", 38, 131 pounds, one kid. I hear:

    "YOU are on a diet?" Insert: "Why, Oh crap then I'm in trouble, you're already thin, but you are so small you don't need to diet."
    Ok folks here's the dealio. I can't fit into about 3/4's of my clothes and they just sit in my closet. I get I will never weigh 98 pounds again and that's not my goal. My goal is to not have to buy an entire new wardrobe that will need to be replaced again in a handful of years because my *kitten* got larger again! Oh, and to avoid getting the Diabetes Type II that seems to run in my family due to not taking care of ourselves. That's why!

    I am 5'0" and started this journey at 135. Now I am at 122 and have started challenging myself with weight lifting. Most of my family & friends question why I am doing this. My answer is similar to yours.... My mother is obese and has diabetes. I wanted to change my life now, and be a good example to my kids. It only gets more difficult the longer you wait.
  • C_June
    C_June Posts: 48
    this is the type of diet my son will be on when he can eat solids. he will not ever know what mcdonalds tastes like. even if it requires lying to parents and telling them he is diabetic. We live in a day and age where we know more about health than ever before, there is no excuse for children going up obese in todays world.

    This is what I'm going to do when I have a baby someday. I'm practicing making all these healthy foods not just for me but for my future husband and children so we may live a healthy life together. Such a difficult concept right? I think getting my boyfriend to eat better is going to be the hardest part, he loves his wings and mozzarella sticks. :laugh:

    my husband and I eat the exact same way. its great.
  • kyodi
    kyodi Posts: 376 Member
    If they know I am doing a lifestyle change, they still ask "Do you want some cake?"

    I have relatives that offer me every sugar-filled food under the sun when I come over. I know we are Italian and I'm going to get offered food, but for eff's sake can I get offered some celery? Nope; ice cream, cake, pie, cookies, chocolate, candy, etc.

    Every. Time.
  • Spokez70
    Spokez70 Posts: 548 Member
    "How did you do it?" I counted calories and exercised. "Ohhh" in the most disappointed tone ever.

    ^^^ This exactly. They ask how you are doing it and then roll their eyes and zone out when it's not just a magic pill or something.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    this is the type of diet my son will be on when he can eat solids. he will not ever know what mcdonalds tastes like. even if it requires lying to parents and telling them he is diabetic. We live in a day and age where we know more about health than ever before, there is no excuse for children going up obese in todays world.

    This is what I'm going to do when I have a baby someday. I'm practicing making all these healthy foods not just for me but for my future husband and children so we may live a healthy life together. Such a difficult concept right? I think getting my boyfriend to eat better is going to be the hardest part, he loves his wings and mozzarella sticks. :laugh:

    I love it when kids eat healthy! I have 3 little nephews who LOVE healthy food! When their mom brings out the cherry tomatoes, you'd think she's bring them freshly baked cookies, they get so excited! Oh and they will pick the tomato slices off of pizza and eat them plain XD

    Awww, that's awesome. I have a simple recipe for roasting kale into crispy chips and I love it! I'll definitely feed that to the children. I do the same with broccoli, just a lil olive oil n salt and it's delicious. I wish I ate better as a child so I wanna get those habits started early. :)
  • crystalkiss
    crystalkiss Posts: 45 Member
    "You're tall, you can afford to weigh more" -

    The extra six inches I have on you should NOT equate to 50-100 more pounds. Sorry.
  • RMuske
    RMuske Posts: 271 Member
    The big one for me is my diet changed for health reasons more than weight loss reasons, so I get a LOT of crap for not eating junk food and foods that are bad for me because "If you lost any more weight we wouldn't be able to see you anymore."

    Nothing wrong with a little toning and getting healthy. Stupid...
  • Kailel
    Kailel Posts: 61 Member
    MIL, all of it.

    "You lost 50lbs? That's a good start!"
    "You lost 50lbs? 60 more and you'll be almost as skinny as Karen (sis-in-law)"
    "You're doing great chickie, so I made you a big batch of chocolate chip cookies."
    "Come over for breakfast, do you want sausage, bacon, bologna, or all of the above with your fried eggs?"
    "Take these snack cakes home with you, I can't eat them because I need to look good in my swimsuit for Bermuda!"
    "Looking good... so far."

  • tishieb
    tishieb Posts: 80 Member
    A VERY rude woman at work said to me " Haven't you already lost this weight ? "
    GEEEESUS !!! really ??? OMG !!
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    My favorite (from a co-worker) "You eat a lot for someone on a diet. You're not going to lose weight if you eat that much."

    I eat about 6 times a day. Small little meals totaling to 1400-1500 calories a day. Yeah, I sure eat a TON. And the 20 lbs I've lost means nothing, apparently...