Heartbroke and defeated...



  • cohophysh
    cohophysh Posts: 288
    Your doctor sounds mad as cheese.

    How dare you insult cheese :laugh:
  • My heart goes out to you. It's hard, but not impossible and you CAN do it. This is a great tool so just make sure to accurately record what you are doing. You should be able to see where you are getting off the path.... the path is long, take it one day at a time and focus on your accomplishments not matter how small. Please do not give up, you are worth it and you deserve it.
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    It hurts my heart to read your original post.

    I agree with everyone else here who said you need to get a new, better doctor.

    One thing that concerns me is that you said you always eat under your calories. You do know that eating too little can stall your weight loss, right? If it's just a little under that's cool, but too much under for too long can cause problems (or so I understand it, I am NOT an expert).

    You CAN DO THIS!

    We are all with you.
  • MamaWannaRun
    MamaWannaRun Posts: 273 Member
    I agree with the 'mad as cheese' comment (no offense cheese)... Your doctor is just plain idiotic!

    You can do this. This takes time. With the huge amounts of exercise you are doing, you may well need to eat a bit more! Yes, it sounds strange but everyone is different. Look up 'Eat More to Weigh Less'..

    There are a lot of great comments and suggestions here. Take what you want, leave the rest. Try it.. You have nothing to lose!!
    Friend every last one of us if it will help!! Please, don't give up!
  • nehushtan
    nehushtan Posts: 566 Member
    So I have been at this for a while now and have lost 6 lbs, keep in mind to be at a "healthy BMI" I need to loose 100 but going for more like 66lbs...I work out everyday 7 days a week, wear a Polar F7 to track my burn eat pretty good and pour my heart and soul into weight loss

    I'm concerned about what you said in your original post. You discuss your "weight loss" program MAINLY in terms of how much you exercise, and almost as a side note you mention that you "eat pretty good". I don't want to be too negative because I know you are trying so hard, and I want to agree with the others here that your doctor should be taken behind the woodshed for a good spanking.

    However one of the sad facts of human weight is that the diet aspect FAR FAR outstrips any exercise efforts. You wouldn't know this by the conventional wisdom. Almost everyone, when they decide to lose weight, BEGIN by thinking "Ok, I'm going to start exercising every day! I'm going to join the gym! I'm going to run a 5K! I'm going to get P90X or Jillian!" And as they go along they realize that they should be "watching what they eat" also. So they cut back on the pizza and cheeseburgers a bit and eat a salad or an apple every now and then. And after a while they realize that the weight simply isn't dropping off.

    You will hear often that weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise. I respectfully disagree. If diet is not 100%, it is definitely more in the 90% range. In order to lose weight, you have to know your calorie limit and stay consistently under it for many weeks at a time. For most people, it probably takes 2 hours of strenuous exercise per day to burn 1000 calories. But just a small amount of unconscious eating can easily undo that.

    Everything is dangerous. A piece of cake. A bottle of Gatorade. A few cookies. A couple of slices of pizza. Some potato salad. Before you know it you can be eating at a calorie surplus instead of a deficit and all is lost.

    You were desperate enough to consider surgery and you are motivated enough to work your butt off exercising. So use that store of will to also take the most important step: by hook or crook determine your TRUE calorie requirements and CONSISTENTLY keep within your budget for the next couple of months. Learn to be sincerely afraid of food that you did not prepare or watch prepared with your own eyes. Avoid going out to eat as much as possible. Strike the word "buffet" from your vocabulary. Don't eat anything without recording it in your diary -- every meal, every snack, every bite and swallow. Get rid of all the junk food in your house if you can't stop nibbling on it. And make sure you stock up your frig with LEAN meats, LIGHT mayo, LOW FAT cheese, TURKEY sausage, LOW CALORIE bread, etc etc etc.

    It's a revolution, sister. Be part of it.
  • You story really broke my heart. You are RIGHT. You don't have to have the surgery neither of us can afford. Like others here I know people who have had success with lap band and I also know people who have to have it so tight they're always uncomfortable and throwing up after eating anything at all. As far a gastric by-pass. I know one person who died due to complications from it - years later and another who had a near death experience - her life will never be the same again. I stand shoulder to shoulder with you and all the others who've commented: 1) You CAN do this (if I'm trying to lose 55 lbs at nearly 55 years of age you can do this with me) and 2) After we all get done kicking the doctor who told you that bunch of junk, I think we should take turns force feeding your doctor until they know what it's like to be 100 lbs over weight with no surgical options! :tongue: JMHO (feel free to friend me)
  • jenillawafer
    jenillawafer Posts: 426 Member
    What doctors do is called 'practice' anyway. Don't give up! You'll be thanking yourself when you hit that goal weight, trust me. A lifestyle change isn't going to be easy, but it's never too late to start your weight loss journey. Don't let anyone discourage you from being a happier, healthier you.
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    Two things...

    First, the doctor sounds reasonable in my opinion. I don't think there is anything wrong with suggesting a consult for bariatric surgery for a patient who is overweight by 100 lbs. From the doc's perspective, it is a good tool and the statistics show that the many people who are obese will never lose and keep off the weight. Hence the obesity epidemic. Now if the doc actually suggested that she was some sort of lost cause on a personal level, then yeah he or she's an *kitten*.

    Second, it is COMPLETELY possible for you to reach your weight loss goals without surgery. Interestingly the old fashioned way requires many of the same things it takes to have a successful long-term weight loss surgery: lifestyle change, focus, research and picking yourself up when you slip or have setbacks. Stick with it, log everything and read up on how to eat healthy. You CAN do it.

    *Edited to add: Forget the BMI stuff, it's a formula from the 1800s used for population studies and NOT for individual diagnosis. Focusing on BMI will only distract and discourage you.
  • Stardiva37
    Stardiva37 Posts: 169 Member
    Don't give up.. just try something different..Shawn T also has a video that is called Mark,Move And Groove..it is like insanity but not as intense. But trust me you will sweat and feel the burn. Don't let what they tell define who u r. You just have to find another way to do it.
  • ttaylor68913
    ttaylor68913 Posts: 320 Member
    you can do it.. this is a marathon not a sprint.. tell your doc to shove it and prove them wrong, You will feel soo much more accomplished doing it on your own
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Less than a year ago I was in a similar situation as yourself. I had gone to my doctor and she said where I was told that "people of your size can't lose weight naturally and weight-loss surgery is the only option." I will never forget that day. What the doctor didn't know was that I had already gone to an informational session about having lap-band surgery and had decided that it wasn't right for me. I had gone to my doctor because I thought I could go get a medically supervised type of diet/health plan.

    Now, I could have become defensive. I could have let this completely destroy me ... but instead it turned out to be the final thing to have it all "click" in my head.

    Maybe it was because I was offended or maybe because I was sad to know this is what is being told to people of my size who were coming to the professionals for help. I wanted to show her it could be done, I wanted to be an example.

    So, my first step was to let my doctor know that I had no intention of having weight-loss surgery. I then asked her run a panel of tests to make sure I didn't have any physical ailments besides my weight. Many of the tests she felt were unnecessary and was somewhat stubborn about getting them done, but I was persistent and they got done. I got the tests done and disproved her theory that I may have diabetes (wasn't even pre-diabetic) or cholesterol issues (she admitted that mine were "surprisingly great"). But more importantly for me were the tests that I personally had pushed her to approve. I proved to be right and ended up catching a few things that would have been overlooked and later caused me some issues.

    Not to turn this into a long post about my story, but the point is that doctors sometimes need a bit of guidance. I also don't judge so harshly now because I have come to learn that most doctors (especially GP's) weren't given any education on diet, nutrition, and weight-loss. Only now are current Med. students starting to get some basic training and information.

    Anyway, I am proud to say that this was almost 10 months and over 133lbs ago.

    I kept the same doctor and see her on a regular basis. She now asks me many questions about my methods and also the mental and emotional aspects that I have attributed to my greatest success. She wants to understand and I believe she is now approaching her patients differently.

    So what I can say to you is that YOU CAN DO IT and congratulate yourself on not giving up. Be proud of yourself for turning to resources and tools like MFP to help you. I'm a huge supported of MFP and know that I could not have been as successful as I have been without their tools but more importantly the people on here.

    And finally, if your interested you can read my blog for more information about my journey and what has helped me.


    Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like. Best of luck on your continued journey.

    "Brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to show how badly we want something. Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want something badly enough. They are there to keep out the other people."
  • marlakayallen
    marlakayallen Posts: 34 Member
    I know that you can do this without surgery!! I had the lap band surgery done and the most interesting about that experience was that the doctor that did the surgery tried talking me out of it beforehand. He said "This is only a tool, it isn't a cure." Now, I would say that was a great thing to say because after I initially lost 80 lbs post-surgery, I gained it all back and a little more. All because I didn't have the knowlege nutritionally to keep the weight off. Today, I have lost 40 lbs after being on MFP for a year. This is the BEST way to learn how to eat by recording everything. You know what you are eating and where each calorie is from. My husband mentioned that the diet is very important and I agree. I also think exercise is good for you but doesn't need to be in access as you do to make a difference in your weight. Please remember that you don't need surgery to get where you need to be and keep up the good work, you are worth it.
  • 4rgl
    4rgl Posts: 106
    Sorry to say but your doctor is a complete jerk!!

    Do things the healthy way and take it slow, don't try to do too much at a time and burn yourself out or get discouraged. One change at a time and soon you will be at your goal weight.

    And here is some inspiration for you. Copy paste the link in your browser and watch the video. This guy lost a ton of weight and he couldn't even walk. And doctors had told him he would never be able to walk unassisted, ever again. But he proved everyone wrong. So can you. Just imagine going back to that doctors office when you are at your goal weight and inquiring about a lap band lol :)

    Anyway here is the link:
    video is at the top of the page.
  • Legals81
    Legals81 Posts: 81 Member
    Im so mad this stupid doctor told you this. Dont let anyone tell you that you cant do what you want to do! All you need to do is believe in yourself.

    Com eon, lets do this together. Im gonna add you.
  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    Your doctor is wrong, period. I've lost well over 100 pounds without surgery, and I know there are several others here that can say the same.

    Is it hard? You bet, but so is surgery! I've had to have a couple medical procedures this past year (removed a lymph node & put a plate in a broken arm), and they were miserable. Why would you have surgery if you could avoid it? I know that some people do have the surgery and that's their choice, but if you DON'T want it, it isn't impossible to lose weight on your own, no matter what your size.
  • DoozerDMB
    DoozerDMB Posts: 129 Member
    Your "doctor" is an idiot! Find another one - NOW! I have almost 200 lbs to lose
    I went for my yearly physical recently. My BP was a little high, cholesterol panel was within range, heart was normal. She insisted that I go for an untrasound....pretty much a full body scan! When I asked why, her comment was.... considering your size, there has to be something wrong. with the exception a gallstones, that i have had fo 12 years, the ultrasound showed everything was normal. She was pretty much floored! She never mentioned surgery. She asked me to meet with a nutritionist for assistance in losing the weight. I pretty much need to get more F/V in my diet, plus water.
    So, my doctor could have taken the easy way out and toldme to have surgery....but she didn't.
    It's a long, hard road....but it is a doable. It's a lifestyle change that you will have to do for the rest of your life!
    Feel free to add me if oyu want/need more support! You CAN and WILL do this!!!!!
  • I agree, please don't give up! You CAN do this. 1 day @ a time, think of your health and your children. We believe in you. You are in control of the wheel, you prove to him you CAN and WIll. Then go back to see him! Just never give up you are closer then before. I fell off the wagon last night and ate ice cream, we all do it. But the KEY is to get right back up on your feet again. I feel bad that I ate it but I refuse to beat myself up because I am faithful 90% of the time. Good luck, :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :wink:
  • mdmomof4
    mdmomof4 Posts: 61 Member
    Don;t do any weight loss surgery, been there done that and Im sorry I did it. I love this site and counting calories even tho its only been 4 days on here I feel better, I love reading the post and I love seeing the weigh loss pictures. Please don't do the surgery.
  • misskelli22
    misskelli22 Posts: 34
    Do not let that doctor discourage you! You can do it without surgery but it isn't always easy. Honestly, I don't think most doctors even know enough about fitness and nutrition to to give advice on weight loss. If you haven't already, bloodwork may be a good idea to rule out any medical issues, like thyroid or whatever.

    Sounds like you need a new doctor, or perhaps a nutritionist or personal trainer would be even better to coach you. Those things can be expensive though, and you can get lots of good advice right here on MFP. Good luck and add me if you like.
  • Frized
    Frized Posts: 3
    I once thought I was too big also, when I weighed in at 456 pounds. But im happy to say almost three years later I am down to 277 (no surgery, just eating less and exercising daily). Don't give up! Weight loss is not a quick thing; its not going to happen over night and its not going to happen without hard work and dedication (which it sounds like you have no problem applying). I'm no doctor, but your current one sounds like a boob to me. Never give up, your life literally may depend on it. Good luck!