Ex's/Cheating - What have you done?



  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    My oyster skills are just fine, thank you! :wink:

    I don't think any of my boyfriends cheated on me, but my husband did (because I wanted to spend time with our kids, not running around like we don't have any), and I went back because for some reason I still loved him and was trying to keep our family from falling apart. I told his gf that we were sleeping together, and all she could come back with was "well guess who he was with last night!" Uh, ok, the point is he's not being faithful to you, either, but whatever. I got to the point where I didn't want him to touch me, but while he was still living in the house, looking for someplace else to live, I would "accidentally" drop his food on the floor or let the dogs lick it before I served it. He didn't know, it just made me feel better! If that makes me a bad person, then I guess I'm a bad person. I never cheated on anyone, so at least I have that! I never had the opportunity to leave anything behind, but at that time I probably would have. Go on, JennaMarie! :flowerforyou:
  • Starsighter78
    Starsighter78 Posts: 62 Member
    [/quote]I didn't realize so many people here had bad taste in music. MWAH! MN peeps!

    I'm not actually a huge fan of the music (some of it is EH at best), but I love me some Dave Ryan.
  • MCrome
    MCrome Posts: 14 Member
    lol u legend x
  • TLPat
    TLPat Posts: 55 Member
    I found out my ex cheated on me during the entire 7 years of marriage - I thought my life was over at the time but I really didn't do anything for revenge. My friends wanted to toss his beloved drums out the window and have a bonfire with his clothes but I just went into mourning for a few months. After I came up for air, I moved on - sold our house and cars, got my own house, cars and got a life! Now I am married to my best friend who I have three amazing children with and I am happy. Unfortunately my ex never got it together and sadly took his life about a year ago.

    One more thing.....to all the haters on this thread - get a life!
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    The way some folks have responded, you think the OP had gone all Lorna Bobbit on the ex. She put a picture (that he must have had on his computer) as the desktop. This sound perfectly fine and funny. If the new girl left over that, then the OPsaves that young women a lot of heartbreak over dating a douche.

    I give the OP a "Well play, my friend, well played"
  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
    Sadly, I don't have any great stories to tell but one of my good friend's did this to a cheating ex...

    He kicked my friend out and moved his new girlfriend in. After a couple weeks he started calling my friend again wanting to see her even though he was still living with the new chick. She sleeps with him a couple times at his place...her old place. She tells me that the new girl has completely remodeled the new house with new pictures, furniture and more importantly this REALLY extravagent new bed spread.
    The guy starts telling my friend they are going to get back together..lies...blah blah...more lies...and that the new girl won't get out of the house. Of course, my friend calls the girl and there is this big drawn out drama over how they are so happy and he had no intentions of putting the new girl out. The new gf claims my friend is a liar and they weren't still hooking up...she was just jealous.

    My friend contacts him for one last booty call...she takes some very...ummm...rated R photos...all over the REALLY extragavant bed spread. She sent them to her in the mail. They are no longer together.

    I think this thread rocks.
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 465 Member
    THANK YOU, JENNA! I needed a good laugh at work.

    It completely blows my mind that people are on here being negative and annoying. This post is in the CHIT-CHAT, FUN, AND GAMES board. I mean REALLY? I understand if you have an opinion on the topic, but you really should get a life if you have nothing better to do than start fights on MFP.

    If you don't have a story that contributes to the post, then don't answer the thread. It's THAT simple. Better yet-- start your own post about how jokes, laughter, and humor of any kind is unacceptable. That should make you happy!

    HAHAHAHAH this.
  • TLPat
    TLPat Posts: 55 Member
    THANK YOU, JENNA! I needed a good laugh at work.

    It completely blows my mind that people are on here being negative and annoying. This post is in the CHIT-CHAT, FUN, AND GAMES board. I mean REALLY? I understand if you have an opinion on the topic, but you really should get a life if you have nothing better to do than start fights on MFP.

    If you don't have a story that contributes to the post, then don't answer the thread. It's THAT simple. Better yet-- start your own post about how jokes, laughter, and humor of any kind is unacceptable. That should make you happy!

    HAHAHAHAH this.

  • foxy2311
    foxy2311 Posts: 179
    Do you listen to KDWB?? It would be a crazy coincidence that two different stations were talking about the same thing this morning

    Yes!! this is where I heard it :)
    That's a terrible station.

    Oh Quiet Binary...I assume you are a 93 x fan

    I love Dave Ryan! I am sending you a friend request. :-)

    I listened to that station when I lived in MN!
  • Alma_Sana
    Alma_Sana Posts: 453 Member
    I never go back I'm one of those "pour gasoline and throw the lighter" type girls. You lost me, you lost me for good.

    This^^ who needs to be burned more than once to know not to jump back into a fire.
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    Remind me to hide my laptop next time you come over for a booty call. We still on for tonight?

    I always hide it when you come over...
  • Oliviamarie05
    Oliviamarie05 Posts: 528 Member
    My ex didn't cheat, but he was this extremely religious crazy guy who spent the course of our relationship trying to 'convert' me. He sent me home with some of his books outlining faith, religion and the bible interpreted that he had even written notes in for himself.

    He phones me up one day and tells me that I am a, 'demon temptress sent from the devil' and his own personal 'sin that (he) has to overcome'. Also, he didn't see himself marrying me (we had been dating maybe 8 months. I didn't see myself marrying anyone at that point. He was also 7 years older than I was).

    So I took his precious books and burnt them in my back yard. It made me feel better lol :laugh:
  • jen88ve
    jen88ve Posts: 153
    I've been cheated on by a boyfriend... the girl didn't leave anything, I found out because he's best friend told me about it! What a loyal companion! :laugh:
  • Mich3ll36
    Mich3ll36 Posts: 96
    omg!! thats hilarious!

    About 12 years ago, my ex and I busted up and after a few months he did the same as yours... called me for a booty call. When I left his place and got home, I realized I left my cell phone there so I went back to get it. She opened the door. I said "I left my cell phone right there on the table earlier (and pointed at it)"... walked passed her grabbed it and left.

    Needless to say, they broke up after that.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Sadly, I don't have any great stories to tell but one of my good friend's did this to a cheating ex...

    He kicked my friend out and moved his new girlfriend in. After a couple weeks he started calling my friend again wanting to see her even though he was still living with the new chick. She sleeps with him a couple times at his place...her old place. She tells me that the new girl has completely remodeled the new house with new pictures, furniture and more importantly this REALLY extravagent new bed spread.
    The guy starts telling my friend they are going to get back together..lies...blah blah...more lies...and that the new girl won't get out of the house. Of course, my friend calls the girl and there is this big drawn out drama over how they are so happy and he had no intentions of putting the new girl out. The new gf claims my friend is a liar and they weren't still hooking up...she was just jealous.

    My friend contacts him for one last booty call...she takes some very...ummm...rated R photos...all over the REALLY extragavant bed spread. She sent them to her in the mail. They are no longer together.

    I think this thread rocks.

  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    omg!! thats hilarious!

    About 12 years ago, my ex and I busted up and after a few months he did the same as yours... called me for a booty call. When I left his place and got home, I realized I left my cell phone there so I went back to get it. She opened the door. I said "I left my cell phone right there on the table earlier (and pointed at it)"... walked passed her grabbed it and left.

    Needless to say, they broke up after that.

    AHH HAHA thats funny!
  • HollyAus
    HollyAus Posts: 251 Member
    My oyster skills are just fine, thank you! :wink:

    I don't think any of my boyfriends cheated on me, but my husband did (because I wanted to spend time with our kids, not running around like we don't have any), and I went back because for some reason I still loved him and was trying to keep our family from falling apart. I told his gf that we were sleeping together, and all she could come back with was "well guess who he was with last night!" Uh, ok, the point is he's not being faithful to you, either, but whatever. I got to the point where I didn't want him to touch me, but while he was still living in the house, looking for someplace else to live, I would "accidentally" drop his food on the floor or let the dogs lick it before I served it. He didn't know, it just made me feel better! If that makes me a bad person, then I guess I'm a bad person. I never cheated on anyone, so at least I have that! I never had the opportunity to leave anything behind, but at that time I probably would have. Go on, JennaMarie! :flowerforyou:

    Seriously made my day!!! Thank you!
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    My children's father cheated and got the girl pregnant. She knew of me and this was against woman's code. So after we had an incident I read over 100 emails in testimony of him professing his love for me and how we were supposed to be a family while I stared at her. Then he cheated on her and got the newest girl pregnant...guess who called the homewrecker and announced it to her?????????????????
    <<<<<<<<<This woman right her and I asked her how the hell does it feel? I didn't want him back whatsoever, but you do want that person to feel your pain that they caused. BTW she also exposed her self to HIV since then (not that I wish that on anyone but her actions of sleeping around lead to consequences). Kharma's an SOB ain't it...
  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    My cousin's wife cheated on him with his so called best friend. So he had an affair with his best friend's wife, then they all moved in together. That swing scene lasted two years and they all went their seperate ways. :huh:
  • Darkskinned88
    Darkskinned88 Posts: 1,177 Member
    The OP story was just evil. Plain evil. I've never been the other man for long usually they leave him for me, then I don't want them because of the obvious credibility issues.