Stupid things people say when they hear you're dieting



  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    "How did you do it?" I counted calories and exercised. "Ohhh" in the most disappointed tone ever.

    ^^^ This exactly. They ask how you are doing it and then roll their eyes and zone out when it's not just a magic pill or something.

    This? Made me LOL. Exactly. What we should say is "Yes, it was a magic pill! I can get you one, too, for $$$$$, COD!" :tongue:

    Once I answered "cocaine...lots and lots of cocaine." and walked away. Started that rumour quick.
  • Flawesomebeauty79
    Flawesomebeauty79 Posts: 7 Member
    "Why are you trying to look like a white woman?"
    "Are you trying to be anorexic now?"
    "Don't worry about how many calories are in it, just eat"
    "Don't lose anymore weight, you look good like you are" (still overweight bmi too high)
    "Just get lipsocution for the rest" Seriously, I did diet and exrcise this entire journey, why liposuck the last 35 pounds. I can do this.

    In general I hate people trying to tell me how to manage my diet as if I didn't lose this much by myself. Don't watch what I eat, I got this.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Kailel
    Kailel Posts: 61 Member

    Is there some law that says your MIL has to be like that?!?!

    The worst part is she actually thinks she's helping. :grumble:
  • Why? Your not that big! After showing some progress "don't lose no more! You dont want to get too skinny. Background, started at

    I get this ALL the time. Does my nut in.
    I also get from a 'friend' 'Why the hell do you count calories/weight stuff out?! What's the point?! Why do you care?! What difference does it make?!"
    Well for one it prevents me from having about THREE portions of cereal for breakfast instead of the recommended portion like she does....:grumble:
  • BeetleChe13
    BeetleChe13 Posts: 498 Member
    "Oh, I want to lose weight too" (friend that weighs 125 lbs)
    "I like curvy girls and you're really curvy" ... that's not a compliment.
    "You can't eat that" I can in moderation Jacka**

    I weight 125 lbs and that is overweight for me, so that first statement really doesn't mean much to me unless you include that friend's height...........

    She is in good, healthy condition. To be 125 and be overweight, your fat mass would have to be very high compared to your muscle mass. BMI is not a good measure of one's obesity/how overweight they are so height doesn't really play into it. At 125 she has no reason to be losing weight. As was implied in the original comment.

    Just asking because being 4'11", no one ever wants to take my height into consideration. When I say I weigh 125 and want to lose more, my tall friends always say crap like "What?! I weigh like 40 lbs more than you! Why do you want to lose weight??"

    Um, because 125 lbs on 4'11" is NOT the same as 125 lbs on 5'6"

    I agree with both of you. I was 128 when I started MFP. At just under 5'3", I wasn't even overweight. My body fat, on the other hand, was 32%, and you would never know it. I have the tiniest lean body mass ever. Even now at 115ish, I still have 23% body fat. No one would know that just from asking about my weight.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Another was a family member saw me make green tea

    "you know that doesnt work"


    what the mircowave?

  • shendras
    shendras Posts: 46 Member
    Because of your experiences, I haven't told ANYONE besides my hubby that I'm dieting :smile:
  • MeliciousGibson
    MeliciousGibson Posts: 248 Member
    My husband: "OK, who is he?"
    Me: "What? Who is who?"
    My husband: "The man you're trying to lose weight to impress."

    This came after the first 10 pounds dropped - and we had BOTH overhauled our entire eating patterns to be healthier!

    For the record, he really didn't think I was cheating.
  • tabik30
    tabik30 Posts: 443
    why don't you quit taking vacations and get liposuction? (she was pissed I wouldnt go for drinks w/ her)
  • FrostyFour
    FrostyFour Posts: 262
    "Why are you trying to look like a white woman?"

    What is this? White women are skinny and black women are fat?

    Uh, I think most of the larger women on this site are white... just saying...
  • BruteSquad
    BruteSquad Posts: 373 Member
    heh. My mom and dad on Skype last night

    Mom : So when you get here, give me a list of whatever you don't/cant eat and i will get just those things for you
    Me : No ma, you don't have to shop separately for me, i will manage fine with whatever you have :)
    Mom: *in an annoyed tone* Yes but i don't want you to make a fuss when you get here!
    Me: No ma, it will be ok, i'm not picky.
    Mom : never were...which is why you're this way now!

    Now that is motherly love...........
  • plclark
    plclark Posts: 8 Member
    I actually got asked if I was losing weight to attract someone. I've been happily married for 29 years and was changing my diet due to a cholesterol concern and lost 30 pounds. Apparently according to this individual if you lose weight in midlife you are looking for someone else.....Not!!!!
  • lisag2007
    lisag2007 Posts: 130
    "It's about time. I was wondering how big your *kitten* would get this time before you finally decided to stop stuffing your face"

    "I'm happy you've been losing some weight but you're not done yet, right? I mean you're still pretty big"

    I hope whoever said these things to you is not a spouse/significant other or a friend of yours. That was awful for someone to say.
  • Drawberry
    Drawberry Posts: 104 Member
    Honestly I am lucky in that I haven't had anyone say a single rude thing to me while I try to lose weight. The worst I've gotten is this:

    BG: I was a touch on the chubby side at the time-no where near fat or obese. Just a bit round, but still within an average weight. I was trying to lose some of the roundness but it wasn't a HUGE fiasco for me. I wasn't really on a 'diet', I wasn't really exercising, just trying to stop eating and snacking because i was bored. The first I was with was well..obese. A very very heavy girl. /end VG/

    The friend and I where eating at the food court, I had gotten Panda Express. One of the rice bowls with some chicken on top. She had gotten a salad from Mcdonalds, with an extra side of chicken nuggets, and several extra packages of ranch dressing. When she saw I got Panda Express she then got a box of the same chicken I had gotten.

    I didn't finish all my bowl, about half the chicken and a little more then half of the rice. I was full. That was it. No ulterior motives. No messages I was trying to send. I was full, and wasn't going to eat for the sake of eating or just because the food was delicious. It was all about me being aware that I was full and consciously paying attention to the cues my body was sending.

    My friend put so much ranch dressing on the salad it looked more like soup with pieces of lettuce in it. Then she put the chicken nuggets,-whole, into the soup-salad-thing and was half way done with the side box of Panda Express chicken when she realized I was done eating and hadn't finished much more then half of my food. She then became adamant that I finish all my food. She kept prodding me to eat, telling me I had hardly eaten anything that day and telling me I was going to go hungry and why was I only eating so little? I was already skinny I don't need to diet, go on and eat! just ON AND ON about me eating, it got to the point her mother even told her to knock it off.

    The rest of the trip through the mall was her showing me shirts that I should try on, when I said no she said "I wish I could wear this, it would look cute on you" and comments to that extent.

    To this day I can still picture that DRENCHED salad goop perfectly, and gag a little just thinking about how disgusting it looked :| and how pissed I was that she tried to force me to eat more and guilt me about being thinner then she was the rest of the day...
  • BruteSquad
    BruteSquad Posts: 373 Member
    Mom, there is a skinny man inside me trying to get out.

    Just the one dear?
  • FrostyFour
    FrostyFour Posts: 262

    Is there some law that says your MIL has to be like that?!?!

    The worst part is she actually thinks she's helping. :grumble:

    Oh I know. It took me 2 months to get MIL to stop buying me stuff.

    "I got you stuff to help with your diet! Cup o noodles, butter for your toast, some brownies,..."
  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
    "I never would've guessed you weigh that much" Gee, thanks for the backhanded compliment.
  • pineapple1989
    pineapple1989 Posts: 195 Member
    Oh, I was hoping you would do, you have such a bonnie face, its a shame you're so overweight.

    Great, thanks...
  • spartangirl79
    spartangirl79 Posts: 277 Member
    Mom, there is a skinny man inside me trying to get out.

    Just the one dear?

    Ohh, your mom is quick. Sorry, but that made me LOL. :D
  • FrostyFour
    FrostyFour Posts: 262
    I actually got asked if I was losing weight to attract someone. I've been happily married for 29 years and was changing my diet due to a cholesterol concern and lost 30 pounds. Apparently according to this individual if you lose weight in midlife you are looking for someone else.....Not!!!!

    When my husband sees me window shopping skinny clothes on Amazon he makes me promise not to leave him :(